P 0 RT REUMES ED 010 339 24 FAMILIES IN JAPAN, A 4- TO 6 -WEEK SOCIAL STUDY DEVELOPEDFOR THE SECOND SEMESTER OF GRADE ONE. .11Y ARNOFF, MELVIN KENT STATE UNIV., OHIO REPORT NUMBER CRP-S-325 PUB DATE JUN 66 REPORT NUMBER BR-S-8070. ERRS PRICE MF-$0.18 HC -$5.08 12TP. DESCRIPTORS- RESOURCE MATERIALS, *RESOURCE UNITS, GRADE1, SEMINARS, *SOCIAL STUDIES, *CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, *FAMILY (SOCIOLOGICAL UNIT), FOREIGN COUNTRIES, *FOREIGN CULTURE, CULTURAL ENRICHMENT, KENT, OHIO, JAPAN THIS PUBLICATION WAS DEVELOPED AS A RESOURCE UNIT FOR , ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TO USE IN A FIRST-GRADESOCIAL . N STUDIES CURRICULUM. THE UNIT WAS DEVELOPEDAND TESTED AT A '4. SEMINAR HELD IN OCTOBER 1965, AT KENT, OHIO. THECONTENTS INCLUDE OBJECTIVES, ESSENTIAL GENERALIZATIONS,LEARNING ACTIVITIES, UNIT CONTENT (WHICH PROVIDESTHE TEACHER WITH A LIST OF NEEDED MATERIALS), A SUGGESTED DAILYLESSON PLAN, A BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR TEACHERS, AND A LIST OF SUCHRELATED TEACHING AIDS AS FILMS, FILMSTRIPS, AND MUSIC. (GC) 731:174:11.°r-777:7:1' stiltedpersonThis document doDEPARTMENT or notorganization necessarily has beenOfficeOF originatingreproduced HEALTH,represent of Education it.EDUCATION exactlyofficialPoints es Officeof receivedviewAND of or Educel011WELFRRE opinion,'from the E00/0 e3 DevelopedpositionFAMILIESFour, for or poiicy. the toSix Second Week IN Semester Social Study of Grade One AssistantKent MelvinProfessorJune, State 1966ArnoffUniversity of Education * Education,The research and reported Welfare, herein Office was performedof Education,pursuant under to the a contractprovisions with of the the United Cooperative States Department Research. Program.of Health, effectiveJust ascurriculum ncientificdevelopmentresearchACKNOWLEDGMENTS mustisincreasinglybe the product theoffruit the of combinedefforts, contributions.ofresourcesuchspecial thea team.group talentsunit now Whilework ofbeas anitseparated oneeducationalwas body,imperative for it team. theis purposethatprudentThis the ofatresourceteam recognizingthis whichpoint unit developed thatisexperiencetheir the the individualproductthismembers and of turedthe UniversityTheon socialmajor ofconsultantsinstitutions Rochester; toand Dr.this originsRobertproject Smithofwere:theof Japanese; CornellgeographerUniversity, end Dr.Dr. RobertRobert who HallWard,lec- of bothspecialistDirector theThe difficultyeffortsofon the political Centerofofthe theforunitinstitutions assignmentJapanese writersStudiesmustof Japan. be atacknowledged theUniversity inconsideration of Michigan, ofand andtruth,oneproduced. administratorbelieve thetransition Thethey taskwereto of curriculumwasmorechanging alike difficult chameleonswriterstheironeandspotswas whichthewho, fromhandled quality atMiss classroom will, inNancy ofsuch changedtheFaust,teachers,a materialway color. Missas toprincipal, they makeBettyIn writingelementarybeMrs.Fisher,sure, Marie phasesMrs.not supervisorSwackhammer 'withoutMartha inSpringfield,Lutz,analso handledoccasional Mrs.coordinated professionallySelma ripple.Habra,teacher Mrs.The and selection, dualCharlottewith role competence, oforientation,Patterson,Miss Fisherthough andand whotoas was handledii most effectively. 6 t uniteleven Thein teachers thetask classroom of inevaluatingadditionsetting tothe wasthe utility handledunit writers,and competently practicability all ofand whose withof annotatedtheenthusiasmresourcelogs by Wells,MissFstz,Theseserved Nellie Missteachers andas theMks. IleneLeffel, basisare:BeatriceJohnson,Mrs.forMiss theWinchell.Kathryn JoyceMrs. editing Lenore Booth,Thomas, ofKinnison,MisstheMrs. resourceGwendolyn June Mrs. Voedisch, unitMildredDavis, into Mrs.Mrs.Lafferty, its ClariceDorothyfinalform. Dr.presentationsculture,significantly andThe Mrs. andnative-born Masakatsu persons ofto Dr.the andwhorichnessJapanese Mks.spent David ofwhoconsiderable thewere Moroi,resource mostMr. willingtime unit. and in Mrs. Japan,toOf shareShigeruspecialhaveaspects Taniguchi,notecontributed wereof their the ofDr. functions andWhile Mrs. it associatedRoywas Wenger. expected Shibugakiwith that this the ofcurriculum projectTokyo,Dr. secretarydevelopment and Mks. would Akioproject, performSuzuki, Mrs. the and Elainevariety did,promotingRosenstein Toshe overlook actively the often quality one'swentassisted beyondofwifethis in is theeffort. problematic requirements enough,of timebut andmore effortso when,to assistas Ruth in andcredit servingTo mostall theseanotably formalpersons inJapanese compiling as well dinnermany andas phases fellowfortesting the of members unitJapanesethis writerseffort,of recipesthe andandKent Japaneseandshe State indeserves preparingUniversityguests. projectintofordirectorfaculty: erroneousthe director. finalisDr. indebted. statementsMarvindraft. Koller,Those,They, and