BÜYÜKADA, ITS SUMMER RESIDENCES, AND THE BOURGEOIS OTTOMAN INTERIOR AT THE TURN OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ZEYNEP CEYLANLI IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE MARCH 2015 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha AltunışıkDirector I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. T. Elvan Altan Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Belgin Turan Özkaya Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. T. Elvan Altan (METU,AH) Prof. Dr. Belgin Turan Özkaya (METU,AH) Prof. Dr. Cânâ Bilsel (METU,ARCH) Doç. Dr. Lale Özgenel (METU,AH) Doç. Dr. Paolo Girardelli (BOUN,HIST) ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Surname: Zeynep Ceylanlı Signature: iii ABSTRACT BÜYÜKADA, ITS SUMMER RESIDENCES, AND THE BOURGEOIS OTTOMAN INTERIOR AT THE TURN OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Ceylanlı, Zeynep Ph.D., Department of History of Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Belgin Turan Özkaya March 2015, 283 pages This dissertation examines the social history of Büyükada specifically from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century by looking at the interiors of summer residences through new sources on Büyükada. The changes in the economic, political, and social structure of the Ottoman capitalare put forth in order to comprehend the social characteristics of Büyükadaas a summer resort close to Istanbul. As the main archival sources of this dissertation, the Ottoman Archives enriches the narrative on Büyükada published up to this time; Istanbul Provincial Newspaper announces information about the owners, size, location and price of the houses in the island, enabling the analyses on the urban, spatial, and social characteristics of Büyükada, whereas the Raymund Map marks the houses on the island demonstrating their construction material and position in the site; the plans from the Preservation Board display the spatial schemes of the houses; and the houses visited put forth the remnants of the bourgeois interior. The sources reveal that the Nizam district on the northwestern part of the island was inhabited by the wealthy section of the Ottoman society, where the ethnic diversity reflected the character of the Ottoman bourgeoisie. On the other hand, the central part of the island and its nearby neighborhoods were mainly resided by the people with lower income. Throughthis framework, the history of Büyükada and its bourgeois residents at the turn of the century are reassessed. iv Keywords: Late 19th century Ottoman social history, Ottoman bourgeois interior, Büyükada, summer houses. v ÖZ YİRMİNCİ YÜZYIL BAŞINDA BÜYÜKADA SAYFİYE EVLERİ VE OSMANLI BURJUVA İÇ MEKANI Ceylanlı, Zeynep Doktora, Mimarlık Tarihi Doktora Programı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Belgin Turan Özkaya Mart 2015, 283 sayfa Bu tez, yeni kaynaklar ışığında sayfiye evlerinin iç mekanlarına bakarak Büyükada’nın geç on dokuz erken yirminci yüzyıl dönemindeki toplumsal tarihini incelemektedir. Bu dönemdeİstanbul yakınındaki bir sayfiye yerleşimi olarak Büyükada’nın toplumsal özelliklerini anlamak için Osmanlı Devleti’nin başkenti özelinde ekonomik, politik ve toplumsal yapısındaki değişiklikler ortaya konmuştur. Bu tezin temel arşiv kaynakları olarak Osmanlı Arşivi, bugüne kadarki basılı kaynaklarda geçen Büyükada anlatısını zenginleştirmekte; İstanbul Vilayet Gazetesi adadaki evlerin sahipleri, büyüklüğü, konumu ve ederi hakkında bilgi vermekte ve bu veriler üzerinden adanın kentsel, mekansal ve sosyal analizlerinin yapılmasını mümkün kılmakta; Raymund Haritası bu evlerin yapısal özelliklerini ve konumlarını göstermekte; Koruma Kurulu’ndan elde edilen planlar evlerin mekansal şemalarını belirtmekte; ziyaret edilen evler burjuva iç mekanının izlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Değerlendirme sonucunda, adanın kuzeybatısındaki Nizam mahallesine Osmanlı toplumunun varlıklı kesiminin yerleştiği ve buradaki etnik çeşitliliğin Osmanlı burjuvazisinin etnik özelliklerini yansıttığı anlaşılmıştır. Öte yandan, adanın merkez ve merkeze yakın mahallelerinde genellikle orta ve düşük gelirli aileler ikamet etmektedir. Bu bağlamda yirminci yüzyıl başında Büyükada’nın tarihi ve burjuva sakinleri yeniden değerlendirilmekte, Büyükada toplumunun ve yazlık evlerinin karşılıklı ilişkisi ortaya konmaktadır. vi Anahtar Sözcükler: Geç on dokuzuncu yüzyıl Osmanlı toplumsal tarihi, Osmanlı burjuva iç mekanı, Büyükada, sayfiye evleri. