E700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 18, 2009 women, as well as on the actions of the Therefore, I urge my colleagues and all Zion. Elder Young met his call to preach United States Government in providing sup- Americans to commemorate women for their with great fervor, evangelizing and serving port for this goal. significant involvement and participation in our as pastor in various states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Mis- In the past few weeks there have been ne- nation’s history, by recognizing and supporting sissippi, Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama gotiations between the Pakistani government March as Women’s History Month. and Tennessee. and the Taliban in an effort to broker a peace f In 1897, he was joined with Priscilla Louise deal. At the heart of the ceasefire agreement Jones in marriage, another stalwart of the is a pledge to impose Islamic law in the area. TRIBUTE TO ELDER DAVID J. faith. Mother Young served as a true help- Government officials have said that this law YOUNG mate, covering and supporting D. J. with much prayer and fasting. At times she even will be in accordance with Pakistan’s constitu- supported the family with the small wages tion, and will restore security and justice in the HON. DENNIS MOORE she earned as a music teacher while he was region. However, the accord makes no men- OF KANSAS out working on the evangelistic field. To tion of the future of girls’ education. Women IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their union were born Harold, Melvin, and girls are a great resource for promoting Ceolya, Valleda, Russel, William, and Ro- Wednesday, March 18, 2009 development, prosperity, and peace. The sette. As with other great leaders of the United States must ensure that explicit meas- Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Madam Speaker, I faith, their ministry began in the home, am pleased to have this opportunity to pay where Mother Young taught each of their ures are taken to protect women’s rights in children how to play two instruments. For Pakistan, in order to uphold internationally rec- tribute before the House of Representatives to example, their eldest son, Harold, played the ognized human rights while supporting re- Elder David J. Young of the Church of God in piano and guitar while the second oldest, gional peace and stability. Christ, who formed the first church of this de- Melvin, was skilled in the piano and violin. In fact, when they were yet small boys, Elder f nomination in the state of Kansas and served as an important, early spiritual leader in our Young often carried them with him on evan- IN COMMEMORATION OF WOMEN’S community. gelistic crusades where they would draw HISTORY MONTH The first Church of God in Christ in the state crowds in public areas, such as parks, with their Holy Ghost filled praise and testimony of Kansas was organized in Kansas City, Kan- services prior to their father’s sermon. With HON. AL GREEN sas, on September 23, 1916, at 409 Oakland their father as their teacher in the faith, OF TEXAS by Elder David J. Young, with a charter mem- they soon acquired the name, ‘‘little boy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bership of some twenty members. Less than preachers.’’ After D. J. Young’s demise, two years later, in the early summer of 1918, Mother Young and their children would take Wednesday, March 18, 2009 it was destroyed by a fire set by an arsonist. upon them the mantel once carried by D. J. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, Undaunted by this act of violence, Elder Young with the various ministries he began during his latter years. I wish to commemorate the month of March Young pushed forward, holding services under Despite his many successes, David per- 2009 as Women’s History Month in honor of a nearby large shade tree, and later in the ceived the need to ascend to the ‘‘higher the female trailblazers and unsung heroes in homes of charter members and other buildings life’’ and grew increasingly troubled until he American history. until a new structure was built. submitted to God’s divine purpose for him to H. Res. 211, Supporting the goals and Later, in 1960, a new church was con- be sanctified. With his background in Meth- ideals of National Women’s History Month, is structed at 2401 North 9th Street, erected to odism he had received teaching on the sanc- tifying power of the Holy Ghost and God’s intended to increase awareness and knowl- the glory of the Lord as a ‘‘Living Monument edge of women’s involvement in history, as command for all His children to live holy. for which Holiness Stands’’, and in honor of However, it was during his pastorate in Chi- well as recognize and honor the women and Elder Young. On October 9–11, 2008, the D.J. cago, IL, around the turn of the century, organizations in the United States that have Young Heritage Foundation hosted a revival, that he became associated with a holiness fought for and continue to promote the teach- paying tribute to Elder Young and other pio- group known as the Burning Bush people and ing of women’s history. neers of the Church of God in Christ. I am received the divine, life changing experience In the United States, Women’s History pleased to have this opportunity to share my of sanctification. Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in cleansing the believer Month has been celebrated during the month support for this tribute by placing into the CON- of March since 1987. The National Women’s from all inbred sin, purifying their heart and GRESSIONAL RECORD a biographical sketch of filling them with love for God and all people. History Project petitioned Congress to in- Elder David J. Young, which was provided by Having thus been ‘‘sanctified and meet for crease awareness and knowledge of women’s the D.J. Young Heritage Foundation. the Master’s use,’’ 2 Timothy 2:21, Young set contributions to our great society, because DAVID JOHNSON YOUNG out to share his testimony and declare God’s women’s history was a practically unknown David Johnson Young was born in approxi- wonderful plan. David better understood that topic in schools and public awareness. mately 1861, in Chester, South Carolina. God made a way for men to be justified by faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, He didn’t stop Women from all different backgrounds, Raised in the war-ravaged South, young there. For God also provided the means for races, social classes, and ethnicities have David ascended to unimaginable heights His children to live holy, separated unto amid a climate of severe racism and oppres- contributed significantly to the greatness of our Him, and freed from the very power or slav- sion of African Americans. Early on, his par- nation, and have transformed and revolution- ery of sin. In truth, His will is for man to be ents perceived that young David was excep- ized politics, law, business, social service, civil restored to the glorious image of God (Col. tionally gifted and determined to use their rights, education, music, athletics, science and 3:10, Eph. 4:24, 2 Cor. 3:18—note the active meager means to afford him the education technology, as well as the military. Women role of the believer). that would prove invaluable for his life and Indeed the message of sanctification, also have been leaders in numerous movements the countless lives he would impact through throughout history, such as the abolitionist called perfection or holiness, had already teaching and ministry. started to sweep the nation, reaching into movement, the emancipation movement, the He initially attended a country school with nearly every mainstream denomination. As a industrial labor movement, the civil rights his siblings but went on to graduate from result scores of ‘Saints’ left their denomina- movement, the peace movement, and the Brainard Institute and Morehouse College. tions to form new religious bodies. Such was women’s movement in the struggle to obtain David then set out to bring hope to his fel- the case with Elder Young who, in approxi- suffrage and equal rights. The contributions of lowman through education. With illiteracy mately 1902, after graduating from the Burn- one of the most devastating problems in the ing Bush Holiness Bible School, left the AME notable women such as Susan B. Anthony, aftermath of slavery, David Johnson Young Clara Barton, Harriet Tubman, Dorothy Height, Zion Church and became a mighty trail- brought access to a better future for many blazer in the Holiness Crusade. He carried Coretta Scott King, Sally Ride and numerous during his career as an educator. Even later this new message far and near, preaching others have sparked an unstoppable momen- in his life as a preacher, he would come to be conversion and sanctification. tum for women’s rights and others. Their dedi- recognized for his emphasis on formal edu- His path ultimately met with that of cation, perseverance and courage have gen- cation in ministerial service. Charles Harrison Mason, a former Baptist erated a wave of opportunities for entire gen- Still more remarkable was the life chang- preacher, who also joined the ranks of min- erations of women. ing message of hope brought by his fiery isters who preached sanctification. Their preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be- It is essential that all Americans continue to bond grew as D. J. Young joined the group of ginning as a young preacher in the AME holiness preachers with which Mason was af- learn about the many ways women have as- Zion Church, Elder Young grew to be a wide- filiated.
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