F. Christian Thompson Neal L. Evenhuis and Curtis W. Sabrosky Bibliography of the Family-Group Names of Diptera Bibliography Thompson, F. C, Evenhuis, N. L. & Sabrosky, C. W. The following bibliography gives full references to 2,982 works cited in the catalog as well as additional ones cited within the bibliography. A concerted effort was made to examine as many of the cited references as possible in order to ensure accurate citation of authorship, date, title, and pagination. References are listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for multiple articles with the same authorship. In cases where more than one article was published by an author(s) in a particular year, a suffix letter follows the year (letters are listed alphabetically according to publication chronology). Authors' names: Names of authors are cited in the bibliography the same as they are in the text for proper association of literature citations with entries in the catalog. Because of the differing treatments of names, especially those containing articles such as "de," "del," "van," "Le," etc., these names are cross-indexed in the bibliography under the various ways in which they may be treated elsewhere. For Russian and other names in Cyrillic and other non-Latin character sets, we follow the spelling used by the authors themselves. Dates of publication: Dating of these works was obtained through various methods in order to obtain as accurate a date of publication as possible for purposes of priority in nomenclature. Dates found in the original works or by outside evidence are placed in brackets after the literature citation. The format for the dates is [year.month.day], and uncertainty is indicated by query marks. Thus, for example, [1910.10.??] indicates a publication that is known to be published in October of 1910, but the precise day is not known. Under the rules of nomenclature, this publication is, therefore, treated as if it was published on 31 October. However, the query mark is also used to indicate that further investigation may more precisely restrict the date of publication. Dating from outside evidence (receipt dates at various museums, reviews in other journals, evidence through published research, etc.) are given with annotations in square brackets after the publication date, unless previously published in a standard source (see under annotations). Titles: Titles of articles in serials and books are given in full including secondary titles unless unusually long. Long titles have been truncated and reference to the full title given in the annotation paragraph. Titles are given as on the title page of the original work (titles on wrappers, covers, and tables of contents may vary somewhat). Titles are standardized to lowercase except for proper nouns and in cases where languages require capitalization. Titles in Slavic, Cyrillic, Kanji, or Chinese, have either been translated into English and placed in brackets or transliterated. Where a title has also been given in ASCII characters (usually English, French or German), this title is used without being placed in brackets. Where the language of the article is different from that of the title, this is indicated in brackets at the end of the citation. Where no title was given for a work (such as notes at meetings), a title as closely as possible to the note being presented is provided in brackets. Journals/Serials: Journal titles are usually abbreviated following the standards of the Serial Sources for the BIOS IS database, Biosciences Information Service, and the International Standard Organization (ISO). Abbreviations for journals not found in these sources have been formed on the same principles. We, however, have shortened some abbreviations, such as "Entomol." to "Ent." All the abbreviations used are defined herein. Additional information, such as series number or name, is given in parentheses but not italicized. "New series" and equivalents like "Neue Folge" are abbrevi- ated "(n.s.)." Volume and plate numbers are given in Arabic numbers irrespective of whether or not 364 MYIA Volume 10 Roman numerals were used in the work cited. Issue or part numbers are included in parentheses after the volume number only if each issue is separately paginated. In cases where there is no volume number, but the volume pertains to a particular year, that year is used as the volume number even though the actual date of publication may differ. Pagination is given for the entire article except in those cases where the article has been published at different times due to separate issues. Plate and/or figure numbers are omitted in the citation when included in the cited pagination. Where these are separate from the pagination, they are included. Books: Single-volume books are cited with title (italicized), publisher (if known), place(s) of publication, and pagination (Roman and Arabic as appropriate). Multi-volume works are listed separately by volume with full references as for single-volume books. Continuously paginated multi-volume works are listed singly for as many parts (or volumes) as were published in a single year (only if separate issues dates are not known). Unpaginated portions of a book are placed in square brackets. Some "books" that have been published in parts over time are treated as serials. For example, Lindner's monographic work, Die Fliegen derpalaearktischen Region, is treated as a serial. Annotations: Annotations are given to clarify author's spellings, explanations of dating, title variations, language of the work, duplicate versions, English translations, separate editions, and for various other reasons. Annotations that have appeared in other works, such as Coulson et al. (1965), Smith et al. (1980), Evenhuis et al. (1989) and Evenhuis (1997) are not usually repeated. These are considered as core resources that should always be consulted for bibliographic details. Acloque, Alexandre 1897 Orthopteres, nevropteres, hymenopteres, lepidopteres, hemipteres, dipteres, aphanipteres, thysanopteres, rhipipteres. viii+ 516 pp. In his Faune de France, contenant la description des especes indigenes disposees en tableaux analytiques et illustree de figures representant les types caracteristiques des genres. J.-B. Bailliere & Fils, Paris. [1897.03.??] Aczel, Martin Ladislau 1938 Die Verbreitung der Dorylaiden im Hist. Ungarn. (Dorylaiden Stud. III). Fragm. Faun. Hung. 1:35-36. [1938.??.??] Aczel, M. L. 1939 Das System der Familie Dorylaidae. Dorylaiden-Studien I. Zool. Anz. 125: 15-23. [1939.01.15] Aczel, M. L. 1940 Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Dorylaiden (Diptera). Dorylaiden-Studien V. Zool. Anz. 132: 149-169. [1940.12.01] Aczel, M. L. 1948 Grundlagen einer Monographic der Dorilaiden (Diptera), Dorilaiden-Studien VI. Acta Zool. Lilloana 6: 5-168. [1948.12.29] Aczel, M. L. 1949 Notes on Tylidae. I. Acta Zool. Lilloana 8: 162. [1949.12.31] Aczel, M. L. 1951 Morfologia externa y division sistematica de las "Tanypezidiformes" con sinopsis de las especies argentinas de "Tylidae" ("Micropezidae") y "Neriidae" (Diptera). Acta Zool. Lil- loana 11: 482-589, 4 pis. [1951.11.13] Aczel, M. L. 1952 Revision parcial del genero americano Paracantha Coquillett (Diptera, Trypetidae). Acta Zool. Lilloana 10: 199-243. [1952.??.??] Thompson Bibliography 365 Aczel, M. L. 1953 La familia Tephritidae en la region neotropical I (Trypetidae, Diptera). Ada Zool. Lilloana 13:97-199, 8 pis. [1953.12.??] Aczel, M. L. 1954 Orthopyga and Campylopyga, new divisions of Diptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 47: 75-80. [1954.05.04] Aczel, M. L. 1956 Revision parcial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas, con sinopsis de los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Parte II. Rev. Bras. Ent. 5: 1-70, pis. 1-3. [1956.05.07] Adams, Charles Frederick 1905 Diptera africana. I. Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. 3 [= whole ser., 13]: 149-208. (= Kans. Univ. Bull. 6 (2).) [1905.10.??] Adanson, Michel 1763 Families desplantes. II. Partie. Vincent, Paris, [i] + (24) + [iii] + 640 pp. [before 1763.08.??] Adensamer, Theodor 1896 Uber Ascodipteron phyllorhinae (n. gen., n. sp.), eine eigenthumliche Pupiparenform. Sitzungber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 105: 400-416. [1896.06.??] Adisoemarto, Soenartono & Wood, Douglas Montgomery 1975 The Nearctic species of Dioctria and six related genera (Diptera, Asilidae). Quaest. Ent. 11: 505-576. [1975.??.??] Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe 1846a Nomina systematica generum dipterorum. [Pt 4], 42 pp. In his Nomenclator zoologicus ... Fasc. 9/10. Soloduri [=Solothurn, Switzerland], [before 1846.10.06] See Evenhuis (1997: 50) for full details. Agassiz, L. 1846b Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis ... lent & Gassmann, Soloduri [= Solothurn, Switzerland], viii + 393 pp. [1846.12.29] See Evenhuis (1997: 50) for full details. d'Aguilar, Jacques 1957 Revision des Voriini de l'ancien monde (Dipt. Tachinidae). Ann. Epiphyt. 8: 235-270. [1957.04.06] Aiken, Robert Bascom 1990 [Book Notice] Evenhuis, 1989, Systematics and evolution of the genera in the subfamilies Eusiinae and Phthiriinae (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of the world. Bull. Ent. Soc. Can. 22: 150. [1990.09.??] Albuquerque, Lindalva Paes de 1990 Cardiacephalina subtr. n. de Taeniapterini (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz (1989) 4(Suppl. 4): 19-26. [1990.6.28] Alcock, Alfred William 1911 Remarks on the classification of the Culicidae, with particular reference to the constitution of the genus Anopheles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 8: 240-250. [1911.08.01] Aldrich, John Merton 1896 Dolichopodidae; Phoridae. Pp. 309-345, pi. 12; pp. 435-438. In Williston, S. W., On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1896: 253-446, pis. 8-14. [1896.09.30] Aldrich, J. M. 1905 A catalogue of North American Diptera. Smithson. Misc. Collect. 46 (2[=publ. 1444]): 1-680. [before 1905.05.25] 366 MYIA Volume 10 Aldrich, J. M. 1916 Sarcophaga and allies in North America. Thomas Say Publ. 1, 302 pp., 16 pis. [1916.11.30] This is the first in what is now a serial. Original publication data are: In Entomological Society of America, Thomas Say Foundation. Lafayette, Ind. Aldrich, J. M. 1922 The neotropical muscoid genus Mesembrinella Giglio-Tos and other testaceous muscoid flies.
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