) .-1(, Sccond Balkan Gcophysical Congrcss and 08-1 TSUNAMIS ALONG THE COASTS OF THE BLACK SEA YILDIZ AL TINOK u. Fakultesi, Jeofizik Muhendisligi Bolumu, 34850 Avcilar, lstanbul, Turkey is well the of tsunamis occur in thc In swdi,•,- ,,f tsunamis, Black Sea tsunamis are also mentioncd. Bul the dala on arc Most of the inlormation on this subject is for the 20th century. The first historical B lac k Sca records a as carly as l st century BC. Thc Armenian \ ses ( 10-49 I AD) mcntioned a sudden llooding of the shores of the Black Sea back in 1997b). Thc Byzantine choronicler Theophanes (760-818AD) reports "In ) .:--l-l/5-ti) sca on by four (6 km) and covered it in thc territories of Odcssus and al so Many wcre drowned in lhe waters. By God's command sca (() n,,-n plan~" (Guidoboni et al., 1994). look dislribution of Black Sca rcports on rcpon s for rclcrs lo lhc 2nd AD ( 103). ,,,·L·mr,·d SC\·astopol Bay, sca reccded up to 0.5 in prcscnt w of 11 , l 927 (M = 6.8 :c: 0.1) affectcd on the part of Black Sca arc also üne of first i, 20AD±20. lt record s that associalcd an M 6.5 atkcted gulf of rosc ur 2.5 Thc during the earlhquake of October -l. 1905 (M=5. l±0.7 th c placc. to records of 8 slations. during ,,1 Jul ~ 12 . 1966 (M = 5.8 ± 0.5) resultccl in changcs of sea lewl (Nikonov. 1997a). Up I\\ ll0\\'. 3 Black Sca coasts of Turkcy. 11crc Sca of 1598. thc fatsa of 1939 Amasra of 1968 (Allinok Ers(l\. it is a in 1598 in thc gulf bct\\'CCn Sinop Samsun . thc sca ror a mile ( l on coast of B lack Sca 1995). On Dccembcr 26/27. 19:N. Erzincan in rcccdcd 50 alkr a sca 20 from coast (Parcjas et al.. 19-l:. risc or sca !evci was rccordcd at 6 tidal on thc coast of Black Sca (Muny. 1977 \Vcdd ing ( 1968) the sea inundatcd !00 in Amasra and at"tcr second wavc ad,,anccd 50-ô() Bartin (Ms=6.6) on Seplcmber 3. 1968. ( 1996) dcscribcs ri sc llf sca to be about 3 in Amasra. wcrc also observcd in thc Sea of Azov, thc Black Sea. is 1650. gcological tracc., of thc on M= 7±0.5 eanhquakc. 11 ere in Sc, astop()l Bay. Morc rcccnlly therc has a 40 cm risc on the coast of the Sea of Azo,· on August 1990 1997a). l\forc 20 so far been obscrvcd in thc Black Sca. Nikonm· ( 1997a. 1972) slatcd lhat thc wavc in thc B lack Sca was 45-1 Hl 111, the vclocity of travcl II a,; 120- l -l(l time of travcl coast to thc olhcr was I O to 1 1O dala can he for lhc Black Sca. neccssary prccautions C()Uld he takcn ) t o No ..~.. .. ...... Sccond Balkan Gcophysical Congress and Exhibition 47 Locations of tsun arnis in the Black Sea with chronological order. 43 °E -J....------------------------"1r48°N Ukraine Russia BLACK SEA 21 o l<m 300 *Thi s work was supported by the Research ofThe University of lstanbul. Projeci 1268 / 050599. References Y. Ersoy, S., 1998, observed Turkish and near surroundings, in Book of Conference on Natural&Man-Made Hazards. Hazards-98, 17-22 May Island, Greece, pp.31-32. N.N. Finkcl,C., 1995, The ofTurkey and Arcas. A Historical ReYiew. 1500-1800, Eren Yayincilik, Istanbul. E., A. and Traina, G., 1994, Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakcs in Arca ur to 10th Ccntury, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Rome. Murty, T.S., 1977, Seismic Sea Waves, Tsunarnis, of Fishcries and Environmcnt Fisheries and Marinc Service, on Branch, Canada. Nikonov. A.A., 1997a, on thc of thc Black Sea and Sca of Physics of the Solid Earth,33.77-87. Russia. Nikonov, A.A., 1997b, Tsunami-a threat from the south? Search and in Russia. No.6, 13- 19. Russia. Parcjas, !., Akyol, M. and Altinli, E., 1942, Le tremblement de terre du 27 1939 (secteur occidental), I.U. Jeoloji Enstitusu Nesriyati, No.10, 187-222, Istanbul. Ranguelov, B., 1996, Earthquakes and tsunami hazards in the Black Sea, in Abstract of thc Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, September 23-27 1996, Alhens,pp. 44-45. Wedding, H., 1968, 3 Eylul 1968 d.:: vukua gelen Yersarsintisi, MTA Dergisi, Sayi 71. 135-141, Ankara. ) ' .
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