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WAEPA WAEPA has been steadily increasing benefits with 1720 Massachusetts Ave. no increase in cost to its members for over 20 years. Washington, D. C. Please send me further information about member¬ Now WAEPA once again announces a new benefit ship in WAEPA. increase for its members. In addition to the continu¬ NAME ADDRESS ing coverages of Life Insurance up to $20,000, and CITY STATE ZIP Accidental Death and Dismemberment up to $25,000, Worldwide Assurance for Employees of Public Agencies, Inc. 1720 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, D. C. 20036 FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION The Foreign Service JOURNAL is the professional journal of the American Foreign Service and is published by the American Foreign Service Association, DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, II, President a non-profit private organization. Material appearing herein represents the FOY D. KOHLER, First Vice President opinions of the writers and is not intended to indicate the official views of the OUTER BRIDGE HORSEY, Second Vice President Department of State, the United States Information Agency, the Agency for GARDNER E. PALMER, General Manager International Development or the Foreign Service as a whole. [ANE K. STELLE, Executive Secretary MARGARET S. TURKEL, Membership Secretary CLARKE SLADE, Educational Consultant JEAN M. CHISHOLM, Personal Purchases BOARD OF DIRECTORS December, 1966 DAVID H. MCKILLOP, Chairman Vol. 43, No. 12 KEITH E. ADAMSON, Vice Chairman contents PETER P. LORD, Secretary-Treasurer HARRIET ISOM, Asst. Secretary-Treasurer page ROBERT B. BLACK PATRICIA M. BYRNE 19 THE UN AND USIA HOWARD V. FUNK by Fitzhugh Green MICHAEL P. E. HOYT FRANK V. ORTIZ, JR. 21 THE TRUE PROFESSIONAL HERMAN POLLACK by Nicholas deB, Katzenbach JULIUS C. HOLMES, Ambassador, retired 23 TELEGRAM—UNCLASSIFIED by Ashley C. Hewitt JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD 24 RECOLLECTIONS OF A BITTER DAY JOHN H. STUTESMAN, JR., Chairman by Henry B. Day REED HARRIS, Vice Chairman STEPHEN LOW 28 A VISIT TO THE TRANSKEI ROBERT B. HOUGHTON by Lillian Eisenberg LOUIS SCHWARTZ, JR. JO W. SAXE 30 TREES OF LIFE ROGER C. BREWIN by Icy Lent LEWIS MACFARLANE DOUGLAS J. HARWOOD, Correspondent 34 THE APPROACH TO FOREIGN SERVICE DAY JOURNAL STAFF 38 QUESTIONS FOR THE FOREIGN SERVICE by I). Alexis Johnson I.OREN CARROLL, Editor SHIRLEY R. NEWHALL, Executive Editor 40 CHRISTMAS AMONG THE REFUGEES MARGARET S. TURKEL, Circulation by Emily Squires Wnbeke MCIVER ART & PUBLICATIONS INC. Art Direction OTHER FEATURES: One Man’s Drink, by Robert Devereux. page 4; ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Cook’s Tour, by Helen K. Behrens, Page 16; Tokyo: December 8, 1941, by Eugene H. Dooman, page 45; C.Q. Questionnaire, page 51. [AMES C. SASMOR, 230 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10025 (212) MO 3-3390 ALBERT D. SHONK CO., 681 Market St., San Fran¬ departments cisco, Calif. 94105 (415) 392-7144 10 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO by Henry B. Day THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIA- TION is composed of active and retired personnel who are or have been serving at home or abroad under the 14 Focus ON FINANCE authority of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as by Jay Vaider amended. It groups together people who have a com¬ mon responsibility for the implementation of foreign policy. It seeks to encourage the development of a 31 EDITORIALS: On Kraftsmanship career service of maximum effectiveness, and to ad¬ vance the welfare of its members. Board Election The dues for Active and Associate Members are The Man and the Job either $15 or $12: For FSO’s in Class V and above the rate is $15 and is the same for FSR’s, Staff officers Farewell to a Friend and Civil Service personnel in corresponding grades. For Active Members in lower grades the dues are $12. WASHINGTON LETTER The annual dues for retired members and others who 32 are not Active Members are $12. Each membership by Loren Carroll includes a subscription to the FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL. For subscriptions to the JOURNAL, one year (12 is¬ 41 BOOKSHELF sues), $6.00; two years, $10.00. For subscriptions going abroad, except countries in the Western hemisphere, add $1.00 annually for overseas postage. 