12394 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 July 28, 2011 drive to experience the spectacular view of the about it, but he was extremely generous, even year is between 1 and 1.7 million. While the valley 800 feet below. This road is the oldest giving money to support those he had never reasons youth run away from home vary, the existing concrete road in Nebraska and in- met. heightened risk for exploitation and victimiza- cludes the only three automobile tunnels in Although he never had children of his own, tion are the same for all of them. our State. all the children of Bradford—and even many in One of the risks for runaway girls and young In the Scottsbluff/Gering area, numerous the surrounding towns—knew about Post- women is an increased risk for sex trafficking. events to commemorate the 95th anniversary master Mowbray. Bob brought in countless Young girls who runaway or have been of the National Park Service have been sched- bags of candy over the years, always having ‘thrown away’ from home are usually propo- uled for August 2011, beginning with a Kick- a treat ready to slide over the counter to every sitioned for sex within 24 hours of leaving Off Ceremony at Scotts Bluff National Monu- kid who came in. And with that piece of candy home. Many runaway youth engage in ‘sur- ment on August 12, 2011. Platte Valley Attrac- would come a gentle nod and a warm smile. vival sex’ in exchange for food and shelter. tions, a coalition of visitor venues in and Bob Mowbray was a man of few words, but Other risks include exposure to drugs and al- around the area, is hosting a variety of events he left a deep impression on many. He will be cohol and violence. and special exhibits through grants and dona- missed. One of the few things more terrible than tions from local and regional sponsors to com- f learning a child is missing would be to learn memorate the theme, ‘‘Westward Expansion that everything possible isn’t being done to as seen through National Parks,’’ including: IN CELEBRATION OF THE 90TH find him or her. The National Crime Informa- Farm and Ranch Museum is hosting west- BIRTHDAY OF BERNICE FRIED- tion Center (NCIC) database is designed to ward expansion orientation films and an inter- LANDER help make information sharing easier so that active exhibit of westward expansion transpor- missing children can be found and provided tation methods. HON. AL GREEN with any needed services. Midwest Theater is hosting both the pre- OF TEXAS According to a New York Times’ series, miere of a new documentary film on the Pony IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘Running in the Shadows’, as many as 16 per- Express and a film by Ken Burns on America’s cent of reported runaways are never entered Thursday, July 28, 2011 National Parks. in to the National Crime Information Center North Platte Valley Museum is hosting a Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, (NCIC) database. westward expansion map exhibit. today it is my honor to pay tribute to Bernice The Runaway Reporting Improvement Act of Western Nebraska Community College is Friedlander, who will mark her 90th birthday 2011 would help solve this problem and pro- hosting a seminar, ‘‘Recognizing and Pre- on Saturday, July 30, 2011, in Houston, tect missing children by making two small but serving Westward Expansion,’’ with speakers Texas. On this special day we will all look useful changes to the Crime Control Act of who are all nationally recognized in their back and see the hallmarks of a life well lived. 1990. First, the bill would require law enforce- fields. Her quiet determination, unfailing kindness, ment agencies to certify that they comply with Western Nebraska Community College and unyielding spirit have made her a pillar Federal law by entering all missing children sponsored a summer youth camp that devel- not only of a proud and loving family, but of into the NCIC database. Second, it would re- oped posters to help promote these com- all that have come to know her. quire that law enforcement officers provide the memorative events. Beneath a humble and quiet exterior lies a reporter of a missing child with information Again, on behalf of the people of Nebraska, generous and kind soul. She is beloved not for about the services of the National Center for we offer our congratulations to Scotts Bluff a litany of accomplishments, but simply for Missing and Exploited Children and the Na- National Monument on its Kick-Off Ceremony who she is. With such an uplifting and giving tional Runaway Switchboard, as well as 24- and the National Park Service on its 95th an- nature it is easy to see why she inspires so hour, toll-free contact information for those re- niversary. much love and warmth in others. sources. NCMEC and NRS have a long and f For decades she was the dedicated wife of successful history of helping parents and law her beloved husband, the late Silas Fried- enforcement agencies work together to find IN REMEMBRANCE OF BOB lander. She has been a wonderful mother to and protect missing kids. Parents and guard- MOWBRAY her adoring daughters Nancy and Susie, and ians with missing children need to be given in- a generous and doting grandmother to Kevin, formation so they are not isolated during this HON. AARON SCHOCK Nick, Tyler, and Ashley. time of crisis. OF ILLINOIS We throw modesty aside today so that we Mr. Speaker, we simply must do better by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can give the heartfelt thanks that Bernice is our children. The necessary resources are in long overdue. Her unending love and devotion Thursday, July 28, 2011 place but they are not being used to their full to those who have the privilege of calling her potential. The Runaway Improvement Act of Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, the small town family have made their lives so much richer 2011 will help ensure that these existing re- of Bradford, Illinois this month lost one of its for having had her there. Happy birthday Ber- sources are used to find and protect the fami- most beloved residents. Bob Mowbray dedi- nice, may you enjoy yourself in happiness and lies that need them the most. cated his life to actually living the words we good health for many years to come. f utter so frequently about loving God and coun- f try. He first served his country in his youth, as IN MEMORY OF MR. A.J. LEGER, a corporal in the Marines during the Korean INTRODUCTION OF THE RUNAWAY LOCAL ENTREPRENEUR, DEDI- conflict. After he returned home, he served his REPORTING IMPROVEMENT ACT CATED VOLUNTEER TO SOUTH- community in Bradford as the Postmaster for OF 2011 EAST TEXAS COMMUNITY 36 years. He also was a loyal and active member for 58 years of the American Legion, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HON. KEVIN BRADY Post #445. OF NEW YORK OF TEXAS When he was drafted by the Marines, he left IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES behind a promising possible career as a big league pitcher. Even though he chose to re- Thursday, July 28, 2011 Thursday, July 28, 2011 turn home instead of pursuing his baseball Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today I am Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise dreams, he never lost his passion for Amer- proud to introduce bipartisan legislation, the today in memory of Mr. A.J. Leger, a dedi- ica’s pastime. Runaway Reporting and Improvement Act of cated community volunteer, a veteran of the Anyone who knew Bob knew about his un- 2011, along with my friend and colleague Mr. Marine Corp, and a shining example of a suc- abashed love for sports, especially the Bears, SMITH of New Jersey. I am also pleased to be cessful entrepreneur here in America. Growing the Bulls, and the White Sox. But what very joined by Representatives KAREN BASS, GWEN up in Lafayette, Louisiana, Mr. Leger had a few people knew—including those closest to MOORE, and PETE STARK. jump start on his career in the restaurant busi- him—was that he acted out his faith in God The estimated number of youth that run- ness back in 1952 at the ripe age of 12 years through his quiet charity. Bob wouldn’t talk away or are ‘thrown away’ in the U.S. each old working as a busboy at Don’s Seafood VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:51 Aug 13, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E28JY1.000 E28JY1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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