• * J* r^- r AT«r«f • Daflj Net PnM Itm Tat the WMk BmM »U y X 1W4 1 3 ,9 6 1 . Ckmr, m M »*«>«»>«• at th« Audit Butmu at CireulsUoo Mandt0$ttr'~ A City of yUlagm Chorm VOL. LXXXin, NO. 18S (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 4, * (O umUM AdrtflMBC Pugu 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Political Pace Increases: Events 7 Primaries Tomorrow In State U.S. er Arrives WASHINGTON CAP) —.^Bwrjr OotdwuUr of ArlKnut ItfftmtMlI couch Bud WlUcinacn Cotter Assumes Seven primary elections the odds-on favorite to top makes his political debut In Ok­ Tuesday touch off one of field of tour whichich lncluds4 lahoma's Senate RepuBlican Insurance Post Harold B. Stassen of P h U ^ I- nomination race. Harbor the most'active pre^onven- phia and two lesser-known oan- The IN OOP convention dele­ tion weeks of the j^itical .didates. Ilie wlnqsr gets Indi­ HARTFORD (AP) — gates to Be chosen this week William R. Cottar of Hart* season. ana's N-first-BaliM votes at the will push the numBer selected to Voter* la Indiuu, Ohio, Oklu- Kim Blioap National ConvenUon. 653 Almost half of the 1,5M .au­ ford today at 11:80 a.m., hams, AlaBsms, Blortds. K*w Delegates to Both conventions thorised. It will take 566 to nom­ was sworn in By Governor 8 .Americans Mexico and the District Of Co­ will Be chosen next month. inate a candidate. ^ '* Dempsey as the state’s lumBia and atate conveoUona In Also at stake in Indiana are Ooldwater, leading with 3N of new insurance coitimission- DeUware, Mlchlfan, Alhaka, Ne­ nominations for 11 House seats. the 615 chosen according to an W ou n d ed by vada and WyomBia wui: Five IncumBents have prhnaiy Associated Press survey, could er. The Governor named the —Expresa a preference tor a opposition, five don't. Rep. Dom- ick up more support at the 87-year-old Hartford man, presidential aeinlnee. old C. BniOe Is quitting to seek SDelaware convenUon Tuesday who has served as deputy Red Grenade —Chooee IN RepuBlican and the RepuBlican Senate nomina­ and at RepuBlican gatherings In commissioner since Decem­ SOS DemBoraUc delates to tion irt the state convention next Michigan and Wyoming Friday their asrty nominating conven- month. and Iteturday. Ber 1957, to succeed, the late SAIGON, South. Viet ttopeC" In. other km elections Tues­ Delegates to Both conventions Commissioner Alfred N. Nam (A P )— The U.S. de- •u. ^^-^ Womlnate candidates tor two day, Ohio's Rep. RoBert Taft also wlll.Be chosen in the Ohio Premo. slroy-er Lyman K. Swenson uj^B^eruurs’ mansions, four Sen- Jr., son of the late Sen. RoBert and District of OohimMa Pri- (tottor sUrted his new duties aNJwets and St House easts.' A. Taft, seeks the RepuBlican Immediately. His salary will he arrived in Saigon today for . -I^ ld e other Issues'Vanflng Senate nomination and former (See Page Four) 514,860— a Boost of 51,260 over what could Be an American from unpledged prasMentlal the salary he received as dep­ show of force following the * electorh to a nght-to-work laBor uty. sinking of the aircraft law.. In announcing the empoint- Moat at attention arlU Bo ment, the Governor said; "BiU transport Card in the Sai­ or gon River. M> ea Indiana, VAere Ck>y. Cleorge Famous Glenn Name Cotter has demonstrated clear­ C. Wallace of'AlaBama makes ly to mo his abHlty to handle A Navy sjiokesman said the another Bid tor Morthem votes this Job with diligence and great Swenson was on a routine opei> in' his campaigii against the competence." aUonal visit. ABoard was Capt. Johnson admlmstiAtlon’s clvU Factor in Ohio Vote The new commissioner was C. C. Hartlgan Jr., commander rights but. He Is opposed in the graduated from Trinity College of the 7th Fleet's Destroyer DamocraUc presidential prefer­ in 1940. He served as memBer Squadron Nine. ence primary By Indiana'Ck>v. COLUMBUS, Ohio (A P)—The^AmBassador Henry CaBot ctf the Hartford City Council The Swendon tied up within M atthm B. Welsh, a stim d^ feeling in Ohio today is that Lodge, half a world away in Sai­ from 1085 to 1055 and from sight of the Card, amich has for President Johnson, and three anything might happen in the gon, South Viet Nam, walked off 1955 to 1057 was an aide to for­ Been partlaly refloated since ter­ other candidates. The winner Democratic and RepuBlican pri­ with the state's 14 delegates in mer Governor A. A. RlBlcoff. rorists tore a 38-foot hole In Its ' can lay claim to 51 flM-Ballot maries Tuesday. a tremendous write-in surge. Cotter Is currently treasurer of side with explosives Before votes. By all the odds. Sen. Stephen The situation in Ohio is com ­ the Democratic SUte Central dawn Saturday. On