CONTRACT. BRIDGE@( - @L ;;~~!A~?i!!iJ!f! ' . t., 4/ \~.? . ' THE OFFIC}AL MEDIUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS I- ANY QUESTIONS __ I With both sides vulnerable, South held this hand:- + K 10 5'\ \? AK7 , 0 A J 10 52 .97 East-West play "forcing two " and also bid one club on 12-15 points and demand a reply of one diamond on less than eight points. West dealt and the bi(Jding proceeded :- West North East South ,. 1. NB t+ 20 2+ 3. NB ? What should South say in response to the three club bid? Read the experts opinions on page 24. -- EDITED BY H. ST . .JOHN INGRAM No. II .....- S EPTEM3ER. 1955 " . • • • ·EVERY MONDAY./ . ./N ·THE • • • ' . • • • • • • . · mlaiiJ! t?!tltgraph . ' CONTRACT DRIDOB JOURNAL ~f RES FORD & SMITH HUNTER SIMMONDS EST. 1895 EST. 1889 LEADING TURF ACCOUNTANTS \ of Distinction and Hlrhest Repute Head Offices : 6-7-8 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, W.l Telephones: HAYralr 7260 (20 lines) HYDe Park 431 1 (40 lines) 8ronches: BOUP.NEMOUTH • SOUTHEND • EPSOM • ROMFORD • NO LIMITS • BRIDGE "·BRIDGE The Olllclnl Dullclln Monthly Review of the or the FEDERATION OF BELGIAN URIDGE ITALIAN BRIDGE FEDEUATION ' (F. J. B.) ••• Yenrly Subscrlpllon: Annunl Subscription £1 : 0: 0 (10 Issues) 10/- post rreo '• ,, II Wrltt to:- • ·'', Clrculntlon Dept.: Director: • FEDERICO ROSA Uue l'hllllpe·lc-lkm, 10 Vln Monic Nnpoleonc 8 Uru.ssds Milnn, Itnly llclglum CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL THE "CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL" CIRCULATES IN THE BIUTISH ISLES IRAN ,. EIRE SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRALIA MALAYA ITALY CANADA BELGIUM NORWAY CEYLON DENMARK SWEDEN INDIA EGYPT SPAIN NEW ZEALAND FINLAND r SWITZERLAND PAKISTAN HOLLAND TURKEY and the U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Australia A£1/ 18/0 Belgium Frs. 218 Italy Lire 262415 Canada $4.60 Denmark ' Kr. 30 Norway Kr. 31 Ceylon Rs. 20 Egypt E£1 .50 Sweden Kr. 22.50 India Rs. 20 Eire £1 / 10/0 Spain Ps. 46 New Zealand £1 / 10/0 Finland Mks. 970 Switzerland Frs. 19 T£12 Pakistan I Rs. 13 France Frs. 1520 Turkey South Africa £1/10/0 Holland Fls. 16.50 U.S.A. • $4.50 Malaya Rs. 14 Iran • Rials 135 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 30/- POST FREE . •! . ' The Copyright of this Magazine is vested in Hugh Quekett Limited 35 Dover Street, London, W.l. _ Reprinting of contents without permission is prohibited It is published under the authority of the ., English Bridge Union . , . 1 • 2 t • CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL AJDet•iean Bt•idge' )Jooks . CRAWFORD'S CONTRACT BRIDGE by John R. Crawford and Fred L. Karpin. This complete book of 375 pages gives bidding and play of American masters with special sections for beginners. 30/- po~t free BRIDGE ENDINGS by Raphael Cioffi. Basic primer of 128 pages on endplays, a difficult subject made easy. - 10/6 post free LEADS by Charles H. Goren 10/- post free THE FOUR CLUBS BID, A Slam Convention, by John Gerber. Better, easier and simpler than Blackwood, Culbertson Four No Trumps, etc. 6/- post free GHOULIE by P. M. Wertheimer with Introduction by Oswald Jacoby. A new faster and more exciting way to play bridge with plenty of big hands and slams. 5/- post free \ IT'S A BIDDER'S GAME. by 'Richard A. Miller. Gives a new look at four-card suit rebids, third hand bidding, no trump bids and the two cl~b ~akeout , ~nd weak two-bids. Reviews point count btddmg, opemng bids and responses, doubles, overcalls and slam bidding. New. 10/- post free Post cheque or money order to British Sales Agents: Hugh Quekett Ltd., 35 Dover Street, London, W.1 For direct acceptance on~v Allow about six weeks•for deli••ery, since these , . books are shipped only on order from U.S.A. I -. 3 CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL NORTH WESTERN CONTRACf BRIDGE ASSOCIATIO~ -, IDillrniD®!£ ©©~@Ul!£~ at TilE DIPERIA1 HOTEL NORTH PRO~IENADE, DLACKPOOL November 11th, 12th and 13th, 1955 The Congress will include four Teams-of-Four Contests, Championship Pairs, Ladies' Open Pairs Championship, Open Pairs (aggregate and match-pointed), and a Rainbow. Individual Movement. 250 PRIZES Entries and all corresponde,;ce to: Mr. E. G. P. Martin "RedcliJTe," Wellington Road, New Brighton, Cheshire To Yf!Ur BRIDGE FRIEND at HO~IE or ABROAD Please allow: us to send them a complimen­ tary copy of the journal. Fill in their name and address here :-' N.Alffi . ·' ;. ·. ........ooooooo.,...oonoooo-Uooouooooo M OMMOoOo.._.,., , .., ....., .....,,....u __ .. o_o o o.. o_H>_OooooM _____ (aUKX ~JnTnt) ' ADDRESS · . \ .. - . .... ...... :... ·-··-~·--:·.-...·- -··--·-...-·---·-----·-- .. - --- ·--·----0 ·---·------·-·--···----' •• ..