54 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ambassadorial Appointments ROBERT G. NEUMANN, to Afghanistan Marriages LEWIS-COLT. Jane Caroline Lewis, daughter of FSO and Mrs. James H. Lewis, was married to Sir Edward Colt on August 20, in Reigate, Surrey. Lady Colt is completing nursing training at University College Hospital, London. Sir Edward is a surgeon attached to the same hospital. Births BUSHNELL. A son, Timothy Cahill, born to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bushnell, on August 18, in San Jose, Costa Rica. DONOVAN. A son, Thomas Edward, born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donovan, on September 30, in Washington. OKUN. A daughter. Alexandra, born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Okun, on September 3, in Brasilia. Mr. Okun is Counselor of Embassy and Principal Officer in Brasilia. TIPPETT. A daughter, Corinne, born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Tippett, on October 11, in Reno. Mrs. Tippett is the daughter of the Honorable Harry R. Turkel and Mrs. Turkel. “Reindeer Round-Up, Northern Finland" WARNOCK. A daughter, Wendy Olivia, born to Mr. and Mrs. by D.E. Wilson, US1A John A. Warnock, on September 9, in Monrovia. Rockefeller Award to Leddy Deaths BROWN. Henry R. Brown, former consul in Milan and Genoa, JOHN M. LEDDY, Assistant Secretary of State for European died on October 14, in Takoma Park. Mr. Brown entered Affairs, is the winner of the 1966 Rockefeller Public Service the Foreign Service in 1930 and served in Belgrade, Milan Award for Foreign Affairs or International Operations. The and Genoa. He joined the Army in 1941 as a civilian award is part of a program, conceived and financed by John administrator and served until 1943. D. Rockefeller, 3rd, and administered by Princeton Universi¬ BURCH. Vincent dePaul Burch, program development officer, ty. The award carries a cash grant of $10,000. AID, died on October 21, in Washington. Mr. Burch joined AID in 1955 and served as a training officer in Iraq, Israel, PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Jamaica and Brazil. FOR DECEMBER CARR. Eileen J. Carr, wife of Paul E. Carr, Consul, Mel¬ bourne, died on July 23, in Melbourne. Lilian Eisenberg, wife of FSO Robert Eisenberg, portrait of GroNEY. Charles C. Gidney, Jr., consul-retired, died on Ndebele woman and child, cover. Also illustrations, pages August 16, in Rome. 28 and 29. HOCHSTETLER. Robert J. Hochstetler, FSR-retired, AID, died UNATIONS, photograph, page 19. on September 13, in San Diego. Mr. Hochstetler served in Seoul with the ECA, then in Pusan, Tokyo, Belgrade and S. I. Nadler, “Life and Love in the Foreign Service,” page 33. Karachi before retiring in 1963. Rudolph Woltner, photographs, pages 35, 36, 37 and 38. KUEFORTH. Jane Klieforth, wife of Alexander A. Klieforth, deputy director, VOA, died on August 13, in Washington. Embassy Pictures Corporation, photograph, Sophia Loren, MATTHEWS. Helen S. Matthews, wife of Ambassador H. from “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” page 56. Freeman Matthews, died on November 5 aboard the SS Kungsholm at sea. Mrs. Matthews joined the Foreign Service before World War II and served at Tokyo, London, The Foreign Service JOURNAL welcomes contributions and will Vienna and Paris. She married Mr. Matthews in 1957 when pay for accepted material on publication. Photos should be black he was ambassador to the Netherlands. He later served as and white glossies and should be protected by cardboard. Color ambassador to Austria. While in Vienna, Mrs. Matthews transparencies (4 x 5) may be submitted for possible cover use. was awarded the “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” medal by Pope Please include full name and address on all material submitted and a stamped, self-addressed envelope if return is desired. John XXIII. PRICE. Darrell M. Price, USIA, died on September 1, at Bangkok. Mr. Price joined the Department of State in The JOURNAL also welcomes letters to the editor. Pseudonyms 1949 and served at Ankara and Beirut. He joined USIA may be used only if the original letter includes the writer’s correct in 1953 and served at Saigon, Phnom Penh and the name. All letters are subject to condensation. Department before going to Bangkok. Address material to: Foreign Service Journal, 815 - 17th Street, SHIPLEY. Ruth B. Shipley, retired head of the Passport N.W., Suite 505, Washington, D. C., 20006. Division, died November 3, in Washington. Mrs. Shipley joined the State Department in 1914 and served as head of the division for 27 years. © American Foreign Service Association, 1966. The Foreign Serv¬ STARKEY. Joseph Starkey, FSO, died on October 13, in ice Journal is published monthly, by the American Foreign Service McLean, Virginia.
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