MEN’S SOCCER RECORDS YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1991 VALLEY OVERALL 1995 VALLEY OVERALL 1999 VALLEY OVERALL Tulsa 4-0-0 14-3-0 Creighton 4-0-1 14-3-1 Missouri State 5-0-2 17-1-3 Creighton 3-1-0 12-5-2 Evansville 4-1-0 10-7-3 Creighton 5-1-1 11-5-2 Illinois State 3-2-0 10-12-0 Tulsa 2-2-1 7-8-2 Western Kentucky 4-3-0 14-5-0 Missouri State 1-2-0 9-10-0 Missouri State 2-3-0 14-5-0 Vanderbilt 4-3-0 10-9-0 Drake 1-2-0 6-10-0 Drake 1-3-1 8-5-3 Evansville 3-3-1 10-9-1 Bradley 0-5-0 6-14-0 Bradley 0-4-1 3-11-4 Bradley 3-4-0 10-10-0 Valley Tourney Champion: Tulsa Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Drake 1-5-1 4-13-1 Regular-Season Champion: Tulsa Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Eastern Illinois 0-6-1 6-11-1 Player of the Year: Frank Velez, Tulsa Player of the Year: Paul Lekics, Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: Missouri State Goalkeeper of the Year: Kevin Cronk, Tulsa Defensive Player: Jay Fitzgerald, Creighton Regular-Season Champion: Missouri State Outstanding Freshman: Ryan Wall, Illinois State Newcomer of the Year: Pedro Delgado, Evansville Player of the Year: David Wright, Creighton Coach of the Year: Randy Waldrum, Tulsa Coach of the Year: Jon Leamy, Missouri State Defensive Player: Mark Modersohn, Missouri State Newcomer: Terence Gargantini, Evansville 1992 VALLEY OVERALL 1996 VALLEY OVERALL Coach of the Year: Jon Leamy, Missouri State Creighton 4-0-1 14-3-1 Creighton 5-0-0 17-5-2 Bradley 3-2-0 11-7-1 Evansville 4-1-0 18-5-0 2000 VALLEY OVERALL Illinois State 3-2-0 10-8-2 Missouri State 3-2-0 12-6-0 SMU 10-1-0 20-5-0 Drake 2-2-1 6-12-2 Drake 2-3-0 6-11-0 Creighton 9-2-0 22-4-0 Tulsa 2-3-0 7-8-2 Eastern Illinois 1-4-0 8-11-0 Western Kentucky 7-4-0 10-11-0 Missouri State 0-5-0 4-15-0 Bradley 0-5-0 7-11-0 Bradley 6-4-1 15-7-2 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: Evansville Eastern Illinois 6-5-0 12-6-1 Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Vanderbilt 6-5-0 9-11-0 Player of the Year: Brian Kamler, Creighton Player of the Year: Ross Paule, Creighton Tulsa 5-4-2 10-7-2 Goalkeeper of the Year: Kevin Doyle, Creighton Defensive Player: C.W. Raines, Evansville Missouri State 4-5-2 9-7-3 Outstanding Freshman: Paul Lekics, Creighton Newcomer of the Year: Shawn Beyer, UE Drake 4-7-0 7-12-0 Coach of the Year: Bob Warming, Creighton Co-Coaches of the Year: Bret Simon, Creighton Evansville 3-7-1 4-10-3 Jim DeRose, Bradley Texas Christian 3-8-0 7-11-0 1993 VALLEY OVERALL Belmont 0-11-0 1-17-0 1997 VALLEY OVERALL Creighton 5-0-0 19-1-0 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Tulsa 3-1-1 10-6-2 Missouri State 6-0-1 13-5-3 Regular-Season Champion: SMU Illinois State 3-1-1 8-9-1 Creighton 6-1-0 16-5-1 Player of the Year: Diego Walsh, SMU Drake 1-3-1 11-5-1 Evansville 4-3-0 9-10-1 Defensive Player: Carl Bussey, SMU Missouri State 1-4-0 9-9-0 Vanderbilt 2-2-3 9-8-3 Newcomer: Jason Thompson, Eastern Illinois Bradley 0-4-1 8-10-2 Eastern Illinois 3-4-0 4-15-0 Coach of the Year: Schellas Hyndman, SMU Drake 2-4-1 8-10-1 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton 2001 VALLEY