All the Newt of BSD BANK and Surrounding Towiu Told Fearlessly and Without Bla> REI> BANK REGISTER liauad WMklr, BnUnd H Sacond-Clui Mitttr »t tbt fort- VOLUME LVII, NO. 50, offlol it B*d Bull. N. J. aniat tha Act of Much 3, 18TB, BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1935. Subtorlption Prlcei Ons Y«ar 12.00. SLx Months 11.00. Slnslo Copy 4c PAGES 1 TO 12, WHAT'S THE ANSWEB? Closing Exercises Firemen Building Garden Club Show Dinner Tonight For INSTALLATION TONIGHT. Bids Opened For Taxicab Fares One Less Cell For Prisoners But Bed Bank Lodge of Elks to Welcome Thursday, June 13 Dam At Navesink More Space For Hearings. On Borden Estate James M. Bayles Its New Officers. School Contracts The township Jail of Middletown i Tho newly elected officers of the Will BeReduced One Hundred Thirty Graduates Ten Acrei of Swamp Land on township at Campbell's Junction has Rumson Garden Club to Hold been altered. One of the cells ha.s Prominent Official of the NewRed Bank lodge of Elks w»i be In-1 Red Bank Board of Education to Beginning With Tomorrow a to Leave Red Bank High— stalled tonight by State. President Properties of ThomM Garvey been eliminated and the space which Annual Event Friday After- Jersey Bell Telephone Com- Hold Meeting Tonight to Make Flat Charge of 25 Cent* Per Baccalaureate Service* Next Richard Hughes of Burlington and and William DeVe.ty to be It occupied is now utilized for hear- noon—Mra. Gray Bryan U pany, Well Known Here, to be his staff. It is expected that many Award*—Low Bids Consider- Passenger Will Go Into Effect Sunday Night. Flooded to Form Lake. ings, A platform has been mado Chairman. other prominent members of the or- for the occupancy • of Louis H. Given Testimonial. ably Leap Than Appropriation at Red Bank. Members of the Navesink fire com- der will be present to witness this Ona hundred and thirty pupils will MRRS^, tho township recorder, when The annual June flower show of Over a hundred telephone men and impressive ceremony. The oflicei-g to Bids fin remodeling and enlarging Beginning with tomorrow taxicab participate In the lied Bank high pany are constructing a dam across hearings aro held. Tho changes tho Rumson Garden club will be held women, most of them from Mon- the Navesink brook to form a lake bo installed are: the Mechanic street schoolhousc and fares will be reduced nt Red Bank. school commencement exercises ware made by Francis Craig, tomorrow on The Rlverlnnds estate mouth and Ocean counties, gathered for building an addition to tho Kivcr -Announcement of thn chango was . which will bo hold In the River street that will cover about ten acres, with "What does it mean: lesa crime or of Bertram H. Borden, River road, 1 Kxnlljrl Rul«r—E'liran) R. Wtinheimcr. a depth of eleven Uet at the dam. a ", thn Marine firlll in Anbury Park Esteemed Lending Knight—Herbert E. street schoolhouse -were opened by mado Monday night by Councilman suhoul auditorium Thursday night, more crime," eald one Middletown'Rumson. The show opens at threetonight, at a testimonial dinner to Eilwunls. tile, Ked Bank board of education Thomas M. Gopsill, chaliman of tho Juno 13. Baccalaureate services will It will be known as Navesink lake. township resident In discussing tha o'clock and runs until nine. Tea will James M. Bayles of Allcnhurst, who Esteemed Loyal Knight—John L. Mont- The properties to be flooded are gomery. Tuesday night. The board will hold police committee. He said lha re- be held Sunday night, June 0, at tho alternations at the Jail the other day. be served In the afternoon through retires from the telephone Industry a fpccial meeting tonight, at which duction would bo made in accord- Baptist church'wlth Kev. Edward W. owned by Thomas Garvey and Wil- tho courtesy of Mr, Borden. KHlccmcd IrfcturinK Knight—Harry liam DeVcsty, who have given the "You might take It either way," he July 1, after 31 year:-; of .service. Kl.-iti.ky. time it is expected that the contracts ance with tho wish of Mayor Charles Miller, pastor, delivering tho sermon. continued. "One loss cell would peem Twenty-nine classes have been ar- From inn tn 1920, whim ho was Secretary—P. E. R. Hftr'iM A. Glblin. will ho awarded. n. English. The latter was absent Three members of tho graduatingfiremen permission to erect the dam to mean fewer prisoners and less ranged. Ribbons will be awarded Treasurer—Thorn ah Voorhis. and to mike a park on the south transferred (n thn headquarters staff Tiler—John H. Fix. Bids were made on general con- nt thn council meeting and James class, who stand among the upper ten side of the lakciy crime. On the other hand more for first and second places and