William P. Cross of 14fi Green lira. W. R. HewlU. former lead­ Cyp Club members extend a hearty welcome ta young people road has been promoted from divi­ er of the Brownie troop of St. sion superintendent of assembly ut Town Mary’a . church, la leader of the to attend another of their series to assistant superintendent of as­ new Brownie troop at the Waah- of "open house" programs at Cen­ sembly and test, at the United Lovelier Xpu in a ’ ington school. The latter troop ter church house, Saturday eve­ Aircraft plant. East Hartford. Mr. „ Vtgion Auxiliary ning from 7:30 to 11:00. Cross has been with the company ay avanlng at eight will have Its first meeting Tues­ day. February 19 at three o’clock for 11 years and prior to that time gglon hall on l ^ n - The Sunday Vesper Service at was with the U. R. Air Corps m monthly buM- at the Washington school. St. Mary's Brownlee will have no the Emanuel Lutheran church will Panama. Handsome Spring Suit meetings until a leader is appoint­ be held at 7:30 Instead of the usual , ed. time of 5 o’clock. Herman John- | St. Margaret’s Circle. Daugh­ ^■Tha Baothovan . '^l son, a member of the Board of | ters of Isabella, gave a Valentine at ttaa vaaper « Administration, will be the speak- i party yesterday afternoon In St. ^ ___auel laitheran chui^. sun-| The Players group will meet er and lead in devotions. Two | Bridget’s hall for more than 40 this evening at eight o’clock at the fil^Veartn* at 7:80. AH groups of songs will be presented children of the members. Games Mention ‘ Spring to a wquaated to ,r a p ^ V.M.C.A., to discuss a play for by the Beethoven Glee Club tinder were enjoye<i and cake, cookies t t x ^ a t 7:00. It la Im p o i^ t early production, and to organise the direction of P'red E. Werner. and Ice cream were served. 'The man and he immedi­ at avery member attend. temporarily. All adults interested Mrs. Elsie Gustafson, soloist of the decorations were in true Valentine^ ately thinks of robins Convicted in Hartford Conspiracy; will ba welcome. club, will also preaent one group ■tyif- ____ j of numbers. Rfv. Theodore E. and house painting. Advertlsement- Palmer will be the principal speak­ Anderson-Rhea Auxiliary, N o.' Bqt mention Spring to fender and er at the 25th anniversaly service 2046, wUl nin Us weekly public i Telephone lines are more crowd­ of the Calvary Lutheran church In setback party this evening at the| a woman and she BODY WORK ed with galls now than ever be­ Worcester Sunday afternoon. Post home, Manchester Green. | dreamily ” envisons a fore particularly during mld- Playing will begin at 8:30 sharp, | 80LUIBNE A PLAGG momlng and early evening hours'. Three prlxes will be ^swarded the i .smart, new suit like D. ...A. Grimason, Telegrapher^ At these times, your local opera­ winners and refreshments and a , the ones pictured here. liiclnde Ward, INC. and Levitan 1-c, has been honorably discharged social time will follow the games.; St. M . 8101 tors are unable to answer every from the U. S. Navy, after three call the moment it reaches their years’ service, two of which were switchboard.. in the E.T.O, He was on board So If you do not always get a the famous cruiser S.S. Augusta, prompt answer, please remember and his bride, the former Miss 24 HOUR SERVICE 100% all wool materials . that your operators are doing Margaret Harrison of Plymouth, Long-Awaited Break Conies in Nationwide Steel Strike LECLERC their best to complete all calls England, whom he married la.st CAI.L S h e tl a n d s, Covert, Crepes, promptly. And they will greatly September, .arrived the same day 6223 Checks and Plaids. Cardigans PUNBRAL HOME appreciate your cooperation in on the Queen Mary. They are at MANCHESTER TAXI CO. and Classic styles. Cocoa, Aqua, tH Main Straat postponing your call to a less busy present makirtg their home with Proprietor Attentloa time, whenever you find It conven­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Green, Red, Rose, Navy, Blue PfioBc 62«t To Every Call Seattle Earthquake Topples Wall ient to do so. a riip M n of 14 Knighton street. and American Bcaqty. 73 U. S. Steel Agrees Jury Decides Ward PRICES: T o Pay ISVz Cents; And Levitan Guilty; 77 Return on Monday to Reconversion Program Yellin Alone Freed —Appears Headed Now Steel Accord For Fast, Smooth Prog­ W m Help Halt Judge O'Sullivan En­ ress ; Collective Bar­ Chinese Paraders' ters Findings o f GuiRjr gaining to Start Today State Strikes In Cases of Kennodje With Rest of Industry Chesler, PatriiR and By The Associated PreSs Immediate Effect Seen Demand Russians Barnes Immediate^ Wide Selection, of Scarfs The country’s reconversion On Seven Plants In­ After Jury Retnmt HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE STORY A T program appeared headed for volved in Nationwide Verdict After 9 Honrs’ To Top Your Neva Sprmg Suit or Coat fast, smooth progress today Leave Manchuria as a long-awaited break came Strike; Hope on Others A n d 4 2 Minutes NATURAL M INK .................. ^ p e e s k in $30.po in the nation-wide steel HALE’S SELF SERVE «d HEALTH MARKET strike. U. S. Steel Corpora­ BridgeportrT>h. 16—(ff)—Har­ Chungking, Sees First Hartford, Feb. 16.