AMPAS FUBlICATIONS Acadilmyof Motion (, ""'.". /I.~ts and I::"" ... ~ .:",-!. L~Jr~ ry I -_._' >..'- --'>,,'-;- C;:;h----t. APRIL BULLETIN ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS & SCIENCES EXECUTIVE OFFICES AND LOUNGE: ROOSEVELT HOTEL,7010 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. TEL. GR-2134 No. XX HOLLYWOOD. CALIF.• APRIL 8. 1929 No. XX JUDGING ACADEMY ' BY THE RECORD The Academy will celebrate the second anniver­ Other types of criticisms have been captious, sary of its foundation by a dinner the night of May thoughtless or even malicious in their inspiration, 16, the first and chief feature being the formal be­ marked by distortions of facts and frequently by stowal of Merit Awards for distinguished achieve­ outright misstatements. Obviously, the Academy of ments of 1928. Particulars of the dinner will be Motion Picture Arts and Sciences cannot descend to found elsewhere in this issue of the Bulletin. the absurdity of a personal controversy with any With the near approach of the second anniversary dubious assailant of this character. The answers, if of the Academy's organization it is timely to report any should ever be required, will again be found in to the Academy membership on behalf of the officers the Academy's actual achievements. and Board of Directors the exact progress that has The aims and purposes of the Academy may be been made in carrying out the purposes for which again summarized as follows: the Academy was founded. How substantial this 1. Promotion of harmonious and equitable rela­ progress has been will be judged by the record rather tions within the production industry. than by laudatory superlatives on one hand or cap­ '2. Promotion of favorable public relations in tious criticism on the other. proper co-operation with other agencies. During the two years that the Academy has been 3. Advancement of the arts and sciences of mo­ functioning it has been subjected to certain outside tion picture production. criticisms and misunderstandings. Some of these crit­ Reports on all three of these Academy functions icisms have been well meant and honest, possibly at will be found under appropriate headings in this times merited. Persons or publications not familiar Bulletin. with the idealistic principles which inspired the spon­ In the meantime, the true Academy spirit is one taneous foundation of the Academy have sometimes of optimism. The aims and purposes of the founders doubted the sincerity of its founders, and at other and those who have joined with them in building up times have questioned the practical possibility of its this important institution are as sound today as they achievements. These doubts are natural obstacles, were when they were first promulgated, May 11, inevitable to any new movement. They can only be 1927. Principles do not die. Practice may err and overcome by time and actual performances. be corrected, but truth is indestructible. ACADEMY ANN I V E R S A 'R Y DINNER The Academy dinner to be held the night of May the part of the press, public and the profession by 16, 1929 (postponed from May 9), in the supper reason of the gen'erally judicious selections and the room of the Roosevelt Hotel, is primarily for the comprehensive variety of achievements. Recipients purpose of bestowal of merit awards. The list of of the awards have responded to the announcements winners appeared in the last number of the Bulletin. with gratifying appreciation. There are fifteen bronze-gold statuette trophies to be The Ways and Means Committee (Executive presented to those who were given first awards for Committee of the Board of Directors) to whom the distinguished achievements during the year ending conduct of the dinner was referred, decided at its July 31, 1928. There were also twenty honorable meeting March 27 that there shall be no charge to mentions. The winners of all the several awards will members for dinner reservations, and that each mem­ be invited to be present and to receive the trophies ber shall be entitled to bring guests at $5.00 per and diplomas. plate. Invitations with all information and with The dinner also marks the second anniversary of blanks for reservations will be sent to the members the Academy's organization. The Academy charter in ample time, but it is hoped and recommended by was issued May 4, 1927, and the organization din­ the Committee that all members will now make note ner was held May 11 of the same year. The coming of the date and set it aside so that there may be a dinner will therefore follow these two anniversary full attendance. Taken in all its aspects, the dinner dates. should be one of the most notable events in the The awards have met with universal approval on Academy's history. PROCEDURE OF CONCILIATION The Academy's experience of nearly two years in CONCILIATION the handling of complaints for reference to the Con­ ciliation Committee has now reached a point where In the same manner matters of individual com­ a more definite system of