Polymer Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp 339~342 (1991) NOTES Mossbauer Spectroscopic Studies of Complexes of Fe(III) with Nitrogen Containing Polymers E. A. BEKTUROV, S. E. KUDAIBERGENOV, G. S. KANAPYANOVA, S. S. SALTYBAEVA, A. I. SKUSHNIKOVA, A. L. PAVLOVA, and E. S. DoMNINA * Institute of Chemical Science, Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata 480100, Krasin Str. 106, USSR * Institute of Organic Chemistry Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Irkutsk, USSR (Received July 30, I 990) KEY WORDS Nitrogen Containing Polymers / Complex Formation / Mossbauer Spectroscopy / Coordination polymer compounds have EXPERIMENT AL been successfully used in various catalytic processes such as hydrogenation, oxidation, P2VPy, P2M5VPy, and P4VPy were synthe­ hydroformylation, polymerization, isomeriza­ sized by the radical polymerization of mono­ tion, etc. 1 Nitrogen containing polymers are mers in methanol at 333 K in presence of interesting polymer ligands that function as azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as initiator. 8 supports in catalysis. Copolymers based on VI and VP were Complex formation ability of nitrogen synthesized by radical copolymerization in containing polymers in relation to the transi­ ethanol at 333 Kin the presence of AIBN. All tion metal ions is due to the presence of polymers and copolymers were purified by primary, secondary and tertiary aminogroups fractional precipitation. The compositions of which are able to form donor-acceptor copolymers were determined by IR spectros­ bonds. 2 - 7 The structures of coordination copy9 and by elemental analysis. PVI with compounds influence on the catalytic activity molecular weight 16 x l 03 and commercial of polymer-metal complexes. sample of PVP with molecular weight 5.6 x 10 5 In the present paper the results of an were used. investigation of solid complexes of poly(2- Intrinsic viscosities of VI-VP copolymers vinylpyridine) (P2VPy), poly(2-methyl-5-vinyl­ determined in ethanol solution are 0.34, 0.43, pyridine) (P2M5VPy), poly(4-vinylpyridine) and 0.62dlg- 1 for 0.63VI: 0.37VP; 0.41VI: (P4VPy), copolymers of vinylimidazole (VI), 0.59-VP; and 0.21VI: 0.79VP, respectively. and vinylpyrrolidone (VP) with Fe(III) by The complexes of nitrogen containing Mossbauer and IR spectroscopy are presented polymers with FeC1 3 · 6H20 were obtained by in order to elucidate the influence of the mixing the ethanol solutions of the initial polymeric ligand nature on the structures of components. The precipitated complexes were polymer-metal complexes. filtered, washed with ethanol, then dried at room temperature under vacuum. The Mossbauer spectra of the complexes 339 E. A. BEKTUROV et al. were taken with a nuder gamma resonance KCl pellets. spectrometer CMTE of an electrodynamic source type at room temperature in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION constant acceleration regime. The source of -y-rays were 57Co(Pd) with an activity of 3 It was established that during interactions of mCi. Absorbers were the complexes of poly­ PVI and VI-VP copolymers with FeC1 3 ·6H2 O mers with Fe(III). The Mossbauer parameters, the polymer-metal complexes yield reached the isomeric shift (L1E1) and quadrupole 95%. The composition of polymer-metal splitting (<5EQ) were calibrated with respect to complexes depends on the molar ratio of initial the standard absorber Na2 57Fe(CN) 5NO. components and distribution of ligend groups The Mossbauer parameters were calculated in the case of VI-VP copolymers. Some char­ by the computer MERA-60. IR spectra of acteristics of polymer-Fe(III) complexes are complexes were obtained with the help of the shown below. spectrophotometer "UR-20" (DDR) usmg Molar ratio of initial Cl% Cl% Composition of Ligand components found calculated complexes L:FeC13 PVI 2: 1 22, 20 22, 17 (PVIhFeCl3 0.41 VI: 0.59VP 2: 1 11, 