
Pu e Sound WeeklyArgus. -= VOL. t'. ('OWl' TOW:'\~E~D W. T.• FUID.\". M.\Y Ii. Ii No.n PUGET SOUND ARGUS .:.: HRTISSllS. I.. "'.'.I"rU"I\nCf ."In" .. r .'1:. S. t· 0 K K. rorll'll"'l""ntl. W, .."II"lltll T,.rrl1er)', T.: Attor:u..ey at x... "'OV. A r .. 1 ••.: N "" I: I te. ol.VMI"A. W 1'. .... 11'1110( ASII l·ltol·ltl~,·II,W. ._--- T...._ .,.,..-.w..,p........ ':1.00 p"r a •••_ Pt. Townsend III .'I,,,,,,!; ~l:r 1tI'~ItIl".II.:.t'. In Ihtl 1l1J!lrtcl ('"urt for Ihe Third Jnlllclfd J)1~rrlcl, uf Hit! Tl'rrllorv ur Wublnll'uln. -----------IOorner holdill" to'rlll" lit I'url 1'o,,·n!lend. for Ihe ,,:o\lllllt~ of Jull'trl'Oli. (.;lIlhllll, bland luul W. H. ROBERTS. "'III JIU,". .·l)l":LIA BUlIn.&, rIllIn lilT. ",'I!l. TEACHER OF PIANO m ORGAH. IF YOU WANT t~D)8tJt; •• IJOlJ(,'II".. Dl>fen(llIn t "'cllon brollll'hl In Ihe UI!lIrlct Cllurt of Ih.... 1'1,1"' Jlltlk:lal 1I1~lril;t IIf Ibe TCI·rll<tr,. or Port Town.end, w. T. Reading Matter W""hlnlClnll. hnltl.Nj' I('rllll III I'flrt TtlwlI' Ordcn ('lln be left al U. 8 MIIl"r'" )lu~lc !lore, !"CIIlI, f&r 1M OJllIlll.- of Jnll'erllOll. CIIlINIII. l~lurl\t, alt.ll :ollln JIlRnrf; lilli' \'OIH!"111r1l rI'e'l! ~:.n~:~t l~i~IB~II~ci'Co~I~n, Stationery of all kinds In th.' Ucrk'" a. MORRIS HALI.BR. "'M'ORSE" ASD COUN8F.U.oR AT LAW School books J'roclor In Adtnlrally. )lone)"oontNl, Real 1')I1.Ie bou,htlnd 110111 rlnl eol,ecUClll IIIRr:. to 1~;"e)1UlCln"" '-e. Picture Frames, ALL SIZtS l'OKT TOWNl:IY.NU, W. 't. Book·shelves & Brackets Dr. Tho•. T Minor •...,..-i.. ........... ..,.... H ....&al. Nice Fresh Candies ]'0..1; Town8t.lnd. VI'. '-1'. UKn lJCl oollllultOiI. night or dol', at. 1I0001lUai ie fr r it ~ est (li..... NEW STORE General Merchandise. Go to James Jones. c. w. MORSE. OAK "".1108, W'I' IIr I'ro(luee bOllll'hl. IlntIItIlPJI.IM ofaU kinds Ul'II'~h'l t 'l~ tit" l""'!!ill ~'Mll1i Ilrl~~ '0 WATERMAN & KATZ, THOM AS DRUMMOND, PORT TOWNSEND. W. T. Probate Notice. Bricklayer, PI..terer, and ~BIPP COIIMI~~ION I!"ltoone MWilOn. ING AND g·~t"r"'."",LI...... In the Probate Court of Jef· U" Work done lit thelow()IIt f'IllU/lOrlable nUM, MERCHANTS JoblJlnl{ prOlulitly Rttcn(\l!d to. 15 fer.on oounty, W. T. AND DEALERS IN DALGARDNO'S HOTEL 'VA,.'r:Ji:R ~TJl.EET. Port Town.end, W. T. General :Merchandise, )'·,,"1"'100 tOI' I ... ewUoCY. The Belittle MJ&: ,. UJlk~~ the CIIIIB. -- TII:~il~~~'~'01l,~~8~~~~'Il~:~W~nL:r~7J tllalll lunllr,·h lhu • rlCedrlll' they 1Y1I1l{~t It n ••0\1"1 HI Dar. hltvlllg thl8 lllt.v tlkd _1In dllllll"t!l ,\ Rt:St.:lt\'KIl ANU NIl'K Keep (,onstantly on Hand 110 Ino~ mnlJ (1'Q1n thl~ Illl.l~ aller thl! hL 1111111('1111011 In tht;l Ib()\'ll enlltled ('OlIr!. I'I.ACE In 8otlnl. and elJWlClally Jl'aDlIUeI 01 July. Hlthcrto Ihe U.