MILEPOST 31 JULY 2010 I RPS railway performance society www.railperf.org.uk 30th Anniversary Year YEAR Driving Driving to Perfection onGWML – See Page 119 th 30 Anniversary Year RPS railway performance society www.railperf.org.uk through Gloucestershir Milepost 31¼ 101 July 2010 Milepost 31¼ – July 2010 The Quarterly Magazine of the Railway Performance Society Honorary President: Gordon Pettitt, OBE, FCILT Commitee: CHAIRMAN Frank Collins 10 Collett Way, Frome, Somerset BA11 2XR Tel: 01373 466408 e-mail frank@frankcollins.co.uk SECRETARY & VC Martin Barrett 112 Langley Drive, Norton, Malton, N Yorks, YO17 9AB (and meetings) Tel: 01653 694937 Email: mandjbarrett@yahoo.co.uk TREASURER Peter Smith 28 Downsview Ave, Storrington, W Sussex, RH20 (and membership) 4PS. Tel 01903 742684 e-mail: peterandbrendasmith@btinternet.com EDITOR David Ashley 92 Lawrence Drive, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middx, UB10 8RW. Tel 01895 675178 E-mail: rpseditor@aol.com Fastest Times Editor David Sage 93 Salisbury Rd, Burton, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23, 7JR. Tel 01202 249717 E-mail davidsage1@ntlworld.com Distance Chart Editor Ian Umpleby 314 Stainbeck Rd, Leeds, W Yorks LS7 2LR Tel 0113 266 8588 Email: ianumpleby@aol.com Database/Archivist Lee Allsopp 2 Gainsborough, North Lake, Bracknell, RG12 7WL Tel 01344 648644 e-mail l.allsopp@ntlworld.com Technical Officer David Hobbs 11 Lynton Terrace, Acton, London W3 9DX Tel 020 8993 3788 e-mail davidjahobbs@hotmail.co.uk David Stannard 26 Broomfield Close, Chelford, Macclesfield, Cheshire,SK11 9SL. Tel 01625 861172 e mail: david@stannard26.f9.co.uk Publicity/Webmaster Baard Covington, 2 Rose Cottage, Bradfield,Wix, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2SH Tel 07010 717717, E-mail: press.office@railperf.org.uk Steam Specialist Michael Rowe Burley Cottage, Parson St., Porlock,Minehead, Somerset, TA24 8QJ . Tel 01643 862182 E-mail: Kchutney@aol.com Non-committee official:- Topical points Martin Robertson 23 Brownside Rd, Cambuslang, Glasgow, G72 0NL e-mail: martin.robertson2@ntlworld.com Directors of RPS Rail Performance Consultants Ltd.:- Frank Collins (chairman), Peter Smith (secretary), Martin Barrett CONTENTS Notices 102 Fastest Times Martin Robertson 111 Driving to Perfection on GWML David Adams 119 Euston-Lichfield John Rishton 122 How the other half live David Stannard 124 125mph in the North East Pt 1 Martin Robertson 126 Leeds-Doncaster diversions Bevan Price 133 Warships on South West David Lloyd-Roberts 135 Bristolian positioning trip Bruce Nathan 143 Preserved steam on preserved railways Michael Rowe 144 What it was like 60 years ago Michael Hedges 146 Ivatt Class 2 Andrew James 151 SNCF Atlantic Coast Alan Varley 156 Letters 162 News alert 170 Enclosures (where subscribed): UK Distance Charts, Overseas fastest times, 30th Anniversary supplement, membership list Copyright The Railway Performance Society Ltd, registered in England & Wales No. 04488089 Use of the material in the magazine is permitted only for the private purposes of the reader No material in the magazine can otherwise be used for publication or reproduction in any form without the express permission of the Society The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the RPS, the Editors or any of their advisers. Whilst efforts are made to ensure accuracy, the Editor his advisers and the RPS accept no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies howsoever caused. Readers are asked to note that the RPS encourages contributions from all members, and articles may appear that are interesting in content, but occasionally may not be to the standard of the rest of the publication. Material sent to the Editors, whether commissioned or freely submitted is provided entirely at the contributors own risk; neither the Editor nor the RPS can be held responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused. Published by The Railway Performance Society Limited, 92 Lawrence Drive, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middx, UB10 8RW Printed by Prontaprint Harrow, 7 Central Parade, Station Rd., Harrow, Middx, HA1 2TW. Milepost 31¼ 102 July 2010 PUBLICATION OF MILEPOST Milepost is published in April, July, October, and January. If you have not received your copy by the end of the month of publication it may have gone astray. Requests for replacements of missing or defective copies should be directed please to the Editor. REPRESENTING THE SOCIETY The RPS is always keen to be represented at special media-type occasions. However, we do ask that anyone wishing to do this should do so with the express agreement of the Committee. Should the opportunity arise for any member or in exceptional circumstances, friend of a member, to do this please can contact be made with the Secretary (either by telephone or e-mail) setting out the circumstances of the