Raceway Golf Club Melody Hill Country Club Dudley Hill Golf Club Tri-State Golf Company is offering 10% off now through 12/31 on all 2018 Golf Passes! This includes new pass holders, renewing pass holders and individual club passes. 2018 has more pass holder options available than any other year, so email or call Katie at [email protected] at 860-336-7140. *discount does not apply to Junior memberships racewaygolf.com/aboutus/tri-state-golf-pass/ Mailed free to requesting homes in Douglas, Northbridge, Uxbridge, Linwood, Whitinsville and North Uxbridge Vol. VI, No. 50 Complimentary to homes by request ONLINE: WWW.STONEBRIDGEPRESS.COM Friday, November 10, 2017 Operation High Five’s providing warmth and comfort to veterans BY RAYANNE COOMBS TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT NORTHBRIDGE — It’s that time of year again when the air turns chilly and the winter weather gear gets dusted off, shaken out, and rehung in the closet. But, as the temperature begins to drop, many families in our area are unprepared to face the fast-approaching win- ter. Operation High Five’s, a grass roots movement started by two Northbridge women, is working hard to collect dona- tions to support local veterans and their families who are in need. Talia Berkowitz and Danielle Keane began Operation High Five’s four years ago by collecting new and gently used winter items for adults and kids. Berkowitz explained, “High Fives originally started as a way to collect winter clothing items to distribute to those in need. Danielle and I were both collecting items separately the year prior. I was doing the painted high five hand- Rayanne Coombs photo print with my son, Nolan, in exchange for donations, and Giving a High Five encouraged others to give of themselve Danielle was hanging the win- ter wear donations she col- lecting in 2013 after being out it was to know how blessed lected on trees in Worcester for a marathon training run they were with even the basic with her kids Mara, Kellen, and it was freezing. I came necessities.” Ruari, and Declan. The next home and posted that I want- Keane explained where the year we decided to put our ed to start collecting hats and High Five’s name came about. efforts together to make a mittens for the homeless. That “Talia coined the phrase ‘high Rayanne Coombs photos bigger impact, and we real- year the supplies were donat- five’ because she made hand- Northbridge Elementary School gym becomes arena rock with Joel ly have. Each year we collect ed to Fr. Bill’s House, a non- prints and when people donat- Warren leading the way more than the year before and profit outside of Boston. Talia ed to Nolan, she gave them a our kids get more responsibil- was my first donor that year. high five for helping. The first ity than the year before, too.” The plan was to teach our lit- year when I hung the scarves Joel Warren’s Keane added, “I started col- tle ones about how important Turn To FIVE page A7 school of rock Concert tour BY RAYANNE COOMBS every day and feel like I features music of the season TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT never left home. The staff NORTHBRIDGE – On any is like no other I’ve ever The 2017 “Christmas in New given day at Northbridge worked with, and the stu- England” concert tour will Elementary School, you dents…well, who could be a kick off its 14th season this can faintly hear the distinc- better audience than them? December. This one of a kind tive sounds of music ema- We have fun at NES and the Christmas show features a nating from room, M-6: the students learn about music seasonal blend of traditional, rhythmic thump, thump of through dedication and contemporary, and original a bass drum, the rat-tat-tat play.” Christmas Music performed of drumsticks tapping out Warren is a certified with acoustic instruments and in unison on the classroom music teacher who earned vocals. floor, and the gleeful voic- his Master’s degree in cre- The music got its start in es of children singing about ative arts and learning, and 2000 when Bob Dick’s released honesty, respect, effort, and has a long love of music and his solo Christmas CD “Tidings teamwork. Leading the sym- performing. of Comfort and Joy” which in phony of it all is Mr. Joel, “From 5th grade on I have turn, got New Hampshire song- the school’s beloved music been in concert bands, jazz writer Rick Lang interested teacher, who is himself, a bands, my own bands, taught in writing original Christmas rock star. privately and have five CDs songs. Within a couple years Joel Warren, who is set to to date, with over 45 orig- Rick released his “The Season release his fifth full-length