Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou v1.2 Brian Sennitt and David Z v 九 寨 沟 植 物 Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park Foreword 序言 by Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS, VMH Introduction and Poem by Brian Sennitt Chapter 1 第一章 P43 - Clematis sp. 铁线莲 P1 - Introduction to Chapter 1 P44 - Clematis tangutica 甘青铁线莲 第一章 前言 P45 - Clematoclethra scandens subsp. actinidioides P2 - Algae 藻类 猕猴桃藤山柳 P3 - Mosses 藓类 P46 - Cornus bretschneideri 沙梾 P4/5 - Lichens 地衣 P47 - Cynoglossum amabile 倒提壶 P6 - Usnea longissima长松萝 P48 - Delphinium sp. 翠雀花 P7 - Equisetum spp.木贼属 P49 - Deutzia longifolia var. pingwuensis 平武溲疏 P8 - Lycopodioides nipponica 伏地卷柏 P50 - Dipelta yunnanensis 云南双盾木 P9 - Athyrium filix-femina 希陶蹄盖蕨 P51 - Epipactis mairei 大叶火烧兰 Dryopteris sp. 鳞毛蕨属 P52 - Euonymus semenovii 中亚卫矛 P10 - Fern 蕨类植物 P53 - A Grass 禾本科植物 九 P11 - Drynaria fortunei 斛蕨 P54 - Grass Family 禾本科 P12 - Lepisorus sp. 瓦韦 P55 - Hemerocallis plicata 褶叶萱草 寨 P13 - Cephalotaxus fortunei 三尖杉 P56 - Hydrangea sp. 绣球花 P14 - Juniperus formosana 刺柏 P57 - Hypericum ascyron 黄海棠 P15 -Sabina squamata 高山柏 P58 - Lianas 木质藤本 沟 P16 - Abies fargesii 秦岭巴山冷杉 P59 - Ligularia przewalskii 掌叶橐吾 P17 - Picea purpurea 紫果云杉 P60 - Lilium davidii 川百合 植 P18 - Picea wilsonii 青杄 P61 - Member of the Lily Family 百合 P19 - Larix potaninii红杉 P62 - Lonicera tragophylla 盘叶忍冬 物 P20 - Tsuga chinensis 铁杉 P63 - Lonicera lanceolata 柳叶忍冬 P21 - Pinus armandii 华山松 P64 - Lonicera sp 金脉忍冬 P22/3 - Pinus tabuliformis 油松 P65 - Lonicera kansuensis 甘肃忍冬 P24 - Acer caudatum 长尾槭 P66 - Lysimachia barystachys 狼尾花 P25 - Acer mono色木槭 P67 - Lythrum salicaria 千屈菜 目 P26 - Betula utilis 糙皮桦 P68 - Microula sikkimensis 微孔草 P27 - Circaeaster agrestis 星叶草 P69 - Monotropa hypopitys 松下兰 录 P28 - Paeonia veitchii 川赤芍 P70 - Orchis chusua 广布红门兰 P71 - Oreorchis nana 硬叶山兰 P72 - Parasenecio hastatus 山尖子 Chapter 2 第二章 P73 - Parnassia sp 梅花草属 P74 - Paulownia fortunei 白花泡桐 P29 - Introduction to Chapter 2 P75 - Pedicularis sp. 马先蒿 第二章 前言 P76 - Pedicularis torta 扭旋马先蒿 P30 - Adenophora sp. 沙参 P77 - Philadelphus sp. 山梅花 P31 - Allium sikkimense 高山韭 P78 - Phragmites communis 芦苇 P32 - Anemone rivularis 草玉梅 P79 - Polemonium chinense var. chinense P33 - Aquilegia ecalcarata Maxim 中华花荵 无距耧斗菜 P80 - Polygonum viviparum 珠芽蓼 P34 - Aquilegia oxysepala var. kansuensis P81 - Populus simonii 小叶杨 甘肃耧斗菜 P82 - Pyrola sp 鹿蹄草 P35 - Aralia sp. 楤木 P83 - Salvia paosingensis C.Y.Wu 宝兴鼠尾草 P36 - Arisaema sp. 天南星属 P84 - Sedum aizoon 费菜 P37 - Aster sp. 紫菀 P85 - Sorbaria arborea 珍珠梅 P38 - Astragalus sp. 黄芪 P86 - Sorbus setschwanensis 四川花楸 P39 - Betula platyphylla 白桦 P87 - Thalictrum sp. 唐松草 P40 - Cardamine tangutorum 紫花碎米荠 P88 - An Umbellifer 伞形科 P41 - Carduus acanthoides 节毛飞廉 j P89 - Veratrum nigrum 藜芦 P42 - Cirsium japonicum 大蓟 P90 - Vicia cracca 广布野豌豆 Content Content Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park Chapter 3 第三章 P142/3- Sabina saltuaria 方枝柏 P91 - Introduction to Chapter 3 P144/5- Salix sp. 柳树 第三章 前言 P146 - Sanguisorba officinalis 粉花地榆 P92 - Acer caesium subsp. giraldii 太白深灰槭 P147 - Stellera chamaejasme 狼毒花 P93 - Acer davidii 青榨槭 P148/9- Solanum tuberosum 马铃薯 P94 - Maple Seedling (Acer sp.) 槭 播种 P150 - Urtica sp 3254 野苋和荨麻 P95 - Anemone tomentosa 大火草 P151 - Valeriana officinalis缬草 P96 - Arctium lappa L 牛蒡 P152/3- Viscum sp. 