w 'Wn'EWS/5' ' ' ;jf$fpON/8 ■ SPORTS/». E Th e Tw o p f p T i H Aerose From Hell Detrimental Discrimination A m igos 1 D U Ê f t K . J Several A.S. Positions in Need of Candidates Numbers of Early Contenders Usually Small By Michael Abramson claration had been officially Stiff Writer___________ announced for the five rep-at- large positions and three for the 12 off-campus rep seats. Associated Students Elec­ No students have declared tion Committee members anti­ candidacy for the three on- cipate a drastic increase in the campus rep positions avail­ number of candidates inter­ able, or the single university- ested in positions within the owned housing rep post governing body by the Thurs­ This seem ing lack o f in terest day evening deadline, despite in Legislative Council posi­ the low number of early tions is misleading, according declarations. to Jennifer Brown, university- By Tuesday night, 13 decla­ owned housing rep and cam­ rations had been submitted, pus liaison for the Election nine of which were for execu­ Com mittee. tive officer positions, such as “The Leg Council declara­ president, internal and exter­ tion forms nave not been com­ nal vice presidents and exter­ ing in very quickly,” she said. nal vice president for statewide “A lot have been picked up and MIKE STRONO/Daflj Next» affairs, formerly entitled UC a lot of students have been Student Association vice presi­ Here’s looking at our next A. S. president? This political hopeful was one o f 13 who have turned dent. As of press time, one de- See DECLARE, p.11 In their applications, although candidates still have until Thursday evening to do so. Proposed Legislation May Increase County Oil Revenue and Clearview Attractiveness By Michael Ball troduced legislation covering a Wallace said. "I think Supervi­ Stiff Writer much narrower scope of new oil sor Staffel made an ass of himself development, specifically bene­ tonight when he said that we’re fiting uie Mobil Oil Co.’s prop­ doing fine without a lobbyist. Several members of the Santa osed Clearview drilling project, Well, we have one, Mobil is our Barbara County Board of Super­ according to Mark Chaconas, lobby.... If you’re into conspira­ visors expressed dismay with re­ aide to 3rd District Supervisor cies, this is certainly one.” cent legislation introduced in BiU W allace. The original wording of the le­ the California state Senate call­ "The bill was changed,” Cha­ gislation passed by the supervi­ ing for an increase in the share of conas said. "Either Mobil sors was crucial, according to county oil revenues. changed it or Maddy changed it Chaconas. "The board passed a The supervisors unanimously to make it a Clearview-centric bill that was as broad a net as passed a resolution at their Feb. bill, so that we wouldn’t get re­ possible,” he said. 21 meeting calling for legislation venue from other sources. As However, the supervisors may to increase the county's revenue worded, only Clearview would have been caught off-guard by from all new oil development be a project th a t w ould generate the Maddy bill, according to The board expected its original revenue for the county.” Schw artz. "I th in k it’s im portant language to be carried to Sac­ Although 4th District Super­ for every member of the board to ramento by 35th District As­ visor Tim Staffel explained a lob­ be kept up-to-date on legislative semblyman Brooks Firestone byist is not necessaiy to rally for action,” she said. (R-Los Olivos), according to 1st the legislation, Wallace believes The bill could encourage local District Supervisor Naomi the new legislation caters to the governments to give the go- Schw artz. oil company. ahead to unnecessary projects in However, on Feb. 24, state "In my opinion, this whole Sen. Ken Maddy (R-Fresno) in- thing is a big set-up for MobU,” See REVENUE, p.5 Supes Discuss Low-Cost Housing Proposal By Michael Ball Although Wallace disagrees county’s deuveiy of the project's Suff Writer with the proposed development, updated Supplemental Environ­ DAN THIBODBAU/Diily N n he believes it will be difficult to mental Impact Report The at­ External Vice President Derek Cole and Santa Ynez Rep deny low-cost housing at the torney’s office received a copy of Jennifer Brown count up their remaining tickets for the Sec­ A low-cost housing develop­ site, due to area zoning. the report less than a week be­ ment in Goleta was the focus of ond Annual Community Improvement Drawing. "The previous board, under fore the board meeting. debate at the Santa Barbara my predecessor Willy Chamber­ “I w ould question w hether o r County Board of Supervisors lin, approved an affordable not this violates [measures] Ticket Distribution Starting Strong meeting Tuesday. housing