procedure seems desirable. plaint have been considered through the conciliation The framers of the Constitution and By-Laws were machinery of the Academy with almost invariable able to foresee the difficulties to be overcome to a success. A considerable number of complaints have considerable extent, but actual experience has indi­ been adjusted without record or reference to com­ cated certain changes in practice, which should ex­ mittees. Others have been disposed of by the execu­ pedite the consideration of cases and make the pro­ tive committees of the different branches. Of those cedure more uniform and the results more effective. referred to the Conciliation Committee two have resulted in trials and the others have been decided HARMONY from the papers and statements submitted. In the opinion of many members of the Academy JUSTICE the Conciliation feature of the organization's func­ tions are the most important of all the purposes for In this connection it is interesting to note that in which it was founded, coming under the first divi­ only one case that reached the Conciliation Commit­ sion summarized in the opening statement of this tee has judgment been rendered in favor of a pro­ number of the Bulletin, namely, the "promotion of ducing company, although a few complaints against harmonious and equitable relations within the pro­ producing companies and others have been rejected duction industry." Under the same heading the uni­ by Branch Executive Committees as not well enough form contract for free lance artists has been in suc­ substantiated to warrant reference to conciliation. cessful operation for considerably over a year. It has Also, in only one case has a producing company re­ been revised and modified promptly from time to fused to abide by an Academy decision, and that time as occasion has warranted and is recognized company was not represented by Academy member­ universally by all producing companies and players ship. It should be needless to add, that in the con­ whether represented in the Academy or not. sideration of all complaints the officers and commit- [2 ] tees have endeavored to reach just decisions on the a more regular and legal form than has hitherto merits of the cases. sometimes been followed. In the next number of the Bulletin, or as soon as ACTION the records are prepared, a resume of all cases con­ sidered in regular form by Academy Committees The advisability of establishing a uniform and will be furnished. regular procedure for handling all complaints was considered at a meeting of the Conciliation Commit­ REHEARING tee held March 20. At this meeting it was decided to call into conference the Academy's legal adviser The Conciliation Committee also considered at its and the chairmen of the different Executive Commit­ meeting March 20 a request submitted by the Ac­ tees. It was felt by the Committee that each Execu­ tors' Executive Committee under date of March 6, tive Committee should thoroughly investigate all asking that a rehearing be granted in a case recently complaints before submitting them to the .concilia­ decided by the Committee. The request for a re­ tion Committee with a view to obtaining immediate hearing is in the nature of a motion for a new trial, adjustments where possible, and where adjustments for the purpose of submitting further evidence. The were not possible and the cases appeared to warrant respondent company has waived objections to this reference to the Conciliation Committee they should action and has consented to re,open the case in the be reported up with complete records of all papers interest of a complete understanding. A date for the and investigations. rehearing will be fixed to suit both parties. CONFERENCE CONFIDENTIAL The conference meeting was held Thursday night, It has been the practice in relation to conciliation March 28, and was attended by three members of matters to treat all complaints as confidential and the Conciliation Committee, two chairmen of Branch not make them matters of publicity. This policy will Executive Committees, the legal adviser, Vice-Presi­ be continued, unless action of the Board of Direc­ dent and Secretary. After a thorough discussion, tors is taken to the contrary. The reason for not it was decided that the attorney should draw up a making conciliation investigations and transactions definite form of procedure in conformity with the public has been for the purpose of preserving har­ wishes of the Conciliation Committee. This form mony and goodwill, instead of promoting irrespon­ of procedure will also contemplate the establishment sible discussions, arguments and misunderstandings. of a docket in which shall be entered all complaints Where precedents have been created by committee and the regular formal actions thereon, so that the decisions they have been reported in the Bulletin conduct of complaints in the Academy will take on witholJit naming the complainants or respondents.
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