■ ‘ / Artragt Daily Net Preas ftun The Weather ForeoMt of 0. 8- Weetber Boreaa MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1969 For the Week Budtog , / Firfinmry l«th . t»58 T notidy, Httle change M tem­ PACaS roURTBBN iMattrl|p0tfr EBPning Ifpralb perature tonight. Low near M. ' * 12,885 Wedneeday cooler, rain, or snow Mrs. Isadora Radmng and M ra Ir­ Member of the Audit de\'elnplng during day. High 1(1-88. A "Q um Hour” aeiAice, with The Women’s Horn* Leaime of, win Resnlk. „ o - « PRESCRIPTIONS Bureau of tUrrataGra. D ance In stru ctor I T P C C phsiders Mrs. Alan Kemp, and Mrs. Sey­ Manchenter—^A City of Village Charm Herman Frericha the apeaker, will the Salvation Army will mget at DA Y NIG H T 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at mour Neleber arein clu|g«d.<>t A b o u t T o w n be held at 7 :lA WedHeeday night at j R eq liiests l?o iiig ;h t ' W iPE R TS the Emanuel lUitheran Church. the Citadefc Hosteaaes will be Mrs. ^ d flress C lub gt*m arrangements. Tbet comndD , (ClaMlfied Advertlsihg on Page it) PRICE FIVE CENITJ Martha Di^i^M rs. Christine Ry- tee for the children’s-page to the, (FOUtiTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER CONN.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1959 The O rm ro Promtlon CSmimlttee The Town Planning Commission ARTHUR DRUC VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 117 The Profeaatonal Women'a Clut? den' a nd Mr A -*|len Tedford. Mrs; ‘ dAfdijler Tyler j program Includes Mrs. win meet . y**. will meet in the Municipal Build­ Slossberg, chairman; Mrs. Robert Onm^A Hen at » o clock tonight. will meet. at 8 o'cloi'k tomorrow’ will talk on m'bderti dalictog, and j Daughters of Liberty. No, 17. ing at 8 o’clock tqnlght to dla- Kams, Mrs. Norman Spector. Mrs, ____ night In the Fellowahip'. rpom o i LOLI, Will meet tomorrow night in »bme of her pupils w ill put on a •me Womah'a Society o f the Center CongregatlonarChut^^ cuss' requests made for xone Harry Schwab, Mrs. Harry Tar- Without New- Taxes _ . _ ..... g. Priend preeent a Orange Hall t 8 o'clock. A social demonatrsrtlon^'ak' the next meet­ low, Mrs. Henry Angel, Mrs. Leon­ Castro Swings 0 )^ u n lt y 7 *to»tUit Church will with refreshments will follow the changes at a public hearing two ^ ________ tomorrow night. travel talk and ahow- pictures of ing of the Junior .Century Club. ard Swadosh. Mrs. Ell Segal, Mra. meet at 8 ©’dock meeting. weeks ago. i , Benjamin Relchlln and Mrs. Alex­ A "wogiim entitled ■‘Beckoning his trip to Norway, Sweden. Fin­ The meeting w ill be held at One xone change.:appllcallon was Into Action as Whlton Memorial hgll Tuesday ander Haas. Mrs. Louis HurwiU is Moimtaina" wiU be presented by land and Denmark. Menibora and The Emma Nettleton, Group of submitted by Leon Dobbin seeking their friends are invited. bight at 8 o’clock. 111 charge of publicly. Hurls ‘Weather the Aim Judaon Circle. Hostesses to establish an Ij^ustrlgi. Zone on Ffoai End the Canter CHurcto .will meet In Mrs. Tyler attended the School win he the Mar>- Green Orclo.' the Rotihlns room irf 7:15 tomor- j Prospect St, Thq jiropeirty involv­ State’s Cuba Premier of American Ballet In- NevY York There win he an executive meet- St. Bridgel'.a Mothers Circle wlli ri»w night. Edw8M< Be.aser will ed is now Residence A A and is tog at 7;S0. meet this evening st 7 o’clpek/at, City and studied under Madame * ' j be the speaker, gnd .a 'fllm by the Dagnova. A t one time aJie damced bounded on J,he hdrth and jwest by Spanish T eacher Special the home of Mrs. Julius Randateb, American Cancer .‘ioclety will be Hop Brook, 9it' the east byjPrbspect Havana, Feb. 17 (ff')— PM(!el The DAY Ladles Auxiliary Will 80 Bolton St. ^ . professionally in New York and (1) ALIGN FRONT END Castro swung quickly into shown. Dessert will he-served. on USG tours. For the past nine St. and on the south by lahd owned sponsor a setback party **•„,*■*'* by the ConitocUcdtjPbwei’tCo. T o A ddress P T A REG. $7.50 action as Cuba’^s premier to­ Mrs. Felix S Kloek, 83 Henry years she hai/heen' teaching danc­ h ^ e of Mrs. Cora Blow. T Flor­ ■niai YW C A - spninored New- Conaiderkbis b j^ sltlon to the (27 BALANCE FRONT day, officially charged with ence St., tomorrow night at 8 St., who i.ill be the sppalcer si coiuert Cltih will meet at 8 o'clock ing.