— old Bernard of Bridgeport, Con- Chinese Given tion, “Big Steel,” settled its Demonstration Against Harry J. Ward, one time in-; MOUNTAIN SABLE ............... ^ p e k sk im $ 1 5 - 9 5 netcicut representative for the U bby’a wage dispute with the CIO fluentlal Hartford Republican, United Steelworkers last United Steelworkers (CIO), said Soviets as Turbulent Aid in Moving leader, and Detective Sergt. Dote and Nut Bread nighL On Monday the oorpora- today the U. S. Steel corporation Situation at Boiling James A. Kennedy, suspei^ ' Brown Baked Beans Jar19c RUSSIAN SABLE D YED .................... ......... tion’a 130,000 employea are to go strike settlement would have an ed head of the Hartford po­ $4.95 back to their Joba—at an 18 1-2 Point; Nine Demands No. 2 Can 27e SQUIRREL WITH MINK TAILS ............... PEK tmxs »f immediate effect on one of the To Manchuria lice department’s vice cent houriy wage increase—after seven Connecticut steel plants in­ Presented Government four weeks of idleness, volved in the nationwide walkout, liquor squad, were amonf six- Fresh Fruitand Vegetables raven Way for Othera to Retom and that he had hopes for an early Marshall Approves men convicted in Superior ‘ The settlement also paved the eetlement at three others. Chungking, Feb. 16.—</P) court sarty today on chargae oS way for ending the wage dlq;>ute Approximately 3,600 are o —Chungking witnessed its American Help in conspiracy to obstruct Justics. Coffee strike at the seven plants. This 80-foot section of a brick wall fen at the Frye packing plant in Seattle, Wash., during- an earth­ 32* I Tangerines doz.21c BLOUSES between the union and other steel quake which rodMd the city and was felt from northern Oregon to the Canada line. (AP wirephoto). first demonstration against Vows QolHy by Swy The largest of them, the Ameri­ Shifting Additional Rayon crepe with em­ companies and the return to work the Russians today as the Ward and Hormaa Lsvitaa, broidery In white and col­ o f the remaining 625,000 itrllcing can Steel and Wire company at Armies After Request Hartford gambltr and rsstauisat ■ ors. Square neckline, steelworkers. New Haven where 1,100 are 5ut, turbulent Manchurian sitjia- "bwner, wars found guilty by R ’ Vi Lb. short sleeves. Sixes 32 to Collective-rburaining with the is a subsidiary of United States tion reached a boiling point Jury which had hoard State’a At- ' Cocoa 9c Grapefruit 3' for 25c Steel. Truman Sticks 38 rest of the industry was to start Proposes Recheck and China was given Ameri­ Chungking, Feb. IS—(P)—The tomw Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr., aa- White Sharksl{in< with today, and d O Presidant Philip Bernard, Just before leaving Chinese government has nquest- cuae them o f being the “Wg shots” Freak home for his New Haven office, can support in a request to short sleeves and bow M^rri^ aald he hoped for a speedy To His Choice ed the movement, with American in a conqpirscy to violate gam ^ neckline. Sizea 32 to 38. end of the wage dispute with the said hie only -information about move more troops into that and liquor laars which be deacribad aid, o f addiUonal Chinese Armies Bakirtg Chocolate C elery Lge. Bch. 15c other firmsi Another d O official the strike settlement was from vast area. aa "the most sinister and diaboU- predicted that agreements would news accounts, and that he cbuld For Navy Job On Whether Stark Lieut. Gen. Albert C. Wedemey- into Manchuria and Oeneral Mar­ '/» O K m be reached with all the key steel say nothing about when the New er, U. 8. commander in cauna, told shall has approved. ( On Pag* BIgtt) \Jim ) Packages Freeh $2.70 Raven strikers would return to a press conference that General This was reported today by / A companies within a week. Indus­ try spokesmen said It will be from work pending word from national Marshall approved the request to Lieut. Gen. Albert C. Wedemejrer, union headquarters. move more Chinese armies into one to five weeks before opera­ Sets Stage for Tough American commander in China, Uptoa Cabbage Win Depend On Megotlatfone Told Attack Near Manchuria.
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