OVERALL Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Western Kentucky 1-5-1 5-13-1 Player of the Year: Keith DeFini, Creighton Bradley 1-6-0 11-8-0 SMU 9-0-0 21-1-0 Defensive Player: Ira Philson, Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Missouri State 7-2-0 10-9-1 Outstanding Freshman: Matt Caution, Missouri State Regular-Season Champion: Missouri State Bradley 6-3-0 12-7-1 Coach of the Year: Bob Warming, Creighton Player of the Year: Johnny Torres, Creighton Creighton 6-3-0 11-9-1 Defensive Player: David Wright, Creighton Tulsa 4-5-0 9-10-0 1994 VALLEY OVERALL Newcomer: Mark Modersohn, Missouri State Evansville 4-5-0 7-10-1 Coach of the Year: Jon Leamy, Missouri State Creighton 5-1-0 15-5-1 Western Kentucky 3-6-0 7-10-0 Drake 4-2-0 9-8-0 Vanderbilt 3-6-0 6-10-1 1998 VALLEY OVERALL Illinois State 4-2-0 10-10-0 Eastern Illinois 2-7-0 6-10-0 Evansville 3-2-1 10-8-2 Bradley 6-1-0 14-2-2 Drake 1-8-0 6-10-1 Tulsa 3-3-0 8-9-1 Creighton 4-1-2 16-4-2 Valley Tourney Champion: SMU Missouri State 1-4-1 12-5-1 Western Kentucky 4-3-0 12-8-1 Regular-Season Champion: SMU Bradley 0-6-0 3-14-2 Missouri State 3-3-1 13-7-1 Player of the Year: Luchi Gonzalez, SMU Defensive Player: Byron Foss, SMU Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Vanderbilt 3-3-1 11-8-1 Newcomer: Kyle Brown, Tulsa Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Eastern Illinois 2-4-1 12-5-3 Coach of the Year: Schellas Hyndman, SMU Player of the Year: Jimmy Dowell, Tulsa Evansville 2-5-0 6-14-0 Defensive Players: Jamie Burton Drake 1-5-1 6-11-1 Dave Walther, Illinois State Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Newcomer of the Year: Ross Paule, Creighton Regular-Season Champion: Bradley Coach of the Year: Bob Warming, Creighton Player of the Year: Richard Mulrooney, Creighton Defensive Player: Adam Gross, Bradley Newcomer: Gavin Glinton, Bradley Coach of the Year: Jim DeRose, Bradley MEN’S SOCCER RECORDS YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2002 VALLEY OVERALL 2005 VALLEY OVERALL 2009 VALLEY OVERALL SMU 7-0-2 16-3-3 Bradley 5-1-1 15-6-1 Missouri State 7-1-1 12-5-2 Creighton 7-1-1 18-4-2 Creighton 5-2-0 15-5-3 Drake 6-3-1 16-7-2 Missouri State 6-3-0 9-11-0 Vanderbilt 4-2-1 9-7-2 Evansville 5-4-1 12-7-1 Drake 5-2-2 9-7-2 Drake 4-2-1 9-9-2 Creighton 4-2-4 7-5-5 Bradley 4-3-2 14-6-4 Missouri State 4-3-0 12-4-2 Eastern Illinois 2-6-1 6-8-3 Tulsa 4-5-0 10-9-0 Eastern Illinois 2-4-1 5-9-3 Bradley 1-9-0 6-11-1 Eastern Illinois 3-5-1 8-11-1 Western Kentucky 2-5-0 8-8-1 Valley Tourney Champion: Drake Western Kentucky 2-7-0 8-10-1 Evansville 0-7-0 2-14-1 Regular-Season Champion: Missouri State Evansville 2-7-0 7-11-2 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Player of the Year: Garrett Webb, Drake Vanderbilt 1-8-0 3-15-0 Regular-Season Champion: Bradley Defensive Player: Alex Riggs, Missouri State Freshman of the Year: Dion Acoff, Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Co-Players of the Year: Ryan Anderson, Missouri St. MVC “Fair-Play” Award: Eastern Illinois Regular-Season Champion: SMU Jesse Baker, Drake Coaching Staff of the Year: Missouri State Player of the Year: Diego Walsh, SMU Defensive Player: Chris