-V* v: MANCHESTER, CONN.,* TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 207 TWENTY PAGES / Manchester—A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS 'hU i P |l § Ford Climaxes European Trip ' •/ With Visit With Pope Paul ,r 7 i ROME (UPI) — President Ford stopped friendship and kinship” which link Italy “It was an extremely successful trip,” and American warships use various off for talks with Pope Paul and the and the United States. ^ Kissinger said. “It gave new sense, vitali­ Italian ports frequently. leaders of NATO partner Italy today Leone praised Ford for his work in ty and direction to NATO. Uncertainty has In his talk with the Pope, Ford was also enroute hotne from a European trip his rallying NATO to new unity at the been eliminated. expected to resume his exploration of Mid­ aides called “extremely successful.” Brussels summit last week. “-The talks with Sadat were a new step dle East policy with « review of the Italy’s President Giovanni Leone .“The Brussels summit rightly reaf­ toward peace.” Roman Catholic church's position on the "^^assured Ford his nation — the anchor of firmed that security for everyone is a vital Ford had 10 hours of talks and holy places which have been occupied by m NATO’s Mediterranean front— supports a need for all,” Leone said in his greeting to ceremonial affairs scheduled in Rome Israel since the 1967 war. strong and unified Western alliance. Ford. before flying on to Washington in the Ford's European trip, the first he has 1 »£ S i Ford flew to Rome for a 10-hour “A united and strong Europe would have evening made to the continent as President, in­ stopover from Salzburg, Austria, where he a role of great importance to play in these Italy's StMstMtegic importance within cluded a two-day NATO summit meeting held two days of cordial and encouraging essential problems.” NATO hasi iriweasedir iC r i with the political tur- in Brussels and a one-day visit to Madrid talks, on Middle East peace prospects with On the flight from Salzburg, Secretary moil that clouds the alliance status of in addition to the Salzburg meeting with Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat. of State Henry A. Kissinger told reporters NATO's other south-flank nations — Sadat. The President looked refreshed as he Ford's European trip yielded rich foreign Turkey, Greece and Portugal. Tonight the President flies to arrived with Mrs. Ford aboard Air Force policy dividends. The U.S. Sixth Fleet is based in Napies Washington to begin preparing for the next One, but he seemed to favor the trick knee stage in his peace effort, a meeting with that caused him to tumble down the air­ Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin plane ramp in Salzburg. He descended June 11-12. slowly from his plane at Rome’s Ciampino Secret Senate Session Sadat headed for Athens and talks with Airport and clutched the guiderails with Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis both hands. en route home to Cairo. Ford flew to Leone's Quirinale palace Asked on Missile Plan Ford's meetings with Sadat produced for talks with the chief of state and Prime - WASHINGTON (UPl) - Sen. Thomas J. McIntyre said Schlesinger was promises of American economic aid for Minister Aldo Moro by helicopter — thus McIntyre, D-N.H., called today for a rare proposing “fighting technologies which Egypt, strong indications of an upcoming avoiding the massive traffic jams caused secret session of the Senate to discuss are distracting us from our real national effort to obtain a second Egyptian-Israeli by security precautions laid on for his what he called a Pentagon policy shift that security needs, which arS to secure the disengagement and an invitation to Ford visit. would give the Soviets a motive to attack survivability of our own deterrent force no to visit Cairo. Rose for Mrs, Schaffer Police blocked off the entire Quirinale U.S. missiles. matter what the Russians might do.” Hill — one of the seven hills of Rome — to “We are faced vyith a dramatic move Secretary of the State Gloria Schaffer, center, accepts a rose from Mrs. traffic. Drivers caught up in the resulting from a nationally agreed-upon concensus jams shouted abuse at police, shook their Nancy Warden, state president of the Connecticut Federation of Democratic that would put the weight of our policy Women’s Clubs, as Mrs. Irene Pisch, new president of the Democratic fists and honked their horns. behind stopping nuclear war, to doctrines Use of CATY Channel At a ceremony in the sunny gardens of Women’s Club of Manchester, looks on. Mrs. Schaffer was guest speaker at and technologies designed to fight limited the Quirinale, former home of Popes and nuclear wars,” he said. “This dramatic the Manchester club’s installation banquet. Mrs. Warden served