What is Best for Maui If you wish Prosperity Is Best for the News MAUI NEWS Advertise in the News VOLUME XII WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 907 NUMBER 38 Dinnci' to I. L. Coke. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LAVA DESTROYS - A- farewell dinner to Attorney EARTHQUAKE DESTROYS NOTARIES PUBLIC. James L. Coke was given at the Maul Hotel Tuesday evening by ton rf his EDMUND H. HART MUCH PROPERTY friends including Charles Eakln, C. ANOTHER CITY Notauy Public, Conveyancer and D. Lufkin, D. II. Davis, E. M. Typewriter Keeney, II. M. Coke, C. Waldeycr, Two Great Streams of Lava are Flowing Into W. T. Robinson, D. L. Meyer, and bls-appearDe- Agent to Grant Marriage License City of Kingston, is to ad Dr. R. IT. Dinegar. Jamaica, boomed Office, Circuit Court, 2nci Circuit the Sea. Another Stream in Kona is Tho dinner was given in the private Lying in and dining rooms of the hotel and was a Streets HENRY DICKENSON. Fast Approaching the Water. very elaborate affair. Speeches were Pestilence is Feared. Notary Ptninic. made and stories told until after ten LAHAINA, MAUI o'clock. FRED REYMON WAS MURDERED. SUMMONS FRISCO'S SCHOOL PRIN6IPAL. LODGE MAUI, No. 084, A. F. & A. M. Recaptures Stolen GooiIh. Two Persons arc Held for Investigation on the Suspicion John Rodrigucs who ecaped from United States Supreme that One is Guilty of Killing Reymon. A Court to Settle San Fraricisco School jail some days ago and who was Question More Battleships Wanted Lava Still Woman is Mixed in the Affair. thought to be tho who broko- - burglar Flowing from into tho Paia store confessed to the Mauna Loa Crater. Stated meetings will be held at Masonic Hall, Kahului, on the Satur- Sheriff that ho had all of tho goods GREAT (SPECIAL day night of each month nearest the THE ERUPTION. the Sheriff ordered an inquest to hidden away and would show him TO THE MAUI NEWS.) full mocn, at 7.30 P. M. bo held. where they were. Sugar, 3.50. Beets, 8s. lOJd. on the 2Gth. January meeting The great eruption on Mauna A - - in- Cornoners jury wascnipanncl- Taking the prisoner and police- Visiting brethren are cordially Loa which occurred about mid- NEW YORK, Jan. .18. The city of Kingston, Jamaica, is doom vited to attend. od and took two days in the ex ofucor Clement Crowell ho went to to night on morning of the 10th ed disappear. Two light houses have already sunk. D. H. CASE, R. W. M. the amination of witnesses with the the place whore the goods wore hid- - BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, instant was one of the greatest out result that a confession was made ded and lound them stored 'away in a The dead lie in the streets and pestilence is feared. The .loss of Secretary. t. f. breaks seen on the island of Ha- by one of the parties and two coal oil tin under a tree. Thoro were property is estimated at twentyfivo million dollars. Ships in thb har waii for many years. It was seen placed under arrest. forty four watches somo shoes and bor are crowded with injured. The list of dead is increasing Corpses MOODY in Hilo and Wailuku shortly after Deputy Sheriff Edgar Morton othor things of minor value. in tho streets are being buried in trenches. Eight Americans are mis W. J, All of the stolen Contractor and builder midnight. Huge columns of firo conducted the inquest and much goods were re. sing. Oonditions are growing worse. Business is at a standstill. and smoke arose high into the covered except a few articles that PLANS and ESTIMATES credit is due him for bringing out SAN FRANOISCO, Jan. 18. The United States Supremo Court FURNISHED heavens lighting up the surround- had been disposed of before the cap the facts in the case. has issued an order to tho principal of the Pacific Heights School to country for ture. FlIdNE NO 1. KAHUMJI MAIM, ing many miles. Mary Ann Kaaipalaoa stated to appear on February 11 show ' and cause for refusal te admit Japanese T. H. Old residents who are familiar Kao- - the jury that she and Gcorgo Death of Hosu Ferguson. pupils. The Federal Government has also filed suit in tho Federal with the out breaks of the past say nohi Auekalani were in a room to Court. the outbreak was larger that than gether when Fred Reymon came Little Rosa Ferguson, the eleven of WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. President Roosevelt urges CbngrcBS to CHRISTMAS. that 1889. home. They were asleep at the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. appropriate money for the construction of two battleships and more The fact that the lava flow time. Reymon was angered W. T. Ferguson, died home