A Bibliography of Journals Accepting Manuscripts Written using TEX Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 07 February 2018 Version 1.54 Abstract [J-C94, JMB, JTB]. Bulletin [BAM, CMB]. This bibliography lists journals that accept pa- C [JCL, PRC]. Canadian [CJM, CMB]. pers written using TEX, and use TEX to pro- Carolinae [COM]. Chemistry [ACP02]. duce the output page images without rekeying Commentationes [COM]. the text. Communications [CPC]. Computation [APP, JSY85, MATa]. Computational [J-C94, THE]. Computations [INT91]. Title word cross-reference Computer [JCo92, TCS, CGF, CPC]. Current [CMP]. Academy [DOK, IZV, SBO]. Acids [NAR]. D [PRD, P-D]. Design [EPO ]. Algebra [J-La]. Algebraic [JAL]. Differential [JDI]. Dissemination [EPO ]. American Doklady [DOK]. dynamics [THE]. [BAM, JAMb, MEM, NOT, PAM, TAM]. Applications [J-La]. Applied Electronic [EPO , Sol92]. Energy [JHE97]. [APP, JAMa, QAM]. Approximate [INT]. Expositions [SUG]. Atmospheric [ACP02]. fluid [THE]. fluids [PREb]. Forum [CGF]. B [NPB, PLB, PRB]. Biology 1 REFERENCES 2 Geography [Sol92]. Geometry [JAL, JDI]. Quarterly [QAM]. Glaciology [JG]. Graphics [CGF]. Radical [RP]. Reasoning [INT]. related High [JHE97]. [PREb]. Reports [PRec]. Res [RES13]. Research [NAR]. Review Imprint [PI]. Informatica [INFb]. [PRA, PRB, PRC, PRD, PREb, PREa]. Information [INFa]. Institute [PRO]. Reviews [MATb]. Russian interdisciplinary [PREb]. International [DOK, IZV, SBO]. [INT]. Interval [INT91]. Izvestiya [IZV]. Sbornik [SBO]. Science [TCS]. Sciences Journal [DOK, INFa, IZV, SBO]. Security [JCo92]. [CJM, INT, J-C94, J-Lb, JCo92, JHE97, Society [BAM, JAMb, MEM, NOT, PAM, NYJ94, Sol92, JAMa, JP, JCL, JG, JMB, TAM, TRM]. soft [PREa]. Solstice [Sol92]. JAL, JAMb, JDI, JSY85, JTB, MJ, STP]. St. [STP]. Statistical [PREb, PREa]. Statistics [TOP]. Steklov [PRO]. Sugaku Language [JCL]. Letters [PLA, PLB]. [SUG]. Symbolic [JSY85]. Linear [J-La]. Logic [J-Lb]. Technical [MAP]. TEXline [TEX ]. Maple [MAP]. Mathematica [MJ]. Theoretical [JTB, THE, TCS]. Theory Mathematicae [COM]. Mathematical [TOP]. topics [PREb]. Transactions [BAM, CMB, CMP, JAMb, MEM, NOT, [TAM, TRM]. Translation [JCL]. PAM, STP, TOP, TAM, TRM, MATb]. Mathematics [APP, NYJ94, Sol92, CJM, Universitatis [COM]. DOK, IZV, MATa, PRO, QAM, SBO]. matter [PREa]. Mechanics [JAMa]. York [NYJ94]. Memoirs [MEM]. Molecular [JMB]. Moscow [TRM]. Zeitschrift [ZP]. Newsletter [MAP]. nonlinear [PREa]. Notices [NOT]. Nuclear [NPa, NPB]. References Nucleic [NAR]. tj-acp Origination [EPO ]. [ACP02] Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2002. ISSN 1680-7316. URL http:/ Petersburg [STP]. Philosopher [PI]. /www.atmos-chem-phys.org/technical- Philosophica [RES13]. Philosophy [RP]. tex.htm. European Geophysical So- a Physica [P-D]. Physical ciety. Typeset with pdfLTEX. Au- [PRA, PRB, PRC, PRD, PREb, PREa]. thors are strongly encouraged to a Physics [CPC, JHE97, NPa, NPB, PREb, submit manuscripts in LTEX using ACP02, JP, PLA, PLB, PRec, PREa]. the egs.cls style file. As a reward, Physik [ZP]. plasmas [PREb]. page charges will be lower than for Probability [TOP]. Proceedings submission in other formats. In the [PAM, PRO]. Programming [J-Lb]. first step, a pdf file will be produced Publications [CMP]. Publishing [EPO ]. suitable for on-line viewing. After an REFERENCES 3 Internet-based discussion of the sci- tj-can-j-math entific contents the paper will (if ac- cepted) be formatted in the tradi- [CJM] Canadian Journal of Mathematics. tional two-column layout using the CODEN CJMAAB. ISSN 0008- a 414X (print), 1496-4279 (electronic). same LTEX source. Completely done in TEX since about tj-appl-math-comp 1988, including covers and index. The Bulletin consists of four issues [APP] Applied Mathematics and Computa- of 144 pages each per year, while the tion. CODEN AMHCBQ. ISSN Journal consists of six issues of 224 0096-3003 (print), 1873-5649 (elec- pages each. The final output is pro- tronic). North-Holland Publishing duced from PostScript files, so the a Company, Amsterdam, The Nether- particular variation of TEX(LTEX, lands. From volume 59, number 1, AMS-TEX, plain) isn't important, as November 1993, the journal cover long as the source document can be proclaims in a fancy logo \Now ac- adapted to conform to the style of a cepting LTEX manuscripts". Con- each journal. A CMSTEX style file tact Victor van Beuren, Editor, for plain TEX is used internally, and a Physical Sciences Journals Group, aLTEX style file is nearly complete. Elsevier Science Inc., 655 Avenue of tj-can-math-bull the Americas, New York, NY 10010, e-mail: [email protected], for further [CMB] Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. details. CODEN CMBUA3. ISSN 0008-4395 (print), 1496-4287 (electronic). The tj-bull-ams Canadian Mathematical Society