Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast Hih id-6:08pm 2 A6.- Partly cloudy Low ~tde--ll:l am with scattered Sn 'Se- 6:49pm showers. Winds Sunet - :59p SE- 12 kts. Bay Lowh- 76y88----- hoe-bo~ed dity Vo.3Lo.11US. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, September 20, 1976 Kissinger claims favorable reaction by Smith PRETORIA, South Africa (AP)-- of the nature of the proposed set- Henry Kissinger last night claimed tlement over the breakaway British World a favorable reaction by Prime Min- colony. News Digest ister Ian Smith to American, A U.S. official has said repeat- ISPARTA, Turkey (UPI)--Officials British and African proposals for edly that Kissinger would settle say none of the 147 passengers and settling the Rhodesian dispute by for virtually nothing less than seven crewmembers survived the crash transferring the white minority the acceptance by Smith of a trans- of a Turkish Airlines 727 in south- regime's ruling power to the black fer of power to Rhodesia's six western Turkey last night. The majority. million blacks, and that transfer plane is believed to have developed During two meetings vith Smith would have to take place within a engine trouble before it plowed in- lasting a total of eight hours, the measurable period, probably two to a mountain and burst into flames. secretary of state pressed for a years. Most of those aboard were tourists. pledge that the transfer would take Kissinger has said publicly that place in two years. Afterward, if the war were to escalate it DETROIT (AP)--The striking United Kissinger, without giving details, could suck in foreign powers, set Auto Workers and Ford Motor Co. are told journalists, "I'm satisfied most of Africa aflame and imperil set to resume formal negotiations that Mr. Smith and his very close world peace. in Detroit today in an effort to collaborators will report favorably In parallel talks with Vorster nd the strike by 170,000 auto work- to their other colleagues." on the future of Namibia, South- rs. Key issues include wages and Smith and his fellow cabinet min- West Africa, progress was made, reduced work time. The union claims isters and advisors left the res- After consulting with other according to a U.S. official. that reduced work time would create idence of South African Prime Min- Rhodesian leaders, Kissinger said, Informants said it took the form new jobs. The strike, which began ister John Vorster quietly as Smith will "present these proposi- of an arrangement that would last Tuesday, affects Ford plants in Kissinger was making his statement. tions to their party caucus. While bring together all the main par- 22 states. They were said to have flown back the Rhodesian constitutional pro- ties involved into a constitution to Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital. cesses are taking place I will seek writing conference in the near HAKODATE, Japan (AP)--The Japanese Kissinger said Smith would have certain clarification from the pre- future. The main participants of Defense Agency says 11 U.S. Air to consult his cabinet and the sidents of black Africa, particu- such a conference would be South Force specialists are helping caucus of the ruling Rhodesian larly Pres. Kaunda and Pres. Africa, which has run the terri- Japanese technicians dismantle the Front Party before what seemed like Nyerere. This process of clarifi- tory since the end of World War I, Soviet Air Force MIG-25. A defect- a compromise deal could be confirm- cation and consultation will be leaders of Namibia's 11 ethnic ing Soviet pilot flew the jet fight- ed. concluded toward the end of this groups and the South-West African er to northern Japan earlier this He added he himself would need to week." People's Organization, SWAPO. month. The specialists were dressed "seek certain clarifications from Then, responding to a reporter's SWAPO has been recognized by the in civilian clothes yesterday as the presidents of black Africa, question about whether real pro- United Nations as the legitimate they entered the fenced enclosure particularly Pres. Kenneth Kaunda gress had been made, Kissinger re- representative of the Namibian surrounding the previously top secret (of Zambia) and Pres. Julius Nyerere plied, "Obviously if progress had people but Vorster until recently plane. It's at the Hakodate civilian (of Tanzania)." not been made, there would be no- had refused to sit down with the airfield. The disassembling of the Kissinger talked to reporters thing to report to the Rhodesian organization. plane is expected to take at least a after his day-long talks with the cabinet." Smith was given a mandate by his week. A chartered U.S. transport Rhodesian leader. Their second The secretary, in his brief ap- party convention last week to ne- plane will take the parts to a session was attended by Vorster. pearance, offered no