WILLY FISCHLER Born: May 30, 1949 Antwerp, Belgium Education: Universite Libre de Bruxelles Licence in Physics with \grande distinction", 1972 (Equivalent to the American Masters degree). Universite Libre de Bruxelles Ph.D., 1976 with \la plus grande distinction". Austin Community College Emergency Medical Services Professions EMT Paramedic Certificate, 2009. Nationally Certified Paramedic, 2009- Texas Department of State Health Services Licensed EMT-P, 2009- Present Position: University of Texas at Austin Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professor in Physics 2000- Professor of Physics 1983-2000 Associate Director Theory Group 2003- Marble Falls Area EMS Licensed Paramedic 2009- Past Positions: CERN Geneva 1975-77 Postdoctoral Fellow Los Alamos Scientific Lab, 1977-1979 Postdoctoral Fellow University of Pennsylvania, 1979-1983 Assistant Professor Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Official Visitor, September 1980 - May 1981 1 On leave - Belgian Army, June 1981 - May 1982 Awards: CERN Fellowship 1975-77 1979-1980 Recipient of Outstanding Junior Researcher Award, DOE 1987-88 Fellow to the Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professorship in Physics Dean's Fellow, Fall 1997 2000{ Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professor in Physics Volunteer: Children's Hospital PACU, 2005-7 Westlake Fire Department, EMT 2006- PUBLICATIONS 1. Gauge invariance in spontaneously broken symmetries: (with R. Brout) Phys. Rev. D11, 905 (1975). 2. Effective potential instabilities and bound-state formation: (with E. Gunzig, and R. Brout) Il Nuovo Cimento 29A, 504 (1975); 3. Effective potential, instabilities and bound state formation: (Adden- dum) (with E. Gunzig, and R. Brout) Il Nuovo Cimento 32A, 125 (1976). 4. Magnetic confinement in non-Abelian gauge field theory: (with F. Englert) Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 649 (1976). 5. Quark-antiquark potential in QCD: Nucl. Phys. B125, 157 (1977). 6. Some remarks on Van der Waal's forces in QCD: (with T. Appelquist) Phys. Lett. 77B, 405 (1978). 7. A multipole expansion and the Casimir-Polder effect in quantum chromo- dynamics: (with Gyan Bhanot and Serge Rudaz) Nucl. Phys. B155, 208 (1979). 8. Quark confinement in unusual environment: (with J. Kogut and L. Susskind) Phys. Rev. D19, 1188 (1979). 9. CP violation in two dimensions: Phys. Rev. D20, 3399 (1979). 10. A simple solution to the strong CP problem with a harmless axion: (with M. Dine and M. Srednicki) Phys. Lett. 104B, 199 (1981); also reprinted in \Unity of Forces in the Universe:, volume I, by A. Zee (World Scientific Publishers, 1982). 2 11. The thermodynamics of the non-linear σ-model as a toy for high tem- perature QCD: (with M. Dine) Phys. Lett. 105B, 207 (1981). 12. Supersymmetric technicolor: (with M. Dine and M. Srednicki) Nucl. Phys. B189, 515 (1981). 13. Vanishing renormalization of the D-term in supersymmetric U(1) the- ories: (with H.P. Nilles, J. Polchinski, S. Raby and L. Susskind) Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 757 (1981). 14. A phenomenological model of particle physics based on supersymme- try: (with M. Dine) Phys. Lett.110B, 227 (1982). 15. A supersymmetric GUT: (with M. Dine) Nucl. Phys. B204, 346 (1982). 