Rajesh Gangopadhyay Advocate 12 Government Place East 1'' Floor Kolkata - 700 069 Mobile : 983is-97680 Res: 033-2531-0172 DATED 9,I'H JAUNUARY 2014 I Backeround of the Title A. By a Bengali Indenture of Sale dated 22nd March, 1880 registered with Sub-Registrar Sealclah in Book No. i. Volume No. 8, Pages 96 to 99, being Deed No. 683 tbr the year 1880. the said Smr. Bhaba Sundali Dasi, for the consideration thelein tnentioned, sold unto the said Sri Ram Narain Chatterjee all the building together lvith piece and parcel of land nreasuring an area of 15 Cottah 13 Chittack more or less a1 Premises No. 7. Galpar Road, P.S. Maniktala (norv Narkeldanga) Dist. Sor-rth 24 Parganas. (heteatier the said Prcmises). ll. The said Ram Narain Chatteriee died intestate in the year 1899 leaving behind him sr.rrviving his 2 sons, (1) Jitendra Nath Chatteiee and (2) Ganga Chamn Chatterjee' as the onlv legal heirs ol the said deceased, who inherited the atbremcntioned Premises amongsl olhcr propedies lett behind by rhe said Ram Narain Chatterjee. C. B.v an Indenture of Sale dated 4'h January, 1945 registered with Sub-Registrar Sealdah in Book No. l, Volume No. 4,Pages 221 to 226, being Deed No.26 for the year 1945, the said Jitendra Nath Chatterjee and Ganga Charan Chatterjee jointly sold transfened and conveyed the aforementioned Premises to Smt. Sova Sundali Sen D. I'he saicl Smt. Sor,a Sunclari Sen, alias Smt. Sova Sen held the al'olcmeDtioned Premises as the bcnarrdar ol'her husband Sri Netai Charan Sen. Ii R1'a Deecl of Release dated 7tr' Juh'. 19(i2. registered ai the Olficc of the Registrar of .\ssurances. Cillcuttr in Book No. I, !'olumc No. 118, Pages l8 to '10. heing L)eed No. 1538 ibr tire year 1962 the said Smt. Sova Sundari Sen thereby ciisclain.red ancl disouned and relinquished the afor.ementioned Premises unto and in favortr of her husband SIi Netai Charan Sen. The original Deed of Release made by Smt. Sova Sundari Sen has been nisplaced or lost. F. Thus, the said Sri Netai Charan Sen being the sole and absolute owner of the aforementioned Premises died intestate on 10th March, 1982 at Calcutta Ieaving behind him sur-viving his son Sri Rabindra Nath Sen, daughter smt. sabita Laha and the said smt. Sova Sundari Sen, alias Sova Sen being his widow as his only heir and heiress and Iegal representatives ,vho became entitle the aforesaid Premises in undivided equal shares' G l'hc said Smt. Sova Sundari Sen died on 2l st Ma-v, 2002 a1 C'illcutta. Prior to that by a Will rhtcil lllth lrchntarl . 1999 the stid Smt. Sola Sundari Scn {\vile ol the said SIi Nitai (,lrual Sen) iieviscrl ancl bcqueatheri her undivided 1/3''t share in the atbrerneutioned P|cnrises unt,:r and in f'avour of her grandso:l Sri Arlitava Sen and after her dernise the l\rrbare has been dull' granted by an order .lated 25th Januar'1' 2005 by thc Ld. Chicf .lrrdge. Cit1, Civil Court at Calcirtta and b"v vifiue ol the said i)robaac thc said Sri Rabindra Nath Sen. Sri Amitarva Sen and Smt. Sabita Laha became the absolute or'vner of the albremertioned Premises each having 1/3'd r"urdivided proportionate share. lI. tsy Agreemerl fbr Sale dated 20rh January,2005 berween Rabi'd,a Nath Scn, Anitabha Sen and Sabita Laha (collectivety vendors) agreed to sell the aforementioned Prcmises to M/s. Ganapati Buildcon, a pafinership film having its olfice at 2A, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, 4'l' Floor, Kolkata - 700 013, represenled by its paltner (1) Sri Saniay Kumar Gupta, (2) Smt. Reliha Gupta, (3) Sri Vivek Kumar Saha, (4) Smt. Flema Keshan and (5) Sri Anil Kumar Glrpta, as the Purchaser therein on the terms and conditions contained thereirr' r) r ,, f r (..'li q. .11rr. erf--nah'.laV Rajesh Gangopadhyay Advocate 12 Covernment Place East 1'' Floor Kolkata - 70O 069 Mobile : 983i9-97680 Res: 033'2531-0172 Thereafter, the said M/s. Ganapati Buildcon, as Confiming Party nominated Shree Krishra Propenies, a Pannership Firm having its office at 78, Bentinck Street, 51r'Floor. Kolkata- 700001 with the consent of the Vendors hereinabove. .I, By a Deed of Sale dated l2'h October,2010 registered rvith the Adclitional Registrar of Assurances-I. Kolkata in Book No. I, CD Volume No. 24, Pages 6336 to 6358, being Deed No. 099i9 for the year 2010, the said Sri Rabindra Nalh Sen. Sri Amitava Sen and Smt. Sabita Laha as Vendors and M/s. Canapati Buildcon represertecl by its partner (1) Sri Sarrjav Kumar Gupra. (2) Smt. Rekha Gupta. (:l) Sri Vivek Krular Saha, (4) Smt. Hema Keshur and (5) Sri .A.nil Kumar Gupta, as Conlirming Pafiy sold. tr.ansferred. conveyed and rrssured to Shree Krishna Properties the aforementioned Premises i.e. ..