November 27, 2014 Vol. 191, No. 33 www.adventistreview.org November 27, 2014 australian Prime Minister Praises adventists 10 Who Knows Why? 14 My deceitful heart 24 Head subhead The Last House beyond it lay the end of his career as a colPorteur. e. hom way he ts t oin t p ha w ’s It www.adventistreview.org Like us on Facebook “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ by presenting stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. 18 14 10 6 COVER FEATURE ARTICLES DEPARTMENTS EDITORIALS 18 The Last House 14 Who Knows Why? 4 Letters 6 Bill knOtt Benjamin j. Baker OnaOlapO ajiBade That Crucial First Year After a day of insuffer- When Job lost ev- 7 Page 7 able heat and nearly erything, he couldn’t 7 mark a. Finley nonstop rejection, he was help asking why. 8 World News & The God Who Sees ready to chuck it all. Perspectives 2 2 The Fear of the Lord 13 Give & Take ellen G. White The sooner we learn it, 17 The Life of Faith the better off we’ll be. 2 7 Transformation Tips 2 4 My Deceitful Heart William G. jOhnssOn 2 9 Ask the Doctors He felt fine, until he didn’t. 3 0 Etc. 31 Reflections NExT W EEK iN Adventist world ON THE COVER Made in Russia Twenty-five years ago, just after Literature evangelists have to the fall of Communism, the know how to handle rejection. Adventist Church was ready to PHoTo by Ron PRide help provide Christian literature. Publisher General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, Executive Publisher Bill Knott, Associate Publisher Claude Richli, Publishing Board: Ted N. C. Wilson, chair; Benjamin D. Schoun, vice chair; Bill Knott, secretary; Lisa Beardsley-Hardy; Daniel R. Jackson; Robert Lemon; Geoffrey Mbwana; G. T. Ng; Daisy Orion; Juan Prestol; Michael Ryan; Ella Simmons; Mark Thomas; Karnik Doukmetzian, legal adviser. Editor Bill Knott, Associate Editors Lael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil, News Editor Andrew McChesney, Coordinating Editor Stephen Chavez, Online Editor Carlos Medley, Features Editor Sandra Blackmer, Young Adult Editor Kimberly Luste Maran, Kidsview Editor Wilona Karimabadi, Operations Manager Merle Poirier, Financial Manager Rachel Child, Editorial Assistant Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste, Marketing Director Claude Richli, Editors-at-Large Mark A. Finley, John M. Fowler, Senior Advisor E. Edward Zinke, Art Director Bryan Gray, Desktop Technician Fred Wuerstlin, Ad Sales Glen Gohlke, Subscriber Services Steve Hanson. To Writers: Writer’s guidelines are available at the adventist review Web site: www.ad- ventistreview.org and click “About the Review.” For a printed copy, send a self-addressed envelope to: Writer’s Guidelines,a dventist review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: www.adventistreview.org. Postmaster: Send address changes to adventist review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740-7301. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from theh oly Bible, new international Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos are © Thinkstock 2014. The Adventist review (iSSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. it is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® and is printed 36 times a year on the second, third, and fourth Thursdays of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Periodical postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740, and additional mailing offices. Copyright © 2014, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 191, No. 33. Subscriptions: Thirty-six issues of the weekly adventist review, US$36.95 plus US$44.00 postage outside North America. Single copy US$3.00. To order, send your name, address, and payment to adventist review subscription desk, Box 1119, Hagerstown, MD 21741-1119. Orders can also be placed at Adventist Book Centers. Prices subject to change. Address changes: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. Subscription queries: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. www.AdventistReview.org | November 27, 2014 | (1059) 3 16, 2014). Hundreds of on the opposite page below a online comments focus on picture of baptisms being the topic of gender leader- performed: “Dunkin’ Donuts inbox ship; I hope this message of Franchisee Charged With Letters From our readers grace and truth inspires Sabbath Discrimination.” twice that many. That would I believe God has a sense of 2014 ber 23, OctO Vol. 191, No. 30 be encouraging, and I’m sure humor even with the serious. .org October 23, 2014 www.adventistreview 7 at’s in Your Name? LE ROy Wyatt Wh I’m sorry