1955 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 9249 ment of the Senate to the bill CH. R. ministering oaths and taking acknowledg­ Keller in ·behalf of physically handicapped 4904) to extend the Renegotiation Act ments by offi.cials of Federal penal and cor­ persons throughout ·the world. of 1951for2 years, and requesting a con­ rectional institutions; and H. R. 4954. An act to amend the Clayton The message also announced that the ference with the Senate on the disagree­ Act by granting a right of action to the Senate agrees to the amendments of the ing votes·of the two Houses thereon. United States to recover damages under the House to a joint resolution of the Sen­ Mr. BYRD. I move that the Senate antitrust laws, establishing a uniform ate of the following title: insist upon its amendment, agree to the statute of limitati9ns, and for other purposes. request of the House for a conference, S. J. Res. 67. Joint resolution to authorize The message also announced that the the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain and ~hat the Chair appoint the conferees Senate had passed bills and a concur­ vessels to citizens of the Republic of the on the part of the Senate. Philippines; to provide for the rehabilita­ The motion was agreed to; and the rent resolution of the following titles, in tion of the interisland commerce of the Acting President pro tempore appointed which the concurrence of the House is Philippines, and for other purposes. Mr. BYRD, Mr. GEORGE, Mr. KERR, Mr. requested: The message also announced that th~ MILLIKIN, and Mr. MARTIN of Pei:msyl­ S. 48. An act to provide for the disqualifi­ cations of certain former officers and em­ Senate agrees to the report of the com­ vania conferees on the i:art of the Senate. ployees of the District of Columbia in mat­ 'mittee of conference on the disagreeing ters connected with former duties; votes of the two Houses on the amend­ RECESS S. 182. An act to require a premarital ex­ ments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. amination of all applicants for marriage 6499) entitled "An act making appro­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ licenses in the District of Columbia; priations for the Executive Office of the dent, if no other Senator desires the floor, S. 256. An act to eliminate cumulative vot­ President and sundry general Govern­ I am about to move that the Senate stand ing of shares of stock in the election of di­ rectors of national banking associations ment agencies for the fiscal year ending in recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. unless provided for in the articles of associa­ June 30, 1956, and for other purposes." I move that the Senate recess until 12 tion; o'clock noon tomorrow. S. 665. An act to revive section 3 of the The motion was agreed to; and Cat 4 District of Columbia Public School Food APPROPRIATIONS FOR DEPART"'.' o'clock and 2 minutes p. m.) the Senate Services Act; MENT OF COMMERCE AND RE­ took a recess until tomorrow, Tuesday, S. 666. An act to extend the period of au­ LATED AGENCIES, 1956 June 28, 1955, at 12 o'clock meridian. thorization of appropriations for the hos­ pital center and facilities in the District of Mr. PRESTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask •• .... •• Columbia; unanimous consent to take from the S. 972. An act to amend the Home Owners' Speaker's table the bill <H. R: 6367 > HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Loan Act of 1933, as amended; making appropriations for the Depart­ s. 1275. An act to authorize the Commis­ ment of Commerce and related agencies MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 sioners of the District of Columbia to desig­ for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, nate employees of the District to protect life and for other purposes, with Senate The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and property in and on the buildings and amendments thereto, disagree to the grounds of any institution located on prop: The Chaplain. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, erty outside of the District of Columbia ac­ Senate amendments and agree to the D : D., offered the following prayer: quired by the United States for District sana­ conference asked by the Senate. Almighty and ever-blessed God, we toriums, hospitals, training schools, and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to are lifting our hearts unto Thee in other institutions; the request of the gentleman from Geor­ adoration and gratitude, for Thou art S. 1287. An act to make certain increases gia? [After a pause.] The Chair hears the source of our blessings, the answer in the annuities of annuitants under the none and appoints the following con­ Foreign .Service retirement