The Director of the ' P.irk Service is plused to inforn you th•t tht fol101.11n9 propert 1e, have bun entered 1n the N.itiond Rtguter of H1stor1c INDIANA Phces. For further 1nforn41:t1on call 202/343-9542. Uabash County Manchester Colltge Historic District UEEKLY LIST OF LISTED PROPERTIES 604 College A,e. 12/24/90 THROUGH 12/28/90 4 North Manchester 12/27/90 90001929 KEV: Property Hant, Multiple N.ine, Rddress/Sound1ry, C1ty, V1c1n1ty, Cert1fic.it1on O.ite, Rthrenct Nunbtr, NHL status !DUA Jackson County Spring Side Jct. of US 52 and Ensign Rd. ARKANSAS Bellevue ·,icinity 12/28/90 90001955 Bradley County Martin, Or. John Lhlson, Houst 200 Ash St. MAINE Uarren 12/27 /90 90001948 Kennebec County Maine Rrcheolo91cal Survey SJ.te SJ. 36 Un1on County Addrus Restricted McDonald, 0., House Uinslo" vicinity 12/27/9-0 90001901 800 S. Broadway Snack over 12/27 /90 90001949 MARV LANO Uash1n9ton County Harford County Villa Rosa Best Enduvor 617 U. Lafayette 1612 Calvary Rd, Fayetteville 12/27/90 90001946 Churchville Y1cin1ty 12/28/90 90001993 So"erset County COLORADO H.iynan, Jepth.i, House Jefferson County Uesto, Rd. S of Jct. LJi th Charles Barnes Rd. Coniin.i Parl<, O'Fallon Park, Pence Park Kingston vicinity 12/27/90 90001939 Denver Mountain Parks MPS Poughly, area SE of Jct. of Kittredge and Myers Gulch Rds, Uash1ngton County Evergreen v1cin1 ty 12/28/90 90001708 Huckleberry Hall Charles Mill Rd. u of JCt. uith no 64 Leltersburg vic1n1ty 12/28/90 90001994 CONNECTICUT Ne1.1 Haven County Fulton, Le1.11S, Menonal Park MICHIGAN Roughly bounded by Cook, Pine, Fem & Chirlottt Sts. !onu County Uaterbury 12/27/90 90001951 VanderHeyden, U11lia11 H., House 926 U. Main St. Ionu 12/28/90 90001959 GEORGIA Troup County Kalanuoo County Ha1.1kes Chlldn!n's llbriry of Uest Point Kendall, S1hs U., House 100 U. 8th St. 7540 U. M1chigin Rye,, Oshter,o Tounsh1p Uest Point 12/28/90 90001990 Kalanazoo Ylc1n1ty 12/28/9-0 90001958 Kent County Grand Rapids Sa,in91 Bank Bu1ld1n9 60 Monroe Center, HU Grand R,p1ds 12/28/'J(J 90001956 MICHIGAN NORTH CAROUNA Uashtenaw County U.irren County Bell··Spalding House Uatson, John, Houst 2117 Uashteni1.1 Ave. PetMay Bur,..ll Rd., 1/4 "'• U of NC 401 Ann Art>or 12/28/90 90001957 Uarrenton Y1cin1ty 12/28/90 90001954 NEU JERSEY TEXAS MoMouth County Bell County St. John's Episcopol Church Rustin, F, K. and Mary, HouH L1 ttle Silver Point Rd. Belton MPS L1 tt!t S11vor 12/27/9-0 90001374 702 N. Penelopa St. Bel ton 12/26/9-0 90001891 Baggett, Elt, Hou11 NEU MEXICO Belton MPS Mora County 1019 N. M•in St. Garcia Hou11 Belton 12/26/'J(J 90001812 Uphnd V•lleyo of Uestem Mor• County MPS Baggett, Silao •nd Ellen, Hou11 Address Restricted Bel ton MPS Mora ,1cinity 12/24/9-0 90001063 1018 N. M1in St. ledouK Rurd Historic District Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001 HI Uphnd V•lleyo of Uutem Moro County nPS B•ylor Fe•de College Nhtoric