From Tuesday Nov. 27 Santa C'.aus at at her destroyers. reached the sea in three days time finding Auekalani and wont to get Tuesday night after a short illness. will take up his headquartnrs with . .at).. shows that the flow of lava is im- On Monday she was well as usual HILO HAWAII, Jan. 18. Two streams of flowing us as he always does when merry old an ax. As lie came in the woman lava are into mense. Former flows have re- and attended school was the sea. One stream Christmas is coming. There will be throw her arms around him while but taken half mile wide and 30 feet highan d is moving at quired months to reach the sea sick during the night and died the rate of feet lovely Holiday-gift- s for the grown up Auekalani shot him. 30. per hour. Another stream is within a half mile of sea. while but few have gone so far. following night. people, an., a profusion of Toys to The jury returned a verdict that SAN FRANCISCO, January 15. Thefuneral took place tho follow President David Starr Jordan, of gladden the heart of the children. People on the big island have the deceased came to his death Leland Stanford university, in rio at ing day from the Union Church, Rev. Jr. a speech yesterday declared that From a great selection of Hawaiian applied by wire for o"n excursion of congress world consent to the passage of of r the hands George Kaonohi Aue R. B. Dodge conducting the services. au act exclusion against .tne 'Curios, you will be able to chose some- steamer to visit the How and it is Japaneso and no president would if kalani and Mary Ann Kaaipaluoa. The singing was done by about two that sign it even it should be passed. thing beatiful to seud to your absent probable that two steamers will be Tho passage or the signing of such a The woman was placed under hundred of the school children and measure would be, he said, a hoodlum friends. sent from Honolulu soon with ex- act. arrest at once and the Deputy all of tho pallbearers were selected cursionists from that place for the Sheriff of Hana was telephoned to from among her schoolmates. Tho FINDLAY, Ohio, January 15. Nino hundred and thirtynino indict purpose. MAUI DRUG STORE have Auekalani placed under ar- school children and teachers and ments have been returned against the Standard Oil Company. A. findlng.of As part of the Government road rest at once which was done and many friends followed the hearse in guilty on these counts would leave the Standard Oil liable to possible fines Prop. fifty-eigh- t V. A. VETLESEN, is destroyed and part of the tele- they were both brought to Wailuku carriages to tho cemetery whore the aggregating million dollars. phone system is destroyed by the whero their preliminary hearing last services were performed. BASLE, Switzerland, January 15. An earthquake has interfe're'd with' the lava it is difficult to get accu- will bo held. tho electrical system here and tho city is plunged in darkness. rate information as to the place of Tie Bank of Hawaii Reymon was a cowboy and half Death o All's. Sarah Kalamu. Baslo is one of tho principal cities of Switzerland, the population being the outbreak those who are but Spaniard. givon at 111,000. LIMITED. familiar with the contour of the Mrs. Sarah" Kalma died at her island believe the outbreak occurr- heme near Makawao Thursday morn- SPOKANE, Wash., January 15. William Jennings Bryan figured in a Incorporated Under the Laws of TO EIGHTEEN runaway accident horo yesterday, his sleigh upsot. Ho ed below the top of the mountain. SENTENCED ing. Sho had been ill for a long being was thrown the Republic of Hawaii. MONTHS IMPRISONMENT. into a snowbank and thereby escaped injury. Many persons on this island are time and her death was not unex CAPITAL $600,000.00 pected. She was highly respected TOKIO, January 15. Tho Japaneso government has itself anxious to see the volcano and will On January 4th, James Polani expressed SURPLUS $200,000.00 by all who knew hei. Senator S. E. as in favor of submitting tho question of international disarmamentto The doubtless take advantage of the two UNDIVIDEDPROFITS .$70,000.00 and other young Hawaiians Kalama is her son. Hague Peace Conference. first opportunity to go to the scene were before the District Court on . OFFICERS. VICTORIA, British Columbia, January 15. The schools in this of the volcanic activity that its the charge of larceny, At the re- city havo been forced to closo becasc of tho cold weather. Chas. M. "Cooke President offered by the Stoamship Company. quest of the County Attorney sen- Teachers before the Soldiers.
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