for any young it would make our Creator devastating Floods 8 affect school in India ternity 24 healed for e people who suffer through smile. Chadron, Nebraska no fault of their own, and I’m Thank you again for this glad countries have made message. In Need of Head 14 subhead KEN REETz Soldiers more acceptable ways for Documents in God’s Beaverton, Oregon ArmyT young people to participate The October 9, 2014, Ad- TheIr FIrs aNce » allegI o god. Was T in war, such as serving in the ventist Review urges us to pray medics, etc. How wonderful » My thanks to Lael Caesar and study women’s ordina- 14 Soldiers in it will be when Jesus comes. for this powerful article on tion for ourselves (see news God’s Army There will be no more wars, grace and truth! God hasten article on pages 8 and 9). I do » I’m writing in regard to no more death, when those the day when through the not have a computer. I’d like Victor Hulbert’s story “14 who were killed in war will consistent beholding of Him, to read these documents and Soldiers in God’s Army” (Oct. the next moment wake to we truly know and live the ask that someone please mail 23, 2014). In the days of blissful peace! “difference that Jesus me “all the documents David, Gideon, and Joshua, to EDNA Olsen Regester makes.” No more sheets, related to the issue of the name a few, God often com- Boiling Springs, South trees, or trumpets, for that theology of ordination.” manded the Israelites to Carolina matter! Thank you. fight the enemy. Where were Geraldine Tomlinson- Virgil L. Mathewson the conscientious objectors? » Thank you for printing Vic- MitchELL Belding, Michigan If young men were to arm tor Hulbert’s article “14 Sol- Goldsboro, North Carolina themselves with spears and diers in God’s Army,” a Conviction and other weapons to go and touching story of persecu- Covenant fight, I fail to see why young tion of Sabbath observance, » Thank you, Bill Knott, for Adventists for the past few with reference to conscien- the wonderful editorial years have refused to fight, tious objectors. “Conviction and Covenant” and worse, to even handle an Many American conscien- (Oct. 9, 2014). These words inanimate piece of equip- tious objectors had difficult are so true for these trying ment like a rifle. times in World Wars I and II, humorous headlines days in which we live. As a Of course, the Israelites but these problems were » I couldn’t help noticing the remnant people, we have to were surrounded by enemies diminished by the time of humorous coincidence of remain “stitched together” like the Philistines, but so the Korean War. Over the headlines on pages 8 and 9 for unity. Only with Christ’s was England, both in 1914- same period our Seventh-day (Oct. 16, 2014) under “World grace and love and the Holy 1918 and in 1939-1945. And Adventist position on mili- News and Perspectives.” The Spirit in our lives can we yes, we were facing an evil tary service has evolved, article “God and Hope TV achieve this goal. foe—someone had to fight from dropping members Credited With 2,213 Bap- EDNA Race against the kaiser and Hitler. who enlisted to celebrating tisms” was followed by one Lodi, California My father was in the Great members who enlist and War and suffered for months serve in combat positions. in the trenches. He was David Patterson gassed three times by the Ooltewah, Tennessee We may have leaders in place Germans, shell-shocked, and had a shrapnel hole in his Grace and Truth who can help shepherd the flock head. So the young Advent- » Now, this is what we “ through to the kingdom. ists suffered abuse, but I should be talking about! doubt it was any worse than Thank you so much for pub- —Frank Vessels, JR., Thousand Oaks, California what the Tommies suffered. lishing Lael Caesar’s edito- rial “Grace and Truth” (Oct. ” 4 (1060) | www.AdventistReview.org | November 27, 2014 SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 Vol. 191, No. 27 September 25, 2014 www.adventistreview.org Week of Prayer Issue Hundreds of online comments focus on the topic of Christ’s Method Alone Serving others gender leadership; I hope this message of grace and truth as Jesus did “ inspires twice that many. —KEN REETz, Beaverton, Oregon Genuinely Encouraged ” » Having recently come back In fact, we may have leaders to the church, I was quite in place who can help shep- eager to read the 2014 Week herd the flock through to the of Prayer issue of the Ad- kingdom. For me, that is a ventist Review. I wanted to see strange yet growing con- what messages our leaders viction.
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