~. OovurlllllCIiL Il"'ylng lhllt he mil)' IlIl\'e JX"fl4tf~loll or ""rlllllJOllrlltlft w1l.ll'nr J(OOtI roornl. lUI. Jlllkl 1111 the u\w,lI;;e.r tile oIervll'lt (mill the propert:, bel'llIClllhL'l1 to him b, the tile SnUlul. Now t rl!nl~ 10 !11I1 al1J' of THE LARGEST STOCK h. A, lurn about iR fltlr pll'y. Illtl [I.., ,,,'PhlllllCY,",111.".1dL'l'f'IQf!().""""",,'It01 I]the o"lel1.~1..I,' M'Io",t1lllt COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. C.rllullJlIl8 ~IIOUltl be ""'1111111( to fain' 1111 the ~ol... IH)'. the :!7th lhly 01 MA,f. 1878, III OF 1~ll where the AIIlt'rlcau8 IllY It dOll'll. 10 O\:lol'ii, .\. ;\1 .. lit the oonrt. room 01 ........"~N (,'U••t PI'oprI41&er. ElT'orlll aru hch1i m~tltl Ill0uaWII to tIC. illIld oourt, I/Illt helllg a Ita, or the M:iuhtr TI:l~l1~\\;t~\~~o.:~~rn~~~?aa~:~~~~I~~ L'Utfl the Il~lry a'lprovrl"tIOIl or hlml! linT term Il'l,d, til'ln~ the lillie lIud Al-L KINDS (or" trl''''f'f'kly llervloo lrorn Port '1'01'0'11­ (111100 I(lr heArlllJt IIlItI Jlf'tltloll, wllf'u nil :::r~:Wl':~:r;.'::I:c=.I:.::tC':~I~~ OF GOODS, ~IKl, 11K.! tfltly will probably pro'fe Illlo perl'OlllL Intt'l'ef!tei.lln MI,I ~mte II", uotl_ flltlrons. 1~11I1f 4l1::fIlIIY .lIl1ated It III euy of ConliltiDg in part oC \.1),I",rlll. " !leel 10 RIIIM'llr "1ll1 COulett 11.1 IletlliOlI :t~~N.I\tt'lht1~~f~ae ::Ifl11~~~I~tll:h~~:r",:~I: hy tho terlll" or Iho IIl1lon or th~ I~m", by !llIng their WrlUtlllobJectlol1!f thereto. Illfo"'~. 1l001n!l ur &llIlll4!ll. wltb I)(»rd b)' hl\.-e wltll CIIUNll:\ the llollliuloll III ('OIn· Ir"II\' niit. he dllyor wu . I~ IICI~ w pro.kJe an etrl,.'t.'lllJll Ntt'IIIU m"l1 Alifllt III nlrtlter onl('N"l1 thlt I\otk'oe Or --'-----+i---------- FUrniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windows, w~k -enke twk:e II bftwt:tln Olym'lla the pellt'COl'\' 01 !Il1"11~llIlOll AmI or rhe N B b Sh Mild Vk:lurIM. IIU,IIM Jlt~lltlf\1I or UK' Ot.­ Ilnll' tllldli'lnl't' ofIM~nrlll,r; begl,ell h.r PilI). ew ar er Ope tw ~n to thtl tAWII GllYtrnOiellt lim wn Ileal lOll In II'" I'lljt'et NlIUlrl wt.~kly All· IS CE~'1'RA.L nO'rEL BUILDING. W.1 GOJVS, !S' All Kinds ofBMilding .Material llet.._" OololllKt." (ltJ~, I 11e~'OIp!lper l)Ubll~llt!d In I\lIIlI L'OUIlIY ]i(£nning Implements, Saddlery, !j·c. .1. A. KUID1. Joseph de Barro'IOB. 'l'~ ..II, 0' LIM! ('1/11011 of Ihe Bolte. Prohltto ,"ulge lnd ex-oftldo clerk. about Iblrt11llllell t".. lnW' IlJ"hli lire rrom Aprtl-4. ISilt. 8:oIt tr' SIlavtng, 11111' Cutting, amI Colo,.. ~Il"to floe houdrecl rOl't Itl helghl. IIml Inl' tlone III uylc. And will Sell ltbclUlwllp\ eneru5. mivlcet'. et('. Tllt'te Tflekr Optlllhlg'l "'1'1"Il "IIIIMI by the III. CHEAPER FOR CASH, ,11101 In tllU \'lllley III Ihe !)tlrl,1 or tllI'lr W •• I.HlDD. J. £.1'&08 ~Ielld. ImlllArtlllo'f Ilk'll ptlrh'J1~ ror aret. To ship Masters. Than any House on Puget Sound! Arter' dt·l\lllCt S\".ih h"t1I)tetl flc!polIlU!lJ CENTRAL HOTEL, III hilt 1It1~ blli8altl\l ....hXlpMKu. 