VHE OKLAHOMA STATE LIBRARY Oklahoma State Livrary 109 State Capitol PEC! 2 2 ,3858 Oktev**-Cl (ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE AT FORT SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA) VOL. 6—NO. 11-12 WESTERN STATE HOSPITAL, FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA NOV.-DEC. 1958 we appreciate the traditional associa­ tions we connect with Christmas and all that it means. The thoughts we entertain at Christmas have the old familiar ring, spelling our wishes for "Peace and Good­ will Among Men." In the Christmas Spirit we extend to you, our friends, our best wishes for a Page Two NEW HORIZONS, FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA November-December 1958 NEW HORIZONS for us who treat the patients. Jerry Vogel Gives Kandy Published Monthly by For hospital employees we wish DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION Yuletide happiness, a "forty hour Our holiday season was brightened WESTERN STATE HOSPITAL working week," increased wages, through the continued generosity of FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA Workmen's Compensation for all em­ our long time benefactor Jerry Vogel RHEBA L. EDWARDS, M.D., SUPERINTENDENT ployees, an adequate retirement income this month. His periodical gifts of EDITOR - MORRIS NEIGHBORS plan, and better working and living kandy in honor of his friends has been TYPIST - VIRGINIA MILLION arrangements. a bright spot in our lives here. For the hospital we wish a surprise This month, in honor of the birthday from Santa Claus, sufficient paint, of Dr. Jack Deutch on November 29, yntoimaiiu ^beaklnc. lumber, pipe, electric cable, plumbing, he has sent for our patients enough BY DR. RHEBA EDWARDS heating and lighting fixtures to mod­ kandy for one package to each patient. ernize and repair our tired old build­ Dr. Deutch is a prominent physician CHRISTMAS CONSTANCY— ings! Instead of being able to do only and surgeon in Chicago who supports Changes are everywhere, yet there emergency maintenance, please, dear the Jerry Vogel Foundation with his are a few things that abide, defying Santa, give us the wherewith to do time and interest. time and revolution. The old message, preventive maintenance. Western State Hospital wishes Dr. "For unto you is born this day in the Deutch happiness on every birthday city of David a Saviour which is Christ and many many more of them. To both the Lord" is still in the heart of these men we also wish a happy holi­ Christians. Ba3by 1 day season. There is no need for stories new or BY ROY SASSEEN —WSH— different. Modernization of the old one Several men from our ward were Old Age and Survivor's adds nothing to the beauty of its mes­ guests at the dance and party given sage. recently by the women of Berry build­ Insurance Christmas with its worship, ex­ ing. They enjoyed dancing and cards, Deductions from payrolls for Old pressed affection and sharing of gifts, also refreshments. Age and Survivor's Insurance change celebrates God's entrance into human Russell Fautz had company and went on or after January 1, 1959. Payrolls flesh and experience. The circumstan­ home over Thanksgiving, his sister filed on or after that date will be sub­ ces of His birth in Bethlehem are hum­ from Alva came after him. He is going ject to 2% percent Old Age and Sur­ ble—almost beyond believing. To con­ back home again at Christmas. vivor's Insurance deductions on the template an infant cradled in straw, first $4,800.00 earned during the cal­ Donald Shirley had company, his and to call Him Lord and God" is a endar year of 1959. far reach in faith. father and mother took him home over Thanksgiving. He brought in a Public Law 85-840 enacted into law It is also a story ol humanity—He box of apples and cookies. on August 28, 1958, by our National whom the heavens could not contain Congress, makes these changes in the Andy Ashlock has been working at is the Babe lying on the pallet of straw. program. The State's contribution must Laverne for several weeks and comes It is a story of love, Christ is God's also match the employee's deductions. back over Saturday and Sunday. His love and power made flesh. God gives This information was received by cousin brought him back for a visit His best gift, Himself in Christ. And the hospital from the State Budget Thanksgiving. man returns his best gift, his manhood, Director of Oklahoma, which is an ex­ in Christ. At Christmas, through wor­ Lee Roy Ray had company, his uncle ecutive department of the State Gov­ ship and sacrament we share in this and sister from Texas. He may go ernment. It affects all hospital em­ exchange. home with them next time. ployees. What we give of ourselves seems Roy Sassoon .expects to have com­ —WSH— small, until added to Christ. What God pany soon and may go to Buffalo with Our Christmas Goals gives seems small—a newborn child. his brother and sister-in-law. Christmas at Western State Hospital But when we believe, we find both Several of the boys from Bagby at­ this year is following an age old pat­ gifts are great—bearing all that God tend the dances on Hill 9, Saturday is, and all that we hope to be. tern—but one which can scarcely be nights, and enjoy the dance and re­ improved upon except through in­ In a world that is not only changing, freshments very much. creased good will and generosity. but seems to be dissolving, there are —WSH— tens of millions of us who want Christ­ Plans now in effect, when fulfilled, will assure every patient in the hos­ mas to be the same with the same ole Day 4 greeting "Merry Christmas" and no pital these things: A nice gift under other. BY JOHN T. CARLILE the tree on Christmas morning, one or more Christmas parties during the ten I had company this month, my step­ YULETIDE YEARNINGS days preceding Christmas, a night bus mother from San Antonio, Tex. She We in a state mental hospital voice tour to Woodward to view the Christ­ our thinking about things we'd like to took me to Woodward and we had a mas decorations on homes and streets, have for our patients, employees and wonderful time. a sack of treats, a visit on Christmas our hospital at Christmas. Arnold K. Ornele, Edgar Crooks, H. morning from Santa Claus, a decorated Our first wish is the Peace of Christ­ Liftie, Buddie Wright and C Lowery tree on their ward and many special mas to abide with us. A remembrance were transferred here from other programs in the auditorium. gift to every patient—especially from wards. Needless to say, we cannot list the his family or an interested friend. Also John Baillard was transferred to various people or activities which will for our patients we wish more under­ Day 1 and Adolph Heickelescheck to make these things possible. Suffice to standing and acceptance from family Day 3. Carl Wilcox was transferred to say, we are all working together to and friend, and increased knowledge another ward. achieve these goals. November-December 1958 NEW HORIZONS, FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA Page Three Hill 6 Three-Man Band Day 3 BY VESTA WILLIAMS Plays For Dances BY VIRGIL DAVIS Guests on Hill 6 this month have We have been privileged for the past Verner Hopkins was transferred to included: Jane Kepford, Hill 8; Pearl month to have a fine little band play Day 4. Karraker, Berry 3; Modella Pierce, live music for our regular patient, Alva Graham had company on the Newell 4; Mabel Fitzgerald, Berry 3; dances each week. ward last week. Mary Keen, Berry 1; Mrs. Orlow, Hill We have a new popcorn popper now The patients and employees alike say 8; and Velma Busby, Berry 2. on the ward. The nurses served us pop­ that they really enjoy the music put corn and cocoa on Thanksgiving day, Three girls from our ward are now out by these three young high school also soft drinks. working at O. T., Myrtle Friday, Vesta fellows. Williams and Addie Quier. Winnie I went to Woodward last week with Stoker has quit O. T. and is back work­ They are, Gordon Couch on the my sister, it was a nice trip. ing for Dr. and Mrs. Terrell. Janice drums; Ronnie Shurley on the lead Some of us have been playing pool Green is still working at the beauty guitar and Forrest Kennedy on the in the basement. They had a dance shop. second guitar. Forrest is also a very there a few nights ago. fine vocalist and his songs are enjoyed John Haven was transferred from We always look forward to our bus by all. rides, and once were lucky enough to this ward. go twice in one week. These boys have made a real hit We have some nice plants from the down here, and we surely appreciate Greenhouse. Hill 6 was fortunate in receiving an their efforts. They volunteered their Carl Pommit had company two weeks electric clock this month, donated services and it was one of the nicest ago. through the efforts of Mrs. Earl Wy- things that has happened to our dances Some of us went to the bingo game mer, Longdale. We also received a love­ in quite some time. last Friday night. ly group of framed prints from O. T., Thanks, fellows, from all of us. Rex Montgomery was transferred to which brighten our ward a great deal. this ward. Mrs. Virginia Million is working —WSH— —WSH— throughout the holiday season for Morris Neighbors and Mrs.
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