Dhtrict Rddre11 Restricted Belton MPS Ledou• 12/24/'J(J 90001057 Bounded by King, College & U. Ninth Su. Mora Historic District Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001869 Uphnd Valley, of UHtl'lt llefe C-1)1 IIPS Buner, Uillian, House AddM!H Restricttd Belton MPS Mor, 12/24/'J(J 90001056 1202 S. Bed St. North C.imen Historic District" · Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001875 Uphnd Valleys of U11ttm- nor• c-,.!ft Bel ton Acade•y Address Restricted Bolton MPS Ledou• vicinity 12/24/'J(J 9000105I 404 E. Ninth St. Olguin. Jo11, B,m-·Corral Co•pltx Belton 12/26/'J(J 90001937 Uphnd V1lley1 of U11ttm Mor• County MPS Btlton Conntrcid Historic District Address Restricted Belton MPS • Mor, YlClnity 12/24/9-0 90001060 Roughly bounded by Nolin V1lley Rd., Penelopa St. & Nolin Cr • Valdez, Desidtrio, Hou11 Uphnd Valley, of Uutem Mor• County MPS Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001861 AddM!SI Restricted Belton F1n,er9' Gin Coop Cle,ehnd ,icin1 ty 12/24/'J(J 90001059 Belfon MPS 219 S. Ent Avt., Building 4 Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001870 MOR TH CARO UNA Bel ton St,ndpipt Franklin County Bel ton MPS Franklinton Otpot NII of jct. of TX 317 & I-35 201 E. M,aon St. Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001900 Franklinton 12/27/'J(J 90001941 Belton Y,m Mill Bel ton MPS Ro1.1,1n County 805 E. Fourth St. Ph1ftr, John, Futt Bel ton 12/26/'J(J 90001899 Jct. of Phiftr Rd. and SR 1971 Cltvehnd v1c1n1ty 12/28/'J(J 90001991 .I TEXRS TEXRS Bell County Bell County 81rd1-lel1 1 T. Hinp ind Beuhh, House House at 402 N. East St. Bel ton MPS Belton MPS 503 N. U•ll 402 N. East St. Belton 12/26/90 90001896 Bel ton 12/26/90 9'.'001878 Burford, R. F. and Lina, Hou11 Houu at 730 N. Beal St. Belton MPS Belton MPS 920 N. Penelop1 St. 730 N. Beal St. B,lton 12/26/90 90001893 Belton 12/26/90 90001936 Co rnl!l uon Hou11 Hudson, Or. hylor, House Bel ton MPS Belton MPS 1102 N. Pearl St. 324 N. Main St. Bel ton 12/26/90 90001886 Bel ton 12/26/90 90001879 Ell1ott, Joel, House Jc111es House Bel ton MPS Bel ton MPS 716 N. College St. 805 N. Beal St. Bel ton 12/26/90 90001876 Belton 12/26/90 90001373 F<1rr, Or. R. S., House K1nch1on, L. 8., House Bel ton MPS Bel ton MPS 801 E. Central Rve. 702 S. Pearl St. Belton 12/26/90 90001935 Belton 12/26/90 90001887 Ferguson, J,u,es A., House Lee, 1.1.ilter J., House Bel ton MPS Bel ton MPS 1123 N. Beal St. 804 N. College St. Belton 12/26/90 90001874 Bel ton 12/26/90 90001877 Ferguson, J.a11es E. and M1rUl'I, House Mcl.lhirter, Gfor'9t t1nd Martha, House Bel ton MPS Bel ton MPS 604 N. Pene!op, St. 400 N. Pearl St. Belton 12/16/90 90001889 Belton 12/26/90 90001884 First Chr1sfun Church Parsonage nuns, V, R., House Bel ton MPS Bel ton MPS 608 N. Penelop, St. 609 E. 14th St. Beltoo 11/16/90 90001890 Bel ton 12/26/90 90001938 Frazier, Or. Jacob Noort, House Miller, J. Z., House