V PREPRINT UCRL- 77944 Ur,\>\--m'>te^-2fi Lawrence Livermore Laboratory STATUS OF LARGE NEODYHIUM GLASS LASERS James A. Glaze, William W. Simmons and Wilhelm F. Hagen March ID, 1976 mm This Paper was Prepared for Submission to the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers SPIE Meeting, Reston, VA March 22-23, 1976 This is a preprint ot a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since changes may be made before publication, this preprint is made available with the understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. i*^P^*S' ««*- -»v«>*^_ DiSTRiKUTiONC; 7602 STATUS OF LARGE NEODYMIUM GLASS LASERS* •ponum] by llw Van* Stu „ o| M[l Blmc*i ng PttritrmtM A« Canes A. Glaje, William H. Simmons and Wlhelm F. Hagen uitKnnmtion. 01 IIKU tiqitiqRt, Laser Fusion Division, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory nmnir. <ieir» 01 tngfttd Llvermore, California 94550 *IR£t» ottTIfcnitttllly f.tth mrnw en>,«l* owned (HJHi. Introduction The Nd:Glass laser is used extensively throughout the world for laser fusion and laser plasma Inter­ action studies. Its popularity, to a large extent, stems from the fact that 1t 1s capable of operating reliably in the subnanosecond-terawatt power regime. In addition, the technology necessary to combine a large number of laser chains to produce a system capable of multi-terawatt performance currently exists and is being applied. At the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory two large laser systems are currently in operation and two are under construction. The OANUS and CYCLOPS systems produce 0.5 and 1 terawatt of focusable power 1n 0.1 ns respectively. These systems are being used for target irradiation and beam propagation experiments and provide our basic test beds for laser component and system development. The ARGUS laser is a two am, 3 terawatt system dedicated to fusion target irradiation experiments. This system Is scheduled for initial operation In March, 1976. The SHIVA system which is scheduled for early testing in mid-1977, is a 20-am system designed to operate at 20-30 terawatts. This system is designed to demonstrate significant thermo­ nuclear burn from the isentroplc compression of 0-T targets. In addition to these syst«s, various system upgrades are currently being evaluated. Figure 1 Is a graphical presentation of the LLL NdtGlass laser development program; the ordinate gives the anticipated TN fuel pellet gain that can be achieved with each system. The shaded areas refer to the performance of system upgrades which, to date, have not been runded. In this paper the elements of a Nd:Glass laser chain as it is constructed for fusion experiments are des­ cribed. Also presented is a brief overview of the ARC-US and SHIVA systems. For a >»f«"1pn of the JANUS and CYCLOPS lasers, the reader is referred to the 1974 LLL Laser Program Annual Report (UCRL-50021-74) and to the review article of Reference 11, % LASER FUSION ENERGY YIELD PROJECTIONS 3 c 10 - Pure fusion reactor feasibility | 101 - Net fusion energy gain ' 01 w 10° -Scientific breakeven Oj •" in S. io-' 10* SHIVA Upgrade Isentropic compression 3 (100-300 TW) 10 fSHIVA(25-30 TW) 4 io- Neutron Argus IV (5-10 TW) _ spectrum 10'5 Argus II (2-4 TW) A| na oData 6 P f<tJJ Cyclops (1-1.5 TW) 10 spectrum 7 lectrumtf T^ 10 Janus II (0.4 TW) 8 10 Janus I (0.2 TW) NT9 LT 4- 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Calendar year fig. Schematic presentation of the Nd:Glass laser development program at Llvermore. The ordinate gives the anticipated TN fuel pellet gain that can be achieved with each system. The shaded regions refer to the performance of system upgrades which have not been funded to date. The ARGUS II and SHIVA systems are discussed in this paper. r\ I •This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration. AIA { Contract Number K-?405-Eng-48. , __ \j \ >, laser Chain Description In discussing the makeup of a Nd:Glass laser system for use in target Irradiation experiments, it is useful tn consider a block diagram of <> single laser chain. Figure Z shows such a diagram for a chain comprised of both rod and disk amplifiers. Below we discuss the various components shown 1n this dlaqram. BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR A Nd:GLASS LASER CHAIN Master Pulse Pulse Pre­ Pre— pulse oscillator switch-out shaper amplifiers isolation Apodizing Rod ASE Disk ASE amplifier amplifier aperture groups isolation groups isolation I Spatial filter, polarizer-rotator Disk amplifier Spatial filter . V — Typical disk amplifier group Fig. 2. Block diagram of a typical Nd:Glass laser chain as 1t would be staged for laser fusion expenrrents. A disk amplifier group is also shown. Such a group may contain several amplifier heads; these heads would generally have the same clear aperture. The rod amplifier groups are staged in a similar manner. The master oscillator used at LLL