The Arl<ansas Family Historian Volume 22, No.4, December 1984 Note: There is a surname index for Vol. 22 at the end of issue No.4. THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOlUME 22 NO. If. DEtEMBER 191. PuLli.hed. Quarterly By ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY ARKANSAS GENEAlOOlCAL SOCIEl'Y 1962 The following is quoted fran the Constitution of the Arkansas Genealogi­ cal 8ociety, approved and a<bpted in 1965: ARTICIE II -- PIJRl?OOE The purpose of the Arkansas Genealogical 80ciey includes the following aspects: (a) to bring together interested persons for discussion and interchange of infonm.tion in thE< field of genealogy. (b) to foster the study of methods of research in genealogy and family history. (c) to assist individual manbers and others in research in genealogy and family history. (d) to issue appropriate publications. (e) to collect and preserve appropriate source material. (f) to assist libraries in developing adequate genealogical collections . (g) to encourage the establisbnent of local chapters of this society within the state. (h) to seek by all appropriate means the generation of greater interest in and suP:lX'rt of genealogical study by the public as a whole. '" '" '" * * 'lliE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN is the official publication of the Arkansas Genealogical Society. It is published quarterly by the 80ciety and is entered in themailsunderThirdC1assPermitlb.509atEbtSprings.AR. M:l!Ibership rate is $12.00 per calendar year. Fbur issues constitute one year's rreJbership. Manberships may he entered by submission of dues and enrollment data to Ms. Margaret Hubbard, 1207 Shady Grove !:bad. Hot Springs, AR 71901. Nei ther the Arkansas Genealogical 8::lciety. the !bard of Directors. nor any camdttee asSU!1J3 any responsibility for infonm.tion or material in­ cluded herein. O:>ntributors of material are indicated, and correspon­ den~ should be directed to those persons. lbtify the Society of any corrections needed. THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISl'OOIAN NUMBER 4 O:>ntents Page Historical/Genealogical· Societies in Arkansas 197 Ashley County. Arkansas 199 Henslee Family 204 Add! tional Listing, Hicks Cenetery. Lonoke 0:>. 200 Hollin/Holland 2IJ7 Pulaski O:>unty Probate Records (continuation) 210 Bible Records of SaIIllel Hopkins Balch 22IJ Book Reviews 225 Q..!eries 234 Clues 243 Index 245 ., * * * * N:>tification has been received fran the Arkansas Sesquicentennial Celebration Q:mnission concerning our project : "I am pleased to report· tb.a.t the Arkansas Sesquidentennial Celebration O:mnission has granted official sanction for your project. 1890 Census Re­ construction- State of Arkansas. '!bank you for your interest and for your contribution to the 150 Celebration. "I am enclosing a copy of the offiCial logo for your use as described in your application. Should any changes he made in your plans, please advise us. "Your project will he included on the pra:ootional schedUle for official activities and events of the 150 Celebration. Keep us posted on your progress. "Sincerely, .' S/ Virginia Fouse Virginia Fouse" Ms. Fouse is the EXeCutive Director of this celebration. Tan W. Dillard is Cbairman. '!here are still 9JIlle counties tb.a.t we need volunteers for on this project. If you can help, let us know. WHEREAS, the Arkansas Genealogical Society was fonned in the year 1962 to praoote genealogy, preserve family records and make the same available in publications to others with similar interests, and WHEREAS, the Society commenced publication of a quarterly entitled The Arkansas Family Historian, and WHEREAS Elaine Weir Cia in 1973 assumed the responsibility and accanpany­ ing duties of canpiling, maintaining, publishing and dissaninating to the various rnanbers the Arkansas Family Historian, and· WHEREAS until early 1984, Elaine Weir Cia remained in such position, hold­ ing several offices within the Society, and WHEREAS, during the ahove period, Elaine Weir Cia and her husband, Mario B. Cia, diligently pursued the maintenance and pranpt publication of the quarterly and other published materials, and WHEREAS, Elaine Weir Cia has decided to take a well deserved rest fran these arduous tasks, NJN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVID that the Board of Directors of Arkansas Genealogical Society wishes to confer upon Elaine Weir Cia and Mario B. Cia the sincere thanks and appreciation of the entire Society and the members - past, present and future - for their untiring and unparalleled efforts during these years of valuable service. This Resolution unan:iJrously adopted by the Board of Directors of Arkansas Genealogical Society at a meeting duly convened and held on the 27th day of Cbtober, 1984. V~)171 dcufL r~d~ Cbn/ cdd~~ Russell P. Baker Frances Allen Jeania Moore Irurns Bobby Mays Novanber 1, 1984 FRClII THE PRESIDENl" S DESK Dear Manbers: At this date. our Fall SEminar has just conclUded, and