1'0\'''' Thefine In Situated al he-d o(Un'on Whllrf. Wtnl roJlt11 111m the o)Oluh 01 the llperatnft! sten tug S.L. AGBNTS FOR 'Illl~,.ent(,'Oyotetllllli other wild IIl1lmAl1I Por' H.41 , T. t-~lfmert. Thl8110llllC I' n6W IlntllulwlJ turu'!lhetl, anti !lOIIl 11.....111111: 011 the bolly. In ".__ ,,11 llle 1OI'''I''lllllmenIlOIIL mlllltlit ,Iown rock" (or blllhllll~ purp4Jlle~. ~u.'t·Ctl..... Wells, Fargo & Company's Express fl'!fJt1eIlII)' tIn\'Ovt'r the5ts bDlle Cltd~ 11Itl Botol. It. Ullr I' I>UI'Illlutl _lIh the _"of Wine". A",IOUltUlIll'lllt.Mrtled IH tliC llPlltlllJ1l11l,.'O MA~ ~~~lIt~lr~I~~AKI:l:iltlrll~e~alr:ltt~tt~:~: - ._------ ur _~"'II"IIl"llllllkUIIIIn one IleAp, TICK NOlhlnlt will I.Ie Itlfl untlnue to lJUlke th" Our Facilities for Purchasing in II~WIIM!COII.'«:Illoue In tbe~ll~it~rI;uan. HIDI"n.un.& Jo:t.... t:cT Ot' A.S ADV):lt· Capt. '"ClV'.... ~:J.Au.'*7 t1Iib£JiT._A fillnlly III Flortlla 1000t thillr • , n, So IIlJX~I~ the Leading Markets are Illlkl boy. lIutl.dvertlNlt rOr hllllill. dllllr. or I'ort UII'OOVt!rj' wlll l.'On'lfAlltl,. be In J::,8.I'OWU;K lleW&pltper. 'J'llI&I very IIRCrIloolt IlU an - relltllllf'llS to rece ~ O""'l'lI (or ,():"'Illiol Superior to any. l(1l0t erA.·led Ollt Q( ",~'llmp IIItI III@() .11 kIn.!., Im"wbere 011 the Hound. Hoxsie'& Fowler, Ull tlll:l (ronl; t.Ioflr."er' In hl••lomld, 1 Will"Oll~.'Dund • hantlnl of 11!f1boo~heel."l,hllr. HJIOO • 11 lYJ neahll'j1 In We ·lcill uive ltllli illke Bxchangc 011 1j'11p.IlU~·y,btlUOfl'l, a (lair or I ..1 e D Hay, Grain, Feed &: Produce a till" or chtek pallU HIILI. A...... A~D ~EW 11IIper 0:011.,. J'he lII.lvertllllUWllt till' It. fit III klnd.80 "1111 SAN FRANCISCO YORK '. And hlp O"lU~'" will dud the lfAb'TICKI General CommI••1on ",oh_nt•• ,It M. 8, 611"11,-:\ " ..h'lte It:uer frOlll In (lOmmkll1 to Ilye the lllOlt complete 1.1IJeral .AdVUI('ft mlda on (An"!llIIuenCI. 1IIUlllr~'t101l At the most Liberll! D'/SCOltllt. 10Coqllhuliollhllt1l !JIllt It Iii JClred lhe FlII.h I~' O~l't ..... .0_...... OOlutllltJr 1 h• .., w K'):1I1~1"'tt.:la ":lIl1ll11MlllJ1llter1~1I110t ClOprA!r can be left willi tJlC Captanl - ••• on IIlIml. N tfroPJtlur nil bl' t1f)ClIt'd l' 1VATER~J.A is kiUlmalt. Or Ute a,eUIIt Roth'M.:hlkl It Co. 1:l P 0 r t Tow u • c n 4. & KATZ. 11, ,O' I If! 'r"n\I",nc IIrul nwdllitint:; UJ.lIk J:obbtrlf'll Or lbe 1'l!rkHI. 110_ 10 Kill l'tI.ltrl Llcf'. WEEI'I.Y "'I' II Ill·h 1.1 'I,~ ..r ,." Ilot "tllll! '" 1.. 11 11I1: • .. ltr All,,' '" ,.. "illl m,·. "r 111'1 I In .
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