the RepuBlican side Sen. M. Young, who 1* oBserving his paraBle only in the fact that Committee and his term in that Salvage workers were patch­ 76th Birthday today, should win Glenn has not Been aBle to cam ­ poet expires June 6. ing the hole preparatory to renomination handily. paign Because, he fell against a The appointment of Cotter to pumping out the vessel. But there is the Intriguing Bathtub in ColiunBus late In fill the unexplred term of the Saigon stUl was tense mtd on question t>f how a famous name FeBruary and developed an in­ late commissione'r Premo, ex­ the alert Monday with jiativls Indiana Eyed on the D ^ o o ra tlc Ballot—that ner eiar disturBance Which he tending to March 1, 1967, will checking downtown traffic and of ailing astronaut Lt. Col. John require confirmation of either troops swarming around the announced would not permit dock area. H. Glenn Jr.—will fare. him to run or to accept nomin­ Branch of the next regular ses­ For Wallace In the RepuBlican contest, ation even If the voters gave It sion of the General AssemBly. No one was seriously Injured Rep. RoBert Taft Jr. has all the to him. aBoard the Card But eight Amer­ Betting on his side-on a contest The Ohio voters are going to Cite» Rail Plight icans and a Vietnamese were Primary Vote with Secretary of State Ted W. have their say on several ques­ wounded when another terrorist Brown for the GOP spnatorial BRIDGEPORT (AP) —"It Is tossed a hand grenade Into their tions. entirely possiBle. .that without ___ _ Meeting The People INDIAN APOLM [AP) — Indi­ nomination. Does a famous name and per­ midst in Saigon Saturday night. But here, too, there Is the puBlic participation, the ultimate Four of the wouinded said they ana's hottest primary campaign sonality override In the average rail service.. .throughout south­ President Johnson, out for a stroll on the White House grounds, reaqhOs In history winds up today with rather unBelievaBle issue of clUcen's mind the service that _ through the fence to shake hands with one of a group of tourists clustered out­ wanted to get Back to the BatUa ern New England will Be exclu- sone as soon as they could. a drumfire of prerecorded politi- whether the son of the late dsn. may have Been given to him By I, rively'frel^tsiveiy freM t" RoBert A. Taft, who was knoWq side Southeast gate. He walked around the grounds for 45 minutes yesterday "It’s safer there than here la eal speeches By the chief oppo­ a ritttog senator? | xITie h , ellmlna)ellnunation of all passeng­ with newsmen. (AP Photofax.) nents, Democratic Govs. Mat­ as Mr. RepuBlican, Is too lloer-; Is there what might Be called Saigon," said Lt Hector Ditta- er service By the New Haven mo, 22, of West Paterson, N.J., thew B. Welsh of Indiana and al to succeM his famously con- a therapy vote those ^ho ilroad is not only "entirely servative father. with a wry smUe. George C. Wallace of AlaBama. thkik it might help Glenn’s ear iBle" but "at the present The New Hampshire primary The campaign which provided cond|Uon If they said they want­ teture almost proBaBle," said U.S. AmBassador Henry CaBot seemed to prove that, aa fgu* m Chester Said a naUonal d r^ atisation of the ed him tor their senatorial nom« ohard Joyea tmlth, A trustee Lodge had driven along the Sai­ it concerned RepuBlicans,-the civil r M ts Issue and the civil Inee? ^ e the Bankrupt line, today, I ort gon Street Saturday nJ^t Jtut man Who wasn't there fared at rights bill now Before the Sen­ In a speech prepared tor de­ Birmingham 10 minutes Before a Viet Cong ate Is expected to send a presi­ Best In a presidential contest. (Sih Page Three) livery Briorc the greater terroriet on a Bicycle loBBed tho dential primary record total of Bridgeport . (SBamBer of Com- handmade grenade into a group voters to the polls Tuesday. Boasce, .flnUtb said pao^e^must Of thfj^r^orth Begins for GATT at American servicemen. Turnout estimates ranged up recogHUe that "railroads wlU Pfc. Jo8<Hih Q. Gustafson, 25, to 500,000 tor each of- & two n6var again enjojr the predmnln- of Bayfield, Wis., said he saw parties for a total of a miUlon Lodge Primary Vote ant position they had in the CHESTER, Pa. (AP) -T-/For ““ ■ ' .the grenade roliinig at them. or more. early part o f this oentury.” five months Negroes in this old GENSTVA (AP) — President^world__ ^ In__________ peaceful^ pUrstAdt ^I Be- "I hollered ‘Watch______ It' ftinj Both Welsh and WaUaoe Imd NevBrthelese, Smith said, the industrial city have demonstrat-' Johnson pledged United States lieve, as hs necessity' ■Ikrted to run.
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