Bel t->n MPS Bel ton MPS 618 N, Uall 804 N. Penelope St. Bel ton 11/16/90 90001897 Bel ton 12/26/90 90001892 Gray Rental Houses Missouri, ICansas & Te>cas Railroad Bridge at the Leon River Bel ton MPS Betton MPS 701--708 N. Pearl St. Rcross the Leon R. at Taylor's Valley Rd. Belton 12/26/90 90001934 Belton 12/26/90 90001898 H,u1nersn1 th, John P., HouSI Morey House Bel ton MPS Belton nPS 510 S. Main St. 328 N. Main St. Belton ll/26/90 90001883 Belton 12/26/90 90001880 H.arris, (4pt. Rndre1,1 Jackson, House Mount Zion United Method11t Church Bel ton l'i?S Belton MPS 1001 U. Tenth St. 118 Rlexander St. Bel ton 12/16/90 90001871 Bel ton 12/26/90 90001872 TEXRS VIRGINIR Bell County Goochland County Nais1u th, Robert, Hou11 Bolling Island Bel ton nPS Stokes Station Rd. 440 N. Penelop, St. Goohland VlClni ty 12/27 /90 89001926 Belton 12/16/90 90001888 Potts, Arthur, House Loudoun County Belton MPS Much Haddan 445 N. Uall US 50 U of jct. •ith VR 626 Belton 12/26/90 90001895 Middllburg 12/28/90 90001988 Venabll, U. J., Houso Bel ton MPS Louiu County 426 N. Uall Louisa County Courthou11 Belton 12/26/90 90001894 Jct. of Main St. and VA 208 Uiart, H. A• .ind H1len1, Hou11 Louin 12/28/90 90001998 Bel ton nPS 401 N. Purl St. Po•hatan County Bel ton 12/26/90 90001885 Paxton 3032 Genito Rd. Po•haun vicinity 12/28/90 90001987 VIRGINIR Rlbenarll County Rappahannock County Cau Maria Caledoni1 F•rn VR 691 S of jct. •ith us 250 Jct. of VA 628 1nd VR 606 Green•ood vicinity 12/28/90 90001999 Flint Hill 12/18/90 90001996 Cedar,, Tht US 250, U of US 64 Green•ood 12/27 /90 89001.,­ UASHINGTON Gallison Hall King County 24 Fanungton Dr. t.lurdenann, Harry Vandtrt,Ht, Hou11 Charlottnville vicinity 12/21/W 90002013 17601 Bothtll U1y NE. Mount Fair Llkl Foro,t Park 11/27/90 90001154 Jct. of VR 673 1nd VA 810 Bro•n• Cov1 vicinity 12/21/90 90001997 Ualk1r Hou11 UISCONS!N VR 627 S of jct. Mi th VA 726 Colunbu County ,. Uarren vicinity 11/28/90 90002001 Chadboum, F. A., Hou11 314 S. Chorln St . .. Clark1 County Colunbul 12/28/90 90001961 Scaleby Co. Rd. 723 S of jct. Mi th us 340 Door County Boyc1 vicinity 12/28/90 90001000 Uh1 tefish Oun11·•81y Vi1• Si to RddroH R11trict1d Cunberland County Sevastopol 11/28/90 90001960 Morven VR 45, 1/1 n1. S of Cart1rtvill1 Cartersville vicinity 11/28/90 90001014 nultipi1 Rnoun:1 Rro11 1ro id1nt1fi1d by MRA Multipll Proporty Subni11ion1 1ro identified by MPS Frankhn County Thenat1c Resourt11 •rt id1ntifud by TR Greer Houst NHL designatu • N11tional Historic L.indn1rk 206 E. Court St. Rocky Mount 12/28/90 90002011 / The fo!loulng pr')pertles uere also entlrtd in the Natlonil Re91Sttr but i.1ere excluded fron • previous notice: KEV: Property Mane, Multiple Nana, Rddrtss/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Refertnce Nunbtr, NHL status VIRGINIA Bedford County Mount Airy Jct.
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