Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-20-1925 Bee Gee News February 20, 1925 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News February 20, 1925" (1925). BG News (Student Newspaper). 49. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/49 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. BEE GEE NEWS mi fmci www STATE NORMAL COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN, O., FEBRUARY 20th, 1925 Vol. 6. No. 5. BEE GEE NEWS honored B. G. N. C. with a visit to learn of Our Campus the needs of the institution for the next The diagram on the opposite page two years. The Senators of this committee shows you the present and future campus visiting us were: Chairman, Senator, H. M. of our college. Look it over, we have Carpenter, of Steubenville; Sec'y., Senator pride in graduating from B. G. N. C. now, F. C. Wise, of North Canton; Senator Earl but we will have greater pride in the fu- C. McCreary, of Cincinnati; Senator W. W. ture. The plan is something to look for- Farnsworth, of Waterville; Senator R. A. ward to. ptwell, of Bowling Green; Senator John The present buildings are shaded, D. Hays, of St. Clairsville; Senator John * namely: Administration building 1914; M. Voup, of Columbus and Senator W. A. Williams' Hall 1915; Science Hall 1916; Clark, of -Urban a. Accompanying this Heating Plant 1916; Training School 1921; committee was Senator Jos. R. Gardner, of * Shatzel Hall 1924; President's Home. Cincinnati, Representative Frank S. Bart- The future buildings are unshaded. lett, of Green County and W. E. Baxter, Namely: Library, Auditorium, Gymnasium, chairman of the Educational Institutions » Museum, Three More Dorms, Class Room section of the House Financial Committee Building, and High School. and the wives of some of the committee. The value of property of school, in- The special car being met by Pres. * eluding the grounds and buildings will Williams, and citizens who joined in the total $1,250,000.00. meeting at the college, where Dr. Williams Fellow students, the folks at home will ably stated the needs of the college. be interested in our plans. Take the After a fine lunch at Shatzel Hall our "News" along with you so they can see guests departed. Having we believe a how we are growing. ' clear idea of our needs and a kindly at- titude towards the situation to make B. G. Financial Committees Visit N. C. better than ever. Bowling Green «■ The Educational Institutions section Student View Partial of the House Financial Committee visited Bee Gee, Friday the sixth. Eclipse of Sun * Members of this committee here were All students were interested in the chairman Baxter, of Allen County and eclipse. Mr. Moseley's rooms were filled Messrs. Rose, of Athens; Humes, of Dela- with students who were supplied with smok- ware; Stewart, of Lawerence; McClintock, ed glasses. They were instructed on all of Noble, and Miller of Coshocton. Re- phases of the eclipse by Mr. Moseley who presentatives 0. W. Fish, of Wood County; made the rare occasion very interesting. E. H. Ganz, of Sandusky County and Sena- * tor R. A. Powell accompanying them. A Rozella Loesch and Katherine Gunn group of prominent citizens met the com- of Williams' Hall had as their guests on mittee at the station and took them to the January 5th and 6th, Miss Lillian Held of * college where Dr. H. B. Williams explain- St. Mary's College at Monroe, Michigan. ed in detail the needs of the college. Luncheon was served to them at Dear Nancy Noitall: Shatzel Hall. Can you tell me the address of the * The committee seemed to appreciate inventor of the Self-Shaver? I under- the situation as outlined to them. The only stand it works while you sleep. regret is their visit was too short. We C. C. PREMO * trust they may return when in less of a hurry. Mr. U. Workityourself Monday, February 9th Elbow Grease Ave., * Financial committee of the Senate Lather, Ohio. BEE GEE NEWS but watch the fellow who has—! So let's Your Annual go, people. About a year ago a group of students —EDITOR THE KEY and faculty members proposed a real up- to-the-minute annual for B. G. N. C. The NOTE project was submitted to the student-body Now is the time to sign the following where it was received with enthusiasm. pledge and mail it