Lady Samsons play today A journey back in time A HJOURNEYISTORY BACK IN TIME GCC’s Lady Samsons face off The Daily Globe takes a look back at ROJECT against Kirkwood at 3 p.m. some history on the Gogebic-Iron Range P SPORTS • 9 INSIDE DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, March 20 , 2018 Mostly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com | High: 28 | Low: 12 | Details, page 2 F A T A L F I R E Ironwood IPSD finds Schools to move Aurora fire forward with unrelated to August millage earlier blaze By RICHARD JENKINS or other similar expenses rjenkins@yourdailyglobe.com the district has. By RICHARD JENKINS IRONWOOD – While the Along with improving the rjenkins@yourdailyglobe.com language still needs to be district’s fleet of 11 buses, IRONWOOD – While worked out, the Ironwood the millage would be used to there was a fire call earlier Area Schools took its first modernize the Luther L. that night at the same loca- step toward putting a mil- Wright K-12 School. tion, the Ironwood Public lage on the August primary “The heating systems are Safety Department’s investiga- ballot, as the board of educa- in need of upgrading to tion into the Feb. 21 fire that tion approved the tentative maintain highest efficiency claimed the lives of three peo- outline of the ballot measure expectations,” a memo given ple and destroyed two down- Monday. to the board reads. “A mod- town buildings has deter- Based on the information ernization package is need- mined the two incidents were presented at the meeting, the ed to replace electrical com- unrelated. district will ask voters to ponents that control the ele- “The first call, reported at approve a 1 mill tax levy – vator’s operations. Replace- (2:34 a.m.), was a very small or $1 for every $1,000 of tax- ment parts for the control cooking related fire that had able value – for a period of panels are nearly impossible been completely extin- four years. The money to find to keep the elevator guished,” Ironwood Fire Mar- raised, estimated to be operating.” shal Brandon Snyder said in a approximately 183,000 a The district would also news release Monday. “The year, or $732,000 total, upgrade the building’s tech- location of the second fire, would be used for new nology and make it more reported at (3:45 a.m.), has school buses and building energy efficient if the mea- been determined to be in a improvements. sure passes. separate portion of the build- “This would allow us to The district has until ing.” do some needed work for April 15 to get the official Both fires were at 102 E. Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe which we do not have suffi- ballot language to Gogebic Aurora St. TWO MEN work from an elevated platform Monday afternoon at the rear cient funds in our regular County to be included on It was this second fire that of a downtown Ironwood apartment building that was destroyed by an budget,” board president the August primary ballot. early morning fatal fire on Feb. 21. Three people died in the fire at 102 Steve Thomas said. Aurora St. The alley is blocked off during the work aimed at making the He made clear the money area safe from falling debris. would not go toward salaries FIRE — page 5 IRONWOOD — page 5 Iron County Voisin offers Hurley school board financial insight snowmobile By LARRY HOLCOMBE tax rate. lholcombe@yourdailyglobe.com Patritto said he and Voisin had trails closed HURLEY – The Hurley School talked about the school spending Board received some financial $2 million on the above projects Monday advice Monday about different — a ballpark figure. He said the ways to fund some projects that district is not interested in asking HURLEY – The snowmo- have been discussed. for a referendum, but may decide bile season in Iron County Administrator Chris Patritto to spend some of its $4 million ended Monday as the Iron said the school has talked about a fund balance. County Forestry and Parks number of things, including He acknowledged that the dis- Department announced the improving the layout of the tech trict would take a hit – nearly 12 trails closed at midnight. education area, the addition of a percent – in the state aid formula “All Iron County snowmo- wellness center and accompany- for any additional spending. bile and ATV trails will be ing locker room, new signage to Voisin called this “new spend- closed effective Monday … at help people locate the school, ing,” and said there are ways to midnight. Gates along the and new tables and other furni- lessen the blow on taxpayers. She trails will be closed,” a post ture. suggested borrowing some of the on the department’s Face- Lisa Voisin, of Baird Finance, money for the project, adding came from Milwaukee and