WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 ,196| ATertft Delbr Net PrtM Ron Th* ,Wd Fev tin Week Ended I a< V. t . ' 7. C!Acni iH firrf-six iJJanrfffalfr lEn^ttins If^ralii Angwt M, 1N5 13,B06 r of the Audit OlienInMou at HanektiilBr- 4 CUy o f VUlago Charm ^ \ <Olanilled AdvartMng ou Fage 11) PRICE SEVEN CKMIR (! I lOUSE &. H A LE ^OL. LXXXIV, NO. 284 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SBPTEBftBER 2, 1965 HOUSE k HALE Takes Pay Cut Viets Open Assault To Be Teacher National Guard, Police AKRON, Ohio (AF)-r^At V I NOW...irS THE a BIG BACK TO SCHOOL a 1850 annukl out In M y, Clarence Bradshaw, 88, to vlng up hto job m a school nltor to become a pohool gteacher. Red Stronghold Bradshaw wtU begin teaching eixth grade at Ordered into Natchez BLAZER SALE! LO O K BY Newsmen were told U.S.Amen were given theee details of Highland Park Elementary T©TAL SAIGON, South Viett School next week for |6,650 planes - flew more sorties In scattered action on the ground; Nam (AP) ~ Vietnamese South Viet Nam In August then —U.S. Army elements of Task a year. He hae been work­ troops launched an opera­ In any single previous month of Force Alpha killed seven Viet ing as a custodian for BOYS' 8-20 the war. The epokeiman said Cong Wednesday near Qui 000 a year while attending MEN'S - STUDENTS WINTHROP tion 320 miles northeast of night classes at Akron Uni­ Riot D anger Saigon today and daimed pilots made 8,767 Sorties — an Nhon, 270 miles northeast of average of 121 a day — com­ Saigon, as the guerrillas ware versity. He received hto de­ 8-12 22 Viet Cong killed, a U.S. pared with 8,681 In July, damag­ crossing a river In a 15-man gree in elementary educa­ 977 military spokesman re­ ing or destroying nearly 8,000 patrol. American loeses wore tion last June. Spurs Move Reg. 10.99 structures. termed light. Bradshaw worked as a- The right dothee + the right dioee ported. school Janitor for nine yean Regular l 7 The operaUon, 15 miles south There was no estimate on the Task Force Alpha isi'the new - THE TOTAL LOOKI This the mark number of Viet Cong killed In U.S. Army command created after flunking out of Akron By Governor of Quang Ngal, continued Into U. In 1956. In J960, he de­ 27.88 - L 1 14-20 of the well dressed man. He pays particular the nM t. Gkivemment losses the strikes. last month to control all U.S. In the 24-hour period endlM ground combat forces In the 2nd cided to have anothkr go at JACKSON, Miss. (AP) attention to his choice of shoes. were described as light. Five a bachelor's degree. Reg. 12.99 10” Viet Oong were reported cap- Thursday, U.S. and VletnampM and 3rd Corps areas. Its head­ - ^ i x hundred National makes certain that th ^ are ri0it with pilots made 120 sorties and re­ quarters Is In Nha Trang, 210 hired and 46 suspects detained. Guardsmen and a large the dothM he’s wearing and appropriate No major activity was report­ ported they destroyed or dam­ miles northeast of the capital. ed elsewhere on the ground. aged 540 enemy structures. —A Popular Force platoon : !orce of state patrolmen 100% WOOL FLANNELS CORDUROYS for the occasion. He knows they are the However, a spokesman ssdd Air Two U.B. Air Force B57 Can­ ambushed five Viet Cong 66 State News were ordered into, the plus factor that completes the over-i^ Force B52 bombers pounded a berra*, supported by another miles northwest of Saigon near 'Natchez, Miss., area today Very big on campus this year . famous brands 100% wool or wide wale corduroy suspected' Communist position aircraft, bombed the Hon Mat Tay Nlnh. Vietnamese casual­ >y Gov, Paul B. Johnson Sports Coats . ... save plenty while this sale is In progress! Neat, handsome and com­ impression he makes. his iiersolull TOTAL LOOK. only 20 miles from Saigon In the Island radar sKe today, 20 miles ties were light. Robber Gets fortable for every casual or leisure moment . and Just look at this color selection! Enhance your TOTAL LOOK with our newly closest strike, yet to the capital northeast of Vlnh In the Gulf of —Three Viet Cong were killed r, who said there was im­ Burgundy, Navy, Camel or Green Blazers , , , Olive or Whisky Color Corduroys . Tonkin, the spokesman said. minent danger of a riot. arrived Winthrop Fall styles. by Strategic Air Command and 15 suspects detained In a 2 Regulars 36-46, Longs 38-46. planes. The aircraft d ^ p e d five tons government operation 26 miles The Mississippi governor di­ The exploeloni from the B52 of bombs on the target, but the south of Chu Lai, 830 miles $1,5 73 in rected