THE CATHOLIC TIMES. FIR I D A Y , AUGUST 8. 1952 W riter And Family Slated Aid For Education Remains Of Martyrs' Church ------------------ God Love You------------------- Christianity Not Western, For Africa As Missioners Believed Located In Canada CINCINNATI — (NO — James Asiatics Must Be Convinced W. Rogan, a writer and editor for hospital near Durban and now is Sainis Jean lie Brebeuf and Gabriel Lalemant Here the U. S. Catholic press, his wife associated with a government hos Captured and Killed by Iroquois ---------------- by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.................—*■ Grace, and their two children. Da­ pital in the native reserve of vid, 5. and Judith. 3, make up one Zululand. Our Divine olic in America who wants an of the first American Catholic MIDLAND, Ont (NC) In a cow ologists and the Ontario Govern­ adopted son a priest will make More impetus was given to the Lord n e v e i families to volunteer for lay mis­ pasture a few miles from here ment was aroused in 1930 when this sacrifice for the sake of Rogans’ growing interest in the made a dis- sionary work in a foreign land. archaeologists have unearthed re­ Rome proclaimed the pight mas­ the faith. By this means will foreign missions when Mr. Rogan t i n c t ion be­ A registered nurse now employ­ mains of what is thought to he the sacred Jesuits the first canonized we convince the Eastern World began conducting a course at the tween races oi ed at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital pt church in or near which Saints saints of North America. that Christianity is not West­ mission school organized by Grail- colors, nor be here, Mr. Rogan will join the nurs­ Jean de Brebeuf and Gabriel Lale­ The Royal Ontario Museum, and ern. ville. lay apostolate training center tween the Eas: ing staff of King Edward VIII mant, two of the North American University of Western Ontario, as­ for young women, in January, and West. It Hospital for Non-Europeans in Jesuit martyrs, were captured by signed researchers to study the an­ 1950. is, howe ver GOD LOVE YOU to H.M. for Durban, one of South Africa’s the fierce Iroquois Indians in 1649. cient Jesuit records at Quebec: an histori c a 1 $50. a birthday remembrance of chief ports. Mr. Rogan is a graduate of St. The discovery was hy Wilfrid the “Relations des Jesuits” that fact that the her deceased mother who har­ Mr. Rogan was for two years a Norbert college st West De Pere Jury, University of Western On faithfully recorded the Order's his­ W e s t e r n bored a sincere love for thff * l iter for The Shield, monthly in his native Wisconsin, and re­ tario archaeologist, and members tory in the New World. World is Chris missions . GOD LOVE YOU magazine of the Catholic Students ceived his nurse’s training at the of his School of Indian Archaeolo­ Field parties were assigned to tian and the to F.F., 14 years old, for $16. Mission Crusade. His interest in Alexian Brothers hospital in Chi­ gy. It was made on six acres of excavate, and new interest was Eastern World is not. The diffi Recently he became ill and becoming a lay missioner began cago. For nearly two years he land located about three miles aroused when the first relics of culty our missionaries have to promised Our Blessed Mother when he reviewed a book describ­ helped operate a Catholic center from the internationally known the little colony were unearthed. face in India, Korea, Africa and to send this money to the Mis­ ing the work of Dr. Kurt F. Mc- in Baltimore, where an average of shrine of the martyrs at Forth St. Since then, over a period of more Japan is to convince the Eastern sions if he recovered. Murtrie, a Scottish physician who 150 men were given three free Marie. than ten years, the stockades and people that Christianity is not went to South Africa as a lay doc­ meals a day and 80 received free buildings of the lost outpost have Western. Added to this associa­ Cut out this column, pin your tor with the Anglican missionaries lodging. Battle Of 1649 heen put together, piece by piece, tion of Westernness is the Com­ sacrifice to it and mail it to th« of St. Cuthbert more than a quar­ Mrs. Grace Gallagher Rogan, a On this site the Huron village until restoration is now well ad munist propaganda that the Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, to: of a century ago. Becoming a native of Union City, N.J., attend­ of St. Louis is believed to have vanced. Western World is * “imperial­ ------------------o----------------- National Director of The Soci­ Catholic in 1925, Dr. McMurtrie ed Marquette