we again had an excellent program _. fantastic facility (thanks to Dr. T. A. Bruce), super speaker (Dr. Charles Bryan, thanks to Pat Bennett), and very good attend­ ance (thanks to you! ). The many canplirnentary cc:mnents make us aware of your needs and the fact that we're bringing you sanething you want to hear. The Decanber issue is sanewhat different than in the past. We have not included the manbership listing for several reasons. Sane of you have ex­ pressed concern about receiving unsolicited mailings you feel evolved fran printing this list in the past. Also, we had nruch good material and a large index, so we used the space to the greatest advantage. There has been dis­ cussion about the possibility of indexing each issue, and that may be tried in 1985. How do you feel about this? Fbr any of yoU who experienced difficulty in receiving your quarterlies this year, we'd like to explain. We have not had the master mailing plates , so this year we have used two canputers to produce the mailing labels, and while the machines are blood related, they have their own pecUliarities. If there was a problan with yours, please forgive it. We will attEmpt to master the machine very soon. And speaking of canputers, we have also discussed including infonnation on canputer genealogy in the future. Let us know if you waIlt it. This will end my term as President of AGS. It has been a real experience for me, and most rewarding in that I've cane to know so many of our menbers and becane better acquainted with your Board of Directors. You have sane very fine people working for you and they are dedicated to this organization. All have been absolutely grand, have worked long and diligently in bringing more material to you and to making plans for the betterment of this society. The future is brighter because of than, and you will all benefit fran this. My sincere and eternal thanks to each and every one of than. New officers will be elected soon and I know they will continue to serve you well. Join with than in developing and canpleting the exciting plans they have. Your input and desires will be appreCiated and valued. , My thanks to all of you for your interest and support. ;; .~cerelY' ~~ ~bbard, President * * * * * We extend our deepest sympathy to Elaine Weir Cia at the loss of her aunt, Mrs. Emla Deitrich Thurston of Fort anith, Arkansas, in August 1984. ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY TREASURER'S REPORT 9/30/83 to 9/30/84 BALANCE AS OF 9-30-83 $11,840.03 EXPENSES CIA Reproductions Vol.21,No.3,AFH, Paper,Masters,Printing Collating,mailing, etc. 3000. Postage 500. Family Group Sheet Vol. 15 200. Family Group Sheet Vol. 16 200. Ancestor Chart Vol. 23 200. Printing Various form letters 500. 4600. Vol. 22, No. I, AFH,Paper, Masters, Printing,Collating, mailing, etc. 3000. Postage 500. Vol. 22, No.2, AFH,Paper, Masters, Printing,Collating, mailing, etc. 3000. 6500. $11,100.00 Quality Plus Printers (Newsletter) 153.68 Wanda's Printing Mart (Township Atlas) 925.05 Wanda's Printing Mart (Vo.22,No.3,AFH) 1627.50 2,706.23 Postmaster (Mailing Permit, Postage and P.O. Box Rental 846.38 Supplies & Misc. 433.44 Insufficient checks & Bank Charges 33.00 Refunds 48.00 Seminar Expenses 1,484.03 Equipment: Computer 1,450.00 Printer 711. 36 Table 81.70 2,243.06 • A AAAKEY Mini-Storage (Little Rock) 180.00 Copyright (Township Atlas) 10.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $19,084.14 TOTAL DEPOSITS $20,073.30 Interest Earned on Checking Account 1,195.64 BALANCE AS OF 9-30-84 $14,024.83 Certificate of Deposit 0085-670-1, First National Bank of Hot Springs (Interest in the amount of $151.47, added to Checking Account Deposits) Current Balance -$2,797.69 Bobbie J. McLane (Mrs. Gerald B.) Treasurer HISIOOlCAL AI'ID GENEAILGlCAL &X:IEl'IES In Arkansas - 1984 Baxter County Historical Society Desha County Historical Society 1634 US 62 SW P. O. Box 432 Mountain Heme, AR 72653 McGehee, AR 71654 Bella Vista Historical Society Drew County Historical Society 1- Aldridge Lane 404 South Main St. Bella Vista, AR 72712 Monticello, AR 71653 Benton County Historical Society Faulkner County Historical Society P. O. Box 355 Box 731 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Conway, AR 72032 Boone County Historical Society Fort Smith Historical Society Box 58 61 South 8th st. Harrison, AR 72601 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Cabot Historical Society Franklin County Historical Society P. O. Box 39 509 North 3rd Cabot, AR 72023 Izard, AR 72949 Carroll County Historical Society Frontier Researchers Genealogical Soc. P. O. Box 249-M-1880 Courthouse P. O. Box 2141 Berryville, AR 72616 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Chicot County Historical Society Grarland County Historical Society P.O. Box 308 914 summer Street lake Village, AR 71653 lbt Springs, AR 71913 Clark County Historical Society Grand Prairie Historical Society P.
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