STUDENT PUBLICATION OF LAKE WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - „ WASHINGTON WORLD VOLUME IX KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1949 NUMBER 11 Hendel, Sherwood, Hit Top for Glass of l49 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Salyer Reveals Lilacs In The Rain , or. Ball, May 7 Top Ten Seniors, M. Schneider, Loyalty Present: s ——- = Parish is Third "Douglas Hendel is valedic• Tom Wagner, 'Tulip Tea Time' torian and Wade Sherwood is To Seniors' Mothers salutatorian of the class of '49," "Mothers of all senior boys and announces Principal Rufus Sal• Co-Chairmen girls are requested to attend the yer. annual seniors' mothers' tea, Doug's grade average is 4.0, "Lilacs in the Rain," beautiful sponsored by the Loyalty Club, while Wade's is 3.89. and different decorations, soft on the afternoon of May 12," in• Nearing the top of the ladder, music by "The Dreamers", the vites Jac'y Crouse and Mildred in order, are: Bill Parish, Carole best in floor shows, gliding dan• Sandvick, co-chairmen for the Betzold, Phyllis Warneck, Mari• cers, and free refreshments. event. lyn Jamieson, Thelma Collins, These will all be memories In corresponding with the Marilyn Schneider, Beverly Muir soon that seniors will cherish theme "Tulip Tea Time" each and Howard Hulse. These stu• always. This will be the Senior mother upon entering will re• dents' grades are all above 3.3. Ball to be held May 7 in the ceive a small paper tulip with Besides having the highest high school gym at 8:30 p. m. her nameplate. The table center• grade-point average in his class, according to co-chairmen Mari• piece will be a bouquet of tulips Doug participates in many out• lyn Schneider and Tom Wagner. and baby's breath. side activities. A few are "Revil- "Lilacs in the Rain", to las le" editor, former "World" edi• played by "The Dreamers", a Miss Emilie Fuller, former tor, president of Thespians, Boys' 10-piece dance band from Se• senior and Loyalty Club adviser, Club secretary, and a member attle, will be the dance's theme. will be an honored guest at the of last year's undefeated second Committee heads are Reid tea. if DOUGLAS HENDEL, valedictorian and WADE SHERWOOD, team in basketball. Hale and Wade Sherwood, pub• Other members of the Loyalty salutatorian of the class of '49 will speak at Commencement exer• licity; Diane Rosaia, decorations; Club who are working as com• cises June 8. Both boys are active members of Hi-Y and Honor The goal of this 17-year-old Lorna Schroeder, entertainment; mittee heads are Janet Sandall Society. (PHOTOS BY MILES) senior is to study law at Har• Jim Gross, music; Diane Lock- and Beverly Muir, refreshments: vard University. nane, programs; Thelma Ome- Lois Beech and Audrey Hall, Doug, who is 5' 1194", was stad, refreshments; Kay Mid- decorations; Jane Barnes and Nine Girls Gives B. P. W. Plays Host born in Pasadena, California, dleton, patrons and patronesses; Betty Chaussee, invitations; Hel• To All Senior Girls but five years later moved to and Margita Maier, clean-up. en Farr and Stella Och, enter• Kirkland, where he has received A new committee, a budget tainment; and Donna Williams, Mystery Drama; At Annual Affair his elementary and secondary committee, has been set up clean-up. Not just ten representatives school training. whereby only three seniors will The tea will be held in the Muir Has Lead but all of the senior girls are Wade, who played tackle on handle the money. They are Bill home economics room at the invited to the annual reception the Kangaroo eleven, was born Parish, Pat Evans, and Doug high school. to be given by the Kirkland Hendel. Their job also covers "No, Sharon, no! Keep away Business and Professional Wo• in Seattle in 1931. making up a budget and deter• from .there!" men's Club in the Rose Room The Sherwoods moved to mining the price of the tickets This warning could mean only of the Civic Center at 8:00 to• Kirkland where Wade entered which will be $1.50 a couple. Sherwood Eligible one of two things, Either Sharon night. the first grade. When he was Informed Diane Rosaia, "Dec• is getting too close to the cookie In previous years, a limited ready to enter the seventh grade, orations for the ball will toe dif- For Scholarship jar, or she is about to discover number of Girls' Club members however, the family moved to ferent from any other dance we Congratulations to Wade Sher• a body. It's a perfect plot for were present at the B. P. W. Colorado for two years. Wade have had. They will be outstand• wood! He received a letter from Inner Sanctum and it's also a reception, since classes were ex• was this