OF MANY THINGS he management of NBC News proportionate response? Must every 106 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019-3803 announced on Feb. 10 that misstep by a public figure result in Ph: 212-581-4640; Fax: 212-399-3596 Brian Williams, the award- this kind of behavior, from which so Subscriptions: 1-800-627-9533 T www.americamagazine.org many of us seem to draw such perverse winning anchor of its top-rated NBC facebook.com/americamag Nightly News, had been suspended for satisfaction? The answer, of course, twitter.com/americamag misrepresenting “events which occurred is no, and there is a way to stop it. As while he was covering the Iraq War in René Girard, the Franco-American PRESIDENT AND EDITOR IN CHIEF Matt Malone, S.J. 2003. It then became clear,” said the literary critic, has observed, it is only EXECUTIVE EDITORS management, “that on other occasions forgiveness “that is capable of stopping Robert C. Collins, S.J., Maurice Timothy Reidy Brian had done the same while telling once and for all the spiral of reprisals, MANAGING EDITOR Kerry Weber that story in other venues.” which of course are sometimes LITERARY EDITOR Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. It’s hard to disagree with NBC’s interrupted by unanimous expulsions, SENIOR EDITOR AND CHIEF CORRESPONDENT conclusion that Mr. Williams’s but violently and only temporarily.” In Kevin Clarke actions were “wrong and completely other words, tempering our judgment EDITOR AT LARGE James Martin, S.J. inappropriate.” By reiterating stories with mercy is the only way to stop the EXECUTIVE EDITOR, AMERICA FIlmS Jeremy Zipple, S.J. that he knew to be false, or at least orgy of public shaming that needlessly POETRY EDITOR Joseph Hoover, S.J. should have known to be false, Mr. destroys lives and communities. ASSOCIATE EDITOR AND VATICAN CORRESPONDENT Williams seriously compromised his Perhaps we should also bear this in Gerard O’Connell credibility as an honest broker of the mind as we consider the life of Blessed SENIOR EDITOR Edward W. Schmidt, S.J. news. The likelihood that every one of Junípero Serra, as Jim McDermott, ENGAGEMENT AND COmmUNITY EDITOR us is guilty of some form of hyperbolic S.J., writes in this issue. The fact that Elizabeth Tenety ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ashley McKinless, Olga Segura self-aggrandizement does not excuse Blessed Junípero was a flawed human ASSISTANT EDITORS Francis W. Turnbull, S.J., Mr. Williams’s actions, nor does it mean being, beset by some of the more Joseph McAuley that he should not be held accountable. odious prejudices of his time, does not ART DIRECTOR Sonja Kodiak Wilder Our shared experience of human mean that his legacy is irredeemable. COLUMNISTS Helen Alvaré, John J. Conley, S.J., weakness, however, should in some The chief requirement for sainthood Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M., James T. Keane, John W. Martens, Bill McGarvey, Angela Alaimo O’Donnell, discernible way temper our response to is holiness, not perfection, and those Margot Patterson, Nathan Schneider, Robert David Mr. Williams, yet it appears to have had two are in no way the same thing for us Sullivan little effect. As much as Mr. Williams mere creatures. CORRESPONDENTS John Carr (Washington), An- thony Egan, S.J., and Russell Pollitt, S.J. (Johannes- is the protagonist in the middle of his At press time, it appears that Bill burg), Jim McDermott, S.J. (Los Angeles), Timothy third act, it is also true that there is a O’Reilly, the Fox News host, is being Padgett (Miami), Steven Schwankert (Beijing), powerful antagonist at work. In the days readied for the sacrificial pyre. Slate’s David Stewart, S.J. (London), Judith Valente (Chi- cago), Mary Ann Walsh, R.S.M. (U.S. Church) immediately following the disclosure, headline on Feb. 22 was so familiar it’s MODERATOR, CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB a self-righteous mob of torch-bearing practically a cliché: “Seven CBS Staffers Kevin Spinale, S.J. Twitter-azzi and latter-day Thomas Discredit Bill O’Reilly’s ‘War Zone’ EDITORIAL E-MAIL Putnams were intent on immolating Claims.” Here we go again. I have no [email protected] Mr. Williams. They have very nearly idea what Mr. O’Reilly did or didn’t succeeded. Rather conveniently, the do; I’m not even sure that I care. But I PUblISHER AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Edward Spallone. DEPUTY PUblISHER Rosa Del Saz. VICE phrase “off with his head” contains fewer do know that whatever happens during PRESIDENT/ADVANCEMENT Daniel Pawlus. DEVEL- than 140 characters. this latest round of scarlet lettering, we OpmENT COORDINATOR Kerry Goleski. OPERATIONS This all seems very familiar, doesn’t would do well to remember, as David STAFF Chris Keller, Glenda Castro. ADVERTISING CONTACT [email protected]; 212-515-0102. it? As David Brooks noted in his Brooks wrote, that “the civic fabric SUBSCRIPTION CONTACT/ADDITIONAL COPIES column