Biusic week For Everyone in the Business of Music 25 MAY 1996 £3.10 George gets a flying start by Martin Talbot & Robert Ashton time high and the singles b Repeat orders of around 150,000 being our biggest albun jSBritsm i|MidemAsia business at |; 6 Bucking J/f end'ofbusiness ofSaturday, from Wodwo^^^Our"^ m'iîes^ ^ Iwithretailtrends Now ! " overthe counter, the biggest first week try to have something like this to pull first fivehours of business on Monday. ager at HMV, says tti'e groupi^deUgTt- Morning^GÏmy?sale since Oasis's sold (WhSt^The 346,000 copies in peopleVirgin's in-store." previous fastest-selling LP basedWayne Ainleys, Allen, managersays the ofdemand Leicester- is theedwiththefi» album is m ' The success gave ^ Krtra boost to a sold 250,000 copies in its first week in Sst year. "Ifs been a long time makesince ing likelyHkely to challenge (Whafs The 24back: Hello, the l'm Gray takes on new Bard rôle 26 Inside the Therare BlueNileworld of goodjob. BBCcelebrates Rajarcomeback Euro gloom eased as Gina goestop ^Ooh Aah.31 Just A Little Bit, written Bl Jonathïf Kin^who has been the lost the Coca Cola Cup," Imsays. Td won tl^compet^ion for the fourtl^t^e ^g^'erote^^t^rLuT'58''1 ^ Th^G^Gtrack is poised fi top 10 hit in y D y ALBUM TRADE BEUVERIES BREAK 200m BARRIER - p3 y ► ► ► Congratulations on behalf of RTM/Oisc to Infectious Reconls & CM-J on Uw success of HieiP numlnr 1 goli album NEWSDESK: 0171 921 5990 or Air Studios in north London providod the NEWSFILE setting for Henri 106.2sfirst Hoart Live gig. Stansfield signs new management deai fealuringsinger/songwriter EMI UK artisl perfomtod Paul Carrack. a 45minute Tlio ( Usa Stansfield has appointed US partnership Gallin & to an audience of around 300, many ol who yearMorey to Associatesthe month after as her ending new managementa 10-year relationship company, a an on-air compétition. Richard Huntingford, withcompany, former run manager by Sandy Jazz Gallin Summers. and Jim The Morey, management station,chief executive says he hopesof the Chrysalis-ownedthe gig. which is due lo represents Michael Jackson, Luther Vandross and StansfieldHollywood is stars currently such asrecording Nicole Kidmana new album and Rosanne. which is "We'vein a sériés been of talkinglive broadeast to some events major fername Heart. due for release later this year. setsartists here," wilh hea view says. to them performing similar MTV boosts live programming sériés.MTV Europe Studio-based is launching sériés two Live new And six-part Loud and live Live music And unveiledDirect - which this week will alongsidebe broadeast at least from anolhera gig - will eight be First quarterclocksup shows,archive includingfootage. a weekly programme using MTV TalkRobinson Radio UK switcheshas poached BBCto Talk Radio's Radio head of 200m album deliveries createdstrategy positionand development of général Paul manager. Robinson Robinson. for the who newly- mm willlooking join to Talk move Radio from on the August BBC but12, thesays. potential "I wasn't offered yearrecord with high albumin the firstdeliveries quarter topping of the Radioby the OneTalk asRadio editor format of programmes is huge." Robinson in 1931 from joined the 200mNew for BPI the figuresyear to theshow end that ofMarch. 202.0m Chiltern Radio Network. thealbums highest were number shipped, for worth any 12-month£927.3m, Marris takes the heim at Select periodThe figuressince BPI show records a massive began growth in-lfl?,^. in JohnEmap HarrisMetro's bas Se/ecf been magazine, appointed afteras the nine new months editor as of 0 size of the markets of albunover the past three features editor. He takes over the rôle today (Monday), !0.2m in the first spécialreplacing projects John Hutton, division. who is moving to Emap Metro's thebuoyancyofBritishThe figures for the quarter music, underline with UK ment Peter Scaping says the figures month period show V2.4m singles (value Tribal Gathering battle goes to court artists accounting for 15 of the top 20 have been boosted by the inclusion of the £113.5m) were delivered, the biggest TribalOrganization Gathering and organisersThe Universe have Meanconfirmed Fiddler they will be albumsOasis of again the period. claimed the best-selling weeksNow! 