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writing of this dissertation was a tough process and there are many people who deserve many thanks for their support. Especially considering the pessimistic nature of mine, frustrated with each obstacle, I gained strength from the constant support of certain people whom I am sincerely thankful to. This dissertation could not be accomplished without the help, patience, and support of my supervisor Belgin Turan Özkaya. Since the beginning of my graduate studies, I have benefited from her guidance, which had considerable effect on mystance towards architectural historiography. Her understanding and ways of appreciating the archival sources made my way clearer and I will always be grateful to her for being there for me. I would like to thank my dissertation monitoring committee, Cânâ Bilsel and Elvan Altan for their insightful approaches towards the vast subject matter and unrevealed material through the past four years, which shaped the fundamentals of this study. Also, their kindness and understanding made me feel relieved at the most stressful times. I am also indebtedtomy committee members, Lale Özgenel and Paolo Girardelli, since their constructive comments on the key points of this study were invaluable. My friends and co-workers in the Faculty of Architecture and Design in Bahçeşehir University shared my concerns and anxieties as well as my enthusiasm and joy during this process. Sezin Tanrıöver, the head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Design, deserves special thanks since she soothed and encouraged me everytime I needed to regain my motivation, just like she used to do as my advisor while I was a freshman at Bilkent University. During my research, a lot of people helped me and eased the way for obtaining information. I had the opportunity to get into the idea of belonging to an island while I wasworking as a volunteer in the Museum of the Princes’ Islands; there I had chance to meet the islanders. I am grateful to The Cultural Heritage Preservation Board, İstanbul Office the 5th Region for giving me the permit to access their archives and search viii thoroughly the houses of Büyükada; especially I would like to thank Cevdet Doğruoğlu,who spent so much effort to lead me correctly in the vast amount of files. The personnel in the Ottoman Archives were always genial and helpful. The Salt Research has been a sanctuary for me; I have spent there the summer of 2014. Not only offered the optimum working conditions with its unique atmosphere, but it provided many important documents for the sake of this dissertation, including the Raymund Map; the day I found it was a milestone in this process. I would especially thank Mustafa Ergül for his assistance in the Salt Archives and his company in the coffee breaks. On the other hand, Görkem Arslan, Renk Dimli Oraklıbel, and Yüzyıl Aydın helped me with the drawings at the most crucial moments. I am also indebtful to the benevolentowners of the houses,Meral Kori, İvi Dermancı, Oktay Yenal, Nazlı Başak, Nadya Karayan, and İsmail Sarıkaya, who opened their houses and shared their memories with me. There is not enough space here to thank all the other people whom I bored with constant brainstorming sessions. I have many beloved friends and relatives around me, I cannot thank them enough. My best friends Oya, Gözde, Güneş, Bilge, İrem, hold me tight and let me go whenever I needed. My uncles and their families, two Özdemirs and two Aldemirs, fed me up and checked me over while I was away from my own. Yet, my family is the true denominator in the accomplishment of this dissertation. My father Ziya, my brother Ömür, and the most precious person in my life, my mother Azize provided full support during the writing of this dissertation. I cannot compensate for her efforts, I am grateful to her more than anyone. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM...........................................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iv ÖZ .......................................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................
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