talked municipal bonds over five or 10 book page read. “All ATV Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe to the board and those in atten- years looked the best right now. ONE OF the Hurley science program’s new Ozobots sits on a table dance about how the state’s Patritto said the district was at the Hurley School Board meeting Monday. Teacher Dan Rye school funding formula works, working with a Houghton firm gave a presentation about how his eighth grade students are TRAILS page 5 — and how raising and spending which is making some drawings using the small robots to learn about coding and programming. money affects local taxes and and cost estimates would follow. state aid to the district. Later, in a presentation on the He said the fund balance Patritto said recent news from Voisin started with a primer coming budget, he spoke about should not be used for paying the state has help cut a projected Hurley man about school funding in the state the importance of having the day-to-day needs, but instead be $195,000 budget deficit for the and millage rates, taking a few fund balance and how it protects used for larger things to improve beginning of the next fiscal year, arrested on questions from board members. the school from short-term bor- the school. “We’ll take a hit for including a $204 per student She praised the school for having rowing to pay its bill, adding the using it, but we have to do things Iron County no referendum debt and for being district hasn’t done that for 12 to make the school better,” he in the bottom third statewide for years. drug charges said. HURLEY — page 5 By RICHARD JENKINS rjenkins@yourdailyglobe.com HURLEY – A Hurley man Wakefield-Marenisco superintendent officially resigns out on bond in a Gogebic By P.J. GLISSON extraordinary,” she wrote in her throughout this school year to be offered on testing days. C o u n t y news@yourdailyglobe.com letter read aloud by board presi- take over her position. He said classical music also drug case WAKEFIELD – The Wake- dent Brad Dalbec. “I’m proud of In other news, Gustafson will play softly in the background was arrest- field-Marenisco Board of Educa- the district and its accomplish- reported on how school staff during test sessions. Studies have ed on new tion has known since last spring ments.” members have devised an “action shown, he explained, that such d r u g that Superintendent Catherine Shamion’s letter also points plan” to help students of all ages music helps to reduce tension charges in Shamion would retire in June, out her pride in the fact that “stu- to perform well on upcoming among test takers. Iron County but now it is official. dents always came first” for state tests. Gustafson said students also Saturday. At the board’s Monday meet- everyone here, including board The essential goal, he said, is will have an opportunity to take J a k o b ing, Shamion submitted a formal members. to “create a more positive testing breaks during the testing pro- Applekamp, letter of resignation. The board voted unanimously environment.” cess. 28, is Shamion, who has a 34-year to accept Shamion’s resignation Toward that end, he said Finally, he said, high school c h a r g e d Jakob career in education, took charge “with regret.” It will be effective posters will be set up within the English students will write in with two Applekamp of the Wakefield-Marenisco dis- on June 30. school “just to try to get them advance about why the state test- counts of trict in 2009. Jason Gustafson, a grade three excited about it.” “My nine years here as your teacher with the district, has In addition, said Gustafson, a superintendent have been been working with Shamion healthy breakfast and snacks will DRUGS — page 5 SHAMION — page 5 TODAY INDEX Mostly cloudy — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .12-14 75 cents Comics . .11 Monday Today’s records Snowfall Community . .3 Vol. 99, No. 101 High 30 High 78 (2012) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Health . .6 Low 15 Low -24 (1965) Monday none Snow depth 21 in. Obituaries . .2,7 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 136.1 in. Opinion . .4 High 46 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 114.5 in. Low 23 Monday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 20 , 2018 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD Obituaries TODAY WEDNESDAYWEDNESDDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDDAY SATURDAY Arthur A. Manchester HURLEY, Wis. – Arthur A. Manch- at local farmer’s ester, 90, of Hurley, passed away on markets. Scattered Mostly Cloudy Mostly CloudyClouudy Partly Cloudy Partly CloudyC March 10, 2018.
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