Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1965 Daily Egyptian 1965 12-2-1965 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 02, 1965 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1965 Volume 47, Issue 50 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 02, 1965." (Dec 1965). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1965 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1965 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Salukis Meet Northeast Missouri Tonight· g~":ta::n DAILY EGYPTIAN By Bob Reincke SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY The 1965 - 66 basketball season gets under way at E o'clock tonight when the Sa- Ca,laoncial., III. Thursday, December 2.1965 Number 50 lukis meet Northeast Missouri State, of Kirksville. in the Arena. Playing on the home court should be a definite advantage for Southern. The Salukis won Student Opinion Vote Set Today 14 of 15 games played there last year, and the only loss came by one point at the hands of Evansvil1e. For the Bulldogs, it will be On fee Raise, Women's Hours their second game of the season. They opened Wednes­ day night at home against 4 Senate Posts Omaha University. Northeast Missouri is an Also To Be Filled experienced crew, returning Students must present their four of the starters from last activity cards today to cast year's team which would up their ballots for four senators 14-9 and fourth in the Missouri and give their opinions on Intercollegiate Athletic Con­ financing the atttJetic program ference. and on women's hours. The returning lettermen are Five students are candidates - led by Denny Magee, a 5-11 for office in the Campus guard who averaged 12.2 Senate: ~. points a game last year. Join­ Technology, Miltard Cam­ ing Magee in the backcourtfor eron; education. Virginia Ben­ the Bulldogs will be Rich ning. Vocationcll- Technical ": Rider. who at 6-4has good size Institute, Richard Markham = for a guard. and Will i a m McLaughlin; The starting forwards also married family housing, Wil- are lettermen. Dave Taylor liam Hall. ' at 6-3 and Danny Wright. 6-2, An advisory referepdum on both lettered last year. but the proposed $4 increase in the neither is a productive scorer. activity fee, the money to go Getting the starting nod at to athletics, will also be center is Vinton Pease. a handed the voters. gangly 6-foot-8 from Pitts­ Non - fee - paying stude !Its field. Pease is in his first may pick up a card entitlin~ year with the Bulldogs after them to vote at the Student transferring therefrom West­ Activities Office in the Uni- ern Kentucky. Pease was a Center. Other students member of the Western Ken"": must present activity cards to tucky squad whicb went to the vote. National Invitational Tourna­ Polls are located at the ment in 1964. University Center. Home Eco­ Backing up Pease will be big nomics Building, Old Main, John Hines, who also stands Morris Library. Agriculture". 6-8. Another top reserve in Building, Wham Education the front line is freshman Dave Building, an~ the Student Cen- _ Wild, a 6-5 forward from ter at VTI. CahoHa. Student organizations will Besides Pease. the Bulldogs man the polls, including the have had their lineup bolstered Home Economics Club. by the addition of four other Jacques DeMolay. Jobs transfers. Included are Floyd Daughters and Rainbow Club, Taylor, a 6-4 forward; Larry Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K Butler. another 6-4 forward; and Delta Chi social fra­ Bob Gallop. a 6-7 centerfrom ternity Trenton; and Ralph Finch, a Opinion sheets about wom­ 5-11 guard. en's hours will be available With this starting five. the at some polls. The question­ Bulldogs will be a bit sl'lorter Neely HaR 011 a Fro.,y Nig;" (Photo by Randy Clark) naires were prepared by Pi than Southern. Coach Jack Play Opens Tonighl Sigma Epsilon. professional Hartman will probably go with marketing fraternity. and are 6-2 Randy Goin, 6-7 Ralph sponsored by the Campus Johnson, 6-6 Boyd O'Neal. Southern Players to Present Excerpts Senate Communications Com­ 6-1 Dave Lee and 6-2 George mission. McNeil in the starting five. Students who use the ques­ With its slight height ad- From 'The Fantastichs' at Convocations tionnaires are requested to ~~~~~~e b~P a~~~n~~ ~~nt~~llu~: The Southern Players' full at 8 p.m. in the Play- The musicians in tbe fill in their name. age, school boards. O'Neal and Lloyd presentation of "The house. It will run through Sun- Players' production are Tom residence. class. and are Stovall, theSalukis'othercen- FantaRricks" will open "'ith a day and again Dec. 9-12. Rosa. piano; Jane