AGENDA ITEM No. .....kr.d 204 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (BUILDINGS AND PROPERW SUB 8 April 7997 Motherwell, 8 April 1997 at 2 pm. A Meeting of the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY) SUB-COMMIlTEE PRESENT Councillors Barrie, Coyle, Craig, Curran, Gordon, Hebenton, McAlorum, J. McGuigan, Provost Mathieson, Scott, Shaw and Wilson. CHAIR In the absence of the Convener and in terms of Standing Order 11 Councillor Coyle was appointed to and took the chair. IN AlTENDANCE The Chief Committee Services Officer and the Chief Estates Officer. APOLOGIES Councillors Wallace, McCulloch and Maginnis. CARFlNRlOLYTOWN NEW ROUTE - COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER 1984 (1) ACQUISITION OF GARDEN GROUND AT GLENBURN HOUSE, NEW STEVENSTON ROAD, CARFIN 1. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 14 February 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development seeking approval to conclude the acquisition of an area of ground at 179 New Stevenston Road, Carfin in terms of the Carfin/Holytown New Route Compulsory Purchase Order 1984. Decided: that the acquisition of the area of ground at 179 New Stevenston Road, Carfin from T.D. Heffernan at a price of €16,200 plus statutory interest and professional fees incurred be agreed. (2) ACQUISITION OF GROUND AT CARFIN BONDED WAREHOUSE 2. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 25 February 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development seeking approval to conclude the acquisition of an area of ground at Carfin Bonded Warehouse in terms of the Carfin/Holytown New Route Compulsory Purchase Order 1984. Decided: that the acquisition of the area of ground at Carfin Bonded Warehouse, as detailed in the Director’s report, from T.D.G./Harris Distribution Limited at a total price of €28,200 plus statutory interest and professional fees incurred be agreed. 1 205 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (BUILDINGS AND PROPERW SUB 8 April I997 REMIT FROM THE LEISURE SERVICES COMMllTEE OF 19 MARCH 1997 - LAND AT ADELE STREET, MOTHERWELL 3. Under reference to paragraph 22 of the Minute of the meeting of the Leisure Services Committee held on 19 March there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 7 March 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development advising that two areas of land at Adele Street, Motherwell had been identified as being surplus to the Council’s requirements. Decided: that the Director of Planning and Development be authorised to dispose of the two areas of land at Adele Street, Motherwell in terms of the agreed policy and as detailed in the report. PROPOSED LEASE TO YMCA - SHOP AT 25 UNITAS ROAD, MOSSEND, BEUSHIU 4. There was submitted a report dated 14 March 1 997 by the Director of Planning and Development (1)seeking approval to lease premises at 25 Unitas Road, Mossend, Bellshill to the Bellshill Y.M.C.A, and (2) seeking instructions as to whether a nominal rental or full market rental should be charged. Decided: that it be agreed to lease 25 Unitas Road, Mossend, Bellshill to the Bellshill Y.M.C.A. on a week to week basis at a rental of El per week and in terms of agreed Council Policy for the leasing of Council properly to charitable etc. groups. PROPOSED EXTENSION TO LEASE - TOWN HALL BUSINESS CENTRE, MOTHERWELL 5. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 26 March 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development proposing the extension of the lease of the Town Hall Business Centre, Motherwell and seeking approval to change the user clause of the premises from licensed snooker club to licensed premises. Decided: (1) that approval be given to a fifteen year extension to the current lease to Todholeburn Limited, and (2) that the user clause of the premises, currently licensed as a snooker club, be amended to licensed premises. REMIT FROM THE SOCIAL WORK COMMllTEE OF 11 MARCH 1997 - ACQUISITION OF REPLACEMENT PREMISES FOR WISHAW AREA SOCIAL WORK TEAM 6. Under reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of meeting of the Social Work Committee held on 1 1 March 1997 there was submitted a report dated 1 1 March 1997 by the Director of Social Work proposing the acquisition of the former Cambusnethan Confectionary Company premises in King Street, Wishaw for the Wishaw Area Social Work Team and recommending that the Director of Planning and Development negotiate a lease of the premises. 2 206 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (BUILDINGS AND PROPERW SUB 8 April 1997 Decided: that the Director of Planning and Development be authorised to negotiate the lease of the premises at King Street, Wishaw as referred to in the report. REMIT FROM THE SOCIAL WORK (PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION) SUB-COMMITTEE OF 19 FEBRUARY 1997 - BEUSHILL AREA SOCIAL WORK OFFICE 7. Under reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work (Planning and Administration) Sub-Committee held on 19 February 1997 there was submitted a report dated 1 9 February 1997 by the Director of Social Work regarding accommodation at Bellshill Social Work Area Office and proposing that the Director of Planning and Development enter into negotiations for the assignation of the lease of the premises at 6 Emma Jay Road, Bellshill to North Lanarkshire Council. Decided: that the Director of Planning and Development be authorised to negotiate the lease of the premises at 6 Emma Jay Road to North Lanarkshire Council. REMIT FROM MESOCIAL WORK (PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION) SUB-COMMIITEE OF 19 FEBRUARY 1997 - CUMBERNAULD SOCIAL EDUCATION CENTRE 8. Under reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work (Planning and Administration) Sub-Committee held on 19 February 1997 there was submitted a report dated 19 February 1997 by the Director of Social Work proposing the relocation of Cumbernauld Social Education Centre from their existing premises at Alder Road, Cedar Road and Stoneylee Road, Cumbernauld to premises at 1/3 South Wardpark Place, Cumbernauld and proposing that the Director of Planning and Development enter into negotiations for the assignation of the lease of the premises at South Wardpark Place, Cumbernauld. Decided: (1) that the Director of Planning and Development be authorised to negotiate a lease and secure an agreement for alterations for the property at 1/3 South Wardpark Place, Cumbernauld, and (2) that subject to (1) above, it be noted the existing premises at Alder Road, Cedar Road and Stoneylee Road, Cumbernauld would be declared surplus to requirements. DISPOSAL OF LAND TO AUCHlNGElCH MINERS SOCIAL CLUB 9. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of the North Lanarkshire Council held on 19 December 1996 there was submitted a report dated 2 April 1997 by the Director of Administration advising that the Secretary of State for Scotland had now given his consent for the Council to dispose of an area of ground to the Auchingeich Miners Social Club at less than market value. Decided: that the Sub-Committee note the agreement of the Secretary of State for Scotland to the disposal of land at Auchingeich Miners Social Club at less than market value and subject to conditions agreed by the Council on 19 December 1996. 207 PLANNING AND DNELOPMENT (BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY) SUB 8 April 7997 It was agreed in terms of Section 50A(4) of the bcal Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. LAND AT AIRBUS STREET/OAKFIELD DRIVE, MOTHERWELL 10. There was submitted a report dated 26 March 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development advising members of offers received in respect of the sale of an area of ground for a residential development site at Airbles Street/Oakfield Drive, Motherwell. Decided: (1) that the Council approve the sale of 0.538 hectares at Airbles Street/Oakfield Drive, Motherwell to Fairway Homes (Scotland) Limited for a consideration of €200,000, failing which the second highest offer be accepted; (2) that Minutes of Waiver be acquired from Brandon Investments Limited to rectify title restrictions for a consideration of E 1,400 plus reasonable legal costs; (3) that the acquisition costs be funded from the sale receipt, and (4) that all other terms and conditions be adjusted by the Head of Economic Development and Property. 4 .
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