and disability ferees: Messrs. PRESTON, THOMAS, Roo­ to our problems, and the goal of all our system; . aspirations. NEY, YATES, SHELLEY, FLOOD, CANNON, S.1391. An act granting the consent of CLEVENGER, Bow, HORAN, MILLER of Grant that in these troubled days, Congress to the States of California and Maryland, and TABER. when there is so much of tension and Nevada to negotiate and enter into a com­ estrangement and sinister forces are pact ·with respect to the distribution and use trying to bring discord and division of the waters of the Truckee, Carson, and THE DEBT LIMIT among the nations, we may know how Walker Rivers, Lake Tahoe, and the tribu­ to keep aglow the light of freedom and taries of such rivers and lake in such States; By direction of the Committee on righteousness. S. 1585. An act to provide for· the return Ways and Means, Mr. COOPER submitted to the town of Hartford, Vt., of certain land a privileged report to accompany the bill Help us to believe that Thou hast which was donated by such town. to the placed at our disposal the inexhaustible CH. R. 6992) to extend for 1 year the United States as a site for a veterans hos­ existing temporary increase in the pub­ resources of Thy grace and that all pital and which is no longer needed for such things are working together for good purposes; lic debt limit, which was referred to the if we seek to do Thy will, and all will be S. 1739. An act to authorize the Commis­ Union Calendar and ordered to be well when we are on Thy side. sioners of the District of Columbia to fix printed. Inspire us to hasten the coming of rates of compensation of members of cer­ Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, by direc­ the time when there shall be peace on tain examining and licensing boards and tion of the Committee on Ways and earth and good will among men. commissions, and for other purposes; Means, I call up the bill (H. R. 6992) to S. 1741. An act to exempt from taxation extend for 1 year the existing temporary Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. certain property of the Jewish War Veterans, increase in the public debt limit, and The Journal of the proceedings of u. S. A., National Memorial, Inc., in the ask unanimous consent that the bill may Thursday, June 23, 1955, was read and District of Columbia; be considered in the House as in Com­ approved. s. 1855. An act to amend the Federal Air­ port Act, as amended; mittee of the Whole. S. 2171. An act to amend the Subversive The Clerk read the title of the bill. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Activities Control Act so as to provide that The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ten­ A message from the Senate by Mr. upon the expiration of his term of office, a member of the Board shall continue to serve nessee? McBride, one of its clerks, announced until his successor shall have been appointed Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, reserv­ that the Senate . had passed without and shall have qualified; ing the right to object, is this the bill to amendment bills of the House of the fol­ S. 2176. An act to repeal the requirement extend the debt limit? lowing titles: that public utilities engaged in the manu­ Mr. COOPER. That is correct. H. R. 1825. An act creating a Federal com­ facture and sale of electricity in the District Mr. PATMAN. Would the gentleman mission to formulate plans for the construc­ of Columbia must submit annual reports to explain what it proposes to do? Does it tion in the District of Columbia of a civic Congress; · go beyond the $6 billion? auditoriu~. including an Inaugural Hall of S. 2177. An act to repeal the prohibition Presidents and a music, fine arts, and mass against the declaration of stock dividends by Mr. COOPER. It just proposes to ex­ communications center; public utilities operating in the District of tend the present limitation for one more H. R. 3659. An act to increase criminal Columbia; and year. penalties under the Sherman An~itn~st Act; S. Con. Res. 39. Concurrent resolution rec­ Mr. PATMAN. That is for the $6 bil­ H. R. 4221. An act to amend section 4004, ognizing, on the occasion of her 75th birth'." lion additional over the $275 billion? title 18, United States Code, relating to ad- day. June 27, 1955, the efforts of Miss Helen Mr. COOPER. J'hat is correct. 9250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 'June 27 Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I with· glib campaign promises which were Mr. MILLER of Nebraska. Will the draw my reservation ·of objection. being made of a balanced budget were gentleman take more time? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to more a matter of political convenience Mr.
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