College news Meeting of Council - December In Orthopaedics: Mr J C Angel (The London Hos- At an Ordinary Meeting of the Council on pital), Mr R C Todd (The London Hospital), iith December 1975 with Mr R H Franklin, Senior Mr J D M Blayney (Cardiff Royal Infirmary and Vice-President, in the Chair the Honorary Medal of associated hospitals), Mr T S Kerr (Adden- the College was awarded to Professor L N Pyrah CBE brooke's Hospital, Cambridge), and Mr D J FRCS, of Leeds, in recognition of his pioneering Fuller (Bristol Royal Infirmary and Radcliffe efforts in association with the late Sir Frank Holds- Infirmary, Oxford). worth in designing and helping to establish the In Plastic Surgery: Mr F S C Browning (St James's schemes of higher training in surgery that have Hospital, Leeds, and St. Luke's Hospital, Brad- become the model not only for the surgical special- ford), Mr D M Evans (Churchill Hospital, Ox- ties but also for medicine, dental surgery, and ford), Mr M Gipson (Sheffield Royal Infirmary), anaesthesia throughout the British Isles. It is hoped and Mr D C Herbert (Whiston Hospital, Pres- to present the Medal on the occasion of the Provin- cot). cial Meeting of the College in Leeds in Septem- In Thoracic Surgery: Mr K Jcyasingham (Frenchay ber 1976. Hospital and Royal Infirmary, Bristol), Mr A K Mr Leonard Wolfson, of London, was elected to Deiraniya (Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Child- the Court of Patrons. ren's Hospital, Birmingham), Mr H R Matthews Dr Russell Davies FFARCS was elected McIn- (Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool), Mr B Picker- doe Memorial Lecturer for 1976 and Mr J R Kir- ing (Hammersmith Hospital, Harefield Hospital, kup FRCS was elected Thomas Vicary Lecturer and Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond for the same year. Street), and Mr R N Sapsford (Hammersmith The election of the Rt Hon. Lord Brock of Wim- Hospital, Harefield Hospital, and Hospital for bledon as Chairman of the Board and the election Sick Children, Great Ormond Street). to the Board of Trustees of the Hunterian Collec- The College has received the following gifts, for tion of Sir John Summerson, of London, and Mr which Council has expressed its sincere gratitude: Robert V Cooke, of Bristol, was noted. The award of the Colyer Gold Medal to Profes- Gift from Mrs N L, Capener of a bronze hand (that sor C F Ballard was noted. of the late Mr Norman Capener) by the late Dame Professor A S Prophet was appointed Charles Barbara Hepworth; and bequest from Mr Capener Tomes lecturer for 1977. The appointment of Mr of his sculpture The Political Prisoner. B W Fickling CBE as Webb-Johnson Lecturer for Gift from Sir Harry Platt, Bt, of a silver tankard. 1976/78 was noted. Gift of coat of arms from the Singapore Academy The award of the Faculty of Anaesthetists Fellow- of Medicine. ship Prize to Dr L J Williams was noted. Council has unanimously approved the confer- Certificates of Accreditation of Higher Training ment of the title of Emeritus Professor of the Col- have been granted to the following Fellows of the lege on Professor David Slome, who retired on 3Ist College: December 1975. In General Surgery: Mr J M Kelly (Royal The retirement of Mr Frank Watson, Chief Victoria Hospital, Belfast), Mr M G Johnson Technician, who has assisted many Fellows and (Bristol Royal Infirmary), Mr A Watson (Univer- other research workers at the Buckston Browne sity Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, and Maelor Farm for the past 42 years, has taken place and General Hospital, Wrexham), Mr M R Colmer Council has expressed its appreciation of his out- (United Liverpool Hospitals). Mr D Sarson standing services to surgical research. (United Liverpool Hospitals), Mr T P S Thomson Mrs Margaret Harding, Personal Secretary to the (The Middlesex Hospital). Mr P M Perry (St President and the Secretary, has completed fifteen Bartholomew's Hospital), Mr K T H Moore years with the College. (Sheffield Royal Infirmary), Mr R A D Booth The deaths of Professor T Cid dos Santos, of Lis- (Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton), bon (Honorary Fellow), of Mr R St L Brockman Mr W H F Thomson (Southampton General Hos- (Past Member of the Court of Examiners), and of pital), and Mr S j A Powis (Queen El;zabeth Mr G F Rowbotham, Fellow (Past Regional Ad- Hospital, Birmingham, and Royal Hospital, viser in the Newcastle Region), have been reported Wolverhampton). with deep regret. In Ophthalmolog: Mr T A Harding (Moorfields Mr R E Robinson, Fellow, has been nominated Eye Hospital, High Holborn Branch), Mr D A R by the College as a member of the Central Mid- McKay (Moorfields Eye Hospital, High Holbom wives Board for three years from ist April 1976. Branch), Mr A T Morris (Moorfields Eve Hospital, Mr R Neill (Macclesfield) and Mr .T Clegg City Road Branch), Mr R B Trimble (King's Col- (Crewe) have