16. Cosmology, inflation and supersymmetry: (with A. Albrecht, S. Dim- poulos, E.W. Kolb, S. Raby, and P.J. Steinhardt) Proceedings of the Marcel Grossman Meeting on the Recent Development of General Rel- ativity, Shanghai, China (1982). 17. The not-so-harmless axion: (with M. Dine) Phys. Lett. 120B , 137 (1983); also reprinted in ”Inflationary Cosmology\ by L. Abbott and S. Y. Pi (World Scientific Publishers 1986). 18. SU(2) x U(1) breaking in supersymmetric GUTS: (with M. Dine) Nucl. Phys. B227, 477 (1983). 19. Dyon-Axion dynamics: (with J. Preskill) Phys. Lett. 125B, 165 (1983). 20. New Inflation in Supersymmetric Theories: (with A. Albrecht, S. Dimopoulos, E.W. Kolb, S. Raby and P.J. Steinhardt) Nucl. Phys. B229, 528 (1983). 21. Cosmological problems for the Polonyi model: (with G.D. Coughlin, E.W. Kolb, S. Raby and G.G. Ross) Phys. Lett. 131B, 59 (1983). 22. Solution of the entropy crisis of supersymmetric theories: (with M. Dine and D. Nemeschansky) Phys. Lett. 136B, 169 (1984). 23. The Quantum Mechanics of inflation: (with L. Susskind and B. Ratra) Nucl. Phys. B259, No. 4, 730-744 (1985). 24. Quantum Cosmology in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions: (with T. Banks and L. Susskind) Nucl. Phys. B262, No.1, 159-186 (1985). 25. Dilaton Tadpoles, string condensates and scale invariance: (with L. Susskind) Phys. Lett. B171, No. 4, 383-389 (1986). 26. Dilaton Tadpoles, string condensates and scale invariance II: (with L. Susskind) Phys. Lett. B173, No. 3, 262-264 (1986). 27. String loop divergences and effective Lagrangians (with I. Klebanov and L. Susskind), Nucl. Phys. B306, 271 (1988). 28. Small topologies and auxiliary fields: (with M. Dine and N. Seiberg) to be published in Proceedings of \Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems II' '. 29. Magnetic monopoles solutions of string theory: (with T. Banks, M. Dine and H. Dykstra) Phys. Lett. B212, 45 (1988). 3 30. Remarks on Wilson Lines, modular invariance and possible string relics in Calabi-Yau compactification: (with G. Athanasiu, J. Atick, and M. Dine) Phys. Lett. B214, 55 (1988). 31. A wormhole catastrophe: (with L. Susskind) Phy. Lett. B217, 48 (1989). 32. Quantum Mechanics of the Googolplexus: (with I. Klebanov, J. Polchin- ski, and L. Susskind) Nucl. Phys. B327, 157-177 (1989). 33. Quantum nucleation of false vacuum bubble: (with D. Morgan and J. Polchinski) Phys. Rev. D40 (8), 2638-2641 (1990). 34. Baryon number violation at high temperature in the standard model: (with M. Dine, O. Lechtenfeld, B. Sakita and J. Polchinski) Nucl. Phys. B342, 381 (1990). 35. Constraints on new physics from Weinberg's analysis of the neutron electric moment: (with M. Dine), Phys. Lett. B242, 239 (1990). 36. Quantization of false vacuum bubbles: A Hamiltonian treatment of gravitational tunneling: (with D. Morgan and J. Polchinski), Phys. Rev. D42. 4-42 (1990). 37. Constraints on the Baryogenesis Scale From Neutrino Masses: (with G. Giudice, R. Leigh and S. Paban), Phys. Lett. B258, 45 (1991). 38. The Invisible Majoron: (with G. F. Giudice, R. G. Leigh, S. Paban and S. Thomas), Phys. Lett. B266 (1991) 408-412. 39. Alice Strings, Magnetic Monopoles and Charge Quantization: (with Lee Brekke and Tom D. Imbo), Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 3643-3646 (1991). 40. \Constraints on the Baryogenesis Scale from Neutrino Masses," in Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems 3, C. Teitelboim and J. Zanelli (eds), Plenum Press, New York, 1992. 