for in Newark as Ifff/Yir employment TniM.ce for three years—P. D. D. Peter struction, heating and ventilating, S. Parlccs, president of tho counclj of tho class have been selected to space for hearings would seem to honorable mention. An additional filiporvh-or, Mr, FJayles was superin- J. Eirhelo. iron and structural steel, electric presided in his stead. give Interesting and entertaining Alfred Br/Jwer Is In general charge suggesf more prisoners. Dont ask prize will be given in each class in tendent, or telephone trsftic for all of Delegate to stnte npaociation—P. E R. .work and plumbing work. Com- talks on the history, development and of the construction work, with Nell me tho answer. I dont know," he sections .two and three, which Include William J. Dowd. In addition to Mr. GopsiU the Johnson supervising the carpenter Monmnuth ind pat of Oroin coun- bined aad separate offers were made members of the police committea progress of tho secondary schools In concluded. principally classes for arrangements ties Dunn,, tint peiind he helped to and it is expected that tho contracts aro Albert J. VanScholck and Ken- education. Tho speakers, Marshall •work and Henry Maxson and How- of various flowers. A special prize ard Maxson the excavating work. expmd tlu U le^hnne s\ tern of the will be awarded the separate neth VVyckofT••• • -. Mr. Gopsill stated Algor, Tina Cannella and. Wilda Van will ba awarded to the exhibitor win- alt i to ktip liii i i~t rf the growth June Fete, Quilt Wagencn, are under tho supervision The dam Is on the north side of basis, as the bids thus made were , that the committee had been consid- Lakeside avenue. Historic Tree ning the greatest number of points in pohulitinn ind men I ing use of the lowest. I ei ing thn matter of reducing taxl- of Misa Margaret Thompson. according to a point system, where- Irlrr hour ri \ in < p eiill<, in such Show And Pageant Tho best offer for gencial construe-! cab fares the past two and one-halt Paul Nlckcrupn, associate profes- Navesink brook la famous for its by an exhibitor receives five points native Bpcckled trout The brook enmnninitn i-, A bmy Pirk, Long tion work at the Mechanic street J month.-;. At first it was proposed to sor of English at Montclair Stftto To Be Marked for a Unit place, three points for aJ.mmh iin.l Rerl hanl Teachers college, will be tho guesthas nover been stocked and the plan Two Unusual Event* Planned building was that of $r»,930 made by amend the 'tnxlcah. ordinance but is to allow these fish a better breeding second place, and half a point for Carl S. Rollei'son of Piainiiekl. Oth- later It was found that this • speaker of tho evening. Awards will place BO ae to continue this strain of Shrewsbury Towne Chapter, honorable mention. This Month at trinity Episco- e„,r - luvlovw bidders and their- offers lor necessary. The ordinance directs be made by Principal Harry C. Slober Daughters of the American Among the judges for tho arrange pal Parish House — Many contracts at this building were ,Sel- that not more than SO cents can be and other addresses by mombers of trout. Construction of the lako will nient classes will be Mrs. Samuu convert a mosquito breeding swamp Revolution, to Hold Appropri- Serving on Committees. bach-Meyer of West New York {H.-| charged for one or two passengers tho board of education. Harold A. Into a place of beauty and will also Hloan, Mi's. J. Fahys Cook and Mlb 027 for iron and structural steel, K within the town limit., nnrf »!,„> >u. Hendrlckaon, president of tho school be a surce of water supply in fight- ' ate Exercises Next Tuesday. Frederick A. Godley. W. H. Duck- Two events will take place this J. Wohrle of Cliffside Park S15.M0 board, will make the presentation of ham ahd two assistants will judge fen for each additional passenger la ing fires. The firemen are doing the Miss Mabel Clay, state regent, and month at Trinity Episcopal parish for heating and ventilating, Torlizzi S-'i cents. the diplomas. work as a civic project and- without the specimen classes. house on West Front street; One Bros, of Bloo.-nfield 53,fi75 for electric Dorothy Grlilln, outstanding mem- MrB. Samuel Johnson, state histor- The show committee comprise s Tho taxicah operators aro not per- remuneration. ian, will bo present on next Tuesday, wilt bo-the-quilt shnw and pageant work an-d -Walte - r E. Biltner if Tren- mitted to transport more than four ber of tho 12-B class, will receive the Mis. James C. Auchlncloss, Mis on Thursday, June 20, and thc other A meeting of the company will be June 11, when tho Shrewsbury Towne ton $2,778 for plumbing.
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