槲寄生 P97 - Asparagus filicinus羊齿天门冬 y P154 - Fargesia nitida 箭竹 P98 - Berchemia sp. 勾儿茶属 P99 - Bromus japonicus 雀麦 P156/7- End Word 结论 P100 - Campylotropis polyantha 小雀花 P101 - Carex sp 苔草 P102 - Clematis sp. 铁线莲 Acknowledgement 答谢 P103 - Geranium platyanthum 毛蕊老鹳草 九 P104 - Heracleum sp. 独活 Publication 印刷 资料 P105 - Lonicera sp. 忍冬属 寨 P106 - Malus kansuensis 陇东海棠 P107 - Osmorhiza aristata var. laxa 疏叶香根芹 沟 P108 - Quercus aliena 槲栎 P109 - Rubus xanthocarpus 黄果悬钩子 P110 - Ribes stenocarpum 光果刺李 植 P111 - Ribes spp. 茶藨子属 P112 - Rosa spp. 蔷薇 物 P113 - Rosa sp. 蔷薇 P114 - Sambucus adnata 血满草 P115 - Thlaspi arvense 菥冥 P116 - Taraxacum sp. 蒲公英 P117 - Viburnum dilatatum var. dilatatum 荚蒾 目 P118 - Zanthoxylum sp. 野花椒 录 Chapter 4 第四章 P119 - Introduction to Chapter 4 第四章 前言 P120/1- Betula albosinensis 红桦 P122 - Codonopsis pilosula 党参 P123 - Dactylis glomerata 鸭茅 P124 - Gentianopsis paludosa 湿生扁蕾 P125 - Lilium duchartrei 野百合 P126/7- Hippophae rhamnoides沙棘 P128/9- Hippuris vulgaris 杉叶藻 P130/1- Humulus lupulus 啤酒花 P132/3- Koelreuteria paniculata 栾树 P134 - Leontopodium sp. 火绒草属 P135 - Leontopodium dedekensii 戟叶火绒草 P136/7- Medicago sativa 紫花苜蓿 Content P138/9- Paris polyphylla var. stenophylla 狭叶重楼 P140 - Picea asperata 云杉 P141 - Prunella vulgaris 夏枯草 Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park FOREWORD 序言 When visiting many national parks in the world I have found a lack of good books about the flora to be an impediment. This will not be the case in Jiu Zhai Gou National Park now that this book has been issued. It is not only a guide to identify the plants of the park, but it also contains a wealth of interesting information about the plants, their uses and their biology. This is much more than a flower guide, we even learn information about the lower plants such as mosses, lichens, ferns and fern allies such as Selaginella. The text is full of details about the origins, the biology, the ecology and the users of these plants in 九 traditional medicine and in many other ways such as for timber, fuel, fodder and fibres. 寨 Many of the plants illustrated will be familiar to the British 沟 gardener for we grow so many plant species that originated 植 from China. It is good to find out here from where they originated and to see them g rowing in their natural 物 surroundings. This book is exceptionally well illustrated with a large number of informative and high quality photographs. These photos also show what a beautiful place the park is and I hope that this will encourage people to visit this important 序 area for the conservation of the wild species of China. It is good that there is an area like the Jiu Zhai Gou park where the plants 言 are properly protected and cannot be collected. China is to be congratulated on setting aside this wonderful area to conserve its biological richness. The over collecting of many species, especially medicinal plants, is driving them towards extinction. There is still much to do for the conservation of the Chinese flora and I hope that this volume will help to encourage those who are seeking to protect the great botanical diversity of China from which we have all benefited whether in our gardens or from the medicines we