Dunsheath, Bradley Defensive Player: Tim Regan, Bradley Freshman of the Year: Byron Dacy, Creighton Newcomer: Chris Dunsheath, Bradley Coach of the Year: Tim McClements, Vanderbilt 2010 VALLEY OVERALL Coach of the Year: Schellas Hyndman, SMU Creighton 5-1-1 13-5-2 2006 VALLEY OVERALL SIUE 4-1-2 10-5-4 2003 VALLEY OVERALL Creighton 4-1-1 13-5-3 Missouri State 4-1-2 8-7-3 Creighton 7-1-1 12-6-4 Bradley 4-1-1 8-8-4 Drake 4-2-1 8-8-2 Tulsa 6-1-2 13-6-2 Missouri State 3-2-1 8-8-3 Bradley 3-3-1 11-9-3 Western Kentucky 6-3-0 10-9-1 Drake 2-1-3 6-7-6 Evansville 3-4-0 7-10-1 Bradley 5-2-2 11-8-4 Evansville 2-4-0 9-8-0 Eastern Illinois 1-5-1 4-12-1 Drake 4-3-2 10-6-3 Eastern Illinois 1-3-2 11-7-2 Central Arkansas 0-7-0 3-13-0 Evansville 4-4-1 9-7-3 Western Kentucky 0-4-2 4-9-3 Valley Tourney Champion: Bradley SMU 4-5-0 13-6-3 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Missouri State 3-5-1 9-7-3 Regular-Season Co-Champions: Bradley/Creighton Player of the Year: Ethan Finlay, Creighton Vanderbilt 0-7-2 3-10-5 Player of the Year: Michael Kraus, Creighton Goalkeeper of the Year: Alex Riggs, Missouri State Defensive Player: Robby Lynch, Evansville Eastern Illinois 0-8-1 5-12-2 Defensive Player: Matt Allen, Creighton Freshman of the Year: Chris Cutshaw, Bradley Freshman of the Year: Tyler Polak, Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: SMU MVC “Fair-Play” Award: Creighton/Western Kentucky MVC “Fair-Play” Award: Creighton & Drake Regular-Season Champion: Creighton Coaching Staff of the Year: Bradley Coaching Staff of the Year: Creighton Player of the Year: Ryan Pore, Tulsa Defensive Player: Matt Wieland, Creighton 2011 VALLEY OVERALL Newcomer: Ramon Nunez, SMU 2007 VALLEY OVERALL Creighton 5-1 21-2-1 Coach of the Year: David Holmes, Western Kentucky Creighton 4-0-2 12-3-5 Missouri State 5-1 9-8-2 Bradley 4-0-2 16-6-4 Bradley 4-2 15-6-2 2004 VALLEY OVERALL Evansville 3-3-0 10-9-1 Drake 3-3 11-8-1 Drake 2-2-2 9-6-4 SMU 8-0-0 16-4-1 Central Arkansas 1-3-2 2-12-4 Eastern Illinois 2-3-1 12-6-3 Creighton 6-3-0 14-4-2 SIUE 1-4-1 8-8-4 Missouri State 1-3-2 6-10-4 Bradley 5-2-1 10-6-3 Evansville 0-5-1 5-11-1 Tulsa 5-3-1 12-7-4 Western Kentucky 0-5-1 3-12-4 Valley Tourney Champion: Creighton Missouri State 4-4-1 11-6-2 Valley Tourney Champion: Bradley Regular-Season Co-Champions: CU, MSU Regular-Season Co-Champions: Bradley/Creighton Drake 4-4-1 8-9-1 Player of the Year: Ethan Finlay, Creighton Player of the Year: Joe Donoho, Bradley Evansville 4-5-0 6-13-1 Goalkeeper of the Year: Brian Holt, Creighton Defensive Player: Matt Allen, Creighton Vanderbilt 3-6-0 7-10-1 Defensive Player: Andrew Duran, Creighton Freshman of the Year: Robby Lynch, Evansville Western Kentucky 1-7-1 5-11-1 Freshman of the Year: Matt Polster, SIUE MVC “Fair-Play” Award: Bradley MVC “Fair-Play” Award: Creighton Eastern Illinois 1-7-1 5-12-1 Coaching Staff of the Year: Bradley Coaching Staff of the Year: Creighton Valley Tourney Champion: SMU Regular-Season Champion: SMU 2008 VALLEY OVERALL Player of the Year: Ryan Pore, Tulsa 2012 VALLEY OVERALL Creighton 4-0-1 16-2-2 Defensive Player: T.J.
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