Waterloo South Social Sustainability Report Client: Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) Date: 04 September 2020 Contact: Steve Rossiter [email protected] 02 9387 2600 SYDNEY 02 9387 2600 Level 6, 332 - 342 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 www.elton.com.au [email protected] Sydney | Brisbane | Canberra | Darwin | Melbourne | Perth ABN 56 003 853 101 Prepared by Sophie Le Mauff, Alexander Iping, Jessica Noyes, Sarah Jones and Nash Condran Reviewed by Steve Rossiter and Lucy Greig Date 04 September 2020 Version FINAL draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 14 1.1 Overview 14 1.2 Waterloo Estate 14 1.3 Waterloo South 15 1.4 Redevelopment Vision 17 1.5 Purpose of this report 18 1.6 Study approach and methodology 18 1.7 Report structure 20 2 EXISTING AND FUTURE WATERLOO 21 2.1 Existing context and community profile 21 2.2 Future Waterloo 27 3 POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE 35 3.1 NSW Government plans and policies 35 3.2 City of Sydney plans and policies 38 3.3 A framework for social sustainability in Waterloo 40 3.4 Social sustainability issues and opportunities 42 4 PLACE DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE 43 4.1 Housing 43 4.2 Access and connectivity 46 4.3 Public domain 47 4.4 Community infrastructure 52 4.5 Summary of place findings and recommendations 66 5 PEOPLE DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE 69 5.1 Social mix and integration 69 5.2 Community identity and connections 71 5.3 Affordability 72 5.4 Services and support systems 73 5.5 Employment and training 76 5.6 Summary of people findings and recommendations 78 6 PROCESS DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE 80 6.1 Communications and engagement 80 6.2 Community and cultural development 83 6.3 Relocation 86 6.4 Development staging 86 6.5 Governance 87 6.6 Summary of process recommendations 88 7 CONCLUDING REMARKS 90 8 REFERENCES 91 A APPENDICES 94 A-1 Specific Population Groups 95 Waterloo South Social Sustainability Report A-2 Healthy Urban Development Checklist 103 FIGURES Figure 1 Location plan 15 Figure 2 Waterloo Precinct 16 Figure 3 Geographical areas 21 Figure 4 Built form character in the surrounding area 25 Figure 5 Shady places to sit overlooking Waterloo Green 27 Figure 6 Waterloo South planning proposal 29 Figure 7 Project staging map 31 Figure 8 Projected age structure of Waterloo South, 2016-2036 33 Figure 9 FACS Human Services Outcomes Framework 36 Figure 10 Proposed community facility spaces 54 Figure 11 Existing local retail outlets on Raglan Street 63 Figure 12 Proposed retail uses 64 TABLES Table 1 Guide to Study Requirements 4 Table 2 Planning Proposal Lodgement Checklist 6 Table 3 Breakdown of allocation of land within the Waterloo South 30 Table 4 Areas for social sustainability strategies, initiatives and opportunities 42 Table 5 Community facility floor space 57 Table 6 Place findings and/or recommendations 66 Table 7 Examples of targeted services and supports 75 Table 8 People findings and/or recommendations 78 Table 9 Process findings and/or recommendations 88 Waterloo South Social Sustainability Report Executive Summary Introduction This report documents the outcomes of the Social Sustainability Report (SSR) for Waterloo South and discusses findings on existing or planned strategies to maximise positive social outcomes for current, neighbouring and likely future communities through the project. It also makes recommendations on opportunities, where appropriate, to enhance or implement additional strategies that may provide increased positive outcomes for the Waterloo community. The report has been prepared for Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), part of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), by independent social sustainability practice Elton Consulting. The SSR has been prepared in response to Section 23 of the Study Requirements issued by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and the Planning Proposal Lodgement Checklist issued by the City of Sydney to support a Planning Proposal application to be lodged with the City of Sydney. The fundamental purpose is to identify measures to promote positive social outcomes throughout the redevelopment of Waterloo South. The SSR has been prepared in response to Section 23 of the Study Requirements issued by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to support a rezoning application to be lodged with the City of Sydney. Of relevance to this study are the following requirements: Table 1 Guide to Study Requirements Number Study Requirement Addressed at: 23.1 The purpose of the Social Sustainability Assessment is to guide the See GHD implementation and scope of the project to promote positive social Baseline Report outcomes through design and management recommendations and (2020) strategies Section 4, 6, 8 23.2 The Social Sustainability Assessment (SSA) should address: Sections 2, 4, 5 » existing social characteristics, issues and trends for the Waterloo social and 6 housing estate and adjoining neighbourhoods » capacity for community participation in the planning process » the contribution of the project to improved social sustainability » the Waterloo Precinct Plan, including the social aspects of project staging and delivery » consider the proposed project within the local area and its broader context especially in respect of densities and community connectedness. 