inal songs written. Music of My Heart” album. CD next month, first began is primary in my life and The first Christmas concerts at Northbridge Elementary has always been the driving to promote Bob & Rick’s hol- School seven years ago. He force behind all I do.” iday recordings were held in said, “The best part of being He added, “I began as Northbridge and Stratham, a music teacher at NES is NH in 2003. The concert series NES! I walk into that school Turn To ROCK page A3 eventually expanded to the Courtesy photo Turn To CONCERT page A6 The concert group is readying for this year’s performances Hopedale Troop 11582 honors first baby girl born on Juliette Low’s Birthday! HOPEDALE — Brownie pital food trays to cheer up Girl Scout Troop 11582 of patients. Hopedale made a gift basket Juliette Gordon Low estab- filled with goodies for the first lished the Girl Scouts March baby girl born on Oct. 31 at 12, 1912 in Savannah, GA the Milford Regional Medical with the goal of giving girls Center. a chance to get out of their The project was in honor of home environments and par- Girl Scout’s founder Juliette ticipate in community service Gordon Low, who was born and experience sports and the on Halloween. The girls rolled outdoors. up diapers to look like bub- Historic Hopedale Girl Scout bles in a bath and placed a Service Unit serves over 175 Brownie Girl Scout doll in the girls in grades K-12 and is part bubbles with Girl Scout socks, of Girl Scouts of Central and hair clip and bib. Also, they Western Massachusetts. Girl included baby towels, baby Scouts of Central and Western wash and lotion. The basket Massachusetts serves with was delivered to the materni- the mission to build girls of ty ward on Oct, 31 to be given courage, confidence and char- to the next baby girl born. acter, who make the world a Courtesy photos Also, in honor of Juliette better place. For more infor- Front Row L–R: Delaney Dicken, Ella Raiche, Madison Buttonow, Meg Low the troop made favors to mation, please visit www. Allen. 2nd Row L–R: Rose Deering, Megan Alley, Kelly Kavanagh, Rory The gift basket created for the put on Milford Regional hos- gscwm.org. Goyette, Olivia Shepard, Sophia DeOliveira, Sofia Goldman lucky baby 2 • Friday, November 10, 2017 BLACKSTONE VALLEY TRIBUNE Webster Dudley area Veterans’ Day observance at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 12 at Depot Square. This year, the Episcopal Church of VETERANS DAY PLANS In honor of veterans of all wars, veter- the Reconciliation, 5 North Main St., ans, Scout troops, and townspeople are Webster, will host the 2017 Veterans’ invited to attend and participate in the Day service. certainly a first or one of few within Brookfield invites all veterans and res- program. The Rev. Janice Ford, pastor, and the state. A special THANK YOU to all idents to a Veterans Day Ceremony on Refreshments will be served at the her congregation and members of the women that have served our country Nov. 11 at 11:00 a.m. Lashaway Senior Center following the Webster-Dudley Veterans’ Council, vet- and continue to serve. “The American Legion Family of Post program. erans from the Webster Dudley area, 41 and Unit 41 is excited to open our and Auxiliaries will commemorate Student Concert doors to the community this Veterans SPENCER Veterans Day on Sunday, Nov. 5at 10 Day,” Post 41 Commander Raymond a.m. Pakachoag Music School presents Dupell said. “This event will not only Gaudette-Kirk Post 138 American Veterans and Auxiliaries, with their a student recital honoring veter- honor veterans and their families, but Legion will hold its annual veterans’ colors, will assemble in the parking ans Saturday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. at the emphasize our past, present, and future night parade Saturday, Nov. 11begin- area, which is adjacent to the church, at Great Hall at Pakachoag Church, 203 of service to the community.” ning at 6:30 p.m. Line up will be at 6 9:30 a.m. At 9:55 a.m., preceded by their Pakachoag St., Auburn. The school wel- All area veterans, their families, and p.m. at the Legion post, 175 Main St., national and organizational colors, they comes veterans and community friends members of our community are invited Spencer. Parade will begin at 6:30 and will march into the church, where they to join school families, faculty and stu- to attend. Veterans are encouraged to continue down Main Street through will be directed to reserved pews by dents for this concert. It will include wear their medals and/or their uni- the center to Spencer to Elm Street, to members of the congregation.
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