41. Bounds on Microscopic Physics in Atoms and Molecules, (with S. Pa- ban and S. Thomas), Phys. Lett. B289 373 (1992). 42. Gravitinos and a low ultimate temperature for the early universe, Physics Letters B332 (1994) 277-282. 43. Gravitinos in the Early Universe, Proceedings of the NATO ARW Elec- troweak Physics and the Early Universe, Plenum Press, New York. 44. Collective Coordinates in String Theory, (with S. Paban and M. Rozali), Phys. Lett. B352 (1995) 298-303. 45. Collective Coordinates for D-Branes, (with S. Paban and M. Rozali), Phys. Lett. B381 (1996) 62. 46. Virtual D-Branes, (with D. Berenstein, R. Corrado, S. Paban, and M. Rozali), Phys. Lett. B384 (1996) 93. 47. M Theory as a Matrix Model: a Conjecture, (with T. Banks, S.H. Shenker, L. Susskind), Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) 5112-5128. 48. The Incredible Shrinking Torus, (with E. Halyo, A. Rajaraman, L. Susskind), Nucl. Phys. B501 (1997) 409-426. 4 49. M(atrix) string theory on K3, (with Arvind Rajaraman), Phys. Lett. B411 (1997) 53-58. 50. Instantons, Scale Invariance and Lorentz Invariance in Matrix Theory, (with T. Banks, W. Fischler, N. Seiberg, L. Susskind), Phys. Lett. B408 (1997) 111-116. 51. Schwarzschild Black Holes from Matrix Theory, ( with T. Banks, I.R. Klebanov, L. Susskind), Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, (1998) 226-229. 52. Schwarzschild Black Holes from Matrix Theory II, (with T. Banks, I.R. Klebanov, L. Susskind), JHEP 01 (1997) 008. 53. Evaporation of Schwarzschild Black Holes in Matrix Theory, (with T. Banks and I.R. Klebanov), Phys. Lett. B423 (1998) 54-58. 54. Holography and Cosmology, (with L. Susskind), [HEP-TH/9806039]. 55. The Operator Product Expansion for Wilson Loops and Surfaces in the Large N Limit, (with D. Berenstein, R. Corrado, J. Maldacena), Phys. Rev. D59: 105023, 1999. [HEP-TH 9809188] 56. Dualities Versus Singularities, (with T. Banks, L. Motl), JHEP 9901:019, 1999. [HEP-TH 9811194] 57. A Model for High-Energy Scattering in Quantum Gravity, (with T. Banks), RU-99-23 (Jun 1999) 11p. [HEP-TH 9906038] 58. Evidence for Winding States in Noncommutative Quantum Field The- ory, (W. Fischler et al.), JHEP 0005:024, 2000. 59. The Interplay Between Theta and T, (W. Fischler et al.), JHEP 0006:032, 2000. 60. Scherk-Schwarz SUSY Breaking in Noncommutative Field Theory, RUNHETC- 00-25 (JUL 2000) 12p. 61. The Acceleration of the Universe, A Challenge for String Theory (with A. Kashani-Poor, R. McNees, S. Paban), JHEP 0107:003, 2001. 62. M Theory Observables for Cosmological Space-Times, (with T. Banks) RUNHETC-2001-5 (Feb 2001). 63. Entropy of the Stiffest Stars, (with T. Banks, A. Kashani-Poor, R. McNees, and S. Paban), Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 4717-4728. 64. An Holographic Cosmology, (with T. Banks), [HEP-TH 0111142]. 65. Recurrent Nightmares? : Measurement Theory in de Sitter Space, (with T. Banks and S. Paban), JHEP 0212 (2002) 062, [HEP-TH 0210160]. 66. Black Crunch, (with T. Banks), [HEP-TH 0212113] RUNHETC-2002- 36, UTTG-13-02. 67. The Entropy of the Microwave Background and the Acceleration of the Universe, (with A. Loewy, S. Paban), [HEP-TH 0307031] 68. An upper bound on the number of e-foldings, (with T. Banks), [ASTRO- PH 0307459]. 5 69. Holographic Cosmology 3.0, (with T. Banks) [HEP-TH 0310288].
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