however, othersociologist,properly,erratamust should whichandbe relievedJamesreflect inadvertentlyRinier, theof theshortcomings geographer,mayresponsibilities have crept ofthe the iii IISTRODUCTIOV assumptions.in whichBefore this utilising material thiswas developedcourse of andstudy, must one be mustcognizant beaware of ofthe the underlying context sentserifscognition inToper, which,the abilities socialnow when perusing completed,studiesof children. onefomented willproductThiscomprisein ofpartresource a majortheby a Comparative matchangingeffort is onlyin conception curriculum Problemsthe first ofCurricu-develop-ofthe a asofborrowprovelue.A. thea completed usefulmaterialsandIt isadapt outsidealso portion presentedth; believed content,of of this the herein.and curriculumComparativeresources, hoped,Inhowever, this context activities,Problems way, that tothis Curriculumeducatorsthis and unit anyresourcemay other who butserve may asunitportions notwisha richwill onlyto willprojectserveschemes.resource be the aidingand forYouends the curriculum are in ofgoals thereforetheyour ofrealization educational developmentthe invitedCooparattveof program. to accordingthe adopt, Researchgoals If adapt,toof this aProgram.'this variety ormaterial curriculum edit of thisisconceptualso researchmaterial used, you to Melvin30:93-95,1For Arnoff, Februarya fuller «A Comparative 1966.explanation Problemsof the ComparativeCurriculua,w Problems Social Education,Curriculumsee Education,the United2The researchunderStates theDepartment reported provisions hereinof Health,of theweiv performedCooperativeEducation, pursuant Researchand Welfare, to Program.a contract Office ofwith TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINTRODUCTION 0 Liiv ESSENTIALOBJECTIVES GENERALIZATIONS FOR "FAMILIES IN JAPAN" 11 LEARNINGIII InitiatingRaisingACTIVITIES, Questions ,Activities CONTENT, .AND MATERIALS 241918 IIIVIIVV AnsweringInstructingFormingGroupingCommittee Committees QuestionsQuestions onCommittees Clothing. 4., 3028272625 Committee on SchoolsHolidaysHousing and RecreationFamily. 0 . 0 563137 A SUGGESTED DAILY LESSONTABLE PLAN OF CONTENTS Page71 . 81 RESOURCESI BooksBooksAnnotated for Teachers . 82 BooksAnnotatedGeneral for Children . -888884 II PeriodicalsGeneral * 14 0 9594 ,. III FilmsAnnotated. a . 96 General. 0 102 IVVMusic FilmstrtpsSongs . 104103 VI . OtherPamphletsRecords TeaChing and'Fugaive Aids . Materials . 107105 JapaneseOtherPictures Materials Foodsand Kits and Recipes . 109108 ADDENDA'. vi 111 SUMMARY OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT 5 325 No. OE 610049 Dr. Melvin Amoff, Kent StateUniversity A. Objectives 1. to implementthe recommendations of socialscientists concerning content in the elementary social studiescurriculum,whichcan be conveyed through a unit at the first-grade level, "Families in Japan." To developa meaningful unit of study at the first-grade levelwhich V!' aid in the realization of thefollowing goals: a. Help childrencompare the various patterns of family functioning in a foreign culture with thosein their own environment. b. Help children recognize similarand different patterns of family functioning in cultures different from theirown. c. Help children acquire skills,attitudes, and knowledge which will cumulatively enhance their abilitiesto make accurate and effective interpretations of their physical and socialworld. d. Provide aresource unit which can be employed int" Comparative Problems Curriculum; includedwithin the framework ofa more tradi- tional curriculum,or modified to conform to various curriculum patterns. e. To utilize teachers who havemet specified criteria for the develop- ment of methods, materials, and devices forpresenting the unit. 3. To introduce at appropriategrade levels content which will enablechildren to approach an understanding of the basicprinciples and generalizations of sociology, economics, history, politicalscience, and geography which apply to functions of the family in allsocieties. 4. To laya content foundation upon which childrencan continue to build their understandings of principles and generalizationsof the social sciences. B. Procedures ----Feve teachers,in addition to the elementarysupervisor, were selected from the almost 700 elementaryteachers employed by theSpringfield (Ohio) Rklic Schools toserve as unit writers. Teacherswere selected by the investigator, the elementary supervisor, and thecoordinator of instructionon the basis of specified criteria which included minimumstandards of training, utilization of unitteaching in the classroom, adjudgedsuccess in classroom teaching, and interest in partici- pating in the development of thisunit. Unit writers attendeda two-week seminar on thecampus of Kent State University. The first week of the workshopwas devoted to lectures, conclaves, directedreading,
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