33 earlier album, whichthan wasthe released1995 Now! two total1985. sinceThe value73.8m ofsingles the entire were marketsold in applying to the courts in June for the right to stage the mancesalbum andfrom there The were Bluetones, strong perfor-Cast, thealbum, figures, but althoughthe underlying that might growth inflate of wasThe up tofigures £1,040.9m show for that the year. CDs now earlierdance music this month. festival A newafter date it was of Junerefused 29 hasa licence been set &Eternal, The Mechanics. Queen, Status Quo and Mike 10%While is still albums a very shipments strong performance. reached an accountdelivered for (79.2%) four out and of threeevery outfive of albums every for the festival, which is provisionally booked for BPI director of research and develop- all-time high, figures for the latest 12- five singles (61.2%). confirmedOtmoor Park they in willOxfordshire. top the bill. MCA's The BlackNational Grape Union have of Deathleadstocall Students launches a nationwide day of action this Virgin to open record stores fornewsafeguards Friday (24) to support the festival. within new cinéma chain The Irish live music industry is reject- WofBill Press Graham co-founder dies, Bill agedGraham 44 died on May 11, aged Virginrecord Retailoutlet isin planning the newly-established to open its first co-promotionacross the UK campaign and Ireland, offering launched money a Smashingcerts following Pumpkins the death gig in of Dublin a fan atlast a 44. Graham is the man crediled with discovering U2, Virgin Cinéma chain, in Rochester, offCDs and videos from Virgin stores at weekend. whoin 1978. he Graham,introduced a former to their classmate manager Paulof Bob McGuinness Geldof at Kent,Three this more August. cinéma stores are already the"There beginning are obviousof this month. opportunities for diedA 17-year-oldafter suffering schoolgirl severe fromhead Corkand Dublin's Blackrock Collège, wrote two books on U2 and beingplanned considered, for next year,according and othersto Virgin are promotionand we are foranxious both sidesto draw of anthe overt business con- backPoint venueinjuries on atMay the 11. gig at Dublin's played a leading rôle in the Irish music industry. Our Price managing director Simon nection between the two," says Bm-ke. The Garda and the fire department Classic FM launches £lm ad campaign Burke.Film soundtracks and film-related coincidesThe launch with of Virgin£ the cinéma décision record to storepub- whichhave launchedis expected a tojoint reach investigation, a conclusion Classic FM is launching a £lm poster and press willalbums, be the videos, main booksitems andon sale. memorabilia zine.lishitsownmusicmagazine.The whose title^ TPSquency maga-and MCD and The Point Exhibition monthlycampaign reach in an of attempt 7.7m adults. to increase The advertising, the station's which prisesThe Virginflve cinémas Cinéma and chain, 20 multiplexes which com- isexpected expected print-run to be launched is still underin August. wraps, Company are also investigating the will run from June to the end of the year, has been buyingcreated through by ad agency Booth LocketfBST with Makin. média planning and Barlowsolo début set for July release E •low's début has become the fastest-sclling issue ml campaîgn. Godwyn says, Michael races to platinum status wii7 i] in the magazine's history. "The Arena piece is a fantastic start ' BP» cettifiedGeorge Michael's platinum Olderby the albumBPI in hasits first been week forrevealed. release It in is July.scheduling the single HartRCA says, product "Rcac manager" to "Fromthe campaign. what ï've heard of the of release. Cast's AH Change has also reached platinum writtenThe piano by Barlow and andvocal co-produced ballad is piece has, havebeen ph<phoned tojnal. ask Several when demo,single it'sand going a staggerlngto be a great album, début Thestatus, Girl's while Walking Joan WoundedOsborne's haveRelish been and certilîed Everything gold. But withlowed Chris in September Porter. It by will his bedébut fol- planningGar/s first a playback or showeas whicheagerly radioawaiting. and The télévision appeal gocsare Def Leppard s Slang, Sleeper's The It Girl. Mix-O-Matic for retailcrs to hear the album, poi ail radio formats." îr of San and In The Mix 96 2 have earned silver awards. addingThe singlethe fînishing sleeve touches. will use the sibly in August.':o for Fore- r Love GoodyColin in Woking, says the chair ofphotograph last month's featured Arena, on the whichcover whileto be filmed Nick c Godwyn of Brilliant willal heavy bc giving support. Barlow's "ItTl new be ma .dotmuslc deputy editor Tim Nicholson says Plugging puts together the promo- seller for us," he says. From MusicThe latest Week. industry Updated news Mondays On The at Net.18.00 GMT. > BRITS DO THE BUSINESS AT MIDEM ASIA - p5 ► ^ ^ http://www.dotmusic.com MUSIC WEEK MAY 251996 3 COMMENT tessons to be learntfrom Point tragedy Most of us will have felt a twinge otfear at a big rock Retailers praised. ible 10, behindin. onlynew, were veryvprv surveyciosclose in terms. of. perccp-„ gig. You know the moment: there you are, defending highly-regarded-d dealers are retailers arnong the in n th< bookshops( non. 'It shows the music industry surgesyour position forward in andfront you of theanticipate stage, when theweightofa the crowd few High Street, according to a ncv (6.96). areprcsented high perceivcd in the qual.ty," High Street he says. has hundred sweaty music fans coming down on top of you. shopping survey puhlished las The sector■s includ wa clothcs "The industry is getting itnght.
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