VOLUME TEN, NO. 21—October 9, 1997—October 22, 1997—Issue 241 Give the People Light and they will find their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Latest Studies Show that New AIDS Drugs U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Fail in About Half of Patients Appeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell Toronto, Canada--Widely heralded new AIDS treatments that seemed to stop By Bill Meunier the virus' advance and revive patients An from near death are now beginning to fail Exclusive Wisconsin Light Report in about half of all those treated, doctors Washington DC--Hopes that the Fed- said Monday, September 29. eral Judiciary would throw out the mili- The disappointing reports suggest the tary's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy ap- tough virus is coming back after being pear to have been dashed when for the knocked briefly into submission, just as third time in the last year, the United many experts feared it would. States Supreme Court has refused to hear "Over the past year, we had a honey- a case regarding the controversial policy moon period," said Dr. Steven Deeks. of dismissing openly Gay or Lesbian "The epidemic will likely split in two, service members even if the military has and for half the people we will need new no evidence that they have engaged in therapeutic options." homosexual conduct. Deeks presented data from the Univer- The Court without comment declined to sity of California at San Francisco's large hear the case of Richenberg vs. The public AIDS clinic at San Francisco Gen- United States. In order for a case to be eral Hospital. heard before the Supreme Court four jus- Prescnptions of so-called three-drug tices have to vote to consider it. That cocktails, two older AIDS drugs plus one means that at best only a third of the of the new class of medicines called pro- Court wants to consider overturning tease inhibitors, have clearly revolution- "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." ized AIDS care. In many places, more Air Force Captain Richard Richenberg than 90 percent of AIDS patients are tak- was a decorated Electronic Warfare offi- ing these combinations, and typically peo- cer. He received his commendation dur- ple start on them as soon as they learn CCF Recognized — Tony Rhodes. President of the Cream City Foundation received a plaque of appreciation ing the Persian Gulf War for detecting and they are infected, even before they get given to the Foundation on behalf of the Saturday Softball League at the SSBL's Banquet held at the M & M anniversary season. The countering an enemy threat. The nature of sick. Club on Sunday, October 5. CCF was a major sponsor of the league's 201° that Wisconsin Light's Bill Meunier was given an award of excellence for his outstanding support of the SSBL. threat remains classified. Patients whose disease-fighting T cells Richenberg was honorably discharged were ravaged by HIV have gotten out of Roman Catholic Bishops Tell Parents to Love after telling his superiors that he was Gay. bed, regained normal lives and even gone The Air Force offered no evidence of any back to work. However, many worried and Accept Their Gay and Lesbian Kids misconduct. Under the "Don't Ask, Don't from the start that the virus would eventu- Tell Policy" the military can dismiss ally grow resistant to the protease inhibi- New York, NY—A groundbreaking of the Gay movement said that although service persons who admit to being Gay tors and resume its insidious destruction. statement by U.S. Catholic Bishops ad- he himself is not a Roman Catholic he unless those individuals can prove they The latest data, presented at an infec- vises that the parents of Gay males and sees the bishops' statement as hopeful. have not engaged in homosexual acts. tious disease conference sponsored by the Lesbians place familial love and support Kelley predicts that "this action by the In an interview with The Wisconsin American Society of Microbiology, sug- for their children ahead of anti-Gay bishops will have (or can be used to pro- Light, Kirk Childress, of The Service gests this is indeed happening regularly. church doctrine. duce) a big impact on public attitudes Members Defense League, a national or- Deeks and colleagues reviewed the rec- A spokeswoman for Milwaukee's Arch- even though ostensibly the Church isn't ganization which works with discharged ords of 136 HIV-infected people who bishop Rembert Weakland said that he easing its stand on how Gay sex is im- Gay and Lesbian Veterans pointed out started on protease inhibitors in March had no comment because "the letter moral." that when Captain Richenberg came be- comes from the national office." The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Please See to AIDS Drugs Page 14 fore a review board, those who served Chicago's William B. Kelley, a pioneer welcomed the document as an important with him gave supportive statements to step forward on the road to ending