ISSN 0159-4583 PR7ECLARVM The Federal Journal of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club of Australia DECEMBER 1984 N°6 — 84 Editor: Martin Bennett, “Allambi”, Yarra via Goulburn, N.S.W. 2580 « Front Cover Photo: New South Wales member Craig Robson's very handsome 1926 Phantom I Chassis No 30LC. Although it looks like a tourer, it is in fact a Californian Hardtop. Coachwork is by Jackson, Jones & Collins. Photo from Jim Redman. QUIDVIS RECTE FACTUM QUAMVIS HUMILE PRAECLARUM (Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble) — Royce, 1924 PRACLARVM DECEMBER 1984 N° 6 — 84 Editor: ■ litres Martin Bennett, > .‘.'I “Allambi”, r Yarra via Goulburn, New South Wales, 2580. ■ » Phone (048) 29 7140. EDITORIAL This issue marks the end of my first year as PRAECLARUM Editor. To say that I have enjoyed the task would be a gross understatement. Despite the inevitable tribulations and frustrations, it has been a most satisfying experience. While recog­ nising the impossibility of pleasing all the members all the time, I do hope that most readers have derived as much pleasure from the magazine as I have as its editor. As I pointed out in the last issue, your PRAECLARUM is posted to you by Eric and May Goudie of Can­ berra. The addresses, at least in the case of Club members who needless to say form the majority of the readership, are printed on self- adhesive labels which are sent to the Goudies every second month by the Branch Secretaries. This system works very well indeed provided all the Branch Secretaries despatch the labels on time. However, human nature being what it is, this is not always the case. Unfortunately, due to the bulk postage arrangements, this does mean that if only one WXA 68 Photo: Launceston Examiner. Branch's labels are slow in arriving, all the magazines are delayed, be­ cause none can be posted until all the labels are received. ■ NN: — I 1 f. •■ tU - "Never thought I'd get to drive a Rolls-Royce" 1003 WXA 68 1985 FEDERAL RALLY As part of the Company's public As a postscript to John Bull's well The Western Australia Branch is relations, Ted sometimes finds that researched article "Some History of busily organising the Federal Rally he is taken to out of the way places. a Wraith" (4-84), herewith a photo to be held in Perth in September On his way back to Canada he will of WXA 68 with her proud owner, 1985 and it is hoped that as many be calling in to Fiji to advise in Mr. P.H. Wong of Hong Kong (left). members as possible from the East­ relation to servicing the suspension Pictured with Mr. Wong are his wife ern States will take the opportunity of a Silver Shadow owned by the Nancy and brother Mr. P.T. Wong. of visiting the West at that time. island trading group W.R. Carpen­ The three are seen admiring the Recently elected W.A. President ter. Whilst there, Ted will also en­ newly completed Wraith ouside her Jeremy Green informs me that the deavour to call upon Mr. Dick restorer's business premises "Classic committee has extensive plans Smith, not only the owner of one of Cars", Rosevears, Tasmania, in June underway to make the rally most the Company's products (a 1954 1984. Mr. Wong considers his successful and enjoyable, particular­ R-type Bentley) but also owner of Wraith to be "better than a new ly for the interstate visitors. the tropical island Molololai, ten miles off the Nadi coast. Dick's Rolls . more character." When OVERSEAS NEWS asked about the car's riding qualities Bentley (which he purchased in In Britain, our sister club, Rolls- he quipped "It is like being in a Sydney) doesn't do many miles each Royce Enthusiasts' Club has held its lover's arms." year — it is the only car on the spectacular "Wheels and Wings" island and there are no made roads!! 80th Anniversary Show at Duxford, Terminological inexactitude 1984 FEDERAL REGISTER with over 800 Rolls-Royce and Bent­ In the last issue (5-84) on page ley vehicles attending. In the United The Federal Register for 1984 has 987, the latest acquisition of Victor­ States, the Rolls-Royce Owners' now been circulated and we trust ian Silver Ghost connoisseur David Club of America has recently had a that it meets with members' approv­ Jones was described, apparently most successful Annual Meet in al. I hasten to point out that any wrongly, as a London — Edinburgh Pennsylvania with well known local errors or omissions cannot be model. Shortly after going to press I member George Sevenoaks attend­ blamed either on our hardworking stumbled upon an article written by ing, as usual, to show the Australian Federal Registrar John Fittler, or a previous owner of this car, Fred flag! Speaking of showing our flag upon the various State