- proposal wiis eswessed by Pros­ Emily Snow, Spanish teacher In WHEELS— REG. $4.00 the meeting of the Washington Arrangements for the program the responsibility as well as, Into Orbit with o’clock. Prlres will he awarded, tomonow night Inf-the upstairs pect St. area rtfflaents attending the Glastonbury High School and (8) CHECK FRONT WHEEL By OBOROE BAZAN pMotor Vehicles Department and and Mrs. Florence Streeter and School PTA. tomorrow evcijlng, dining room of tlie Community Y. were made by Mrs. John Frank. three-quarters of the cost of the the power to carry out the Refreshments and a social hour the hearing. ■ - elementary school fourth grades, BEARINGS \ Hartford, Feb. 17 {/P)— her committee will serve refresh­ i will show movies of her African Dr. Tboodore Powell of the State State Police Department now are social revolution he shaped a.s I will follow .the meeting. Hostesses “The otherii application was sub­ ^vill be the guest speaker at the (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM ments. The Auxiliary will hold Us Safari. The rxeciiljve board will Board of Education Will speak on Gov. Abraham Ribicoff gave charged to the highway fund meet in the school library at 7:30. ire Mrs. Douglas' "Wisse, Mto. Ordairied mitted by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buckley School P T A meeting to­ a soldier. businea# meeting Wednesday night "American Public Schools," a ques­ Basnlght of. East ■ ;Hartford, and the General Assejnbly today 'Tax for Hlghtray Repair* The bearded rebel flghter's fli’st at 8 o’clock at the VFW Home. I tion and answer period will follow, Richard Cunningham, Mrs. Robert Robert W. Henderson, a native night at 8 o'clock. ! ALL FOUR ONLY Thulin, Mrs. Pascal Mastrapgelo. seeks to change f lf i^ r t y on_Tol- Mias Snow’s topic w ill, be a balanced 2-year general Ribicoff said the gasoline and moves as head of the government and refreshments will be served. of Manchester.^was ordained to the motor fuel taxes going into the Center Church .Mothers Club will Mrs. Jo.seph Shea, Mrs. Robert land Tpke.,;d»OW fn'.ayRuraj Resi­ ‘Teaching Foreign Languages in fund budget of |462,200,000 were to slash to half his own pay 2IV2 lb. Ball to Give The Manchester Child Study Christian mlhls'lry last night at the highway fund “ will more than sup­ meet W ednesday'at fi:45 p.m, for Rylander and Mrs. Raymond King- dence Zone,-to an-Inauslrlal Zone. the Elementary School." She is a and those of cabinet ministers, ap­ Group will meet at 1 o'clock to- ' a notluek. A social time will fol- A service, "Lenleh pause in Can Third Congregatipnal Church qf without new taxes. port the cost of general operations. prove reopening of gambling man. The p rop el^ Is: bounded on the graduate of Emmanuel College to ,. The governor’s spending pro­ morrow afternoon In the B\ickley ' low. Mrs .Shirley M»acham. 246 dlelight," will be held at the Cove Mlddletowrn. west by the/MancJvsster-EastHart- Including highwsy msintenance casinos and establish a new na­ School library. Dr. Harr>' Leon- nanl Congregational Church at Club dues will be collected' at The Rev.’ Clifford 0. Sffnpson. E ^ton and has"' dene exten.sive gram for the fiscal period begin­ W> Center SI may be eontacted the meeting. Applications for ford town .line; SdVeral residents study at the University of Madrid, and town aid grants." tional lottery. hardt, associate professor of p."(y- 7:30 Wednesday night. minister of Center Congre^^atiorial ning July 1 also calls for highway Earth’s Clouds Data j for further infosmalion. membership ...will be closed after: in the a r«t spoki, against the The budget also calls for restor­ The old pay of 4he premier and ehology at Hlllyer College, will Church, preached the ordination. Spain. , fund expenditures of $164,800,000, this meeting iinUl February, I960.' change when It w *» proposed at ation of a higher tax i-ate on divi­ cabinet ministers was $90n a speak on "Motivation.” Baby ait- The Ladies Aid Bociety of the Other participants were the Rev. She will discuss the philosophy In addition, Ribicoff recommend­ I Fourteen teenagers were re- the hearing,; SERVICE ON ALL dends and Interest of domestic in­ month. They received other allow­ tteg senice will be available. Emanuel Lutheran Church will Dr, James F. English, general and the rfcasona for introducing CONVENTIONAL MAKES ed: , surance companiea. ances which also were reduced. \Va.<thinKlon, Frti. 17 </P)— The United States today c a s t’a reived into membership of MU Also to bO discussed Is the estab­ foreign languages to elementary ; Sigma Chi Society at the Sec­ meet in Luther hall at 7:30 tomor­ superintendent of the Connecticut A $346,000,000 bond aulhoriia- The rate would be restored to No date as set immediatelv for ‘‘weatiwi’ eye” .satellite into orbit.
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