year's basketball mana• ing and something really worth• the National Honor Society in perfect jolot for "Nine Girls", a tremely large. ger and a member of the Honor while seeing." Washington, D. C, saying he is mystery drama which, under Mr. With Miss Patricia Hieber, Society. He is also a Hi-Y mem• "All boys should get their on the list of the highest rank• Max Newberry's direction, will physical education teacher, and ber. dates immediately, not only be• ing students throughout the be presented Thursday and Fri• Mrs. Nicki Adams as co-chair• After completing his high cause this is the last dance of country who took the General day nights in the high school men for the affair, plans for a school work this June, Wade the year, but as a courtesy to Aptitude Test for the National auditorium at 8:15. , speaker, a program, and refresh• will enroll at the University of the girls so that they may have Honor Society Scholarships on Beverly Muir plays the lead ments are being made. Washington to study medicine. time to purchase their formals March 29. The Scholarship Board as Mary, Marilyn Barber co- The girls who attend will and decide on their hair-do's," will select the winners from this stars as Eve, with Roberta Evans learn more about charm, person• urges Mr. Walter Seabloom, sen• group of highest ranking stu• as Alice. ality, and good grooming, since ior class adviser. dents. Other members of the cast are Miss Kathleen Peck, owner of Margita Maier L. W. Joyce Packard, Pat Behmke, the Peck Modeling School, will Marilyn Meyers, Joanne Gross• talk on these subjects. Her as• Princess at C. P. S. man, Margaret Lundy, Virginia sistant spoke to the seniors last May Day Festival Hjelte, and Marvalene Roach, year. Margita Maier, senior, will be who appears in the prologue. Every year the Women's Club Lake Washington's princess in Admission is 49 cents for stu• honors the graduating class in the queen's court at the College dents, 60 cents for general ad• this way, and extends a welcome of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Fri• mission and 75 cents for reserve to each senior member of the day, May 13. She was elected seats. Tickets may be purchased Girls' Club. by the Girls' Club for this honor. from any member of the Girls' Margita will spend the entire Club. day at C.P.S. participating in the The California Sierra Nevada Loyalty Sponsors outdoor crowning pageant and mountains are the setting where attending a tea given in honor a group of nine college girls Orthopedic Drive of the visiting high school prin• play such pranks as initiating "Are You a Good Egg?" cesses. two hopefuls into the sorority With this as the motto, the "I'm very thrilled and happy and going around trying to mur• Loyalty Club successfully pro• to have been elected to attend der each other. moted the Orthopedic Egg Drive. the May Day Festival as Lake This play was first seen in The total eggs collected were Washington's representative. I New York in 1943 and was, by two cases and $135.00. know it will be a wonderful and demand, kept playing for eight The drive was headed by exciting experience," commented months. Later, in 1945, it was Freddie Schive and Marilyn Margita. made into a movie with Jinx Dawson, co-chairmen. Neighboring high schools all Falkenburg playing the leading Eggs were collected in all the send a princess to take part in role. first period classes and a movie this annual affair in Tacoma. if MARILYN SCHNEIDER and TOM WAGNER, seniors, co-chair• and an assembly were given Lake Washington's representa• men of the senior ball, "Lilacs in the Rain," to be held May 7. with an admission of one egg or tive last year was Louella Hagen, (PHOTO BY MILES) "NINE GIRLS" ten cents. Girls' Club vice-president. PAGE TWO WASHINGTON WORLD TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1949 Home Ec. Students WANTED: L. W. TRADITION Keep Up-To-Date Lake Washington is tradition hungry. After five years of consolidation there have been relative• With New Cottons She's got the pep, she's a gal Red is a color significant of ly few traditions here that have gotten so much as a toe• With summer coming cottons you all should know. many things — stop, a fiery are the main attraction and the Fredrica Shive, known as temper, and danger — but in hold. ' home economics girls aren't be• "Freddy" has lived in Florida this school it stands for a mild- A hold-over from the days when these hallowed halls were and California and has been in mannered, red-headed person in known as Union "A" High School is the annual Alumni Assem- hind in the styles.
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