to the Sales Manager of Four months later the proposition had be- the Key. In doing this you will be helping come a reality. a good work of the college and at the same What these people started we are now time helping yourself to a real bargain in • endeavoring to continue. About the first a college annual. of June the second volume of our annual, Date the KEY, will be issued. The motto of this Kindly reserve copy of the * year's staff has been "A Better KEY for 1925 B. G. College Annual, "The Key." '25." We hope that it will be; in fact, we I agree to pay for it as follows: are doing everything in our power to make $3.00 cash - it so. But, students of B. G., it can't be $2.00 before April 1st, 1925 unless you give us your united and whole- $1.00 upon delivery of book hearted support. Remember this, people, it is your annual; whatever success it may (Signature) have will be the result of your interest Note—Please check the plan above and cooperation. All that the staff does is that you wish to use in paying for the done for, what we feel, are your best in- book. terests; all that we ask of you in return is that you boost this year's KEY to its successful publication next June. Canoeing We are fully aware that the publica- If We paddled down the river tion of this second book cannot carry with Till we found a place to land. it the same piquancy and charm, the same The moon was shining brightly, suspended and heightened interest that it And I held her little—SWEATER. could during the year of its inception. We If Yes I held her little sweater, do realize, however, that interest thus far How fast the evening flies. has been splendid. Students have shown We spoke in tones of love, an exceptionally fine spirit in the manner I gazed into her—LUNCH BASKET. with which they have met the requests of the staff—a spirt which is indispensable to If Yes, I gazed into her lunch basket, the final success of a college annual. The And I wished I had a taste. Staff appreciates this spirit, and is glad of Close beside me sat my darling, this opportunity to thank the student-body With my arm around her—UMBRELLA. as a whole for its excellent cooperation. U Yes embracing her umbrella, We can easily promise that with such co- This darling little miss. operation obtaining throughout the year She coply turned her dainty head, there will be "A Better KEY for '25." I slyly stole a—SANDWICH. So don't fail to see Earl Davidson —DeFUNCT. within the next few days and order your copy of the 1925 KEY, because the student who goes through any single year of From An Exam Paper college and neglects to take away with him Question: Why is Mechanical Draw- a souvenir of that year shows that he has ing considered a language? missed the finest thing it college life— Answer: Because it deals with the SPIRIT. Of course, the fellow who hasn't real problems of life. The alphabet we any school spirit doesn't want an annual, use in it is derived from the Romans. ♦ BEE GEE NEWS News in Cross Words 1 2 3 m 4 Hi■■ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B m 13 ■ ■ 1 M 1 1 15 ■ ■ 16 ■1 ■1 ■ 17 18 19 | 20 21 22 23 24 | 25 Horizontal Vertical 1. Level, smooth. 1. Printer's measure, (pi). 2. What you shouldn't -do to our beautiful buildings. 5. Price of timber. 3. A kind of sweater (pi.) 8. Your sweetheart on Feb. 14. 4. Forward. 11. Old Ireland. 5. Not figuratively. 6. A single unit. 12. A detail. 7. Precious stones. 14. What you buy at basket ball 9. Half a printer's measure. game. 10. A note in the musical scale. 17. An assembly of track man. 13. What we slip on. 15. Foul matter like soot. 20. An animal fat. 16. A capsule for seeds on a plant. 22. Not agitated, calm. 18. A termination. 19. Our most hated rivals in sports. 24. Teachers' detective society. (abbr.) (abbr.) 20. Belonging to. (prep.) 25. Answer to, "Has B. G. a good 21. Electrical efficiency expert. B. B. team?" (abbr.) Last month's puzzle solved Can You Finish It? Come on you poets and poetesses, try H c M H I B 1 ■■HH your skill on this one. Complete the M N A P limerick by filling in the fifth line and drop your contribution in the Bee Gee F O R D H Box. The best one will be published in our P I H R m o next issue.
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