university and the been erected. It was at St. Louis istic”. Hence the missionaries ety for the Propagation of the was made director of a Catholic Grailville School of Apostolate. that one of the final battles be­ are accused of being “agents of Faith, or your Diocesan Direc­ Before their marriage in 1945. she tween the weakening Hurons and Typifying the numerous apostolic deeds for which American Ca­ Mission Board imperialism.” tor, Reverend James Kulp, 246 was a staff worker of the Blessed the fierce Iroquois was fought in tholics in Japan are famous, Miss Sheilla Yamamoto, who has just East Town Street, Columbus, WE PAY 1 Martin de Porras interracial cen­ March, 1649. graduated from the Catholic University of Tokyo, receives from Air There are three answers to Ohio. ter in Chicago. Iroquois attacked the village, Does Record Force Chaplain, Father Schumacher, a check representing financiel this dilemma of how to bring burned it and dragged their cap­ Mrs. Rogan, like her husband, aid contributed by American Catholics to Tachikawa Airbase, enab­ the Divinity of Christianity to tives, including the Jesuit priests, has written for Catholic periodi­ ling Miss Yamamoto to attend Boston College to get her M.A. in Year’s Work Eastern peoples. cals Last year she received first to St. Ignace where they were put AND Education. After her year of study in the United States she will work to death. Saints Jean dp Brebeuf The first way is to educate na­ prize in a writing contest sponsor­ in educational fields in Japan. (NC Photos) ed hy the Sheed and Ward pub­ and Gabriel Lalemant were tor Medical Supplies Shipped tive priests, Brothers and Sis 31 lishing house. tured and burned at the stake. First Half Of ’52 Close ters. Communism prospers in LOAN I Durban’s Archbishop Denis E For two years Mr. Jury and his China, India. Hungary and Po­ RUC 41 W. GAY ST Hurley. O.M.I., encouraged the Ko- Missioner Skirts Revolution students have been digging in Mr. To Total For Last Year land by making the natives Com­ gans in their plan. “We should be Wilson’s field They first located munists and thus creating the very glad to have you here in In Japan - Religious, That Is traces of a palisade wall. This NEW YORK — (NC) — Almost illusion that Communism is Durban,’’ he wrote them, “and we summer they found traces of eight as much medical supplies and natural to their culture. The will give you a grand welcome in Indian longhouses, and the re­ equipment has been shipped American people would not be our midst.’’ Neighborhood Association* Which Began With 45 mains of a building believed to abroad by the Catholic Medical satisfied if most of their bishops Keep rain out of Now they are in the midst of have been the mission church. Mission Board in the first half of and clergy came from a foreign Catholic* Grow To IOOO In I learn Evidence to support the belief country; the Eastern people are Sizing that makes rugs preparations for the long voyage. 1952 as in the entire year of 1951. that this building was the historic entitled to share the same senti­ your cellar with Up for sale is their 11 acre home This was disclosed in the mid­ as they were when new TOKYO (NC) -'Hiroshima par­ (ions and every Cathqlic belongs to church site included: year report here by the Rpv. Ed­ ments. Hence let the Church m stead near Loveland, where they BUNDING REPAIRING have lived for the past five years. ish adopts tonari gumi system.” the one in his district. A number of boulders placed in ward F Garesche, S.J., president Africa be governed by Africans, COPROX They have filled out dozen*- ol That was the headline, and it was Father Spae himself appoints all such a way as to indicate they of the board. the Church in Japan hy Japa­ LAYING SERGING off ictal forms in order to obtain “Greek” to the uninitiate. To the the group leaders and invests them were the base for an altar. There A total of 63,000 {U’unds was nese. etc. Some progress in this SEWING visas, passports, and South Africa initiate, however, it recalled an in a special ceremony held during were no other boulders in the shipped during the first six direction is being made. In Afri­ epic In modern mission work and a field. ca today there are 1500 native GUARANTEED residence permits. A couple of Sunday Mass for a period of one months of this year, compared to MOTHPROOFING sea going trunks have been acquir­ revolution that is in process- in the year. It’s the group leader’s job to There were no cooking places 67.000 pounds shipped in all 1951.
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