■ A I V '•4a- '- ATcreee Dallj Net PrcM Biiti I ' > For the Week Ended , The Weather ' Marah It, I960 remeMt of 17. 8. Wentker tlnViiCr , Fair, little teraperatara- «feM|a 13,084 toiUglit and Toeaday. Unr t»> Member of the Audit Bight In 30a. High Tlieaday near Bnrewi of CIreuIntten. 40. Mahcheiter— A City of Villnge Char^ VOL. LXXIX, NO. 1.19 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 14. 1960 (ClBsstfM AdvartislBg p « n u m PRICE n V E CEI ---------------------B------- ------------- Rescuers Near StateNews Roundup 18 Coal Miners Hartford, March 14 (fl*)— After hearing testimony to­ day on the number of loco­ L(^an, W. Va., March 14'|>berrier o f too feet In the No. 4 motives out of service for (JPi— Rescuers got to within tunnel 'of tbe mine repairs, two State Public - Wilson told newsmen early this 80 feet today of where they afternoon, “ We are having a ventb Utilities Commission members Civil Rights Bill believe 18 miners are trapped, iatiOii problem that we can over­ criticized the New Haven rail­ then were confronted with a come. A crew of workmen are road for its maintenance pro­ ' cinder block wall. starting Into the No. 8 heading. gram and said new locomo- However, prospects were bright "Everything is going according tive.s “ are not the answer to for an early braak throu^:h the to .plan, but gentlemen, we’ve hit the problem.” . - barrier, because good air is cir­ so" many hurdles it’s ridiculous.” " As the PUC's probe of the rail­ culating in the area, said Craw­ Wilson said no attempt will be road resumed St's hearing here to­ Penalty Plan Urged ford L. Wilson. ' state mines di­ made to veil or otherwise attract day. the raflroad submitted ex­ rector who is leading the rescue attention of the Imprisoned men. hibits showing; operations. That might only lead them in des­ peration to break down the can­ 1, 'Nearly one out of live locomo­ If there is no heavy concentra­ tives out of service as of Jan, 1. By Attorney General tion of smoke and gas beyond the vas barrier they presumably apt up, he said, and there coyld' be Of the 73 out of service on that wall. It could be only a few min­ date, only 23 have been returned to utes until the workmen reach their J (ContlBued on Eggs' Mven) service. The others are either be­ target area. However, there has ing stored, waiting for repairs or Washington, March 14 Democratic leader LjTidon B. been no word whether the men in a few cases have been con­ Johnson of Texas called today for the Senate to get down to are still alive. 5 ^ o r e Reacued demned. disposing of the 100-plus amendments proposed to its pend­ ' A fresh team including two' fed­ 2, From July to December IQ.IS, ing civil rights bill. eral and state mine inspectors Rabat, Morocco. March 14 i/Pt— about .300 trains were delayed due As the Senate started its fifth week of debate on is* went into tunnel. No. 80 with picks Rescue teams probed hopefully to­ to locomotive or multiple unit car to knock down the wall.- day for more survivors in quake- failures. The delays ranged from a sue, John.son told an informal news conference he believes the The entombed men have been shattered Agadir after five more few minutes to three hours and time has come'^to'"clear away the underbrush” of these blocked deep in the ifolden 22 Moroccans -were dug out yester­ twenty-six minutes. atnendments, many of which are not expected even to be mine of Island Jb^ek Coal Co. day. ITie five—two women' and 3, In December 43 trains brought before the Senate. since last Tuebday morning. They three men—were entombed 12 were delayed-due to steam heat­ He said Senators should be reading the fine print of the were forced back when a slate fail days in the'shattered Moroccan ing failure.«. In. some cases, the "broke an electric line, touching off quarter. This brought to 20 the failure was not corrected during amendments to determine whether they will be effective and a fire. More slate falls and smol­ number of survivors rescued since the train's run. whether they will contribute to a “ workable, moderate, ef­ dering fire built up a formidable last Tuesday. “The heart of the situation t lo­ fective bill.” , comotive repair) is to get the -maintenance where itr belojigsrT)ot: ._jQhns_on_sai(L,he._thinks Thepolitical-phaae-ot-thB-debat*- to get'new ones but to try and get has ended and the time is at hand for specific legislative ac­ what you've got running." Com­ tion. He said he has noi plans for extended, non-stop sessions missioner Henry B, Strong com­ such as were held previously. Heroic Mother Dies mented after hearing the testi­ As the House worked, meantime, on its own bill, the. big mony on