elaboration gotiate with Kissinger on the fu- Japanese air base, where U.S. and ture of Rhodesia and he was ac- Japanese experts will inspect them Networks object to debate companied to the talks by key thoroughly. Then the plane will be format members of his cabinet. But there reassembled and returned to is a strong right wing element in the WASHINGTON (AP)--Facing a possible day to Ford and Carter. Salant said Soviets. his party blackout by the three commercial to bar television cameras from that wants to fight to television networks, the League of showing audience reaction would the end against black rule. (AP)--Congress will be working Women Voters says it will talk again "create the most dangerous prece- Whether it could gain a balance of night and day this week in an attempt with Pres. Ford's and Jimmy Carter's dent" for news coverage at home and the party power and demand * o clear up business before its representatives about ground rules abroad. Smith's resignation is not clear ctober here. adjournment. The House has for this week's scheduled presiden- Salant had walked out in anger at scheduled 57 bills to be handled tial campaign debate. one point Saturday when discussion today and tomorrow under speed-up The networks object to the present of the ground rules reached an TWA ends ground crew provisions. format that would not allow them to impasse. show audience reaction during the and mechanics strike (AP)--Rhode Island's Board of debate. The dispute between the networks WASHINGTON (AP)--Mechanics and Elections reconvenes today to deter- Newton Minow, former member of and the league concerns not only ground crew members returned to mine the winner of the state's the Federal Communications audience reaction shots, but also their jobs at Trans World Airlines Democratic primary for the U.S. Commission and spokesman for the the method of selecting the journal- yesterday after tentative settlement Senate. So far, Gov. Philip Noel league in setting up the debate, ists who will form the questioning of the day-old strike was announced. has an 86-vote lead over rival said after a stormy session with panel when Ford and Carter meet at The settlement came following an Richard Lorber. About 120,000 votes network officials Saturday that he Philadelphia's Walnut Street emergency mid-night bargaining ses- have been cotnted. The board must would talk again with both the Ford Theatre for the first of their sion called by Labor Secy. W.J. still count about 600 absentee and and Carter camps. three scheduled debates. Usery, Jr. shut-in ballots. There was no indication yesterday This second issue did not figure In New York, a TWA spokesman an- that the league had conveyed the in Salant's telegram, which said nounced that domestic service was (UPI)--A stubborn scoop on the networks' objections to the presi- CBS "urgently requests" the two resuming with noon flights yesterday Viking-2 space probe or Mars is dential contenders. Carter spokes- candidates drop their opposition to to Los Angeles from New York's moving around, again, but it still men said they had no word on any the audience being shown in "cut- Kennedy Airport and to San Francisco isn't doing the job it is supposed such communication, nor had the away" shots during the 90-minute from Boston's Logan. to do. Disappointed scientists White House. League officials were debate. Full resumption of domestic sched- learned that fact yesterday when a not available for comment. The ban on audience reaction stems ules was set for midnight last night. transmission indicated the scoop The league is sponsoring the from concern shared in both the de- The airline said it would resume failed to dump a load of Martian bate scheduled for Thursday night. Ford and Carter camps that showing flights to Europe, Africa and the pebbles into a chemistry test cham- Richard S. Salant, the president how any of the 200 journalists and Middle East last night, with full ber. of CBS News, sent a telegram yester- 300 other persons to be present at the debate react to the candidates' service expected back by tomorrow. remarks might distract or influence Some 12,000 members of the viewers at home. International Association of Social Democrats ousted in Sweden The Public Broadcasting System Machinists struck the airline at says it will cover the debates live one minute past midnight Saturday STOCKHOLM (AP)--The Social of Socialist-dominated government. regardless of how the dispute turns at the end of a government-ordered 30-day Democratic Party of Prime Minister The official government radio re- out, but the three commercial net- cooling off period. Olof Palme was toppled in yester- ported the moderates gained a major- works, CBS, NBC and ABC, have indi- Retroactivity of any pay raise was day's national elections in Sweden.
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