Registrars, Robinson of W.A., in the April 1970 overseas, it is with great pleasure but rather upon the members them­ edition of PRAECLARUM, in which that we hear that W.A. Life Member, selves! The Register is compiled he describes it as a standard Silver Tom Clarke, has recently been from information submitted (or not Ghost chassis fitted with replica L-E awarded a trophy by the R.R.E.C. for submitted as the case may be) by the coachwork and a L-E type carburet­ the greatest single contribution in members. Please assist both John, ter. Having no reason to doubt the the year by any Club member. Those and the Club, to prepare an accurate word of so knowledgeable a mem­ of you who know Tom would be and complete Register by submitting ber I must now assume that my aware of the enormous efforts he has full and accurate details of all vehi­ caption to the photograph of 1910E made to organise the archives at the cles owned by you. on page 942 (2-84) was also in Royce Foundation and generally to It is hoped, as soon as possible error. assist with records and library for after the close of each financial year, I would like to take this opportun­ both the Foundation and the U.K. to obtain from the Branches updated ity of wishing all PRAECLARUM Club. Our congratulations to you, details of members' cars and to readers a Merry Christmas and safe Tom. prepare a Federal Register on an and happy motoring in 1985. annual basis. This obviously re­ TRAVELLING INSPECTOR TED quires, however, prompt co­ Martin Bennett COOK operation from members in paying Who said the days of the Com­ their annual dues and submitting pany's travelling inspectors are details of vehicles to their State over? It is only their mode of travel Registrars. Members are also re­ FROM THE FEDERAL that has changed! Mr. Inspector quested, on an ad hoc basis, to SECRETARY Hanbury, who purchased The Silver submit individual details to the Federal Registrar direct, in order that Well Christmas is almost upon us Ghost 60551 from Rolls-Royce, his computer listings may be up­ and another year of Rolls-Royce would be amazed at the recent trip dated from time to time, minimising motoring under our belts (tyres?). of his modern-day successor Mr. the work required each year. The last year or so has been most Ted Cook. interesting from the viewpoint of our Ted, who has been based in Van­ PRAECLARUM Club, the new A.C.T. Branch has a couver for some eight years on Martin Bennett is doing an excel­ membership of over 50; the historic behalf of the Company has responsi­ lent job with PRAECLARUM, but visit to Australia of Silver Ghost bility for all Rolls-Royce vehicles for notwithstanding this excellence, AX-201 in March and April saw the the geographic area east from Bang­ your support and assistance by con­ largest number of Rolls-Royce and ladesh right around the world to tinuing to submit articles and photo­ Bentley motor vehicles (approx­ Nova Scotia, and encompassing all graphs of interest is still actively imately 200) ever congregated in of Asia and the Pacific! Ted has sought. one spot in Australia; the Federal recently made one of his regular Rally in Bathurst having the largest visits to Japan and Australia, visiting In closing I take the opportunity of number of vehicle attendees (112), the various distributors and dealers, wishing all members a Happy and expansion in all areas of Branch helping to ensure that sales and Christmas and healthy New Year. activities throughout Australia. service continue to run smoothly. Keith Wherry 1004 Left: Bill Coburn introducing his FROM THE BRANCHES subject and (below) donning his overalls with a characteristic A.C.T. flourish, preparatory to getting down to some serious AUTOMATIC GEARBOX DAY dismantling. As the next photo 7 October down shows, the enthralled It was a Stirling effort on the part of audience watched spellbound as both Bill Coburn and Penn Bradly in the mysteries of the automatic the organisation of this Technical gearbox were unravelled! The Day. bottom photograph depicts, left to There can be no doubt that when right, Bill Coburn, your Editor and properly explained the mechanics of Milton Ashby pondering the a car, even a Rolls-Royce, can be intricacies of the partially easily understood. In this instance dismantled 'box. Apart from the Bill used overhead projections to study of Eric Coudie, which was first explain the workings of this taken by the Editor, photos are by 4-speed gearbox, to show how each Laurie Holmes. piece fitted in and to point out those parts which we often hear about, such as bands, clutches etc, and this greatly enhanced our under­ standing.
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