SATURDAY, NOVE^ER 14.1941 • A vw R f* DtOf C b d ^ t io R ^ ’i h t W orUmt Etmtitts Bm lik FW Mw Moatk af Octotor, 19U their good will. Berritomganlaa- Caanot Place ‘Dirkcys tions, church and civic groups, • 7,696 ■ to Liaunch Prepare Plans Leave School n%k$. ■ .<1 A bout Town In Store Wbdowa Now Heard Along Main Street gacdem-ciobs, iuid interested in- \Maaitor of tto AodM Ikiralb \ divlduala should to encouraged to Bonaa of Ctraatattsaa R win not to poaatbla to participate in tto program, To Take Jobs Mmflehe*ter— ‘A City o f Vittage Chtam - 9tm O i abow live turkeya in windowa S5,000 Drive And on Some of Mmtche$ter*» Side Streete, Too For Christmas dnalor Red Orooo I imwiiwit wiU to Mancheater tbia year aa baa Tto Junior Red Croee will follow often been done in the paat its annual custom of providing gift MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 16,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ■t Mi taaOquiurtora. After the calf had been order­ Rev. Reynolds to Be in That long arm of coincidence sent himself and ask that the Red CroM Ready All cards, games, favors and table Over 1,000 Boys and VOL. LXIL, NO. 40 t o aarrad a t «:4S bjr ed removed from the window Charge; Fine Staff Now was seen in acUon this past week. flag be taken down due to the fact Over World to Make decorations for Army and Ns'vy Girls of This Town of the Checker Board Company A prominent Mancheater contrac­ it ia torn. hoopitala. They are now engaged on Main atreet early thia week (Signed) Serves Members. tor, Joe Hublard, had a ticket Holiday Merry One. in preparing special Christmas Quit After Reaching 16 two large turkeya, one black The Porter Street Flag Owner." menu covers for use of Navy ships. and, one white, were aecured to the American Legion dinner Although not related to Chriat­ _____ _ o f oon- fram a farm In Glaatonbury the finance campaign for the Numerous inquiries have been Over 1,000 boys and girls have ____ i f tlw Harvard party held laat Wednesday night. Chariie-Oulotta, tto Oak strart maa, Red Croes kit bags, which ara and placed hi the window. Manchectar T. M. C A. soon to be He couldn't attend so be gave it barber, broke out with a sign this received from Indlviduala and or­ given to .every soldier leaving for left schools ia Maacheoter within I CMk^ at tlia homa of The matter came to the at­ to a friend. It developed that the ganisations regarding Red Cross the past Bine months after reaeb- Rlebard Martin. launched will be under tto direc­ week that reflected hla dry aenae plans for Chrlatnuu gifts for men overseas duty, will to, for men who tention- of the inspector for friend couldn’t go either and pass- of humor. A placard in the win­ are leaving or who are en route at Ing the age of 16 and aecured s with Axis Units; _____ wa la play. High the Board o f Health and ha or­ tion of Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds in service in the Unite< .Statesand ed it on to someone else. ! dow of his ahojureads: at overseas bases. ^ Christmaa-time, a welcome Christ­ working certifleatea. The certlfl- . for Iba avanlng wont to dered them removed." and the aupervision of the budget The someone else gave It to still “Service Men's Barber Shop mas gift. IMa. Pony Pratt and the atar of Red Cross workers bv hospitals catea are being issued daily and committee, of which W. 0««rge another and the ticket made quite | Army Haircuts Repaired overuas will provide for every hoa- . Parents and reldtivea of men in toa rtifb, Arthur Bmith. a circuit in a few days. Finally a | __ , service can be assured that the average around 10 a day. Olenney la chairman. Dr. Reynolds friend of Joe Hublard’a met him on pitalized oerviceman attractive Red Crooa field staff with, the able- It is necessary for tha person Itr. and Mxa. Ouatava J. Bchaller will be assisted by Edgar Clarke I If you were walking along Main Christmas packages Which will the street and said “Joe, here's a contain cigarettes, playing cards, bodied troops, in Army and Navy who secured the certifloate to aC MS Owtar atraet. yeaterday War Necessity and Thomas Bentley in promoting ticket to the Legion dinner. Why atreet one morning this past week hospitals and in the Red CrosL clubs show that be or she has aecured atoarrcd thair 4»th wedding anni- you escaped sudden death—or at and other items that may be Se­ don't you go and have a good cured locally. Red Croae workers overMas, will do everything poa- work and the person who is to em­ aacaary. An informal party for time.” least a hard knock on ths head. aible" to make the C^hristmas season ploy them, must sign to t ^ ef­ ;ar in Battle Papers Needed A workman busy making repairs overseas are already making ex­ laaaMdlate mambera o f the family Hublard looked at the ticket tensive plana for the Christmas a merry one. fect. waa told aM to Sdialler home laat turned it over and by tto number on the roof of a one story build­ ing in the busineaa section left a holidays. 