occasion. Please give us at least one week in advance of the occasion. SUBMITTING ARTICLES Submissions may be sent as attachments to an email or by post as documents on a CD or diskette or as a printed document. If sending a diskette or CD, please enclose a hard copy of the article; this helps if file(s) are unreadable for any reason. Please send all submissions to the editor whose contact details are in the inside front cover of Milepost. The editor will normally acknowledge email submissions within a few days, and always within 3 weeks. If sending by post and you wish to have a receipt, please enclose an SAE for reply. If you wish any material/CD/diskette to be returned, please clearly state this. Milepost 23¾ gave detailed guidelines for submissions. The editor is happy to supply these, on request by email or by post. Please note that page margins are critical: one inch or 2.54cm top, bottom, left and right. DISTANCE CHART EDITOR’S REPORT Like the Society itself the Distance Charts are now 30 years old, the East Coast Main Line being first to appear in the rear of Milepost 1 edited by Bill Becket. Many people have since been involved in the supply of information and production of the charts to who we owe our thanks. The Committee position of Mileage Chart Editor has been in place for only ten years and thanks are also due to my predecessors, Nigel Smedley and John Bull, for their work in collating the information when it wasn’t as readily available as it is today. Mention should also be made of the late Eric Rudkin who did a tremendous amount of research to establish correct mileages, once even walking the 41 miles from Edinburgh to Grantshouse to try to sort out the dodgy mileposts! Back to the current day the enclosed chart issue consists mainly of lines in the Strathclyde area which completes the printing of Scottish charts apart from the Airdrie to Helensburgh corridor which will follow the reopening of the Glasgow- Bathgate-Edinburgh line in December. London-Norwich, Swindon-Gloucester and Carlisle- Dumfries-Glasgow have been reissued but production of the Nottingham-Derby-Bristol corridor charts has been put back to October. The Chart index now shows groups of traction types affected by differential speed restrictions. Ian Umpleby July 2010 FASTEST TIMES Please send all Fastest Times contributions to David Sage at the address on the inside cover. Milepost 31¼ 103 July 2010 This is with the following exceptions:- John Heaton for Voyagers, 180s, Pendolinos and 222s. Bill Long for DB material. If in doubt then e-mail or post to my contact details on the inside cover. Please, where practicable, also copy claims and logs to Lee Allsopp for the Society archive, and to Martin Robertson for material for his Fastest Times articles. Note that the Members area of the RPS website – see www.railperf.org.uk - has the latest GB and Overseas Fastest Times. These times are also there in the general area, but without the recorder’s initials. At present all entries are as up to date as possible from submissions received. I must confess to a time-lag with regard to the general area, but Member’s site is fine. Please note: Can Members who submit times to John Heaton’s ‘new’ GW, ECML and GE times please check to see if they are overall FTs as well, and forward additionally to me. Thank you. OVERSEAS CHARTS Nothing to report. David Sage July 2010 HISTORIC FASTEST TIMES Would readers with the printed version of the 2009 issue please note a few corrections. On Pages 30/31 - in the "Reading / Bristol - Plymouth / Paignton" table, please insert "North / Eastbound" above the left hand side of the table, and "South / Westbound" above the right hand side of the table. Also, the date of Bill Long's record (Taunton to Bristol) with 60163 should be 08/08/2009. Sorry for any confusion that might have arisen, but proof reading of small text on a computer screen can get a bit tiring on the eyes. Comments & offers of new records for the 2010 issue should be sent to the compiler at bevanprice666@btinternet.com (e-mail messages in plain text format, please, identifying the contents of any file attachments.) Postal messages nay be sent to 24 Walmesley Road, Eccleston, St. Helens, Lancs., WA10 5JT. Please note that the HFT files formerly available on part of my personal website are no longer available, following my change to a broadband internet connection. Bevan Price SALES ITEMS Back Numbers: Certain back issues of Milepost, from Milepost 6 onwards, can be supplied at a price of £2.50 each including postage. Supplies are extremely limited and once sold they will not be reprinted. Details of issues available will be supplied on request. SALE OF THE CENTURY We are currently offering a special price of £1 per copy for a minimum of 20 magazines (including postage and packing). Not all editions are in print.
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