Civic Centre 15 Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas, 7050 Locked Bay 1, Kingston, Tas, 7050 T: (03) 6211 8200 F: (03) 6211 8211 AusDoc: DX 70854 E: [email protected] 15 October 2020 Our Ref: PSA-2019-3 The Executive Commissioner Tasmanian Planning Commission GPO Box 1691 HOBART TAS 7001 Dear Madam/Sir DRAFT AMENDMENT TO THE KINGBOROUGH INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2015 PSA-2019-3 - AMENDMENT TO THE FORMER KINGSTON HIGHSCHOOL SITE SPECIFIC AREA PLAN, “KINGSTON PARK”, LOCATED AT 42 CHANNEL HIGHWAY, KINGSTON Section 39(2) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 requires a report to be submitted to the Commission not later than 35 days after the draft amendment exhibition period. The draft amendment was exhibited from 29 August 2020 to 26 September 2020. Please find enclosed a report comprising a copy of each representation, a statement of the Council’s opinion as to the merit of each representation and our associated recommendations in relation to the planning scheme amendment in general. Please note that TasWater did not submit a presentation during the re-exhibition of the planning scheme amendment. If you wish to discuss the application or seek clarification in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Strategic Planner, Adriaan Stander on (03) 6211 8210. Yours sincerely TASHA TYLER-MOORE MANAGER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 PSA-2019-3 Representations received No. Representor and contact details Comment 1 Department of State Growth The planning authority’s Lucy Thorne, A/Manager Planning Policy response is provided in the 0429 698 118 attached s39 report. No [email protected] changes are recommended to the amendment. The Department of State Growth (DSG) made a representation that raises concern with the higher density afforded by the proposed Inner Residential Zone and the capability to mitigate and noise levels. DSG is requesting a Noise Assessment report and Traffic Assessment Report (TIA). DSG also raises concern with the removal of maximum building height limits as it may lead to increased numbers of private car movements with flow- on affects to the road network. DSG suggests that parking standards be applied to encourage public transport use and reduce congestion. 2 Matthew Clark The planning authority’s Johnstone, McGee & Gandy Pty Ltd response is provided in the P (03) 6231 2555 F (03) 6231 1535 attached s39 report. No M 0404803772 changes are recommended to [email protected] the amendment. Concern is raised that the proposed zoning change from Urban Mixed-Use Zone to Inner Residential Zone will result in a reduced development potential of adjacent land in the Central Business Zone off Channel Highway and Summerleas Road. A buffer buffer zone (Urban Mixed Use Zone) is recommended between the existing Central Business Zone and proposed Inner Residential Zone which effectively would allow the properties in the Central Business Zone to be developed consistent with the current planning scheme provisions. 3 Mark Florusse 0418 123 703 The planning authority’s [email protected] response is provided in the attached s39 report. No changes are recommended to the Concern is raised that the permitted 10m height for buildings in amendment. the proposed Inner Residential Zone will have an impact on solar access for development in the Central Business Zone to the south. Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 19 12 October 2020 PLANNING AUTHORITY IN SESSION Planning Authority commenced at 13 OFFICERS REPORTS TO PLANNING AUTHORITY 13.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE KINGBOROUGH INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2015 – PSA-2019-3, FORMER KINGSTON HIGH SCHOOL SITE SPECIFIC AREA PLAN LOCATED AT ‘KINGSTON PARK’, 42 CHANNEL HIGHWAY, KINGSTON File Number: PSA-2019-3 Author: Adriaan Stander, Strategic Planner Authoriser: Tasha Tyler-Moore, Manager Development Services Applicant : Kingborough Council Purpose: The Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC) has made alterations to the above-mentioned Planning Scheme Amendment that was originally certified by Council on 12 August 2019. As a result of the significant alterations ma de by the TPC, the plann ing scheme amendment had to be re-exhibited. Representations : The purpose of this report is to consider the representations that were received during the re -exhibition of the planning scheme amendment. Three representations were re ceived during the second exhibition period. Recommendation : That Council notes the representations to PSA-2019-3 together with Council officer’s responses and recommend to the Tasmanian Planning Commission to proceed with the finalisation of the proposed amendment. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Council resolved to initiate the draft amendment to the Former Kingston Park High School Site Specific Area Plan of the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (KIPS2015) at its Planning Authority meeting on 12 August 2019. 