DovršetAk Autoceste preMA COMPLETION OF THE MOTORWAY TO Bosni i Hercegovini BOSNIA AND HERzEgOVINA Most preko rijeke save Bridge over Sava River Dionica granica Mađarske - Beli Manastir Section Hungarian border - Beli Manastir Most preko rijeke Save kod Svilaja nadovezuje se na iz- Sava River Bridge near Svilaj is a continuation of the com- Za predmetnu dionicu izrađena je Studija o utjecaju za- For the subject section Environmental Impact Study was građenu dionicu Sredanci – granica Bosne i Hercegovi- pleted section Sredanci – border of Bosnia and Herzegovi- hvata na okoliš te je ishođeno 2017. godine Rješenje o pri- prepared and the Decision on environmental safety of the AUTOCESTA ne. U svrhu završetka južnog dijela autoceste A5, u tijeku na. To complete the southern portion of A5, a cross-border hvatljivosti zahvata na okoliš. Kako bi se mogla nastaviti project was issued in 2017. To be able to continue with BELI MANASTIR - OSIJEK - SVILAJ je izgradnja tog međudržavnog mosta čiji su radovi po- bridge is being built, the works on which started in Sep- izrada daljnje projektne dokumentacije i ishoditi potrebne further design development and issuance of necessary čeli u rujnu 2016. godine. tember 2016. dozvole za gradnju, potrebno je izraditi projektno-tehnički permits for the construction design - engineering study MOTORWAY Hrvatska strana je izgradila autocestu do mosta dok su Croatian side completed the motorway by the bridge and elaborat usklađenja trasa autocesta u Mađarskoj i RH. U shall be prepared of motorway route compliance in both sa strane Bosne i Hercegovine radovi na izgradnji granič- in Bosnia and Herzegovina the works on the border secti- skladu sa održanim sastancima međudržavne radne skupi- countries. Further to the meetings of the bilateral working A5 BELI MANASTIR - OSIJEK - SVILAJ ne dionice od mosta do Odžaka u poodmakloj fazi te će on from the bridge to Odžak are in an advanced stage and ne, u tijeku je geodetsko i projektno usklađenje tehničkih group geodetic and design compliance of technical ele- isti biti završeni i pušteni u promet po izgradnji mosta. will be completed and opened to traffic once the bridge elemenata u graničnoj zoni. Po izvršenom usklađenju, obje ments in the border zone is in progress. Upon completed A5 Na mostu su predviđene po tri vozne trake u oba smje- has been finished. strane trebaju zajednički potpisati sporazum kojim će biti compliance both sides should execute an agreement to ra. Duljina mosta je 660 m. Rasponski sklop mosta je Three traffic lanes are foreseen on the bridge in each direc- definirani svi elementi autoceste u graničnoj zoni kao pod- define all elements of the motorway in the border zone as kontinuirana greda preko sedam polja s dvostruko spre- tion. The bridge length is 660 m. The superstructure con- loga za daljnji nastavak izrade projektne dokumentacije. the basis for further development of design documents. gnutim poprečnim presjekom sastavljenim od čeličnog sists of a continuous beam with seven spans with double Raspisivanje natječaja za izradu projektne dokumentacije Call for tenders for the design documents development sanduka i betonske donje i gornje čelične ploče. Otvori composite cross section of the steel box and concrete slab se planira do kraja listopada 2018. godine dok bi se potreb- shall take place by the end of October 2018 and all ne- rasponskog sklopa su 70,0 + 85,0 + 100,0 + 130,0 + 100,0 and upper steel deck. The superstructure openings are ne dozvole ishodile do sredine 2020. godine. cessary permits should be issued by the mid-2020. + 85,0 + 70,0 = 640,0m između osi upornjaka. 70,0 + 85,0 + 100,0 + 130,0 + 100,0 + 85,0 + 70,0 = 640,0m Radovi na dionici od Belog Manastira do granice s Mađar- The works on the section from Beli Manastir to the Hun- between the abutment axes. skom planiraju se započeti krajem 2020. godine/početkom garian border shall commence in late 2020/early 2021. 2021. godine. Završetak tog dijela koridora Vc koji prolazi The completion of that portion of corridor Vc that runs kroz Republiku Hrvatsku planira se 2023. godine čime bi through the Republic of Croatia is expected in 2023 which bio završen investicijski ciklus na njegovoj izgradnji. would close the investment cycle in its construction. Kako bi se predmetna dionica mogla aplicirati za sufinanci- To be eligible for application for EU fund co-financing the ranje putem EU fondova potrebno je istu uvrstiti u naredni section should be included in the Operational Program- Operativni program. Mađarska strana također predlože da me. The Hungarian side also suggests that both parties se zajednički nastupi prema EK u svrhu uvrštavanja pred- should approach European Commission together to in- metnog projekta prekograničnog povezivanja u naredni clude this international project in the Operational Pro- Operativni program. gramme. Most preko rijeke Save kod Svilaja Bridge over Sava River near Svilaj Planirani završetak mosta i dijela dionice koji se nalazi u The completion of the bridge and the section in Bosnia Listopad, 2018. October, 2018. Bosni i Hercegovini je kraj 2019. godine. and Herzegovina is foreseen for late 2019. Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. Zagreb, Širolina 4 zagreb, Širolina 4 Tel: 01 4694 444 ; Fax: 01 4694 692 Tel: 01 4694 444 ; Fax: 01 4694 692 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.hac.hr www.hac.hr AutocestA MOTORWAY A5 BeLi MAnAstir - osiJek - sviLAJ A5 BELI MANASTIR - OSIJEK - SVILAJ koridor vc - općenito Corridor Vc - Background Corridor Vc - status of construction Paneuropski koridor Vc dio je mreže europskih korido- Pan-European corridor Vc is part of the European corridor Corridor Vc runs through Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia ra koji je dogovoren na konferenciji europskih ministara network that was agreed at the Conference of Transport Min- and Herzegovina. prometa u Helsinkiju (1997. godine). Ogranak je to petog isters in Helsinki in 1997. This is a branch of the fifth transport In Hungary M6 motorway has been completed on the prometnog koridora koji prometno čvorište Budimpešte corridor linking Budapest gateway with the Adriatic area. stretch between Budapest and Boly, and the outstanding povezuje s prostorom Jadrana. Corridor Vc starts in the north near Budapest and runs section, 20 km should be built between Boly and the bor- Koridor Vc počinje na sjeveru kod Budimpešte te se pro- through Hungary to the border with the Republic of Croatia. der with Croatia. teže kroz Mađarsku do granice s Republikom Hrvatskom. In the area of the Republic of Hungary it stretches in north- In the territory of the Republic of Croatia the corridor is Na području Republike Hrvatske se proteže u smjeru sje- south direction near Beli Manastir, Osijek, Đakovo and all the koridor vc - status izgradnje divided into two segments: ver-jug kraj Belog Manastira, Osijeka, Đakova te sve do way to the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Koridor Vc prolazi kroz Mađarsku, Hrvatsku i BiH. • Northern section from the border with Hungary to the granice sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom. In the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina it also runs in the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina i.e. motorway Na području Bosne i Hercegovine se također proteže u north-south direction, passes by Sarajevo and goes on to- Na području Mađarske je izgrađena autocesta M6 od Bu- A5 that has been built from Sredanci to Osijek. smjeru sjever-jug, prolazi kraj Sarajeva te se nastavlja wards the border with the Republic of Croatia, or specifically dimpešte do Bolya te je potrebno izgraditi dio od Bolya prema granici Republike Hrvatske odnosno luci Ploče to the seaport Ploče on the Adriatic. do granice sa RH u dužini 20 km. • Southern part of the corridor from the border with na Jadranskom moru. Na području RH koridor je podijeljen na dva dijela: Bosnia and Herzegovina to seaport Ploče was fully With the development of the transport network and its di- completed and opened to traffic in November 2017 Razvojem europske prometne mreže te novom podje- vision into 9 main corridors, corridor Vc became part of the • Sjeverni dio od granice sa Mađarskom do granice sa after the completion of the final portion – Ploče ga- lom na 9 glavnih koridora, koridor Vc je postao dio sveo- comprehensive TEN-T network. BIH koji čini autocesta A5 koja je izgrađena od Sre- teway. buhvatne TEN-T mreže. danaca do Osijeka In the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina motorway was • Južni dio koridora od granice sa BIH do luke Ploče je built from zenica to Tarčin (Sarajevo bypass) as well as kompletno dovršen i pušten u promet u studenom the border section (link to A10). Construction of the mo- Most preko rijeke Drave Bridge crossing River Drava 2017. godine sa izgradnjom zadnjeg dijela trase – torway around zenica and the border section from Odžak Ulaza u luku Ploče. to Sava River Bridge is under construction (link to A5). Objekt je projektiran kao ovješeni spregnuto čelični sklop na The bridge is designed as a suspended steel structure over Na području BIH je izgrađena autocesta od Zenice do Tarči- The construction of the entire Vc corridor will have a signi- prijelazu preko same rijeke Drave i betonska polumontažna the river with concrete semi-prefabricated structure on na (obilaznica Sarajeva) te granična dionica (spoj sa A10). ficant impact on the economic development of the area konstrukcija na samim inundacijama rijeke Drave. Centralni inundations. The central part of the bridge (main span) U tijeku je izgradnja autoceste oko Zenice te granična di- through which it runs and in terms of traffic it will add to dio mosta (glavna rasponska konstrukcija) preko same rije- over the river is designed as a single structure with three onica od Odžaka do mosta preko rijeke Save (spoj sa A5).
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