AdJ. Gen. Walter John­ bombs rattled windows In Sai­ weather and darkness prevent­ northeast of Saigon. No Viet­ son to call up all the trpopa MEN'S • BOYS' • STUDENTS gon. ed an accurate assessment of namese casualties were report' needed to keep the peace in tlM Other U.S. and Vietnamese damage. ed. Bank Holdup river port after a Negro leader LONG SLEEVE SPECIAL PURCHASE planes continued heavy air All planes returned safely The area hit by the B62s is warned of growing tension and strikes against suspected Viet no aircraft fire was encoun­ north-northwest of Saigon In the WINDSOR (AP) — The! a Ku Klux Klansman said the OF FAMOUS NAME robed organization was armed. /-A Cong portions In South Viet tered, the spokesman said. Windsor branch of the So­ Nam. In other developments, news- (Bee Page Twelve) State police patrolled the Unwta SPORT ciety for Savings was rob- ] and set up screening posts on bed of $1,573 today, police the highways to check all cars • SHIRTS SWEATERS TODAY’S reported. entering the city. Police said a black car sto­ Both the governor and Ms ad­ len earlier in Hartford could jutant general were In Natches. BO YS’ 6-20 WARDROBE Dr. Schweitzer, 90, have been the one used by the Gov. Johnson said be was In tha BOYS' 6-20 Regular to 10 holdup man for his getaway. Rocket Booster Comes Back from Space Flight town to attend the funeral of a 599 University of Mississippi to(M- ! COORDINATED It was the 14th robbery of a Regular 1.99 bank' or savings and loan as­ Workmen at the Martin C5o. examine a section of the booster rocket that sent ball player who died duxlng Soft, wonderfully luxurious fibers, Orlons, wools and astronauts Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad into space. The s«tion, firat practice Tuesday. blends. V-necks, pull-overs, or cardigans. Choose sociation in Connecticut this STYLE LEADER I Called Gravely IllsHgkt'r«” year. ever recovered, survived a 40-mile drop from spa<^ and resulting impact with The huge security buildup from all the favorite shades or red, blue, brown, came as city officials met wltii and grey. Railroad Loss the ocean. Scientists plan new^tests and examinations. (AP Photofax.)_______ Negro leaders about demanda LIBREVILLE, Gabon (A P)— ^Dr. Albert Schweitzer, WASHENOTON (AP) — A »8,- following the booby-trap bomb­ 286,000,000 foreign aid ap­ NEW HAVEN (AP)—Tnistees ing of a olvU rights leader in hts MEN’S 90, lies gravely ill in his jungle hospital, in which he propriation bill emeiged today of the bankrupt New Haven Rail­ car last week. has treated thousands of Africans. from the House Appropriations road reported today that the The old doctor, whose name is<^ The bombing victim, GeUrga STUDENTS Committee with the amplest cut carrier operated at a loss of Metcalfe of the National Asso­ legend throughout the world, la the aid program's 18-year $1,186,169 In July. It compares Slightly, BCYS’ . are sanforized wash 'n wear Betsy Turning ciation for the Advancement c€ fabrics. Plaids, stripes and solids. Button Regular 10. fe i'A was stricken by fatigue Sunday history. with a deficit of $1,638,880 for and has not left his ted since. Colored People, was in fair con­ down and regular collars. MEN'S are The 176 million trimmed by the same month last year. dition with leg, euro and faoa Shetland wools, orlon blends, a terrific selection of Reports reaching the capital toe committee from the $3.86- fine cottons In g^lngham checks and all the new fall wanted styles. Variety of styles. ,'f^ < The deficit for the first seven Injuries from the blast Friday in solid colors. Regular or button down • . i today from the 100-miIe distant bllUon program authorized by months In 1966 totals $11,168,092 Blue, grrey, camel, wine, navy, green or brown. Jimgle hospital were sketchy. Congress only last week com­ a perking lot. collaia, in S-M-L-XL. S-M-L-XL. and compares with a deficit of to Land Lessens ■me hiraclal ocefference was S Close associates refused to say pared with the previous low of Threat ■gjt. f'r'X- ^ $8,988,131 for the same period anyUiing or speculate on Dr.- $198 million cut from the 1962 last year. __ <^was downgraded after were (flee Page Bight) Schweitzer’s cnaaces of recov- program. Last week’s bill fixed MIAMI, Fla. (AP) readings. to venture' far from port. M EN 'S Boys' Wool Melton the Umit of new tlnancipg for Warns Hospitals Hurricane Betsy roared Gales extended 200 miles In B et^ waa centorea about 888 BOYS' 8-20 **^He Is 111, very in.
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