93 11, 74 (0.41VI: 0.59VPhFeCl3 0.63VI: 0.37VP 2: I 34, 11 23, 63 (0.63VI: 0.37VP)i, 5FeCl3 The composition of poly(vinylpyridine)­ (vinylpyridine) complexes of Fe(III) are sum­ Fe(III) complexes does not depend on the marized in Table I. The Mossbauer spectra of molar ratio of initial components, which is the complexes represent asymmetric doublets equal to 2: I. except for P2VPy-Fe(III) which contains only Complexation of poly(vinylpyridine)s with one doublet (Figure 2). transition metal ions is often accompanied by Similar values of isomeric shift and quadru­ the increase of the stretching frequency on the pole splitting for all poly(vinylpyridine) com­ C = N bond. 10 - 12 This can be used for the plexes probably indicate similar coordinate elucidation of the complexation ability of polyligands and for the determination of the stability of the coordination compounds. IR spectra of poly(vinylpyridine) complexes of iron(III) are shown in Figure I. It is seen that for all complexes vcN shifted to higher frequency. Analogous shifts are also observed for the out-of-plane vibration of the pyridine ring ( v = 550 cm - l ). 13 The complexing ability of poly(vinylpyridine)s in relation to Fe(III) rd rd determined as Liv= VcN · - vg~e (where VcN · 1500 1700 and vg~e are the frequencies of coordinated and ~,cm-1 free CN groups respectively) varies as follows: Figure 1. IR spectra of Poly(vinylpyridine) complexes P2M5VPy > P4VPy > P2VPy. of Fe(Ill). I, P2M5VPy/Fe(III); 2, P4VPy/Fe(III); 3, Mossbauer spectroscopic data of poly- P2VPy/Fe(Ill). 340 Polym. J., Vol. 23, No. 4, 1991 Mi:issbauer Spectroscopic Studies of Complexes of Fe(III) with Nitrogen Containing Polymers Table I. Mi:issbauer parameters of poly(vinylpyridine) complexes of Fe(III) fO(}l .::_.,... _~.-4'1:'.::,;;..;,\ / ...-,;... LIE, bE0 Poly(vinylpyridine)s •• . .. 2 gg ......,.,,, ••• • ·._···.-,... ·~·,·v·\<:.•;.._~ fOO mms- 1 mms- 1 % ··"-- .. ··=-·.-.'---~,.. ;.\•........ -". P2M5VPy 0.34 0.51 ""' 6.0 I .. 0.47 0.52 ·: . -:· \:-·:· 3 fOO .,,.,_"\:f-:,J-;r.r•.:,\_. •: ·:°'",:=.l:i-:,.-.;.~: 9!,5 P2VPy 0.41 0.50 2.7 [ ... ,. ' P4VPy 0.47 0.56 "' :'"- 'I. I 1.4 ..S• .. • • • : • 0.35 0.51 'r:'.":.":.. :.:_.-,M-.. !.• ...,. .;..i:.;>\1::-1::. {!JO t 9?,'(I . .\ ... /: .. OJ- :- ..,.;.,. .5 100 :.··· •:l:.~--·:.: .. .: .:~~:,..:, . ···1: • \~---: •• .95 :: ·: ...·. ·- ... .. '\, : \ ... ..... 96 .. Li :-. -2 -f 0 I Velocity, mm-s-1 ··,: ':: +i 0 Figure 3. Mi:issbauer spectra of complexes ofFe(III) with Ve/odt!f, mm-s-1 VI-VP copolymers. 1, PVI/Fe(Ill); 2, 0.63VI:0.37VP/ Fe(III); 3, 0.41VI: 0.59VP/Fe(III); 4, 0.21VI: 0.79VP/ Figure 2. Mi:issbauer spectra of poly(vinylpyridine) Fe(Ill); 5, PVP/Fe(III). complexes of Fe(III). 1, P2VPy/Fe(III); 2, P4VPy/Fe(III); 3, P2M5VPy/Fe(Ill). Table II. Mi:issbauer parameters of complexes of Fe(III) with VI-VP copolymers surrounding of the irons. The Mossbauer parameters of the complexes are typical of LIE, bE0 Copolymers high-spin compounds of Fe(III). The maximal mms- 1 mms- 1 % value of the resonance effect (e) for P2M5Py­ Fe(III) is accounted for by the formation of a PVI 0.50 0.67 1.0 strong coordination bond in this system. This 0.63VI: 0.37VP 0.51 0.67 1.5 0.41 VI: 0.59VP 0.51 0.71 2.6 is probably connected with the increase of 0.21VI: 0.79VP 0.54 0.66 5.0 electron density in the pyridine ring owing to PVP 0.55 0.66 4.0 the donor ability of methyl groups. For iron(III) complexes of VI-VP copoly­ mers the stretching frequency of C = C and is shifted to lower frequency at 1630 cm - 1 . C = N bonds at 1493 and 1503 cm - 1 shifted to These data indicate the interactions of both 1515 cm - 1 . Spectral changes are also observed nitrogen atoms of the imidazole ring and the for the lactam cycle of VP. The band at carbonyl groups of the lactam cycle with 1672 cm - 1 corresponding to C = 0 vibrations Fe(III) ions. 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