1.2 A further report was presented to Council, at its Planning Authority meeting of 13 January 2020. At this meeting Council considered eight (8) representations that were received during the public exhibition of the draft amendment between 21 August 2019 and 18 September 2019 and again between 20 November 2019 and 18 December 2019. The report suggested several changes to the proposed amendment to address the concerns raised by the representations and resolved the following: (a) Council note the submissions against the proposal; (b) Council note the recommendations submitted by representations; Page 6 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 19 12 October 2020 (c) The Tasmanian Planning Commission be advised that modifications to draft amendment PSA-2019-3 is recommended as outlined in the report; and (d) Pursuant to section 39(2) of the former provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, Council forward a copy of this report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission which satisfies the requirements of section 39 of the former provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. 1.3 The TPC held a hearing on 14 May 2020 and decided to make significant alterations to the original certified instrument. A summary of the alterations made by the TPC is provided under section 3 of this report. The full set of a lterations (in the form of a ‘track change’ document) is provided as Attachment 1. 1.4 Given the substantial nature of the changes, Council was instructed by the TPC to re- exhibit the revised certified instrument for 28 days in accordance with the provisions of section 41(1)(b) and section 38 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPPAA). The revised amendment was placed on public exhibition from 29 August 2020 to 26 September 2020. 1.5 During the second exhibition period three (3) representations were received. A summary of the representations with Council officer’s comments is provided under section 5 of this report. 2. THE PROPOSAL 2.1 The proposal (as altered and certified by the TPC) seeks to amend KIPS2015 as follows: a) Amend Clause 22.4.1 of KIPS2015 that restricts the height of buildings in the Central Business Zone adjacent to any residential zone. The current provisions restrict the height of buildings within 10m of any residential zone to 8.5m. The altered amendment seeks to increase this height restriction to 9.5m for properties along Summerleas Road and Channel Highway. b) Delete Section F3.0 of KIPS2015 (the former Kingston High School Specific Area Plan) and replace with a new ‘Kingston Park Specific Area Plan’ (Kingston Park SAP). The proposed Kingston Park SAP provides a set of unique development controls for future development in the precinct, primarily leveraging on the development opportunities available because of the precinct’s strategic location in central Kingston. c) Rezone portions of land within Kingston Park SAP, from Urban Mixed Use Zone to Inner Residential Zone and Open Space Zone, from Central Business Zone to Inner Residential and Urban Mixed Use Zone, and from Open Space to Urban Mixed Use Zone, as shown in Figure 1: Page 7 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 19 12 October 2020 Figure 1. Proposed rezoning d) Amend the overlay map by renaming the title of the specific area plan to ‘F3.0 Kingston Area Plan’. e) A copy of the revised certified instrument is provided as Attachment 2. 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 The TPC, in consideration of the hearing held on 14 May 2020, decided to make several alterations to the planning scheme amendment. The alterations include minor administrative changes as well as significant changes that will impact on how the precinct will be able to be developed in future. A summary of the key alterations made by the TPC with Council officer’s comments is provided below. Page 8 Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda No. 19 12 October 2020 Changes made by the TPC Comment/response 1. Height restriction applying to adjoining properties The proposed change is supported. The height restriction applying to future bui ldings in the adjoining Central It will not unreasonably i mpede on the development potential of land Business Zone (specifically those along Channel Highway and adjoining the Kingston Park SAP. A greater height than specified may be Summerleas Road) and within 10m of the proposed Inner Residential considered under the discretionary provisions provided by the planning Zone is increased from 8.5m to 9.5m. scheme for those sites. 2. Design Principles The proposed change is supported. The original certified instrument included reference to Apartment Design The design principles provided are similar to those found in the Guidelines available in other
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