use to cure our illnesses. Foreword Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS, VMH Former Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park 九 寨 沟 植 物 In the quietness of that upper 前 part of Jiuzhaigou National Park called The Virgin Forest no 言 screeching chainsaw has felled these giant trees. When one dies, another grows. See how a tree has fallen. Its timber has decayed as fungi fed upon it. In time soft dark humus is all that will remain; it will have turned into the soil that other trees and smaller plants need. There's a green mossy carpet under foot where deer tread silently. The forest provides a home for many plants, and food for insects, birds and mammals. It is an ecosystem.This forest is virgin; untouched by man. Introduction © www.otaniproduction.com Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park 九 寨 沟 来 植 行 吧 感 物 走 情 受 我 谊 安 们 广 歇 共 海 阔 的 同 内 的 水 归 存 原 边 路 知 始 己 森 林 天 涯 若 布 比 莱 邻 恩 . 英 国 © www.otaniproduction.com Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park Chapter 1 - Beginnings How did life begin? Were there just simple cells? Something like these strands of algae in the water of Reed Lake and Swan Lake? 九 And what about these mosses? 寨 Ancient fossils of true mosses are 沟 unknown, but fossils in the rocks show that small plants, able to 植 resist drying out by sucking up 物 water from the ground appeared on land about 500 million years ago. 起 “Let the land produce vegetation” Genesis 1:11 源 Then soil began to be formed, and forests of tall herbs succeeded the smaller ones. These had tubes carrying up water in strands of 1 - Beginnings Chapter tissue like those of this modern fern. Among them crawled invertebrate animals and the first amphibia and reptiles. The plants made oxygen for their activity, and took so much carbon from the air that we have today the coal-bearing rocks which are their semi-decayed remains. Back in the Jurassic period, the first seed plants appeared, and there were dinosaurs; plenty of them in China and other parts of the world. But dinosaurs died out and mammals replaced them. Flowering plants made their first appearance. And beetles and bees. Climate changed, and changed again. Forests came in new places, and went again. With the latest big changes of the Ice Ages many forms of life died out, but more survived in China than in other temperate regions and are richly represented in the Jiu Zhai National Park. In chapter 1 we will meet in particular some plants that are reckoned to be surviving representatives of early forms. P 1 © www.otaniproduction.com Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park zǎo lèi Algae 藻 类 九 寨 沟 植 物 The picture shows a mass of under water filaments whose structure needs to be seen with a microscope. These filaments are made of cells, consisting of nucleus and cytoplasm with chloroplasts, which are attached end to end in simple chains. It is thought that the earliest plants to occur on Planet Earth would have been not much different from this. Grass Lake P 2 © www.otaniproduction.com Plants of Jiu Zhai Gou National Park Mosses xiǎn lèi 藓 类 九 寨 沟 植 物 This carpet of moss was seen beside the boardwalk south of Arrow Bamboo Lake.
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