Now that the world series • You gotta be good to be- its OTer, people can go hack come a champion plowman — to worrying about the world The Glengarry New at least you’ve gotta stick to serious. ONE OP CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS the straight and narrow. * * # VOL. 'LXVII — No. 41 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1958 * * * * SINGLE COPY 7c Clarence MacMillan, Lochiel, Won County Johnnie Got Lochinvar School His Gun A coon hunt may be quite an Looks Back Award For Farmstead Improvement affair way down south in Dixie. In Alexandria it simply involves Clarence MacMillan, Lochiel, won from Fern Guindon, MPP. The meeting urged the Federation 100 Years county honors In the Glengarry a walk of 100 yards or so to Malcolm- Condie, Bainsville, win- of Agriculture to continue this pro- Now a unit of the Lochiel town- Farmstead Improvement competi- McMillan’s taxi stand and ner in Lancaster Township, received ject in Glengarry for another year. knocking: off four raccoons in a ship Public School Area, S.S. No. 15, tion iheld this year in conjunction prizes from MPI Agnes Petrie. It was suggested that the same the 'Lochinvar School, is 100 years with the International Plowing row. Lloyd MacLeod, Greenfield, Ken- committees supervise and manage At least that’s how John old. Since establishment of the Match and under sponsorship of the yon’s top winner, was presented with the contest. school section in 1858 there have 'Glengarry Federation of Agriculture. Proulx found it Saturday nig:ht prizes by Reeve Allan Vallance. Prizes were to have been present- when he was called to bring his been two buildings, the present one The Osie Villeneuve trophy was All prizewinners in each township ed at the International Plowing trusty .22 over to McMillan’s, erected in 1914, and more than 60 presented Mr. MacMillan at the placing from second to seventh re- Match on Tuesday. However, per- Where four raccoons had taken teachers have taught in the section. presentation night held in the local ceived $25 and a voucher for mer- mission was given to the Glengarry up lodging in the garage. So The first teacher was Miss Cath- High ‘School last Thursday night. chandise scaled according to their committee to stage this presentation Johnnie got his gun and came erine McNafo, later Mrs. John R. •John ’MdBain of Lancaster, presided standing. The 8th, 9th and 10th night in its own county. on the run. The garage doers -Campbell of Vankleek Hill. Mrs. «over the gathering of some 150 per- place winners in each township won Presentation of prizes was made were closed and one by one the Mary McDonald is the present ■sons. Tn addition to receiving the $25, while all other contestants re- by: coons were knocked off. teacher. trophy from Mr. Villeneuve, the top ceived vouchers of merchandise only. Fraser Campbell and Mrs. Oliver Coons aren’t too common in Most distinguished al-unmus of prize ' winner received from Bill Le- McGee to the Charlottenburgh win- town and these might have the school was Archibald P. McNab, ;gault a cheque in the amount of Osie Villeneuve, MP, Pern Guin- ners. lived longer had they been able who in 1936 was appointed Lieu- don, MPP, Warden1 Allan Vallance $40 and two vouchers of merchan- Mrs. D. H. Morrison and John to get a taxi before Johnnie got tenant-^Governor of Saskatchewan. iand J. Y. Humphries, ag. rep., voiced <iise as winner of Lochiel Township Foumey to the Lancaster winners. his gun. A log book furnished us by J. K. honors. approval of the project. Duncan A. J. Y. Humphries and Mrs. R. D. Munroe, secretary-treasurer of the Condie, Counties’ Assessor, also MacLeod to the Kenyon winners. Similar awards went to the three School Area Board, contains a thor- spoke briefly, and several members Mrs. Neil Blair and Gilbert Mc- Mrs. Rod McDonald ough history of the school section «Uhei township winners : of the Onltwl Counties committee Rae to the Lochiel winners. over the century. John Harries, Martintown, re- which supervised the overall project The complete list of plaeings will St. Raphaels, Dies -It was established in 1858 by the were also introduced. be found in next issue. ceived top prize in Charlottenburgh, An esteemed resident of St. Ra- ■ratepayers from Lot 14 to Lot 25 phails, Mrs. Rod McDonald died this in the 8th and 9th Concessions, the morning in Hotel Dieu, Cornwall, site chosen being the northeast Roxborough To Cattle To U. S. Curbed Former Lochiel after suffering a heart attack Mon- corner of Lot 28 in the 8th on the day evening. Word of her. illness farm' owned by Duncan Clarke, a As Of Saturday and subsequent death will be re- wheelwright by trade. The school Have