23.3 Demonstrate how the vision and relevant principles in the City’s social Section 3 sustainability policy - A City for All: Towards a Socially Just and Resilient Sydney, and the objectives of the NSW Government’s Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW will be realised. 23.4 Prepare a comprehensive profile of the existing community, neighbouring GHD Baseline communities, and the likely future community. Report (2020) Section 4, 5, 6 and 7. Waterloo South Social Sustainability Report Number Study Requirement Addressed at: 23.5 Prepare an in-depth social needs analysis for the existing, neighbouring Sections 4, 5, 6 and future communities, including the use of primary research, with at and Appendix A- least the following groups: 1 » key population groups including (but not limited to): i) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (with separate groups of women, men, young people and older people; ii) older people; iii) young people; iv) children and families; v) key groups of CALD residents (with separate groups for the main language groups) vi) primary school children; » Separate groups with users and providers of: i) community services, e.g. home care, community transport, ii) key medical and mental health services, iii) key legal services, iv) tenant representative groups and other local service providers and government agencies such as Education and Justice. 23.6 Prepare a Social Sustainability Report that: » is undertaken by a competent and suitably qualified social science professional who uses rigorous social planning methodologies » includes effective, timely and transparent public involvement, including Section 1.7 the input of different social groups; » fully assesses the social aspects of the project process and staging, as Sections 4, 5, 6 well as the proposed final project outcomes; » fully describes the needs of the existing, neighbouring and likely future Sections 4, 5, 6 communities, and how those needs will be addressed through the project to promote positive social outcomes; » fully describes the changes anticipated as a result of the project; Sections 4, 5 and 6 » identifies, where possible, examples of similar scenarios and social Throughout this sustainability measures for comparison, paying particular attention to report vulnerable and key population groups including minority groups, and different age, income and cultural groups; » identifies direct and indirect, long term and short term social Sections 4, 5 sustainability measures to promote positive social outcomes as a and 6 consequence of the project, addressing people’s way of life, social connections, safety, access to health and welfare services, access to employment and education opportunities, health and culture including measures to provide for the needs of minority groups, different age, income and cultural groups and future generations; » identifies the relative equity of the project and associated social Sections 4, 5 sustainability measures, including how the opportunities will be and 6 accessible to different sections of the community; » considers social sustainability over time; Sections 4, 5 and 6 » includes qualitative and quantitative needs analysis; See Social Baseline Report and throughout this report » includes a mechanism for the future review of community needs; Waterloo South Social Sustainability Report Number Study Requirement Addressed at: » makes clear recommendations for opportunities to maximise positive Sections 4, 5 social outcomes for existing, neighbouring and likely future communities and 6 through the project. Recommendations should refer to how the project will address the needs of existing, neighbouring, and likely future communities and include measures that are tangible, timely and effective, and within the ability of the Applicant/s (alone or in partnership) to deliver. » measures require effective and costed implementation mechanisms and Sections 4, 5 responsibilities which are agreed with key partners and documented in and 6 a site-specific Social Sustainability Plan to guide future stages of the project. 23.7 The City of Sydney, Department of Education and Department of Section
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