is a NdrYAG laser passively mode locked with a flowing bleaehahle dye- Bandwidth is established with an ctalon whose temperature is maintained within + Q.1°C with a closed cycle coolant loop. Uniform pumping of the rod 1s achieved with an afocal double ellipse reflector qeoretry The oscillator output consists of a train of subnanosecond pulses, one of which 1s selected and switched out for injection into the preamplifier stages. Energy of the largest pulse in the train 1s typically 2 mJ. Because of the statistica1 manner in which the dye is bleached by fluorescent noise spikes, this oscillator does not have the pulse-U-pulse temporal stability that is desired for large system applications. (Vari­ ations of up to 30% are sometimes observed). Attempts are currently being rude to develop oscillators with improved longitudinal mode discrimination. One promising approach.uses a synchronously driven Intracavity loss modulator (fast Pockels' cell) in addition tc the dye cell.('J Transform limited pulses ranging from <50 psec to >.5 nsec have been achieved. This oscillator to date, however, has problems of pulse train Instability thought to arise from Improper impedance matching of the PFN and Pockels1 cell. The oscillator pulse swltchout incorporates a fast Pockels1 ce'll (1 cm diameter) positioned between crossed polarizers. In early designs half-wave voltage was applied to the cell by switching a high-pressure Ng-fllled spark gap with optical energy derived from the early portion of the pulse train. Since the opti­ cal energy arrives at the spark gap in the form of pulses whose spacing (typically 10 ns; is long compared to gap break-down times, it is possible to adjust the gas pressure so that the state of ionization required for full avalanche breakdown across the gap is achieved just prior to the arrival at the Pockels' cell of the pulse selected for switchout. This scheme is widely used, but suffers from jitter in the gap break­ down time, resulting in part fi'om shot-to-shot variability of the pulse train amplitude and In part from electrode degradation.with time. More recently, modern electronic switches have eliminated the troublesome spark gap entirely.**' In the electronic switchout circuit in present use at LIL, a Krytron switch, acti­ vated by an avalanche transistor stack, discharges a stripllne circuit which 1s accurately impedance matched to the Pockels' cell. This circuit derives Us timing signal from the pulse train through a vacuum photo- diode and voltage-settable tunnel diode comparator. By careful adjustment of time delay and threshold voltage, switched-out pulse energy variation can be minimized. The pulse shaper is a device that transforms the temporally gaussian oscillator pulse to i pulse more suitable for target irradiation. Theoretical calculations show that the desired waveform is a function of target size, composition, and available laser energy.(3) Of all the components that comprise the c*iain, this one, to date, Is least clearly defined In terms of performance requirements and construction. However, a large number of schemes have been proposed; these can be broadly characterized as pulse stackers, shutters and active shapers. The stacker produces a composite pulse derived from a single short pulse that is suit? ably delayed and attenuated. A patented scheme using a double etalon is.presently in use at XMS Fusion.W 5 Another scheme uses a Faraday rotator placed between cross polarizers.I '' Successive reflections from thoe *Registered Trademark name. 2 6* v f \i -t* rotator surfaces experience different rotatfons aod nonce different transmissions through the output pola­ rizer. This device, while simple to implement, does not provide an exponentially Increasing signal 15 dOuS the KMS stacker. Optical shutters have been in use for some tine. In this scheme a Pockels' or Kerr cell modulator fs used to chop-out a portion of a longer Q-switchcd pulse. Banduidth limitations on the nodu- 'lator presently Unit pulse rise tic* to about iCO nsec. furthermore, all shutters ire United by an .intrinsic dynamic amplitude range of 3U-40 dp. Active shapers rely on the transmission properties of saturable absorbers. One example is that proposed by Elliott and Kissey.W In their scheme a series of dye"cells are optically gated with combinations of exponential and Russian pulses suitably delayed In tine. Their calculations predict that the puts? shape discussed in Reference 3 can be closely matched. » lasor radiance is limited by both linear and nonlinear wavefront distortions. Static aberrations arising from surface figure error can be as high as 0.4 naves RMS for a laser Such as CYC10PS which has over ISO optical surfaces. Quasistatic aberrations arising fron flash)*:-?-Induced theroal distortion of laser disks can be several waves unless elaborate cooling procedures are adopted.
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