Rural As of Saturday all shipment of Resident Dies At ceived with regret by many friends. ■was a log structure built by Alex cattle to the United States from She was the 'former Catherine MaoNab, which was later clap- Fire Protection Glengarry will be banned except 93 In Maxville O’Shea of Munroe’s Mills, and was boarded and painted. DIOCESE MOURNS DEATH OF POPE from fully listed herds until such aged 87. This building was used until 1914 All church, bells in,the diocese were tolled at 9 o’clock Neighboring Roxborough Town- time as Glengarry cattle have been ■ One of Maxville’s oldest residents, To mourn her passing she leaves when it was condemned toy J. W. this morning to mark the death of Pope Pius XII, which ship is moving toward a solution to blood-tested and the Brucellosis Malcolm MacRae passed' away in her husband, one son, Lloyd, of Crewson, 'school inspector, who occurred last night at his summer palace, Castel Gondolfo, the problem of township-wide fire Control Area becomes effective here. Cornwall General Hospital on Sep- Montreal, and one daughter, Rita, asked that a new school he built on Italy. In every church of the Diocese of Alexandria, Mrs. E. H. Tourangeau of St. higher ground. protection for rural residents. The According to Health of Animals tember 29th, after a brief illness. Solemn Requiem High Masses will be chanted at 9 a.m. Branch officials the ban will cover He was 93 years of age. Raphaels. township council recently approved During the winter of 1913, land Monday and His Excellency Bishop Brodeur will pontificate legislation Under which rural resi- all. cattle except from free-listed Born in Lochiel township, he was The funeral will be held Saturday was purchased from Norman Mac- dents will be assured of adequate herds or official vaccinates from the sen of the late Roderick P. morning, leaving her late residence Kenzie, the southeast comer of Lot at a Funeral Service at that hour in St. Finnan’s Cathedral fire protection. herds that have had no re-actors. MacRae and his wife, Nora Bethune. at 9:45 for St. Raphael’s Church and 20 in the 9th, and the new school here. Known as ‘The Pope of Peace’, Pope Pius was leader The blood-testing of Glengarry During his younger days he followed cemetery. was built by John MoRae and J. A. of the world’s 500,000,000 Catholics for nearly 20 years. These arrangements are based on b agreements with the councils of four -cattle for Brucellosis is scheduled to the lumber business in Canada and McMaster at a'cost of $2,500. Dan He suffered a cerebral stroke Monday morning and ap- nearby villages, Newington, Avon- get underway within the next two the United States, and then re- Farms Change Hands A. Fraser was chairman of the board peared to be rallying until a second stroke Wednesday more, Maxville and Apple Hill. weeks, we understand. turned to his native county, where at the time and the school was oc- brought death. o he farmed on Lot 32, 5th Concession, Two district farms have changed cupied in September with Miss Each of the villages has an ade- Lochiel township, until his retire- hands in recent deals handled by quate fire fighting system and each Maude Campbell, Breadalbane, as Tot Lost Eye When ment twelve years ago, when he Trottier & Carrière, local realtors. teacher. has been allotted a portion of the came to Maxville to reside. The Neil B. MacLeod farm, Dun- township to protect. In return, the Pop Bottle Broke Sunday School was also held in Hill Man Loses Right Arm To On October 10th, 1899, he married vegan, has been sold to Albert La- the old and new schools for a time township has agreed to pay each of the former Sara Dfewar, who prede- londe, Glen Roy. The Joseph Mac- the municipalities according to the Robert Pilion, five-year-old son and the first child christened in the of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pilion, ceased him 21 years ago. Surviving donell farm at Greenfield has been new school was Anna Fraser, on number, and seriousness of the fires him is one son, Roddie; two daugh- purchased by Willard Cross of Knives Of Forage Harvester they are called upon to fight. Glen Roy, had his eye removed at October 4th, 1914. Hotel Dieu, on Tuesday. ters, Miss Florence and Mrs. John British Columbia^ The new plan fits , in nicely with Hot lunch equipment was in- ! James MoPheer 25, of Crystal Young Robert was playing with a Brodie (Sara) ; three sisters, Mrs. Springs Stock Farm, Vankleek Hill, the United Counties Mutual Aid fire M. E. McGillivray, Skye; Mrs. Flora stalled' in 1925. Ten years later pop bottle at his home -on Monday public health clinics were instituted: Doug.
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