in The New York Times on would be stronger if, instead of trying [email protected]; Feb. 10, nowadays “when somebody to sever relationships with those who 1-800-627-9533 violates a public trust, we try to purge have done wrong, we tried to repair © 2015 America Press, Inc. and ostracize him. A sort of coliseum them, if we tried forgiveness instead of culture takes over, leaving no place exiling.” for mercy.... The pounding cry for “Public Shaming Gives Way to resignation builds until capitulation Public Forgiveness”; now that would be comes.” breaking news. Cover: Composite image: Shutterstock.com/ But is this public shaming a MATT MALONE, S.J. America Contents www.americamagazine.org VOL. 212 NO.8, WHOLE NO. 5081 MARCH 9, 2015 ARTICLES 15 VACCINE WARS When skepticism goes viral Michael Rozier 19 ALL THE ANGELS AND SAINTS Imagining a church that reflects the diversity of its people Edward K. Braxton COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 4 Current Comment 15 5 Editorial A U.N. for Religion? 6 Reply All 8 Signs of the Times 12 Column Diamonds in the Rust James T. Keane 22 Vatican Dispatch Road Map for Church Leaders Gerard O’Connell 23 Faith in Focus Listening in Ferguson J. Augustine Wetta 25 Generation Faith Lift Me Up Alana Joy Davitt 38 The Word The Weakness of Sin John W. Martens 19 BOOKS & CULTURE 28 THEATER “Hamilton” OF OTHER THINGS Full Immersion Therapy BOOKS Inferno; Mortal Blessings; My Struggle POEM The Flea ON THE WEB Margot Patterson reports from Havana on Cuban reaction to the breakthrough in diplomatic relations. Also, Rob Weinert- Kendt reviews “The Ice Man Cometh.” Full digital highlights at americamagazine.org/webfeatures. 28 CURRENT COMMENT on unseaworthy vessels. The migrants who died in early Policing Prejudice February, for instance, tried to make their crossing on It is not every day that a government official quotes a overloaded rubber dinghies that were soon awash and Broadway show tune in a public address. Make that the sinking. This “policy” of indifference only piles cruelty upon nation’s top law enforcement official and a song called cruelty. The Mediterranean’s migrants will not be deterred “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist,” and it’s safe to say the by the threat of a watery demise, since it is the near speech given by James B. Comey, the director of the Federal certainty of death they are already fleeing in Syria, Iraq and Bureau of Investigation, on Feb. 12 was unprecedented. elsewhere. Speaking in Georgetown University’s Healy Hall—named Last November, a cash-strapped Italian government for Patrick Francis Healy, a man born into slavery who terminated Mare Nostrum, a joint military and became the 29th president of the Jesuit institution—Mr. humanitarian operation that had saved thousands of lives. Comey gave a frank and nuanced assessment of today’s It was replaced by the coast-hugging Operation Triton, a strained relations between law enforcement and the European Union effort that has proved fatally inadequate. minority communities they serve. Border control officials and advocates for migrants warn With the legitimacy that only an insider can bring that 2015 will see a record number of attempts to cross to bear, Mr. Comey said that he and many of his fellow the Mediterranean. The European Union must build up officers “develop different flavors of cynicism that we work operational capacity to respond and re-evaluate its current hard to resist because they can be lazy mental shortcuts.” policies on migration and asylum so that this perilous The antidote to such prejudice in police work, he suggests, crossing no longer appears as the only rational option for is empathy: “We must better understand the people we people simply seeking to save their lives. serve and protect—by trying to know, deep in our gut, what it feels like to be a law-abiding young black man walking on the street and encountering law enforcement.” Mass Rape in Darfur Mr. Comey did not, however, let the rest of society off On Feb. 11, the international organization Human the hook. Police officers work courageously in challenging Rights Watch released a 48-page report documenting communities “that most citizens are able to drive around” rape committed systematically by the Sudanese army. The literally and figuratively by ignoring social ills that attacks, which began on the night of Oct. 30 and lasted incentivize criminal behavior. In the national conversation over 30 hours, occurred in the town of Tabit in North on race, sparked by the events in Ferguson last summer, Darfur. According to witnesses, soldiers went from house people have too often spoken past each other. We must all to house looking for rebel soldiers; many of the rapes were take up Mr. Comey’s challenge to confront our own latent ordered because the women were believed to be supporters biases and see the humanity of police and civilians alike.
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