dis- that Board. President Clinton Appoints Open Lesbian to crimination based on sexual orientation." It was hoped that those statements "This is another milestone on America's would convince the Court that the military Top Ranked Post in White House journey toward common ground where is wrong when it says that the mere pres- faith, family and fairness go together," ence of openly Gay or Lesbian service Washington, DC--The White House ministration functions of the entire White said HRC Executive Director Elizabeth House members harms unit cohesion and morale. announced Wednesday, October 1, the complex and she will have over- Birch. Childress expressed disappointment appointment of former (1983-1985) Na- sight responsibilities for all of the agen- Kerry Lobel, Executive Director of the tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force cies of the Executive Office of the Presi- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Please See to Don't Ask Page 14 (NGLTF) executive director Virginia M. dent. (NGLTF), said that he welcomed the let- Apuzzo of Kingston, New York, as As- These include the White House intern ter. "I hope this open discussion within Add Your Name to sistant to the President for Management program, the photography office, the tele- the Catholic Church will ease the pain of and Administration. phone service and the travel office. She young people coming to grips with their began the new job on October 2. sexual orientation." "Light's" Nov. 5 The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund Lobel added, however, "I reject their publicly praised both Clinton's action and (the Bishops) notion that our behavior is Anniversary Issue Apuzzo's appointment. immoral." He called on the Church to end Victory Fund Executive Milwaukee—Readers of this newspa- Director Brian its "mixed message." per are invited to place their names in Bond said, "By judging applicants on The bishops' statement, titled Always their qualifications rather than the November 5 keepsake, 10" Anni- their sexual Our Children, was made in the form of a versary collectors edition of The Wis- orientation, President Clinton continues to Please See to Bishops Page 14 set a shining example for all fainninded consin Light. As projected, that issue employers to follow." will be the largest GLBT publication Bond also had the highest praise for ENDA Senate ever published in Wisconsin. Apuzzo. "Every Gay A complete history of the past ten man and Lesbian years, gleaned from the past issues of should feel tremendous pride in what Committee Hearing Ginny Apuzzo has the paper will be printed and compli- accomplished. Ap- mented by hundreds of photographs pointees at this level are second in rank Scheduled for only to Cabinet members, which makes taken from our files. Ginny the highest For $10 you can have your name pub- ranking openly Gay ap- October 23 lished in a special "You Light Up Our pointed official in history. It takes ex- traordinary By Bill Meunier Lives" tribute ad. Partners can list their courage and integrity to seek names jointly for $20. public office as an openly Gay candi- An Exclusive Wisconsin Light Report date—exactly the Washington D.C.—The Employment For anyone who wishes to remember kind of qualities people a deceased want in a government official." Non-Discnmination Act, ENDA is slated friend or loved one, a special The Victory Fund is for a Senate Committee hearing to be held memorial column will be provided. part of a national The option coalition whose goal is ensure that quali- the morning of Thursday October 24. The is available for anyone to fied gay men and lesbians receive fair and hearing has been called by the Senate La- list only their initials, nick name, first equal consideration for Administration bor and Human Resources Committee. name only, or a substitute such as "A appointments. That committee is chaired by Senator Jim Friend." Virginia M. Apuzzo Both NGLTF and the Human Rights Jeffords (R-VT). Jeffords is a major The names of businesses and organi- Apuzzo has been serving as Associate Campaign (HRC) also expressed satisfac- sponsor of the legislation. zations will be accepted at $20 per Deputy Secretary of Labor at the United tion with the president's choice. ENDA would prohibit employment dis- name. In addition, businesses and or- States Department of Labor since Sep- "We applaud this appointment as yet crimination aimed at Gays and Lesbians. ganizations are invited to run regular tember, 1996. In her new position, she is another step in President Clinton's prom- The bill provides an exemption for relig- display ads. See page 32 for details. scheduled to become the nation's highest ise to made his ious organizations and specifically pro- The deadline for thefiame listing is administration look like Monday, ranking out Gay or Lesbian government America." said Elizabeth Birch, HRC's hibits the use of quotas or affirmative ac- November 3'.
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