em- [BAM] Bulletin of the American Mathemat- ploys TEX for their typesetting, and ical Society. CODEN BAMOAD. encourages authors to submit that ISSN 0273-0979 (print), 1088-9485 way. See also the note under [CJM]. (electronic). American Mathemati- tj-cmp cal Society, Providence, RI, USA. Use of AMS-TEX began in 1983; [CMP] Current Mathematical Publications. completely in AMS-TEX and AMS- CODEN CUMPBW. ISSN 0361- a LTEX since late 1986; style files 4794. American Mathematical Soci- available at e-math.ams.org. ety, Providence, RI, USA. Prepared completely with TEX since 1985; is- tj-cgf sue indexes prepared with TEX from 1983. [CGF] Computer Graphics Forum. CO- tj-comment-math DEN CGFODY. ISSN 0167- 7055 (print), 1467-8659 (electronic). [COM] Commentationes Mathematicae Uni- North-Holland Publishing Company, versitatis Carolinae. CODEN CMU- Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Pub- CAA. ISSN 0010-2628. Charles Uni- lication switched from troff to TEX versity, Praha, Czechoslovakia. Pub- in summer 1992. lished with AMS-TEX since 1990. REFERENCES 4 Articles using amsppt.sty are ac- icas, New York, NY 10010, e-mail: cepted. [email protected], for further details. tj-cpc tj-informatica [CPC] Computer Physics Communications. [INFb] Informatica. CODEN INFOFF. CODEN CPHCBZ. ISSN 0010-4655 ISSN 0350-5596. The Slovene Soci- (print), 1879-2944 (electronic). Else- ety Informatika, Ljubljana, Slovenia. vier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Typeset with LaT X. Authors can a E The Netherlands. LTEX format ac- submit articles using the informat cepted for special proceedings issues. style option, which is printed in its entirety in the back of each issue. tj-dokl-math tj-int-j-approx-reasoning [DOK] Russian Academy of Sciences. Dok- lady. Mathematics. ISSN 1064- [INT] International Journal of Approxi- 5624 (print), 1531-8362 (electronic). mate Reasoning. CODEN IJARE4. American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0888-613X. North-Holland Providence, RI, USA. Transla- Publishing Company, Amsterdam, tion into English of the entire pure The Netherlands. Official publica- mathematics section of the \Dok- tion of the North American Fuzzy lady Rossi˘ısko˘ı Akademi˘ı Nauk". Information Processing Society. Vol. (Formerly \Soviet Mathematics| 1, no. 1 (January 1987) {. Contact Doklady".) Prepared with AMS- Victor van Beuren, Editor, Physi- TEX beginning in 1983. cal Sciences Journals Group, Else- tj-epodd vier Science Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, e- [EPO ] David F. Brailsford and Richard K. mail: [email protected], for further Furuta, editors. Electronic Pub- details. lishing|Origination, Dissemina- tj-intcom tion, and Design, 1988{. CODEN EPODEU. ISSN 0894-3982. Wiley, [INT91] Vyacheslav M. Nesterov, editor. In- New York, NY, USA. The publisher terval Computations, 1991. ISSN a provides style files for TEX, LTEX, 0135-4868. Box 52, St.Petersburg and troff article formats. 195256, Russia, E-mail: nest@nit. tj-info-sci spb.su (Internet). A refereed inter- national journal, Interval Computa- [INFa] Information Sciences. CODEN ISI- tions is the only periodical in the JBC. ISSN 0020-0255 (print), 1872- world devoted specifically to various 6291 (electronic). North-Holland aspects of reliable numerical com- Publishing Company, Amsterdam, putations based on the interval ap- The Netherlands. Contact Victor proach. It is managed by an inter- van Beuren, Editor, Physical Sci- national editorial board from Bul- ences Journals Group, Elsevier Sci- garia, Germany, Japan, Russia, and ence Inc., 655 Avenue of the Amer- the United States, and printed in REFERENCES 5 Russia. The journal includes vari- TEX is the preferred form for ous items in the fields of theoret- manuscript submission. ical research, computer tools, ap- tj-j-lin-alg-appl plications, interdisciplinary research and other relevant areas. The IC [J-La] Linear Algebra and Its Applications. has been prepared with TEX since CODEN LAAPAW. ISSN 0024- 1992. Recently a new style has been 3795 (print), 1873-1856 (electronic). a designed based on standard LTEX North-Holland Publishing Company, article style with changes in fonts, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Vol. headings layout, running heads etc. 1 (January 1968) {. Contact Vic- It uses 10.8pt Baskerville for body tor van Beuren, Editor, Physical Sci- text (the unusual font size is selected ences Journals Group, Elsevier Sci- for better wedding with CM math) ence Inc., 655 Avenue of the Amer- and horizontally-squeezed Palatino icas, New York, NY 10010, e-mail: for headings. For mathematical for- [email protected], for further details. mulae, standard Computer Modern tj-j-logic-prog is preserved. Proofs are
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