Chenoweth, asked their opinion on present ter. will be a couple of inches program of excerpts at Fresh­ percussion. and Michael bours for women. The sheets shorter than the Bulldogs' men Convocation at 10 a.m. A performance of a Hanes, director of the March- also ask for recommendations Pease and Hines, but both of and I p.m. today in Shryock children"s play. "Jack and ing Salukls, bass. about changing the hours. Southern's pivots have fre- Auditorium. the Beanstalk," will be given Karen Flesvig is stage Only girls may fill out the questionnaires. quenEly outre bounded taller The play. directed by at 3 p.m. today in the Play- manager, and Larry Wild is in opponents. Darwin Payne. will be given in house. The play directed by charge of lighting. Rohert Pevitts. will also be "The Fantasticks" was the staged Friday. production which was Gus Bode 5 Units Set Faculty Visits "The F antasticks:' which presented during the South- deals with two fathers' ern Players' annual tour. Five off-campus housing at Lincoln Manor, 509 Ash St. influence on the love affairs Pevitts was tour manager units will be hosts [0 faculty Robert W. Hunt, associate of their children, was written for the play which has been members at 7:30 o'clock to­ professor of mathematics, by Harvey Schmidt with music performed before about 20,000 night in the final "Meet Your will be at Con~ge Square, 511 by Tom Jones. people in 23 communities in Professor" evening for this S. Graham St.. Ronald W. two states. The play was quarter. VanderWiel, assistant pro­ Robert Pevitts and Paul. presented to audiences at Students do not have to be fessor of crime and cor­ Ramirez are cast as the Eastern Illinois Vniversity n:sidems of the host houses rections, will Visit University fathers. Judy Sink plays and at Nonhern Illinois Uni­ £/"J take part in the informal City. 009 E. College St. the girl and Gary Carlson, versity during the Southern discussions. Frederic H. Guild, profes­ the boy. Pam Worley and Players tour. David Ehrenfreund, chair­ sor of !;ovcrnment, will Visit Pat Ouffv will alternate in the The box office is open at man of the Department of tht' Shawnee House, !l05 W. rule of the ml'rc. AI Erick- the Playhouse from 10-11 a.m. Psy.:hology. wiH Visit Cray's Freeman St. son is cast as El Gallo: and from :i-~ p.m. d3i1y and Dorm, ·HO W. Freeman St.; The first "Meet Your Pro­ Richard Banon, as an old at 7 p.m. on sh()w ni)!hts. h. Kennerh Alil:n. viSIting pro­ fessor" evening of n~xt quar­ aeror: and Burt Dikelskv. as rl..:kers are pric,"d ar 51.25 Gus says he hopes eh.:- Sa­ f,-".;sor of (;conamics. win be ter will be Jan. 13. an old Indian. with all seats re,::en·ed. lukis play it cagey tonight. ··:DAtLY. EGY'''AN So(:iely 10 Hold Christmas Party The Graduate Wives Society Entertainment will be pro­ will hold a Christmas Party vided by the University High fr('m 8 to 10 p.m. on Dec. 13 S c h 001 Madrigal Singers. in the Home Economics under the direction of Charles Family Living Lounge. Taylor. ~lrs. Norman Moore will There will be a gift exchange give a demonstration on mak­ among the members and re­ ing Christmas decorations. freshments will be served. All wives of graduate stu­ dents are inVited. Shop With More Information concern­ Daily Egyptian ing the societ~· and its ac­ tivities may be obtained from Mrs. Ronald Boyd. hospitality chairman. at 549-1870. FS SCHOLARSHIPS - Robert E. Hill (right) DuQuoin, who also was granted the scholar­ dean of the School of Business, presents two ship last year. and Paul G. Schoen. Carbon­ accouhting students the first installment of their dale, a junior in accounting. Two a!(ficultural $300 FS Services Inc. scholarships for the cur- industries students also were selected for the b~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p;;;;;~R;~;;;tEjD~,;~ i:;;S;yle) Announ~ed VARSITY LATE SHOW Delta Zeta social sorority Donna Holt to Norman C. Lavaliered: M. Kay Wiss to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NITES ONLY announces the marriages. en­ Brown. Sigma Pi; Beverly Thomas T. Isacson. AT 11:00 P.M. gagements. pin n i n g s and Hendrickson to Howard N. lavalierings of its members. Rasmussen. Tau Kappa Ep­ Policy on Absences Married: Marsha Purdum to silon; and JUditb B. Crackel to Fernandet cOOks up a matrimonjal bouillabaisse! Michael Besant. Delta Chi. Cbarles Story. Referred 10 Commitlee Engaged: Geraldine F. Ber­ The Faculty Council decided Sororities to Hold ry to Steven Hashbarger; Pat­ at its Nov. 23 meeting to ricia F. Rigor to James Ed­ refer an investigation of a son.
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