\ll 'fhat the 2 d\elJing houses. one 2 storied brick built messuage tenement or dwelling house having total covered area of 1000 sq. ft. cemented floor ald another tin shed unit having covered area of.l00 sq.ft. rogether with the piece and parcel of land or part thereof on which the same is erected and built containing by estimation 15 Cottah and 13 Chittack more or less lying sitLrate and being No. 7, Garpar Road, within the Municipal limits of the Town of Kolkata, KMC Ward no. 28, ADSR Office at Sealdah, P.S. Narkeldanga (previously Manicktolla), morefully described in the Schedule herein below (hereinafter re1'erred to as "Said Prcmises"). K. Jhus. fic said Sbree Krishna Properlies js thc pt.senl olvner oi tlrc said Premises and have n'lrtated their name in the records ol Kolkata Municipal Colporation heing Asscssee No. r r0280700149. II SCHIDULE ABOVE REFDRRED TO: SAID PRE1VIISES All ThaI the 60 years old 2 dwelling houses, one 2 storied brick built messuage tenement or drvelling house having total covered area of 1000 sq.ft. cemented floor and another tin shed unit having covered area of 400 sq.ft. together with the piece and parcel ol land or part thereof on which the same is erected and built containing by estimation 15 Cottah and 13 Chittack more or Iess lying situate and being No. 7, G'upar Road, within the Municipal limits of the Town of Kolkata, KMC Ward no. 28, ADSR Office at Sealdah, P.S. Narkeldanga (Previously N4anicktolla) and the same is butted and bounded as under: On the \orth Municipal dmin, On thc Ilast Pafil1, by I)remises No. llA and l']artly hr, Prentiscs No.8. Garpar Road, On the South Partly by Garpar Road and partly by Pren.rises No.8 & 9, Garpar Road, On the West Premises No. 6 Garpar Road, SI.No. Particulars Place of Search Year of Entries Annexure Search found 1 Rabindra Nath Sen. RA Kolkata 1998-2013 YEAR 2O1O DR Alipore 1998-2013 SR Sealdah 1998-2013 Stn '\r'nitabha RA Koikata 1998-2013 YIIA I1 2010 fl DR A lipore I 998-201 i SR Sealdah 1998-201:l !. ^ ;,..,l^ l,n r^,cr,FoAhl*art+ Rajesh Gangopadhyay Advocate 12 Government P1ace East 1" Floor Kolkata -700 069 Mobile ; 983i9-97680 Res: 033-2531-0172 I I Sabita Laha RA Kolkata 1998-2013 YE.,\I{ 2010 C i DR Alipore 1998-2013 SR Sealdah 1998-201:l .+ (ianapati Buildcon RA Kolkata 2005-201l YEAR 201O D DR A)ipore 2005-201i SR Sealdah 2005-2013 ) Sanjat' Kr. Gupta RA Kolkata 2005-2013 YF.AR 20 IO F DR Alipore 2005-2013 SR Sealdah 2005-2013 6 Rekha Gupta RA Kolkata 2005-2013 YEAR 201O F DR Alipore 2005-2013 SR Sealdah 2005-2013 7 Vivek Kumar Saha RA Kolkata 2005-2013 YEAR 201O G DR Alipore 2005-2013 SR Sealdah 2005-2013 I Smt I{ena Keshan RA Kolkata 2005-2013 YEAR 20I O H DR Alipor e 2005-201 3 SR Sealdah 2005-2013 9 Anil Kumar GLrpta RA Kolkata 2005-20t3 YEAR 20 1O DR Alipore 2005-2013 SR Sealdalr 2005-2013 10 Sri Krishna Properties RA Kolkata 2010-20r3 YEAR 201O .l DR Alipore 2010-2013 SR Sealdah 2010-2013 11 7. Garpar Road, Ward RA Kolkata 1998-2013 YEAR 201O K No. 28, P.S. DR Alipore 1998-2013 Narkeldanga, Kolkata SR Sealdah 1998-2013 - 700009 IV. Result of Entries Deed of Sale dated 12tr' October, 2010 registered with thc Additional Registar of -,\ssurances-T. Kolkata in Book No. I. CD Volume No. 2-1. Pages 6336 to 6i58' hcing Deed No. 09919 for the year 2010, the sajd Sri Rabindra Nath sen. SIi r\nritava Se:r and Snir. S!bira I-aha (Vcndors) and Nl/s. (ianapati Utrildcon rcpresetrlctl l)) its pan]leI (l)SIi Sanjay Kumar Gupta, (2) Smt. Rekha Cupta, (3) Sri Vivek Kumar Saha, (4) Smt. Ilcma Keshan and (5) Sri Anil Kumar Gupta (Confirming Party) And Shree Krislura Propeties (Purchaser) V Conclusion : Relying on the aforesaid documents i.e. the Purchase Deed of Shree Krishna properties supplied by Shree Krishna Properties and search note of Goutam Das and the repiesentation of the present owners and rvhatever has been stated in paragraph I (A 10 K) of the se;rch report, in respect of Premises No. 7, Garpar Road, P.S. Narkeldanga (previously Maniktala), KMC Ward No.28, Kolkata - 700009, being Assessee No. 110280700149 and all easements rights upon all roads and passages (hereinafter called the Said Premises) is free from all encumbrances whatsoever and the same has a marketable title 1 .,) l'-ra tl^ /+ a t t 1.t f'r.,, ) b-fr€L* Itajcsh Gangopadhyal' Advocate +1:ri.
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