as installing one of Europe's grandest palaces. Ford shift in policy has gone virtually un­ To Hinge on Funding officer. (Herald photo by Ryder) saluted the ‘‘extraordinary ties of noticed.” McIntyre said he wanted the Senate to By DOUG BEVINS meeting was the cost of using the govern­ hear for itself secret testimony which he It appears that Manchester’s town ment channel, and who’ll pay for it. said will show there is “no military government doesn’t want to spend any Vincent King, general manager of Mrs, Schaffer Cites Dividends justification” to spend billions of dollars money to take advantage of its access to Greater Hartford CATV, told directors to create a nuclear counterforce that cable television, but officials are going to he’ll give the town free access to a cable could penetrate the toughest silos protec­ seek funding from the state government to channel. He said he’ll offer advice on how ting other nations’ missiles. use the new medium. to use it, but he won’t produce the McIntyre said the Senate military That was the message Monday night programming tor the town. He urged of­ Of Political Party Work research and development subcommittee from Town Manager Robert Weiss and ficials to use cable TV. he chairs has been examining the Asst. Town Manager Charles McCarthy at The other two speakers Monday “counterforce” proposal of Defense a local seminar on the potential of cable night—Hal Houston of the state Depart­ By BETTY RYDER “ I do hope more women will decide to she was a woman, but because she was the Secretary James R. Schlesinger for television, which came to Manchester ment of Community Affairs and Myron Secretary of State Gloria Schaffer told translate their civic energies into can­ best candidate.” months. earlier this year. Weiner of the Institute of Public Ser­ members of the Democratic Women's didacies. For the first time last fall, the The secretary of the state said her in­ “The record is clear that the Pentagon The seminar —involving three experts vice-referred to cable television as a Club of Manchester Monday night to win-rate for women running for places in terest in the Bicentennial has grown in­ has offered no military justification for on cable TV —was for the benefit of the tremendous medium to reach townspeople becomp more involved in politics. state legislatures nationally was 50 per creasingly and she has become very in­ these dangerous nuclear war fighting town Board of Directors, which is being and urged its use. •a ' She addressed the club’s installation "cent, the same as for male candidates. volved in research of the Revolutionary technologies and the Senate should have asked to consider using a governmental • Both Houston’s and Weiner’s agencies War Period and the role women played in access channel provided to the town free offer consulting services on how to use banquet at Manchester Country Club. “This means, I think, that there are the benefit of this secret testimony,” he it. by Greater Hartford CATV, the local cable. Houston also announced the “Democrat Women’s clubs especially fewer women officeholders than men not said. pay a high dividend in experiences for the She stressed the need for clubwomen to cable franchiser. availability of help from a four-college because women can’t win votes when they “The facts are these nuclear war time and energies invested. Through these actively support the political party of their Indications are that the Board of Direc­ consortium on video, and he said his run, but because they choose less often to fighting technologies would actually clubs, a woman has a great opportunity to choice by participating in a political club tors will go along with the idea —sooner or department is seeking federal grants to seek public office,” Mrs. Schaffer .said. diminish our national security. In time of refine her leadership skills, to be an which offers her the chance to broaden her later. They were told Monday night that pass on to municipalities using cable. crisis the Soviets would have a positive educator for herself and her community, She cited Gov. Ella Grasso's win for the own political horizons while assisting the “sooner” is better, because funding Houston said the Department of Com­ motive to attack our own missiles because to be a publicist, a fund-raiser and a top post in the State of Connecticut and candidates she believes best representm lher sources may dry up in a couple of years munity Affairs has applied for equipment they would be seen as a threat to their own program planner,” she said. said, “She won it on her own, not because views. and the free access channel may be dis­ and consulting grants under the federal Mr^-Nancy Narden, state president of missile force,” McIntyre said.
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