outlay,” WaUace said. "I which require a certain amount The proposed Mountain View don’t think you can say no at this of notice to affected agencies,” By Tim Molloy last year’s fundraiser netted Ranch Affordable Housing Pro­ point, but we need to find an he said. Stiff Writer $14,000. This year’s organizers hope to disperse 15,000 $1 ject, to be located west of alternative.” Possible negative side effects tickets to various student Winchester Canyon Road, The possibility of new resi­ of the development include new Two weeks into the effort, groups. would include 126 residential dents in the area could severely projects to help maintain adequ­ coordinators of Associated “We’ve checked out about units, 63 of which will be low- impact the Goleta Union School ate county services to the prop­ Students’ second annual Com­ 13,000 of the tickets so for. We cost homes, according to Marie District, already economically osed housing units, according to munity Improvement Drive plan on checking out at least Chaconas, aide to 3rd District firessed, according to BiU Ans- Tim MUano, Goleta resident have distributed 13,000 tickets 15,000,” said A.S. External Supervisor Bill Wallace. ow, attorney for the district "I have several problems with to campus organizations, Vice President Derek Cole, co­ However, in its current form, Anslow hoped the fiscal impact the proposed development,” he which will sell them to raise coordinator of the drive. the project does not meet the could be mitigated by the pas­ said. "There’s a cumulative effect funds for their groups and the Ticket sellers will receive county's needs, according to sage of Measure B, a $28 million with this project due to sur­ com m unity. half of the net profit of each W allace. school bond designated for the rounding proposed develop­ Established through a ticket sold, while the other half "The problem is, in my opin­ improvement of district facili­ ment improvements. $2,500 grant from then- ion, that it’s not very compatible ties, which was narrowly de­ The board moved to conduct Chancellor Barbara Uehling, See DRAWING, p.7 w ith the existing residences,” he feated Tuesday. further hearings on the project at said. Anslow also questioned the its April 4 meeting. 2 Wednesday, March i, 1995 D ^ y iN e x u ß HEADLINERS Daily Nexus EdtorkiChMl ¡Kinteriy Epier News Editor] I Brenda Maxwel layout/Design Editor I ¡Suzanne Gamer Campus Editor ¡Colleen Valles Chief Executive Recommends Layoffs A stL Campus Editora ¡Susan Burkhart, Tim Moloy County Editor | i Nick Robertson SANTA ANA (A P) — thanks they deserve.” services and personnel. cost the county dearly. Assi County Editor i ¡Micheal Bal, Jail Brax Balancing financially The proposed job cuts Orange County offi­ Still, Merrill Lynch con­ Opinioni Editor« ¡Alison Landa, Wiliam Yetoa strapped Orange total more than 10 per­ cials have blamed the tinued to sell the Sports Editor ¡Curta Käser Am L Sports Edbois I Michael C adli, Daniel Solomon County’s budget in the cent of the county’s labor losses on Merrill Lynch county’s bonds. Their Artsweek Editor Kevin Carhart coming year will require force, now at about and other brokers, who motivation must have AssL Artsweek Editor ¡Noah Blunterg 1,040 layoffs and elimi­ 15,000. they claim exploited for­ been pure greed to col­ Copy Editor ¡James Usiner Affluent Orange mer Treasurer Robert L. lect huge commissions Asst. Copy Editor ¡E rik a Mitteldorf nation of another 563 Photo Editor ¡Rachel W ei unfilled jobs, the an d fees.” Am L Photo Editor ¡Dan Thbodeau county’s new chief ex­ Many have devoted their en­ Merrill Lynch issued a Illustrai ion* Editor ¡M a lt Ragland ecutive said Tuesday. statement saying it AP Wire Editor lU M S a u tire years to serving Orange ¡C h ris Koch, Tony Luu William }. Popejoy, shares concerns for the Copy Renden County.‘ t t y . This--------- is not the thanks who was appointed to debacle’s human toll. Account Executives I ¡P ia Chatterjee, C aien Chopak, Stacy lead the county through they deiteserve. But it said Citron ¡Conn, Vaiane Cortopassi, Megan bankruptcy proceedings William J. Popejoy “created, directed and ¡OBrian, Matt Slatoff caused by huge invest­ took full credit for” his chief executive Production ^ ^ ■ C h r i s Banquet, Kyra Goldsmith, Sue ment failures, outlined own investment strate­ ¡Mason, Gerry Melendez, Stephanie the cuts and other Orange County gies and disregarded ¡Planner, Wiliam Toren, Katie Zoras- budgetaiy recommenda­ Merrill’s warnings and tions at an emotionally County was plunged into Citron by supplying him offers to repurchase risky charged meeting of die financial crisis last year with risky investments. securities.
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