---- and return to Hugh Quekett Ltd.,, 35 Donr Street ' London, W.l CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL MEDIUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS VOLUMJ! 9 SEPTEMBER 1955 No. 11 . Editor-In-Chief. ' H. ST. JOHN INGRAM Editor for Midland and Nortbcm Region: •• HAROLD FRANXUN Editor for London and the South: ALAN Tauscorr .. J. C. H. MARX Manuscripts and all Bridge Correspondence to: Till! EOITOR•IN·CHIEP, CmmiAcr DatooE JoURNAL, I 3 LoNDON LANE, BROMLEY, KENT. ' I All Correspondence on All Ad,crtisemcnts to : • , Subscriptions to Publishers: CAPT. V. R. UUMAN, M .C. Huon QUEKI!'IT LTD., Huon QUEnTT LTD., 35 DOVER STREET, ' 35 DoVER STREET, LoNDON, W.l. LoNDON, W.J, CONTENTS' Page EDITORIAL . .. • .. • 6 EUROPEAN CIIA~IPIONSIIIPS (OPEN) by Harold Franklin 7- 12 ( WOMENS) h)• Alan Trusrott 13-17 It It I '18-20 PLAYINO AND DEFENDING by G. C. 1/. Fox ... ANY QUEST10NS ' ••• 21-27 28-30 HANDs FRoM PLAY .. , · Tomouas LA Poun:sse by Gortfoll Hammoml 31- 33 34-35 Tul! DELL Cur ... 35-36 Tue MmoroUTAN cur 37- 38 EXPERT JuooMENT by Paul Masters ••• 41-47 CQMP£11TION PAOts 5 '• Editorial The British Bridge League has it replaces on the selectors the decided to abandon the system burden of selection; and although which has operated for the past English and British selectors are two years by which the winners noteworthy for their zeal and of the Gold Cup became the honesty of purpose, few will be Probable team for. the European satisfied with the results of their Championships. This produced labours, pnd they will receive no almost the same team each year, thanks. One can only congratu· which. followed up a World late them on their courageous Championship victory with a attempt to solve this perennial European Championship failure. problem and wish them the best of luck. The new plan is to invite a number of pairs, whose names During a recent cruise down will be printed elsewhere in this the Mediterranean, a meeting was issue if they are known in time, called to arrange a card com· to consider themselves members of mittee. The liason officer wanted a panel for selection for next to cover most of the alleged year's Championships in Stock­ popular games and to make up holm, when the team will again parties for each. Over 40 turned be captained by Reg Corwen, the up for the meeting-one wanted new E.B.U. Chairman. Those Canasta; one was for Rummy; pairs accepting will then be two for Auction Bridge and all formed into B.B.L. teams for the the remainder were Contract purposes of some or all of the players. This was a very healthy major team-of-four events: the sign, but sad to relate only four Gold Cup, Crockford's Cup the had ever heard of the English ~elville Smith Trophy, and the Bridge Union. Richard Lederer Memorial A bidding match was arrong~ Trophy. and nearly 60 attended and 1t struck me then that spreading the A similar system will be in force gospel of the E.B.U. through su?' to assist the selection of a Ladies channels was ideal. This apphes team, and the ladies of course will equally to all _other constituent ha':e the Whitelaw Cup as their matn goal. bodies of the B.B.L. I am perfectly certain that there The virtue of this new arrange­ are many. many ways. for a ment is that it will ensure that ·publicity officer to bnng o~r the players finally selected will governing associations !O t e ha~e had plenty of practice in notice of the public and SO senous teams with their selected secure new members. partner. 'J_'he disadvantage is that HJ. 6 " t' I :. ~ ... EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS OPEN SERIES (continued) ' I by HAROLD FRANKliN Gt. Britain v. Holland no trumps. The D utch West took The first swing came our way, out into five clubs which was the reward of good judgment. passed out and three d own, + 10 8 undoubted, North, Meredith '\} 9 5 3 2 ~aving shown a quite uncharac: 0 Q 9 4 teristic restraint. In the other •+ Q 9 7 2 room West, Dodds, took out to + A Q 9 five hearts and North bid five ' '\} A K Q to spades doubled by Pavlides and 0 7 5 2 made on the lead of the 0 10, + A 8 6 taken by the ace. And on this When the Dutch South opened next hand our players seem to one heart North raised to two have been far too busy in both hearts and removed South's sub- rooms:- sequent bid of three no trumps to + Q J 10 fo.u r hearts which failed by two '\} J 9 8 4 tncks. In the other room East 0 7 S 2 opened one club and South , - + K 9 3 + AK62 (Konstam) doubled. When his + 9 8 7 5 3 '\} K532 partner bid one heart · he con- '\J 10 7 ·o KQ tented himself with a raise to two ·. 0 10 6 + Q 108 hearts in spite of his great nigh + 7 6 5 2 card strength'. + 4 This unfortunately was the only '\J A Q 6 swing of any consequence that' 0 A J 9 8 4 3 went to us in the first half.
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