locomotives. question of the moment was whether it would heed the Ei­ ■His remark came after acting di­ rector of research James M. Finch senhower administration’s request and retain a civil rififhts With Child in Blaze said that the railroad's planning penalty provision which the Senate voted last week to throw on the locomotive situation "cen­ out. --------- — — ------------ — ters around the arrival of new lo­ Ally. Gen. William P. Rogera Stratford, March 14 i>P) — A comotives.” said it was of the utmost impor­ mother died heroically today in an tance that Congress authorize fines C on gress Gets early rooming flash fire that also Gitea Biba in l\’orth . and prison sentences against per­ took the life of a daughter. Three son*. who use force or threats of New Haven, March 14 (>P) Pri­ force Jo interfere with epurt- 78-Pomt Plan other members of the family vately-motivated segregation in escaped but two o f them were ordered school integration. the North is j'lst as harmful in Gov. Robert B. Meyner’ of New Jersey offers a toast for West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen ■ of •- n burned. some ways as legal segregation in right, during luncluson in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York yesterday, Adenauer meets with For Transport The victims were Mrs. Norelien linoi*, the Senate' OOP leader, told the South, Says an official of the President Eisenhower in Washington tomorrow. (AP Photofaxi, reporter* he thought the' Senate Mroxinskl. 2S. and her daughter, National Association for the Ad­ ____________ f»> ■■ Wanda, a. would accept the House hill, even Washington, March 14 (iP) vancement of Colored People if it includes such a penalty provi Mrs. Mrozinski's husband. Emil, (NAACP). — Secretary of Gommerce 84, and her other dauhgters. Nor- Sion, and that final congressional Thurgood Marshall, an attorney Castro Warns ' action on a civil rights bill might Frederick H. Mueller laid ellen. 7, and Joyce, 2. were taken for the NAACP. said at Yale yes­ to Bridgeport Hospital with bums I come by the middle of next week. down today a 78-point pro­ terday that segregation in 'the Adenauer Assures I Dirksen said it might be neces- gram aimed to “ meet the and injuries. North is acute i four areas. Hous­ Foes of Cuban i sary to invoke cloture (debate limi- The father suffered minor burns ing. education, jobs and places of tation) to get a Senate vote on the pressing need fo» major im­ of the face, hands and body but lublic accommodation. Housing is House bill, . provements in our transporta­ Norelien was burned over 40 per be worst, he said. Military M i^t Sen. Richard Jl. RusaaU (D-Ga), tion syatem.” . ' cent o f her body. Joyce, who Laws forbidding sejgtregation In quarterbacking Southern opposition "He eaid ft comteinplates "the escaped burns, received a back In­ private housing, projects might be best possible service at the lowest jury. Havana,' March 14 (A>)—Fidel to the bill, told hi* colleague* in one answer. Marshall told his lis­ a Senate speech not to bank on reasonable cost to the public." teners. .. .. New York, March 14 (4’)---Wbst#tilermany 'tivday is Jar from being Castro waznad His enemies to^zy i. The Are broke out in the family's Senate acceptance of a House- President Eieenhower accepted one-story bungalow at 378 Surf Marshall,, a champion oif civil OfiWWfr-ChbBcener-Trcffii^ liatl^ewttig■ ul' : • * ' - that''Cnba**‘ rev«ltrti«mary army is enmuet My* his nation today Is a Practicing democracy, Adenauer stronger than the Algerian Na­ passed bill. the report, a year in preparation, Avf. at about 4:40 am . It flared rights,' said northern Negro stu­ He said any such strategy would and 8«it to to C tm gr^ for etufly. gufckly and swept through the in­ dents often find themselves in all- practicing democracy, "and hs said, "seems to be a difficult tionalists who are holding o ff' a blames recent anti-Semitic inci­ French force of half a rriillion. involve a confession that toe Sen­ He did not. give it hie specific en- terior of the frame building, leav- Negro schools that arp/iilmost in­ thing, as you can see from the de­ ate "is incapable of pawing on dents there on a ''minute minority bate in the United States Senate." But, he told a cheering crowd, dOfieement at this t i i ^ ' tng only a blackened shell. variably Inferior In equipment and this question,” and that the Sen­ 'The report calls for expanded Mrozinski told police his wife teachers to. con p ^ b le schools in of neo-Nazis." •He apparently alluded to the civil the amount his government is spending for firms "should be of ate debate has been a farce.
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