been appointed as College Surgical lege Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital). Tutors. College news 153 Meetings of Council - January In General Surgery: MIr W Lloyd-Jones and At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held Mr J M Shennan (United Liverpool Hospitals). on 7th January I976 with Sir Rodney Smith, Pre- In Orthopaedics: Mr W E Griffith (The Loindon sident, in the Chair diplomas of Fellowship were Hospital) and Mr J R Watson (Harlow Wood granted in accordance with the pass list (see p I62). Orthopaedic and Leicester Hospitals). An address to the new diplomates was delivered by In Thoracic Surgery: Mr F D Salama (St George's Sir Michael Swann, past Vice-Chancellor of the and Southampton Western Hospitals). University of Edinburgh and presently Chairman of the Board of Governors of the BBC. Court of Examiners Notice is hereby given that the Council on 8th July 1976 will elect members of the Court of At a Quarterly Meeting of the Council held on 8th Examiners as follows: January 1976 with Sir Rodney Smith, President, GENERAL SURGERY-seven examiners to be in the Chair the Right Honourable Lord Boyle of elected, three of the retiring examiners being Handsworth and Professor R B Salter, of Toronto, eligible for re-election. were elected to the Honorary Fellowship. OPHTHALMOLOGY-one examiner to be The following motion of condolence on the death elected. of Mr Arthur Dickson Wright, past Member of Fellows of the College desirous of becoming candi- Council and Vice-President, was moved by Mr dates for the office must make application by letter H H G Eastcott and seconded by Mr Ronald W to the Secretary of the College on or before 23rd Raven: April I976, stating their date of birth in the appli- 'The President and Council hereby express their cation. sorrow at the death of Mr Arthur Dickson Wright, MeInber of Council from 1949 to I965 and of the Annual Meeting of Fellows and Court of Examiners from 1952 to 1958. Members 'Arthur Dickson Wright's services to British sur- The I976 Annual Meeting will be held in Leeds on gery and to the College were on a large scale; his 24th and 25th September and will include symposia term of office as a Member of Council coincided of interest to surgeons, detntal surgeons, and anaes- with the important years of post-war expansion and thetists. The detailed programme will be circulated he did much to help form the policies that were to all Fellows resident in Britain; those normally then necessary, as well as playing an important part overseas who wish to attend should obtain a copy in bringing the needs of the College to the notice from the Secretary of the College. of benefactors. His work for the Imperial Cancer Research Fund gave him particular satisfaction and absorbed a large part of his enormous energy. His Donations to the College opinions were always expressed trenchantly and During the past few weeks the following generous often with wit, and his idiosyncratic personality donations have been received: earned for him a reputation that went far beyond Two covenants totalling £IO 500.00. the medical profession. He will be remembered as Three legacies totalling £9oi8.59. a unique character, devoted to the craft of surgery, Gifts of 50oo and over totalling £3315.76. of which he was a master, and to the many patients Gifts under £5oo totalling £4032.87. who benefited from his skill. His death after a long and distressing illness has left a void in British College Dinner surgery that nobody else can fill.' The College Dinner on Wednesday qth June will Mr R H Franklin was appointed Hunterian Orator be followed by a talk by the Right Honourable for 1977 and Mr Selwyn Taylor was appointed Brad- Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls. shaw Lecturer for 1976. Applications for tickets for the Dinner, price £7.00 Professor Bryan Brooke, of St George's Hospital, including cocktails and wines at table, should reach L,ondon, was re-elected and Mr M D M Staunton, Mr W F Davis at the College not later than a week of the Metropolitan, St Leonard's, and Royal before the date of the Dinner. L,ondon Homocopathic Hospitals, London, and Mr .1 F R Withycombe, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, Pancreatic transplantation Cambridge, were elected to the Court of Examiners The following lectures will be delivered in the Col- for the ensuing three years. lege on Wednesday 12th May 1976: The award of the Faculty of Anaesthetists Nuf- Chairman: Sir Rodney Smith KBE PRCS field Prize to Dr M E Jones was noted. 2 p.m. Arris and Gale Lecture-Experimental Council noted with sorrow the deaths of Mr islet transplantation-Dr A Georgakakis MD L, J Williams (Honorary Fellow and Patron), Sir (King Paul Hospital, Athens, formerly Insti- John Bruce (Honorary Fellow), and Mr Harold tuite of Basic Medical Sciences).
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