'Volunteer service where night. OB the back recognised it, as the big hammer on the edge of the available will to utilized, and rec­ Livery and Commercial vary ticket he bad given away sev­ reation progranu will to carried on The RataitAferchants Bureau of eral days previous! Nalurally he ro^. It became dlclodged and— Auto Operators Must kerplunk—hit the sidewalk. with in holiday spirit Hospitals will bo the Mancheater Chamber of Cotn- didn’t accept the generous gift of decorated appropriately, and no ef­ She Comes-r’Aliere She Goes narea wUI hold th^ final meeting Obtain (^rificates. his own ticket, and he got quite a resounding thump. No one waa Closing Day near at the time, fortunately. fort will be apuM to make it a Troops Sent Across of the oalendar year at the TALC. kick out of the circunutancea. merry CTirlstmaa. Allied Fighters Close •A. Bast Tueaday noon. Along oame a local milkman and Ia tlM Unltod Statoa REVIVAL SERVICES All pereona who oparate an auto­ the man on the roof asked him to mobile on a livery licenae and thoae O ne of tbs patrons of a local In the United States, Chriatmaa A t the ttoie will be a meeting of the lose the hammer up to hita. The plans will be much the same as in S.C Choral Club of the Second who operate a paaaenger ca-' with tavern who is saving for hla next hammer just cleared the big glass commercial- markera muat obtain year’s income tax by not buying tha past No nationally directed Congngational Church following window of the store below in the program ia planned, but field di­ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1^ Certificate of War Neceaaity any beers if he can help It waa en­ 466 Main Street — Manchester Sea to Hold Tunisia^ choir lehearaal at the church next milkman's first haave, but he got from the Oftlce^ of Defense Trana- joying a glass or two in the com­ rectora are charged with the re­ In on Japs at Buna; it up there the second time. Tuoaday evening. portatlon to be eligible for gaso­ pany of three frienda the other sponsibility of coordinating com­ Last Services of the Campaign: munity interesta in accordance A large attendance of the mem- line and tires in the future. This night It was long past his turn to Sunday At 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. was announced today by war Price order and his companions made all The office bachelor says that he with the wiahes of commanding of­ torahtp of Delta Chapter, Royal and Rationing Board 11-76 and all always gets suspicious of a him ficers. This year the Hospital and Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. N. Y. P. S., 6 ;30 P. M. Arch Maaona ia axpkted to be kinds of gestures indicating it waa persona in the aforementioned cate­ his turn. He remarked in a rather that starts calling him by his first Recreation Corps and Camp and HEAR REV . knd MRS. G. M. GALLOWAY, EvangelisU Army Hastens West aieaent at the Maaonic Temple to­ gories are urged to contact the sheepish tone that he couldn't name. “That's about the time she's Hoapital Councili will play a large Naval Claims Revised night aa the du^iter obaervea “Old ODT Office at llfi Ann street, got her eye on your last name’’ la part in making Chriatmaa interest­ •nmara N ight” Supper win be seem to make the bartender hear X _____ Hartford for further information. him because of a sots throat and his th eo^ . ing and attractive, and will aerve aarved at fi:aO and Pred C. TUden The status of liveries and com­ aa a channel through which many Hitler Reported to Have wUI fill the chair of High Prieat hoarse voice. Instantly one of the Navy a^ports tommel’s Broken Units mercial paaaenger cam wem in ^Mity who is employed in a local Not oven the Second Front groups and Indlviduala may direct Urges L on e doubt under the new Mileage Ra­ Speed Westward as Far Sent Personal and Uf> Lnat nlght’a meeting of Waah- drug store took out a box of throat move made by the United States mined Effort’ tioning Program that !a aoon to be­ losengec and at the same time said in North Africa could take top HAVE SUNDAY DINNER at the TEA ROOM! tagton Loyal Orange Lodge, No.
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